Part 59

An hour into the drive there was nothing but stunt silence and the occasional sighs coming from Henry and Alex. They refused to look at one another and Henry being Henry, he tried keeping his distance as far away as possible from Alex. He refused to let him indulged in his awkward position when Henry moves himself closer to the door and banged his knees over the side.

He was on his phone replying his email when Alex starts pressing on the radio button for some music. He stares at his beautiful delicate fingers pressing the button trying to get some local channel but failed when he decides to connect his phone to the bluetooth for his own music.

Henry was still irritated by his gesture and the fact that he is here in this car driving him instead his original plan of going alone. But when Alex blasted the music loudly in the car just so he could spite him, Henry pressed the button to turn it off again causing a sudden drop of silent returned between them with Alex turning to his side gasping at his gesture.

"You did not just shut off my music!" He yelled and pressed back the button blasting the music back into the car only for a second before Henry starts pressing it to turn it off again. "It's not music if it sounded like a cat playing it!" Henry yelled back but more frustrated when Alex pressed the button again.

"Well maybe it is but who fucking cares! Just sit there and put on some EarPods while you listened to your classical music then jerk! Stop cutting off my vibes!" Alex yelled again and Henry huffed in his breath before he pressed the button off again. "I can't do my work with this ghastly music blasting in my head! I wished I had my EarPods because if I knew some bellend gonna steal my ride and expect me to sit here quietly then I would have bring it then innit?"

Alex turned his gaze back to Henry with a furrowed eyebrow before he asks, "What's a bellend?" Henry sighed pressing his temple feeling his headache is coming, "Look it up." His eyes went back to his phone typing his email and Alex compromised to listen to his music much lower this time only if he promised not to play that dreadful song. 

Henry dozed off half an hour later and Alex couldn't help smiling when he sees his head fell to his side and the soft snores coming out of him. Henry mustn't been sleeping well, he thought. He only saw him sleeping like this if he is too exhausted and well, when he overthinks things.

Three hours in, just after they passed Connecticut, Alex pulled up to the gas station and Henry finally awake. His eyes squinted by the view of nothing but a green forest surround them with a small diner next to the gas station on his side. "Are we there?" He asks and Alex unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Sure! Welcome to church St Francis, oh look those must be the brethren we could ask about Luke." Alex snapped as Henry sighed straightening his back and winced at the pain over his back from Alex slamming the hood earlier. "I'm gonna get some gas, feel free to use the toilet and get us some snack would ya?" He asks and Henry turned to face him, "There's a diner." He pointed and Alex stares at the diner building before he sighed. "Sure, I'll see you inside after I fill up." 

Henry watched how Alex walked inside the gas station and his eyes caught at the convenience store inside with the pharmacy logo on the side. He could feel the pain worsen on his chest before he pulled out his pill bottle and rattled the remaining to see only left him couple of pills left. He sighed popping the rest of it before he decides to leave the car and grabbed him some more antacid.

As he walked towards the entrance, Alex walked out looking surprised at him entering the convenience store instead of going to the diner like he supposed too. "I'm just getting something for the road." He says as he walked in while Alex held the door for him. He noticed the gesture and couldn't help feeling flustered by him. He thanked him softly before he enters and watched Alex headed back to their car while he headed straight to the pharmacy at the back.

"Hi, I need refill on this." Henry placed the empty pill bottle over the counter and the pharmacist guy turned to face Henry before he grabbed it. "You have prescription?" He asks and Henry shook, "No but my name is there, here's my ID." He says placing the passport over the counter but the guy scoffed.

"You're far away from the pond. Sorry buddy, this isn't the Buckingham, no prescription, no refill." He pushed back everything towards Henry and he shot a surprised look towards the guy. "Please, I just need a few for the road." He pleaded and the guy chose to ignore him.

"Should have gotten that before you hit the road buddy." He says while stocking up his supplies with his back facing him. "Or you could sell me some." He asks and the guy turned, "Sure, there are over there by the benadryl." He pointed and Henry turned to face the aisle behind him. He sighed longly turning his head back at the guy, "I need something stronger man. Those won't work on me." Henry tried again and the guy is getting more frustrated than earlier.

"Look buddy! I told you! No prescr-"

"What's going on?" Alex voice interrupted them and Henry quickly grabbed the bottle and his passport shoving it into his pocket before Alex sees it.

"Tell your friend here we don't-"

"Thank you!" Henry cuts him off and turned to face Alex with a furrowed eyebrow, "What are you buying? Morning after pill? Honey we didn't even had sex yet." Alex joked but Henry didn't find it amusing but the guy laughs at Alex's childish attempt making Henry angrier.

"Fuck off!" He shoved Alex past his shoulder and headed out from the convenience store in anger before he headed straight to their car. He pulled the door handle to open but failed when he noticed Alex locked it. "Open it!" He yelled after he sees Alex walked closer towards him. "Not until you tell me what's going on? What are you trying to buy?" He asks and Henry wasn't gonna have this conversation with him.

"Just drop it and let's go!" He yelled again and Alex cocked his head towards Henry, "I thought we're going to the diner." He asks and Henry sighed rubbing his palm over his face before he turned on his heel again. "Where are you going?" Alex asks watching Henry stomped his feet away from him. "The diner! Where else? To the moon?" He yelled back and Alex felt his heart paced faster as he watched Henry walked away.

They both sat on the booth corner and few minutes later a waitress with a blue shirt and small white apron wrapped around her wide waist came to take their order. "What ya need hun?" She asks chewing on her gum and Henry pulled out his coat placing it over his side and Alex mimicked him.

"Coffee please." Henry starts and Alex repeats.

"Anything to eat?" She asks and Alex starts ordering stuffs from the menu including the famous apple pie they had with bunch of other food before she turned to wait on Henry's. "Nothing for me thanks." Henry placed the menu back on the table with both Alex and the waitress shared same expression.

"Don't tell me Your Highness that this place made you go on a hunger strike?" Alex snide and Henry turned his gaze sharply at him. "I told you don't call me that! I'm not hungry. Just the coffee will do." He says and the waitress raised her eyebrow grabbing the menu from in front of them.

"No he's not. He'll have the tomato soup with the egg sandwich." Alex adds and the waitress smiled, "Coming right up." She left feeling the rising tension from Henry's burning gaze towards Alex. "I told you I'm not hungry. Why do you have to be such a control freak all the time?" Henry asks angrily and Alex shook his head in disbelief.

"If you can tell me three things that you ate this morning that doesn't comes in a pack or a bottle, then I stopped do my control freak again." The waitress came poured them their coffee in a cup watching as they both sat there in silence waiting for her to finish.

Henry sighed grabbing the sugar pack on the side before he tore two of it and twirled the small spoon in silence.

When the food arrives, Henry could feel the rising bile behind his throat at the smell of the food before him. "Stop making that face and eat. You look like Luke when I told him to eat his vegetables." Alex says and Henry shot his gaze back at Alex across from him. "He ate certain vegetables. Depends on colors and shapes." He told Alex as he grabbed the napkin on his side and placed them over his lap.

"Huh. Did not know that." Alex says before taking a bite of his sandwich. "I had Luke diagnosed the minute he bonded. He has autistic feature especially about attachment." Henry continued as he took a sip of his tomato soup. "What makes you so sure?" He asks and Henry looked up from twirling his spoon around the bowl.

"Alex he followed some guy for the past five years without realizing that person's intention was harmful to him. Everything he said or do he obeyed. Once he build that trust around you, he was willing to do everything for him." Henry continued and Alex stares at him picking on his food.

"He kissed me once." Henry adds making Alex choked on his food and he coughs violently making Henry worried. "Here." He handed him a glass of water and Alex grabbed it hurriedly before he took a sip. "He did what?!" He asks raising his voice a little. Henry sighed looking around to make sure no one noticed Alex's raising voice.

"Lower your voice idiot." Henry hushed him and Alex sighed leaning back against the chair staring at Henry. "I can see the resemblance." Alex says and he can see him kept staring down at his bowl. "The attachments, the picky eating. The silence." Alex says and once his cough settles, he could finally grabbed another bite.

"I'm not Luke." Henry replied.

"Well unless he's a royalty born or family of inheritance, he's basically you. Except he doesn't has much people care about him in his life." Alex adds.

"I lost half of that remember?" Henry whispers and Alex stares at him with his gaze lowered. "No, you didn't." Alex told him and Henry lifted his gaze at Alex trying to hide his smile. Alex continued on eating his meal while Henry tried to finish his tomato soup without having the sensation to gag over everything that comes through his throat.

As usual Henry barely ate and Alex fulled to his stomach and fought with Henry again over something as foolish as paying the bill. "I know you think you're big boy now but I told you I'm paying that's the end of this conversation." Henry told him as they walked towards their parked car and Alex followed suit. "Sure thing Your Highness! You had the nerve calling me the control freak and couldn't handle when you're being one?" He says earning Henry an eye rolled.

"Get in the car!" He yelled as Henry went around the back, "IN A MINUTE!" He yelled back opening the hood to grab something from his duffle bag. He heard Alex slammed the door loudly shaking the whole car and he sighed taking a deep breath to relief the ache in his chest. He grabbed one of the pill bottle he had extra in his bag. He eyed the bottle in his palm staring at the thought of the last bottle he had to last him for at least two days.

"Can you fucking hurry up! It's going to rain and I hate driving in the rain!" Alex yelled and Henry rolled his eyes at him from behind the hood. He saw Alex bag right next to him before an idea popped in his mind making him smiled like a grinch hating Christmas.


They continued on their journey leaving only an hour left to drive with Alex continued to be a driver and Henry allows him. The soft music came into the speaker and something familiar about those guitar string hummed making Henry turned from his phone. He noticed the title of the song he hadn't hear in years and he could feel the tension build in the car between him and Alex.

"I haven't heard that song in a while." Henry whispers leaning his head back against the headrest with his eyes gaze forward. "Our last dance." Alex whispered back taking a deep breath and his hand fell on the side grazing Henry's a little. They both turned to look at their hands side by side only felt like miles apart. Henry noticed when Alex slides his knuckles over Henry's side and he lets him. He couldn't deny feeling Alex's touch ignite his burning feeling on the inside before reality sets back in and he pulls away from his touch.


They arrived at the small town later that evening and tried to locate the church and it wasn't that hard either. The town is quite small with fewer population and there was only three church there, but only one with the boys orphanage. The sky is dark and grim making the town ten times creepier.

There were not a single person welcomed them as they arrived and Alex parked right outside of the church feeling the coldness wrapped his spine as they both exited the car. "This isn't creepy at all." Henry says looking up at the old church building feeling the wind blew on his face as he pulls his coat higher up his neck.

They both stood by the church door pulling the bell and they both could hear the bell chimed on the inside. It took them a while before someone opened the door revealing a small boy in a white robe probably aged five or six. "Yes?" He asks and both Alex and Henry turned at each other.

"Hai, I need to see the one in charge of this place."Henry says and the boy looked at him in a furrowed brow. "Jason!" A voice called behind him and it spooked him turning his head around in fear. The door creaked open wider and revealed a lady in a nun outfit looking like hundred years old.

"Madam, my name is Henry and this is Alex, we need to speak to the one that run this place." Henry starts as she held the door still blocking them from entering. "That would be Father Kostas. He is busy. What this is about?" She asks pushing Jason behind her.

"It's about Luke Vilkas." Alex says and they can see her eyes wide at the sound of Luke's name. "There is no boy with that name, now leave!" She tried to slam the door shut but Henry caught it in time. "The fact that you are upset by his name proves that you know him. We need answers." Henry says sternly and Alex never heard him sounded like that. It made his little heart flusters by his sudden dominancy.

"Did you find him?" She asks and Henry stares at her hiding behind the door peaking her head a little, "Maybe. But I need to know who he runs away with." Henry asks and the nun take a sharp breath.

"Come back tomorrow. It's late." She says whispering before slamming the door on their face. Alex and Henry both shared the same expression and both surprised by the sudden thunder cracked in the sky. Second later the sky begins pouring down like waterfall heavily making Henry and Alex runs back to their car.

"Now what?" Alex asks with both of them drenched in rain with Henry shaking in coldness next to him. He rubs both of his palm blowing hot air in between them trying to warm himself. Alex witness the shakiness over Henry's fingers before he turned to face him. "Here." He pulls Henry's palm cupping his own over before he blow hot breaths over his fingers.

Henry could feel his heart racing at the sight of Alex hot lips blowing breaths over his knuckles. "You don't have to do that." Henry whispered feeling their body creeping in closer in a tight space. "I wanted to." Alex replies.

"We should find a hotel or something." Henry says turning his gaze around but the view is blocked by the pouring rain. "At this town? Best is an inn or a motel, I doubt they had four seasons." Alex joked and Henry snorted at him. Alex pulled his phone to search for the closest place for them to stay and found not far enough from the church. He starts the car immediately turning on the heat forgetting that the car even had one and drove to the motel.


"Are you fucking kidding me?" Henry asks angrily at the woman standing behind the counter looking at him annoyed. "All the rooms are full but one? Who would have wanted to stay here? This is a dead town!" Alex could sense Henry's anger when he fisted his hand in a ball on his side. "Hen." He stopped him from charging at her and she rolled her eyes grabbing the key from behind the counter.

"It's this or nothing. You can sleep in the car if you want. But it is what it is. You don't always get what you want!" She says slamming the key over the counter.

Henry shook his head in disbelief before pulling out his wallet for the payment. Alex wanted to stop him but Henry is too furious right now for him to tempt so he let him. Henry slammed the dollar notes over the table and grabbed the key sighing in his breaths. "Unbelievable." He mutters but the lady scoffed at him. "I'll get the bags." Alex says before he left and Henry nods but only then he realized what he just did. He tried to catch Alex but he was already by the car in rain and his eyes stares at the empty compartment with Henry's bag in his hand.


"UN-FUCKING BELIEVABLE! I can't believe you fucking did that! Why HENRY?!" He yelled all the way towards their room with Henry following him behind carrying his own duffle bag, both drenched in rain. "I was pissed. You're pissing me off!" He yelled back at him and Alex turned abruptly stopping him from walking further.

"So you think this is fucking right thing to do?! I swear- FUCK!" He yelled slamming the wall next to him and Henry stares at him with guilt ridden face. "GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEY!" He yelled and Henry handed him before he snatched it roughly from his hand. He turned the key into the door knob slamming the door wide open and they both entered.

"Fuck!" They both said at the same time as they stared at the small bedroom with one queen sized bed in the middle. There were folded towels over the edge of the bed and more in the bathroom as Henry checked. There was a single bath tub and a shower booth next to the toilet with a simple mirror cabinet next the door.

"Uhm- I will take the floor, I guess." He says causing Alex turned his head next to him. "You think? You should be lucky I didn't make you sleep in the car!" Alex says huffing in anger shoving past his shoulder as he entered the bathroom slamming the door shut.

Henry removed his wet clothes leaving himself in towel hanging by his lower half waiting for Alex coming out from the bathroom they both shared. He knew Alex deliberately stayed there for quite an amount of time as Henry waits. The chillness running through his skin and goosebumps appears all over his pale body as he shivers. He couldn't held himself from sneezing few times before he heard the door clicked and Alex came out fresh out of shower with his curly hair messed over his head and water dripped down on his body.

Henry couldn't helped gawking at his muscular chest and torso with water dripped down over his mid chest before Alex caught him staring. "So this is your plan all along? Took away my clothes so you could gawk at me naked? If you want to sleep with me again just say it Henry. No one's blaming you." Alex says pulling Henry's duffle bag from the floor over the bed.

"I do not! What are you doing?" He asks as Alex unzipped his bag and revealed his clothes inside. "You throw away my clothes, I'm gonna use yours." He says pulling his black brief out but he snatched it off his finger and Alex laughed. "Commando it is." Alex says winking at Henry and began to search further in his bag.

His eyes caught at the familiar blue hoodie he used to have and left for Henry the day he went back to Austin. His heart race as he lifted the hoodie and Henry's eyes caught him staring at the fabric in between his hand. "You kept this?" He asks and Henry couldn't say anything else. He was too afraid to even say anything that would make him look pathetic.

"It's yours, you can have it back if you want." He says and Alex stares at his hoodie before he placed them back in the bag and pulled Henry's plain shirt and shorts instead. Henry saw him stripped naked right in front of him before turning his body around to hide his blushed.

Alex saw Henry's shoulder tense but knows how he's hiding his shivers in coldness. Henry could feel him standing behind him fanning his hot breaths over his neck and Alex reaches over Henry's shoulder before he broke into another sneeze.

"Go and shower, I'll order some dinner." Alex says and Henry hurriedly went into the bathroom locking the door behind.

Alex ordered some burger and fries for their dinner and as usual, Henry only had few bites into his burger and couple of fries. He stayed on the floor leaning his back against the bed while Alex stayed on the bed with his back leaned against the headboard. There was no entertainment for them to keep themself occupied other than them both.

"How's Bea and Phillip?" Alex asks after a while of silence and Henry smiled. "Phillip has a daughter. Sarah. A year younger than Hope. They are at the teen fan era and it droves Phillip mad now as we speak." Henry laughs and followed by Alex. "How's June?" He asks and Alex inhaled sharply at him.

"She stayed in Austin, got a new job as guidance counselor. Loves every minute of it helping those kids." Henry nods with a soft smile leaning his head back against the bed. "You lied." He whispered and Alex leaned forward on the bed. Trays of food sprawled over the bed next to him. "About what?" Alex asks.

"We promise each other not to call. You broke that promise and called me instead." Henry says weakly and Alex sighed longly. "I was vulnerable. I needed a relief knowing that I might not see you again. Sue me. I don't care." He says and Henry remained silence. "Glad that you got that message." He says and noticed Henry still remained quiet by the side.

"Hen?" He called but no answer coming from him so he leaned closer to his side and saw Henry already fallen asleep with his head tilted back and Alex smiled staring at his face. "God I wish you know how much I love you Hen." He whispered next to him before grabbing the pillow and let Henry laid on the floor with his head over the pillow. He wanted to carry Henry to bed but he didn't want to wake him up so he let him rest over the floor with a blanket over his top and Alex sets the tray outside before he turned off the lights and sleep.

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