Part 45

"Where are you going?" Ellen asks when she was bumped into Alex in the hallway after getting him some lunches. He told her he didn't want any but Ellen isn't someone that can be told not too so she went either way and Alex hoped to sneak out when she's gone.

"I need to see Bea, Henry's sister." He says rubbing the back of his neck in process. They both stood by the elevator when they accidentally bumped into each other.

"Why is she here? Did she got hurt too. They didn't mentioned it in the article though." She asks holding out her phone while Alex watched gripping his crutches next him.

"She delivered her baby. Her water broke when all the shit-" Alex stops himself remembering the moment when all hell breaks loose and Ellen noticed his silence. "Is she alright?" She asks breaking his silence and Alex eyes glistened with tears with a soft shake. "She uhm- she lost too much blood. I didn't know that it happens to her. It's all- it's too much happening all at once." Alex continued.

He could hear his mother sighing at the thought and decides to press the elevator button for him. "Let's go see her." She says and Alex smiled at her gesture waiting for the elevator door to open.


"Uhm, Beatrice Fox?" He asks at the front counter of the maternity ward and the nurse clicked on the keyboard in front of him. "Room seven. But you can't go in. Family only." She says and Alex stopped before glaring at her annoyingly.

"What family? Her brothers are all in the ICU, her parents are dead and she didn't has anyone else but us. I'm her brother's boyfriend." He defends and the nurse had her mouth fall apart unable to respond to what Alex told her and Alex decides to leave her stunned silent behind the counter.

Alex stood before the door and fisted his hand on his side before knocking it softly. Ellen followed behind him closely and watches how he was torn to see her after what happened last night.

The room was silent when they entered and the only thing they could hear was Bea's heart beating over the machine. The sun is lighting the room from the tall window next to her bed covering the walls bright and Alex finally saw her on bed on her back with her head propped a little. Her eyes are closed and the way the sun hits the room and brightened up her pale skin made her look more sickly than she already is.

"Bea?" Alex called sitting at the edge of her bed with his hand softly stroke her arm and she finally flutters her eyes opened. She blinks few times trying to adjust to the light in the room before her gaze shifted to Alex besides her and the moment she did, her lips trembled into a soft whimper and Alex pulled her for a hug.

"I'm so sorry Bea, I should have come sooner. I didn't mean to leave you all alone." Alex says into her ears and she pulls back from his hug and leaned back on the bed. "I wasn't alone, Martha was with me until she heard Phillip was in the hospital. I told her to keep him company." She says and Alex nodded lowering his gaze over their tangled hands.

"How is he?" Bea asks and Alex kept his gaze down and Bea can see his lips trembling with a single tear fell on his cheek. "He died on the table. They brought him back - put him on Ec- ECMO something." He says and Bea inhaled sharply pressing her lips before her gaze caught at Ellen stood by the other side.

"Oh, who's this?" She asks turning her gaze back at Alex. "Uhm, sorry- Bea this is my mum, Ellen." He introduced her and she smiles stepping closer to her bed. She raised herself wincing at the pain over her abdomen and Ellen stopped her.

"Stay, you just gave birth for Christ sake. How are you darling." Ellen southern accent sound comforting to her and she was staring at her face when she approached her. "Henry was right, you are beautiful and warmth like the summer lake. I was contemplating on naming my child Eleanor but Henry made it perfectly clear not too." Alex snorted shaking his head at her and Ellen smiles. "Have you thought of a name yet?" She asks and Bea smile fades.

"I didn't get to see her yet. I just woke up." She says turning her gaze back at Alex next to her. "Well let's see her then." Alex clapped his hand together and pressed on the call button for the nurse.

"Ohh you're awake. Wait here." The nurse came in and left in short seconds. She smiles when she saw Ellen took a seat next to her on the chair while Alex on the bed. "How's Phillip?" She asks and Alex sighed longly. "He's better, still unconscious- I think. I haven't seen him." He says and Bea nods, "Martha is with him. He'll wake up soon." She replies and Alex nodded agreeing with her.

Few minutes later the door opened and the nurse walked in pushing a trolley of bassinet in front of her and they all cooed at the little thing wrapped in a white soft cotton swaddle with a small pink beanie over her head.

"Oh dear God, I missed this." Ellen awed when she saw her tiny body and the nurse lifted her to give to Bea over the bed before she left them alone. She fussed a little when shifted but soon settled when she smelled Bea's scent and familiar heartbeats.

"Hi sweetheart. Gosh you are so gorgeous." Bea cooed as she watched her own daughter sucking her lips with her tongue slightly out. She stares at her cute button nose and her rosy cheeks still asleep in her arms. Slowly she took off her beanie and stroked her soft blonde hair and Ellen did the same. "Gosh that is a full sets of hair, you must be burning." She says and Bea laughs, "So much. Like ring of fire." She says and Alex had a scrunched on his face.

"Do I wanna know what that means?" He asks and they both laughs. "Not if you're marrying a girl." She says and Alex raised his eyebrow, "Well that's not gonna happened anyway. My heart sets over a certain blonde with a constant pouting and always causing trouble." He says leaning against Bea's leg over the bed.

"Wanna hold her?" She asks and Alex straightened his back again before he nods. Bea handed her carefully and Ellen guides him how to hold the small baby, supporting his head and his back as he did. His body stiffened at the grip with his hand froze but his eyes caught on her sleepy face. Something familiar about those cute nose, parted full lips and furrowed eyebrows as she did.

"She looks like Henry." He says staring at her perfect bow lips and her blonde hair. He didn't realized when his eyes starts filling up with tears again before he leaned to kiss her on her chubby cheeks. "Wish you could see this Hen." He whispered and Bea couldn't contained her tears.

"He will. He will see her when he wakes up." She says and Alex looked up from staring at the baby and smiles at Bea. "What are you naming her?" He asks and Bea softened the stray on her hair and stares at her for a while before she replied. "Hope." She says and Alex smiled.

"That's a beautiful name Bea. We all kind of need it for now." Ellen says before she handed her arm out for her. "Let me hold her please." She begs and Alex peck her another kiss on her forehead inhaling her scent before he handed to his mum. She cooed when she carried her close to her chest and smiles stroking her head straightening out her loose ends. "I remember this smell when I had you and June. Gosh that feels like eternity ago." She says and they all smiled watching how she rocked her back to sleep.


Martha stayed by Phillip's side for hours before she finally felt the twitch on his fingers. "Pip?" She called seeing his eyes starts to flutter and the first thing that came out from his lips was, "Henry?" He asks slurred from his weakness and Martha gasps in tears. "Shh, rest Pip."

He didn't wake up exactly right after only falling back to sleep and hours later only he finally fully awake and he was frantic. "Where is he? Where's Henry?" He asks although still groggy at the after effect and Martha had to push him back when he started to moves and winced in pain. "He's in the other room." She told him and Phillip sighs resting his head back on the pillow, 

"He's alive. He's alive." He mumbles before he falls back to sleep.


Alex stepped out when Ellen was teaching Bea how to breastfeed and for once in his life, he felt relief for her. She had lost his mother the moment Catherine fell into her addiction and he won't mind sharing Ellen with her. She needs her more than anything right now. He's glad that Ellen would be a part of her life from now on and every girl needs their mother to guide them to motherhood.

"That's a good girl, she won't give you hard time if she sucks like that." Ellen says and Bea smiled wincing at the pain over her abdomen. "Oh and you're gonna feel that cause breastfeeding will help shrinking your uterus back to it's size. You don't want to bleed out again." She says taking her seat back on the bed besides her.

"Thank you, for being here." She starts and Ellen smiles stroking her arm in comfort. "Of course darling, I won't want anything else." She says and Bea smiles covered in tears, "Have you seen him? Henry or Phillip?" She asks and Ellen raise her gaze back at her. "Henry- yes, Phillip- no." she says and Bea's eyes looks pleading.

"Where's Shan?" She asks and Ellen took a deep breath before she told her, "Shan is being detained, he shot Catherine and now they charging him with murder." She continued and Bea gasps pressing her palm over her lips.

"We need to get him out. He was not to blame. He was trying to protect Phillip and Henry." She says and Ellen nodded stroking her arm to calm her. "I know, I know. My husband is already on it. He's with him right now." She says and Bea sighs in relief before she turned to her side, "Grab that would ya?" She told her pointing at her phone and she did. She taps on the screen and waited for the call to connect.

"I heard Shan is still in lock up. Released him." She says sternly and Ellen never thought she has that in her. She portrays the soft, kind and fragile siblings but she proved her wrong. "I don't fucking care old man! You're the fucking lawyer and he has been detained for the last 24 hours, do something or you'll fired!"

Alex barged in when he heard Bea's voice yelling but soon regretted when she still holding Hope feeding her. "Sorry. I thought I heard-" he says tilting his head up to avoid staring at her. She ended the call before tossing her phone next to her.

"Don't worry about it. She's done anyway." She says pulling her shirt to cover herself and Hope is sleeping soundly in her arm. Ellen took her from Bea's grip and settled her in the bassinet and she fell asleep without a twitch.

"I hate that I'm stuck in here." She says and Alex turned to look at her.

"It's okay Bea, give it time. You'll be up soon." Alex says and she shook her head at him. "I want to see my brothers." She says as she pushed the blanket off from her legs and Ellen stopped her.

"Bea, you can't." She clicked her tongue and tried to put her legs off the bed when she groaned another pain clutching her abdomen.

"Bea stop this madness and get back to bed." Alex told her and she glared at him fiercely. "You think Henry is stubborn, you haven't met mine." She says pulling herself closer to the edge. "Get me a wheelchair." She commanded and Alex sighs when Ellen offered to grab one for her.


Ellen pushed her towards the ICU and Bea wanted to see Henry first. The moment Alex held his hand over the door, he paused before he turned to look at Bea beside him on the wheelchair.

"It's hard, seeing him like this. Are you sure?" He asks and Bea nods and his eyes are dead focus on her goal. Alex pushed forward letting Ellen pushed Bea passed the door when her heart dropped the moment she saw her brother strapped on the bed with all the lines and wires all over him.

"Oh God, Hen." She wept pressing her palm over her lips as Ellen pushed her closer and she reached for Henry's hand underneath the blanket feeling the coldness over his pale skin. His nails are pale bluish and they had multiple lines over his chest and his arm. Bea runs her fingers over Henry's hand feeling the tears falling down her cheek.

"Hold on Hen, don't go to far." She whispered stroking her fingers over his knuckles. "Back in Stanford, I used to talk to him when he was in a coma. He twitch and flutters at everything I said but this time-" Alex paused looking at Henry from the other side facing Bea across him. He grabbed Henry's hand in his clutching his fingers over him.

"He is so deep in his dream. I'm afraid this time I can't pull him back from it." He whispered and Bea looked up from her gaze to see Alex holding on to his tears.

Bea leaned closer to Henry side and gripped her both hand over Henry's hand,

"Don't you fucking dare Hen. Don't you think you can give up on us just yet. If you did, you're just as coward as mum does. So fight. Fight damn it!" Bea cursed through her clenched teeth. Alex turned his gaze towards his mum behind Bea still holding on to the handle of the wheelchair and she had the same look he had. Despair.


Alex took Bea to Phillip's room next with Ellen helped pushing her wheelchair around. Luckily Phillip's room is two rooms away next to Henry so he won't have to walk far. When they open the door of Phillip's room, Alex surprised to see him awake and Martha sat beside him holding his hand.

"Pip!" Bea yelled and Ellen pushed her faster so she could reach him and they can see Phillip tried to straighten his back but he winced when the pain hits him on his side. He hold out his arm for Bea and he leaned down to hug her.

But Bea regretted when she held his back and he gasped in pain, "Sorry." He pulls away resting his back against the pillow slowly and exhaled his breath.

"How is he? Did you see him?" He asks and Bea leaned back against the chair. "Worst than you thought." She adds and Phillip gaze went to Ellen and Alex behind her. "Good to see you again Ellen, I just wish the circumstances would be different this time." He says and Ellen smiled at him.

"Are you alright?" She asks and Phillip nods weakly, "I'm hanging in there." He says and Ellen nods with a soft smile at him. Phillip turned his gaze towards Alex next to him and saw how exactly he was couple weeks ago.

"How are you Alex?" He asks and Alex whipped his head from looking down on the floor towards him. His hand still gripped on to his crutches in his right arm turning his knuckles all white. He looked up when he heard Phillip asks him and fake a smile.

"Hanging in there." Phillip stares at his face deeply knowing he lied considering how much his eyes had swollen or how dry his lips were and each time he spoke, Alex licked his lips or tugged on the edge of his dry flaked lips.

"Don't lie." He whispered and Alex gaze lowered when he saw those tears start to pool in Phillip's eyes. "I tried to stop her. She had Henry and I thought for sure that she killed him. I thought-" he paused pressing his lips together, "I thought he was dead. I was ready to face the news on his death when I woke up." Phillip voice breaks and he gripped Martha's hand from his side.

"He did." Alex says still had his gaze low, "He died twice. Once at the house, once in the OR. They pronounced him dead at 0205 hours." He says and tears fell on his cheek before he inhaled sharply and wiped his tears hurriedly.

"What? Is he-" Phillip raised himself a little and Alex juts out his chin before he continued, "He came through. Don't know how, but he did." Phillip scoffed at the thought before his eyes went to Bea on his side. "That bastard. He won't know how to give up. You know him since we were a kid. He won't give up that easily. I know he will pull through." He says and Bea smiles in her tears.

"Do you remember when he won't leave your room? Always finding him sleeping under your bed when mum and dad tucked him in." Bea says and Phillip laughs at the memory. "Father hates it. He said if I keep coddling him, he won't be able to live on his own. Keep telling me there's monster in his closet." He says smiling with his eyes glistened.

"I remember when you left for Eton, he hides in your room most of the time and mum would be losing her mind when she couldn't find him on his bed. She locked your room just so she could stop him from going inside." Bea says and Phillip smiles fade. "Then the nightmare starts." He whispered and Alex turned his gaze softly at him.

"That harrowed scream. Mum was sure he was possessed. She wanted to call a priest." He says snickering another laughs. "God I hate her so much." Phillip says tilting his head up still hides behind his smile.

"Shan's being detained, for killing her." Bea says and Phillip whips his head sharply at her when he finally realized that he's not here among them. "What? Why no one tell me anything?!" He yelled raising himself a little before he winced another pain over his side and his back.

"That's alright Phillip, Oscar is getting him out." Ellen told him and he shook his head, "Where's my phone?" He turned to look at Martha next to her and she sighed pulling out his phone from her bag. He took it harshly from her grip and starts pressing on the contact list before he scrolled through his contact.

"It's Phillip," he starts and paused. "How long?" He asks and his eyes went to Alex standing next to Ellen, "What time did you send Oscar?" He asks and Ellen replied around one in the afternoon when she arrives after her flight from Spain and after they saw Alex.

"That's more than what we discuss." He says again and he can hear the voices of the person from behind the call, "Good, oh and Mr Gormick, you're fired." He says and Alex was stunt to hear him firing someone in completely no empathy.

"Because I give specific instructions if anything happened to me, Shan to be spare. I don't care what the fucking detectives said and my sister had called you to inform for his release and he is still not here. Stop your excuses, Good day." He ended the call tossing his phone over his bed and they all left with awkward silenced.

"Wait, you gave birth?" Phillip suddenly turned his head sharply seeing Bea's not so bulging stomach has now decrease in sizes and there's IV's in her hand. "I did." She says pressing her lips into a smile.

"Where is she? Is the baby okay?" He asks and Bea turned her gaze at Martha. She smiles widely at her before pulling out her phone scrolling through the images she had snapped from last night after they told her to step outside from Bea's room.

"Pip, meet Hope." Bea says after Martha showed him her photo after the delivery still had all that white stuffs covering her head but her face is cleaned and she was sucking on her fingers when she snapped her photo.

"Hope." Phillip says her name with tears in his eyes turning his gaze at his sister. "Just what we all need right now." He says and turned his gaze back on the image. "She kind of looks like Henry don't you think?" He asks turning the phone sideways with his head cocked to the side and both Ellen and Alex laughs. "That's what I said." He yells and they all smiles.


"You are lucky Mr Fox. If the bullet had been shot slightly lower of slight to your right, you won't be here. That bullet barely graze your lungs but it did damages your muscles so keep that arm sling until I said so." The doctor starts when he examined him.

"What about the wound on the side?" Martha asks and they all had the same expression on their face, "It didn't damaged any major organ but it did graze your kidney a little so I'm gonna keep watched on your renal function. But otherwise sir, you had luck on your side. Apart from losing too much blood, you are stable for now."

He inhaled sharply before he kept his gaze ahead, "My brother didn't have such luck." He whispered and he felt Martha's hand gripped into his for comfort.

"About your brother." He starts and Alex had to lean a little on the couch to listen. "He had suffered major bleeds over his abdomen. The knife hits part of his major blood vessels. It's called the aortic abdomen. We managed to stop the bleeding with repairs but he lost too much blood on the table." The doctor paused.

"You called his death." Alex says and the doctor turned his gaze behind him. "Yeah, we did. After two hours of resuscitation, they couldn't go no more. We are out of resources in the OR and they thought there was no point in continuing." He says and Alex stares at Phillip from his seat.

"But I guess he had more fight in him than I thought." He continued and Phillip remembered how Henry had his head bleeding when he asks him, "His head, it was bleeding." Phillip says and the doctor flipped through his file on the iPad.

"Yeah, I recall he had a bleeding inside his brain from the previous head injury?" He asks and he nods. "There is no bleeding inside the brain from the scan we did but he did cracked a skull there. Possibly from a blunt force trauma." He says and Phillip inhaled sharply after he heard.

"But that's not the worst case scenario." The doctor continue turning his iPad off and held it against his side. "He was down, for two hours. Before then, about half an hour before the paramedics revived him. That is not good outcome for a recovery. He could have permanent brain injury for all we know but since he is sedated, we can't run tests on him just yet." The doctor explained and Phillip turned his gaze at Alex.

"I've had hope, I am not giving up on him just yet. Just like he didn't give up on us." He says and the doctor pressed his lips together before he excused himself and left the room. Once again the room fell silence and Alex was trying to hold on to his tears when he leaned back against the couch. Ellen gripped his shoulder pulling him closer to her and he leaned his head against her shoulder.

The door suddenly barged in and revealed Shan in a messy hair and his eyes are reddened in tears. His jaw chiseled unable to shave since he spent the whole night at the station and the moment he saw Phillip in bed awake, he composed himself from his previous gesture. Oscar came from behind him closing the door before joins his wife over the couch.

"Phillip." He nods at him and Phillip raised his arm out for him. "Come here Shan." He told him and Shan rushed to his side wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug.

"Thank you. Thank you for clearing my name." He mutters over and over and Phillip tapped him on his back,

"Of course old friend. You saved us, I should be thanking you." He says and Shan pulled back wiping his tears before his gaze went to Alex, "How is he?" He asks and Alex stood,

"Let's go and see him." He says and Phillip sat up, "I'm coming with."

He says and Martha pulled him back, "Don't you dare. You need rest."

She says and Phillip clicked his tongue at her,

"I'll rest later, lady." He protest and climbed out of bed before his body swayed feeling the dizziness hits him.

"Pip, you need to stay in bed. You are not ready to move yet." Bea yelled and Phillip clenched his jaw at her. "Get me a wheelchair would you?" He asks Shan and he nods before he sat back on the bed. "Gosh you all stubborn as a mule." Martha says before she grabbed her bag and stood.

But Phillip grabbed her wrist pulling her back and she startled at his sudden grip, "Don't you dare leave Mar." he says and Martha huffed in anger. "I'm not needed here. Might as well leave." She says and Phillip exhaled his breath.

"Henry called you for a reason. He was right. I need to face my fear sooner or later. I was afraid of facing you after what I did." He says and Martha swallowed her throat dryly at him. "Marry me." He says suddenly and they all gasped after they heard him.

"I have spend weeks, months watching how someone would fall head over heels over someone they love - literally. That kind of love made you sacrifice everything you had in life knowing you won't lose anything else as long as you had each other." Phillip continued with his eyes gaze at Alex over the couch.

"I want that, with us. You stood by me since we were in school. Through everything that I had with my family, with Henry. You never once complaints about any of it. Yet you go along with it, giving me space, time that I needed to heal. I could never see anyone else the way I see you Mar, so please. Just marry me already." He says and Martha laughs with tears in her eyes before she stepped closer to him.

"I thought you would never asks me anymore. I thought I lost you forever when I saw you last night. But I made my peace knowing if I can't have you, I settled being your friend if that's what it takes. So yes. I will marry you. Only if you promise me you won't leave me in the dark each time something happened in your family Pip. They are mine now too." She says and Phillip smiled.

"And ours." Oscar said and Phillip turned his head at him, "Crooks and all." Ellen adds and they all laughed. Martha leaned closer gripping Phillip cheek in her palm before kissing him on his lips. He breathes out a sigh of relief when Martha rested her forehead against his and Phillip held her waist in his one hand. "Don't run away again Pippy." She whispered and Phillip tilted his head to face her. "I won't." 

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