Part 42
Alex was pacing in the main hall with Martha sat by the end of the staircase watching as he paced around in his crutches. "Uhm, Alex?" A soft voice spoke from the corner and Alex saw it was none other than Bea.
"Where is Henry and Phillip?" She asks as she waddled closer seeing it was only him and Martha by the foyer and Alex couldn't lie to her knowing it would raise more question and her worry. "He took off. Henry took off and Philip chased after him." He says and Bea can hear his voice trembles in fear.
"He did what?!" Bea yelled and Martha stood from the steps. "It's alright Bea, I'm sure Phillip will find him soon." She says and Bea held her stomach in her hand. "My brother is drunk! If Phillip didn't find him, the police will!" She says in her anger tone and Alex stopped pacing himself in the middle of the foyer when he saw Shan ran inside. "Where is he?" Shan asks and they all frowned at him.
"What do you mean?" Alex asks. "Phillip called me saying Henry gone manic and they are back at home. He said he needs me." He says and Alex sighs desperately gripping his hair with his finger. "He's not here! He must have mentioned the old house." Bea says stepping closer to Alex's side.
"Alright, I'll see if I can find them there." He says and Alex stops him, "Wait! I'm coming with you!" He says and when he was about to follow Shan's footstep, Bea clutched on his shirt stopping him.
"Uhm, not to sound bad timing but uh- my- water kind of - broke." She says and Alex eyes widen at her. "Are you kidding me right now??" Alex yelled and Bea pressed her lips when she felt another contraction hits. "I-I can't leave her like this. Shan you go! Hurry!" Alex told him but Bea stopped him, "No! Alex, go! Find my brothers."
Martha came by her side holding on to her when she noticed she's holding on to her pain. "You guys go, I will take her to the hospital." She offers and Alex was contemplating to leave Bea when his hand still gripped on hers.
"Find them. Make sure both of them are safe." Bea says pushing Alex towards Shan and his eyes are pleading for her. "But- you.." He looked down on her and she sniffed her tears, "I'll have my baby, but you make sure they both are safe. Bring them back to me. Please, Alex." She says and Alex nodded when Shan pulled him out from the entrance. "I promise." He whispered letting go of Bea's hand before she winced into another contraction pain.
"Come sweetie, let's get you to hospital." Martha says and helped her to have a sit over the steps before she called an ambulance for her.
"Shan why are they back at the old house?" Alex asks as Shan drove them and he fell silenced with his eyes kept focus on the road before him. The road was slick after the rain and the cars are flooding in traffic. He kept clicking his tongue each time a car slowed him down.
"Phillip didn't tell anyone about this but he sold that house. He was gonna demolished it but-" Shan stopped before he turned a glance at Alex next to him. It only took a few seconds before he turned his gaze back on the road. He inhaled his breath deeply before he continue.
"Catherine threatened to hurt Bea and Henry if Phillip didn't give up the inheritance. He had the family lawyer removed her from the inheritance for being an unfit parent. " Alex gasped at the thought of how Phillip hides such big secret from his family or the length he had gone through to protect his family.
"Henry got a text before he ran off. Is it her?" He asks and Shan sighs pulling out his phone for him. He showed him the screenshot of Henry's phone that Phillip sent to him earlier,
"Come home or I'll make sure Pip rot in prison for what he did."
Alex's eyes widen at the text and he understood now why Henry left in such hurry. In the midst of everything, Henry would do everything to protect Phillip just like Phillip did to him.
"I don't like this. Phillip's not answering his phone and now we both knew they are with their mum, who happened wanting to hurt them both." Alex starts and Shan turned his glance at him again, "Now you know why I'm losing my mind right now?" Shan says before turning his gaze back at the road.
Henry could feel his heart racing when he arrives at the mansion. He left everything inside the car as he ran inside into the old house finding it too quiet, no staffs, empty hall room, the walls are completely empty and there's white clothes covered the remaining of the furniture. "Mum?" He called and it was only his voice echoed back to him.
He climbed up the stairs stumbling in his own feet at the top still half drunken self. He was sober when he accidentally pushed Alex and the way Alex screamed in pain made him realized how much he hated himself for hurting everyone earlier.
"Mum?" He called heading bedroom to bedroom when the last bedroom at the end had him stopped in his track. It was his parents bedroom and he hasn't step foot in those room for years since his father died.
Henry's hand hovers over the doorknob before he twisted it opened revealing the familiar scent of his parents bedroom. The only part that was missing was the furniture in the room and the king size bed is now covered with the plain white bedding sheets. "Mum?" Henry called again and before he could realized what happened, he felt a hit on the side of his head before he fell into darkness.
Phillip felt the sharp sting on his back shoulder when he fell on the floor after he saw Henry's body. He turned, gasped at the pain striking from the shot when he saw his mother standing by the door holding on the gun she triggered with a smirk on her face. "Catherine." He clenched his teeth in pain as he backed away from her.
She smiles widely at him trying to flee from her when she lowered her hand down still gripped on the gun in her hand. "Good thing would come to those who awaits. God knows how long does I wait for this moment Pip." She says still had that smile on her face.
"You won't get away from this. What makes you thing I didn't already called for help before I got here bitch?!" Phillip knew it's no point in anger her knowing it would only trigger her but he had no choice, he hated her with everything he had and now she stood there like they are strangers instead of her offsprings.
"Well I guess we have no time to spare. But what makes you think my plan didn't have any contingency?" She asks as Phillip backs away and still few feet away from Henry. He need to make sure he's alright considering he had brain injury before and now his injury might be severe after what she did to him left him with what's left of Henry's brain.
"No one would believes in you." Phillip says and she still stood by the door before she placed her gun on the table next to her. Later, she pulled out a drawer and grabbed a kitchen knife she hid in there and starts testing the sharp end on her fingertips.
"I'm just a woman living all by myself and I thought it was an intruder barging into my home. Turns out it was my ungrateful sons wanting me dead to have my inheritance from my dear, poor late husband. It's a self defensed." She says narrating her stories with lies and Phillip winced when his arm extended and he could feel his shirt is seeping in blood.
"The lawyer would know what a bullshit that is!" Phillip spat and she smiles.
"What makes you think we only have one lawyer?" She asks and Phillip eyes widen when he noticed she's not lying when she said that. "What did you do?" He asks feeling his vision blurred by the blood lost. He could see her still smirking as she stepped closer into the bedroom twisting the knife on her fingertips.
"You had me cut off. Like I'm some fucking wenched scraping into the family wealths! I built this family with your father, from scratch! I gave birth to all of you ungrateful bastard! If I had known you would treat me like this, I would have you killed years ago and live just for Arthur!" She says and Phillip can see the tears formed in her eyes as she mentioned their father.
"What about Henry then? What did he do to make you hurt him! Hate me! But don't drag him into this!" He yelled back still backing away but he is closed to Henry now and his shoulder is already touching Henry's abdomen.
"He is every bit of Arthur. The more I see him, the more I hated him for being alive. Arthur shouldn't die. He was my strength, my soul, my everything. But he spent all the remaining days talking about him! Henry this, Henry that. Take care of Henry, look after Henry, don't let Henry be alone! I AM SICK OF HIM being the centre of his attention!" She says as she stepped much closer to them. "Being jealous of your own children, that's petty of you Catherine." Phillip tempted and she scoffed.
"I don't have to anymore. I can say that you both fought and I was trying to break you up but one thing lead to the other and Henry shot you on your back before you hit him on his head and stabbed your brother for trying to have me kill."
Phillip pants in his breath before he laughs hysterically at her. "Are you that full of crack?!" He asks grinning at her plan, "Does your brain shrunk that much from doing all of that cocaine to actually thinks this could work? Do you think people would believe that since I had Bea, Shan and fucking Charles on my side?" He asks and it didn't actually amuse her but only anger her the most.
But Phillip knew it was wrong to say such way to her especially pointing out her addiction on her face. But never did he expect her to actually raised her hand that had a death gripped on the knife trying to stab him and he is ready to fight her if she did but somehow he felt a hand touched his side and pushed him away from her aim.
He groaned in pain when he fell on his wound but when he turned on his back, his eyes caught the horror right in front of him.
The knife that Catherine has aimed towards Phillip doesn't hit him as it supposed too because Henry had pushed him away. So Catherine had her anger accidentally stabbed Henry right on the centre of his abdomen.
"No, no no!" Phillip pushed her off pulling the knife away from him and he yelled further when he finally realized what he did.
"No, no, no. Henry stay with me." Phillip held Henry by his neck as he gasped when the knife was pulled off and blood bursted out from the wound like a running tap water. "P-Pip. I'm sorry." Henry whispers gasping in his breath with tears in his eyes.
"Stay with me Hen, help is coming alright." He held Henry's head over his lap wincing at the pain over his back when he stretched his palm to stop Henry's bleeding. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Henry repeats before he starts coughed out blood from his mouth.
"Hen, don't you dare. Stay with me! Keep you eyes open for me Hen." Phillip yelled and he was so focused on Henry, completely forgotten about Catherine still on his back before he could feel another stabbing pain over his side and when he turned, he saw Catherine had that same knife she had earlier stabbed him on his side.
"Send my love to your father for me." She whispered in his ear before he collapsed next to Henry both bleeding all over the floor of their parent's bedroom. "Henry." He called out for his brother holding on to every last piece of his strength he could but he could feel himself grew weaker by seconds.
His eyes caught his brother breathing his last breaths as bloods running freely underneath them and their eyes are slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
"There!" Alex pointed at both Henry and Phillip's car parked outside of their old mansion and the lights were on. "Alex wait." Shan stopped him before he pulled out his phone and starts tapping on the screen and held it against his ear.
"It's Shan, Code purple." He says before he ended his call and Alex furrowed his eyebrow at him. "What's code purple?" He asks and Shan pulled out a gun from behind his coat, "What the fuck?! Where the hell are you doing with that? Put that away?!" He yelled and Shan shook his head before he checked his gun and unlocked the safety.
"Phillip hired a security few weeks back determined Henry will returned to London even though he didn't come out from that coma and he didn't want Catherine comes near him or Bea so we are to protect them at all cost. Code Purple means impending trouble and the scene is not safe. I need back up before I barged in there and had myself kill or worst, them." Shan explained but Alex couldn't understand anything he says especially the part where Phillip hired the security for the safety of his siblings but not his own.
"So you expect us to wait here until help arrives?" Alex asks and Shan shook his head, "No, just you. I'm going in." He says before he ran inside leaving Alex by his own, "What the fuck?? Shan!" He yelled out for him and saw how he entered the mansion carefully not making any sound while he did.
Alex waited for almost two minutes before he gave up and headed to the mansion even though he didn't know where to look for them.
The moment he did, his eyes caught the surrounding feeling the emptiness of Henry's childhood home. It was sorrow, haunting, grim and most of all, it was empty. "Hen?" He yelled out but no replies and he was actually afraid of looking into the dark corner feeling there's pair of eyes staring at him even though there is nothing or no one staring at him.
But then he heard a gun shot blasted from the room upstairs and he immediately rushed up the stairs the best he could with his broken legs. He cursed himself for being slow but he need to get to them before it's too late.
He huffed and pants in his breath by the time he reached upstairs and tried to remember where the sound came from and noticed there was a long hallway with a door half opened and the only room with lights on. He rushed limping with his crutches clutched on his elbow as he make his way faster and he could feel the closer he get to the room, the faster his heart beating out of his chest.
The moment he enters he saw Shan standing right in the middle covering the view in front of him with his hand straight out holding the gun and Alex stepped to the side to see Catherine laid on the ground with her eyes wide open but her face is emotionless.
His gaze caught another glimpsed of bodies next to her and his breath caught his throat. "No, no." he mutters seeing Henry and Phillip on the floor side by side each other and it seems Phillip had Henry on his lap before he fell unconscious.
"NO! Henry! Phillip!" He yelled tossing his crutch to the side before he went to Henry side and grabbed him by his neck to wake him up.
"Henry, wake up baby. Wake up. Come on. You're okay. You're alright. Come on Hen. Don't do this to me. You promise me remember?" He called holding on to Henry's neck while he stroke his cheek to wake him but Henry was lifeless. There weren't barely any breaths left in him when he hold him. He could see blood trails on the side of his mouth and his eyes are closed.
"Shan?!" He yelled and Shan rushed to Phillip side pressing his finger over the side of his neck before he did the same to Henry.
Alex saw Shan stood and pulled out his phone and starts calling out for help but the only thing he could hear is his own breaths taking this moment filled with waves of emotions. "Hen, wake up. Please wake up!" He shook him again trying to feel for any flicker of hope he could for waking up but Henry didn't. Not a single twitch nor a flutters over his beautiful eyes and Alex could see his visions getting blurred by his own tears.
"Wake up damn it!" He screamed at his face pressing his palm over Henry's abdomen trying to hold the bleeding but he knows it does nothing right now. He held on the hope that it would help him the least before he saw Shan pulled Phillip to his chest to wake him up and he could see his eyes flutters opened.
"Pip, come on buddy. Wake up. Help is coming." Shan says tapping him on his cheek a little before he had his hand cupping over his side that bleeds to the ground. He winced at the pain over Shan's thin, bony hand over the side of his stomach before his eyes caught his brother in Alex's embrace.
"Hen." He croaked watching as his tears fell on the side of his face and Alex held Henry closer to him with tears flooded his eyes. "Tell Bea I'm sorry." Phillip told Alex as their eyes locked into each other before his head slowly fell to his side and he was back being unconscious.
"Hi, I'm registering for Bea Fox, her water just broke an hour ago." Martha helped Bea while they brought her straight into the labor room and the nurse behind the counter had a paper for her to fill. The waiting room is filled with people that night when they arrived and soon after she's done, she handed it back to her and she stares at the registration paper.
"Fox? Ohh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you, madam." She says standing from her seat and she smiles. "No worries. Just get her checked in. She's having that baby tonight." She says pulling her handbag higher up her shoulder and left. She knew what Phillip's family meant to the hospital knowing how much he spent his inheritance benefiting this hospital after their father's death.
She walked back to the labor room and saw Bea already changed into the gown they had and was standing by the edge of the bed gripping on to the sheets while holding on to her pain. "That's it lass, breathe through the pain." The nurse told her and Martha smiles when she heard her Irish accent and felt relieved at her expertise in handling her.
"Ughhh, did they find them yet?" Bea asks as soon as she saw Martha. "No Bea, let's just focus on this okay." She says placing her bag down before she stood by her side and held her hand to help her get on the bed.
"I'm just gonna checked on you Beatrice." The nurse says taking her seat on the bed while Bea spread her legs in front of her.
"I need to make sure they are alright. I don't feel good." Bea says and the nurse darted her gaze sharply at her. "Are you alright? You need the gas?" She asks and Bea shook, "No. Uhh- I mean yes but no I am dealing with family crisis right now." She says before the other nurse handed her the pain gas for her to breathe in.
"We will let you know once I know what happened Bea. I'm worried too." She says and Bea held her hand tight in her grip. "I'm sorry Pip treat you the way he did but know he loves you and our family drama just caught up with your relationship." She says and Martha pressed her lips together.
"I know. He told me. He explained everything to me back at the house and also Henry did." She says and Bea shot her another look, surprised at what Henry says exactly in his drunken state of mind.
"He told me not to give up on Phillip or any of you. That he was sorry for our engagement broke because of him. Henry is a good boy Bea, everybody knows that except that life never did let him catch up not even once." She says and Bea winced at the nurse examining her and she tried to held her tears.
"Six centimeters." She says and Bea looked at her surprised. "SIX?! I thought I can pushed already!" She yelled before she grunted again feeling the pain coming. "Breathe the gas missy, you're gonna be here all night." She says pulling her glove off and tossed them into the trash can. "First one always the hardest, longest for some people. Let's see again after an hour alright?" She says before rubbing her hands with the alcohol by the side and left the room.
"I can't stay here. I need to know if they are alright." She says trying to leave the bed when another pain hits. "Owww, arghhh." She yelled holding on to Martha's hand and she laughs at her. "You won't survive two feet darling, back in bed." She says and placed her legs back on the bed.
"I can't Mar, I need to know my brothers are alright." She says and Martha sighs before she grabbed her phone and start calling Shan.
It took his few tries before Shan finally answer. "Madam." Shan replied and Bea heard it through the speaker. "Shan! Did you find them? Are they alright?" She asks and Shan was silent. "SHAN!?" They both yelled and he couldn't say anything else to them, "I will call you back." Shan says and ended the call.
"What the fuck?" Bea cursed and felt another pain hits before she grabbed the pain mask and breathe through it.
Sometimes I just want to be the girl in the story, being so in love and so love by the main character that they move heaven and earth just to be with you. No love is as real as the one you read on the book. I miss being the main chapter in someone's life.
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