Part 56
Ten years later
After graduation Henry decides to do charity work using his father's inheritance for good like he promised Phillip.
He traveled across the Africa, South America, and throughout the Europe country with their foundation and opened multi wide shelter all around the globe. The shelter provides safety for homeless women and children especially those who suffers lost of parents and domestic abused. They'd even had a program for recovered addicts to help them find jobs and gain back their lives by committing to the community.
Henry promised Phillip he would take care of the foundation and carry on his father's legacy by making his name to the world under false identity. He never revealed himself who he was under his foundation. To his worker, only those who knows him knew who he was but the rest would know him ideally as a person who delivers most of their needs without having to see him at all.
He just got off his plane after it landed in JFK airport sitting in the car with Shan next to him when his phone buzzed and his eyes caught Phillip's name and smiled.
"I told you I will call as soon as I land. You can't spare me a minute of myself?" He says and he could hear Phillip sighed from the other line. "Your plane landed twenty minutes ago and you think I believe you to call when you won't?" Henry chuckled turning his gaze towards Shan next to him.
"Jesus Pip you had becoming a hysterical women since your wife left you in charge. She must be enjoying her time in Barbados with Bea." Henry remarks didn't amused Phillip but when he yelled behind the speaker, Henry had to pull the phone away before his ear bleeds.
"HOPE! SARAH! I told you both stop screaming!"
Henry chuckled at their sweet voices but Phillip yelling is making his head hurt, "Pip why are you yelling at my nieces?" He asks and Phillip sighed.
"They have gone mad Hen! Why can't I followed you to New York?!" He protest and Henry chuckled again. "Because you decided to have another baby and offered your wife a time of her life with her sister in law having girls weekend while you stayed at home taking care of the girls claiming you can be responsible for another baby." He says and Phillip sighed.
"I'm telling you I'm opt for a boy and I meant it. I will do whatever it takes for a damn boy!" He yelled and Henry smiled watching as the car passes the tall building headed to one of his shelter.
"Pip it doesn't work like that. You don't get to chose what you have. Plus I thought you said girls would be better since you don't even know how to throw a freaking ball?" Henry could hear him clicked his tongue at him and he smiles. "I can't take another more of BTS or whatever behind the scene these girls are talking about." Henry laughs hysterically at his words.
"Oh Pip that's not what it meant. I think-" Henry's breath hitched and a sharp pain struck him in his chest when he accidentally dropped his phone on the floor with his hand gripped tight against his chest. "Hen?" Shan voice breaks next to him holding his arm in worries. Henry breathes out slowly before he tried to inhale again but the pain strikes him like a sharp knife into his chest.
"Breathe Hen. Slowly." He told Henry and letting him leaned back against the seat and noticed the car had stopped on the side of the road with their driver looking back at him in worries.
"HENRY!" Phillip's voice yelled over and over through the speaker and Shan grabbed it from the floor. "It happens again Pip. I think it's time to go back to the doctor." Shan advised but Henry starts to come out of it before he grabbed the pill bottled from inside of his pocket. He popped opened and immediately chewed two tablets inside his mouth and sighed in relieve.
"I told you it's nothing. It's just the acid. How many times we went to the doctor and they told us it's only gas in my stomach?" He says and Shan sighed before Henry grabbed the phone before pressing it over his ear.
"I don't fucking care Henry! Either you go or I will have Shan dragged your ass there!" Phillips scolded him over the speaker and Henry sighed. "I did went last week remember? With you! I did a scope just like you asked me too and they found nothing! Why waste time for unnecessary things? Can we just focus on this boy first?!" Henry begs and he could hear Phillip sighed again.
"You have been buried yourself into work and travel lately Hen. Is it because of that boy or someone else in particular you tried to distract your mind from?" Phillip asks and truthfully he is not wrong. Henry remembers it well like it was yesterday. In few days, it would be Alex's birthday and he tried his best not to remind himself about him but the memory came by itself without his knowing and the date just hits him where he tried to forget.
"I just want to make sure the boy is alright. He had been running for the past five years and now they'd found him. I need to protect him at all cost." Henry says and Phillip sighed again. "Alright then but please, since you are there, go and check yourself." Phillip pleads and Henry pressed his lips together.
"There's nothing to check Pip, I'm fine. Send my love and kisses to Hope and Sarah. I'll bring back something for them from New York." He says and Phillip replied shortly before they ended the call. "You spoilt them too much they had becoming a rotten child."
"You starts first." Henry adds and he could sense Phillip smiles from behind the speaker. "Love you arsehole! Take care. " Phillip continued and Henry smiles, "Love you too."
After he ends the call Henry noticed Shan still had his gaze staring at Henry stroking his chest in pain. "It's nothing Shan. It's gone now." He reassured him before placing the pills back into his coat pocket. "Can we please go?" He told the driver and he nods although his eyes hinted Shan for an approval and he nods at him before he drove again.
"I have the judge sign the release form to be under our care. So you need to fetch him from the CPS and bring him to our facility. I can assure you their lawyer won't like it. they will fight you so better go and be prepared." Henry instructed the two men handing them a thin paper in his hand and they both nods. "Yes sir." The man replies before they left leaving Henry walking around his hotel room alone.
He sighed inhaling the scent of jasmine and his own cologne staring at the beautiful sky with the New York skyscraper view over his hotel bedroom. He wished he smelled a different scent instead, a familiar musk and cinnamon that still creates butterflies in his stomach or sending him to pleasure himself in the shower. He inhaled sharply before exhaling his breaths with his eyes closed trying to remember the scent as if it was in the room with him.
But when he opened his eyes, he was met with nothing but emptiness of his hotel bedroom and his heart aches for Alex. Tear threatened to fall as it kept pooling in Henry's eyes, "Happy birthday Alex. I miss you, so much" He whispered and a single streak tear fell on his cheek before he wiped it off hurriedly. He tried not to think much about Alex since he is here for a reason and that reason is Luke.
He remembers the time they told him about Luke. Everything about him screams Henry's dark pasts. The medical report claiming he was molested few times by an unknown men with more than a couple traces of semen inside of him made Henry triggered about his own past. The haunting memory of James and Danny raping him back at Stanford came back the moment he dived deep into this case and he needs to make sure he had Luke before everything goes badly.
"CHRIST!" Henry yells as he pulled the hoist of his horse, Gilly back and rushed to Owen side. "I told you to watch your flank! I almost knocked your head you dickhead!" He yells and he sworn he could see him smiles at Henry's protective side over his teammates.
"Aww I know you'll looking out for me Your Highness!" Owen yelled back riding next to him still in a match. Henry always joined them in their polo match each time he came to New York and if it wasn't a match, it would be just a regular training since he is also coaching the team being the founder and a supporter in their luxurious activities.
"Shut up! Stop calling me that!" He yells back at him and Owen laughs thinking he scored at making Henry temper reached through the roof for them to score.
"Henry slow down please." Shan yelled next to him over the side of the plank walls dividing them from the grass field to the track where the spectators stays. Henry rolled his eyes at him from behind his sunshades hiking himself over his horse to go faster.
"What is it?" Owen asks Shan worried about Henry. "Nothing. He's not well these past few days and he's pushing it." He said briefly and Owen stares at Henry riding his horse gallantly like he always does. "Looks fine to me. I'm going to kick his ass. Watch me." Owen winked at Shan playfully although Shan knows his attention was never an actual flirt only Owen being Owen, he did that with literally everyone on the field except he is married happily with his husband and three kids.
Shan clicked his tongue at his gesture when he knocked the polo ball with his stick and Henry cursed again for his attempt to irritate Henry. Shan witnessed how Henry rides his horse towards the ball and swung his stick elegantly and scored them a winning mark.
He cheered although it was a small tournament for them but it still one of Henry's favorite sport and he enjoys this more than anything. At least it would take his mind off Alex for a bit, he thought.
"Fuck how did that table turned." Owen claimed riding his beautiful brown horse closer to Shan over the side wall and he laughs, "That's Henry alright. Never underestimated him for his lack of practice." Shan says watching how Henry still on his horse in the middle of the field.
Owen laughs still had his eyes staring at Henry in the mid field looking down on his horse, unmoving. His smiled dropped and shifts to worry, "Is he alright?" He asks and Shan eyebrow furrowed.
They witnessed how he dropped his polo stick on the ground before his body swayed to the side causing him to fall from his high horse. "HENRY!" Both Owen and Shan screamed before Owen rides closer to him with medic running as fast as they could to reach him in the mid field. Shan felt his breaths running out of air when he ran under the scorching heat towards Henry lying on the grass covered ground still unmoving.
"Henry, hey, wake up." Owen was the first to reach him and starts unbuckled his helmet off thinking it was the heat that causing him to faint. The medic came checking on his vitals before Shan grabbed the cold water and splashed it over Henry's blonde hair and his eyes flutters to wake.
"There he is. Are you okay?" Owen asks and Henry eyebrow crooked at the closeness of his face. "Bugger off." He says pushing Owen away but winced at the pain over his chest and Shan sighed. "That's it! Hospital NOW!" He yelled helping Henry up from the ground but Henry was too weak to walk and ended up limping back on the ground. But luckily Owen stood by his side and caught him from falling on the ground and helped him towards their exit.
"This is ridiculous. I am fine. I told you it's the heat!" Henry says pressing the ice cold pack over his forehead feeling a lot better than earlier. Shan didn't even budge or turning his gaze towards Henry except bounced on his legs nervously waiting for the doctor to deliver the news.
"I can bet she will say heat stroke and lack of nourishment or hydration. If she did, you owe me a hundred quid." Henry bets placing the ice pack on the bed in between his legs still in his polo attire and Shan clenched his jaw still not looking at him.
"Not the time to bet on your own life Henry." Shan says almost a whisper.
"Well there's always time to make more money." Henry says leaning himself back on the bed before Shan finally turned to look at him over the bed. "You think this is a joke to you? Henry I watched how close you are to death before remember? I can't go through that again." He says and Henry stares at him over the bed.
"You don't have too. You can always quit. Go back to London and work with Phillip or anyone you like." He says and Shan turned his gaze at him with an anger flashes his eyes. "I'm not the one begging for me to work for him. You won't survive a week without me." Shan replied and Henry scoffed.
"I can take care of myself. I'm not a kid, I'm thirty years old damn it." Henry retorts and Shan glared back at him annoyingly.
"Thirty one." He corrected and Henry clicked his tongue at him.
He was about to say something back but the doctor barged in and Shan immediately stood from his seat. "I have the results back." She says waving the folder in her hand and both Henry and Shan waited for her announcement.
"It seems that you are a bit dehydrated Mr Fox and your blood pressure is slightly on the high side so I need to start you on something." She says and Henry glared at Shan with his palm handed out to him in a smile.
"You didn't say blood pressure, the bets are off." He retorts and Henry huffed, "Half then." He says and Shan sighed pulling out fifty dollars from his wallet and handed to Henry. "I can't believe you extorted me for money. Don't you have enough already?" He says slapping the dollar into Henry's palm and he smiled widely at him.
"Are you seriously betting on your health Mr Fox?" The doctor asks and Henry looked up to meet her gaze.
"What else I can do? It took you four hours of my time just to come up with dehydration and blood pressure. I already know my blood pressure is on high side since a year already and I'm already on medication so thanks but no thanks. I can handle myself." Henry says jumping off the bed with Shan standing next to him.
"Hen stop! Please. Please I beg of you. I can't have you- I can't have you back in coma after your blood pressure stroked you out." He says palming his shoulder and Henry sighed longly before he sat back on the bed. "It's not. I checked myself from time to time and I take the medication when it reaches too high." He explained and the doctor frowned at him.
"I don't think you're supposed to take it like that. It's supposed to be persistently taking everyday ideally at the same time." She advised and Henry sighed.
"I know but sometimes I forgot. So instead of that, I used this." He held out his arm showing his apple watch on his wrist and the doctor sighed shaking her head. "Sir, with all due respect, that is by far the most inaccurate blood pressure monitor you could rely on." She says and Henry shrugs.
"Better than nothing right?" He says and Shan clicked his tongue at him. "Alright I had enough. You are to take that medication she gave you every morning or I'm going to shove it someplace else. You hear me? Or you prefer I told Phillip what happened today and got your club ownership revoked by your brother?" Shan threatened him and Henry rolled his eyes at Shan before stomped his way out from the room.
"Please make sure he take this. His blood pressure is barely the borderline of normal high so I'm worried." She says and Shan nods thanking her.
He chased Henry down the hall before they both decides to leave the hospital and drives back to the hotel. The whole time Henry sat inside the car, he was completely silent and Shan couldn't help feeling scared of Henry's sudden mutiny.
"I'm worried Hen." He whispered behind him as he walked him back to his room. Henry still kept himself silent as he walked the hallway headed to his suite. "I'm sorry if I cross the boundaries but I am worried about you. Since Alex-" Shan was cut off when Henry turned abruptly to face him at the mentioned of Alex name and his face showed nothing but anger.
"I told you not to mention his name ever again." He warned pointing the key card in front of Shan's face. "Ever since him, you had chose this daredevil lifestyle and I am honestly afraid. I'm afraid that one day you would snapped or something bad happened to you and I am not there to catch you when you fall."
"Just like today." Shan whispered the last words and Henry's angered face softened at Shan's lowered gaze in front of him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered and Shan lifted his gaze back at him. "I know you are worried and I know you are trying to protect me but sometimes it's exhausting to be the one that always needed saving Shan. Please. I need to do this on my own and I can't have you expected to catch me each time I fall." Henry explained and Shan nods, "I get it. I know how you felt but maybe just a tad bit slow from now on. You are not getting any younger."
Henry faked a surprised gasped palming his chest with his hand and his jaw falls, "How fucking dare ya! I'm younger than you old man. Don't you forget that." He says and Shan chuckled at him before he watched Henry taps on his key card and Shan wished him goodnight.
"Do you know who I am?" Henry asks the small boy stood before him and he shook his head at him. "You can call me Mr Fox and welcome to your new home Luke." He says as he stood from his seat at the shelter's office after the men he instructed couple days ago to bring him Luke finally delivers. He crouched in front of Luke staring at his hollowed face studying his bruised and his cuts.
"You don't have to be afraid Luke. I'm not gonna hurt you." Henry whispered still crouching in front of him. Luke still didn't utter any word and Henry could sense fury in his eyes. "Luke. I need you to tell me who took you out from St Francis? I know you didn't run away on your own. Someone brought you out. Who Luke?" Henry asks and Luke still had his gaze stares deeply into Henry's eyes.
"Luke I am not going to hurt you. But I need to make sure that person get punished for what he did to you. I can't help you if you don't help yourself." Henry tried to reason seeing Luke is not saying any words. He made the request to be alone with him in the office since the boy barely had any interaction with anyone else and Henry thought a time alone with him would at least made him talk.
"You're handsome." Luke starts and Henry smiled at him. "Uhh- thanks. But I don't think-" Henry was cut off when Luke pressed his lips over his and Henry was caught off guard before he pushed Luke off and he stumbled on the floor on his back. "Luke forgive me, I'm so sorry." Henry tried to apologize but Luke pushed him off and decides to run for the exit.
"LUKE!" Henry yells trying to catch him but somehow Luke slipped through and managed to escape.
"What happened?" Shan came from behind Henry as he watched Luke disappear into the crowd of the New York pavement pondering where he might have been. "He- kissed me." Henry whispered and Shan raised his gaze at Henry wide. "What? Why?" He asks and Henry shrugs, "That's what I'm gonna find out what the hell happened exactly." He says before he pulled out his phone and dialed his driver's number.
"How would you know?" Shan asks and Henry shook his head, "I have a feeling he might. I don't know but I just had that sense he might go back there to the motel. Whatever or whoever brought him here, he trusted that person to be with him for five years." Henry says as he got off the car and stares at the old run down building before him.
"Stay here in case he tried to slip pass me again." Henry told Shan and he nods letting Henry walked into the building alone.
As Henry walked along the corridor he couldn't help hearing voices from the corner. He swore he heard footsteps running towards him and just in time, Luke came running pasts Henry and he couldn't register what happened next when his body was pushed down on the ground hard by that familiar scent.
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