Part 40
To whoever still reading this, thank me later.
"How is going with you and Alex?" Bea asks as Henry helped settling her stuffs in her bedroom. Alex was in his bedroom resting and confined to bed as Henry forced him too. He was silence for a while sorting her books into the shelves when she asks.
"Hen?" She taps him on his shoulder and he couldn't face her. He knows if he did she would see those eyes filled with regrets, despair, and he would break into another tears. "He had doubts about us." Henry told her and she stayed silence standing next to him, waiting for Henry to continue.
"He said our family is too fucking rich and he thinks he's not suitable enough to be my partner." Henry shoved another book into the book shelves and this time he pressed it harder earning the whole shelves a shake.
"Wait, he said that? He'd actually said that to you?" Bea asks and Henry hummed still crouching over the book shelves and soon he heard her laughs besides him. "What's so funny?" He asks turning his head to see her cackling in laughter.
"You! Both of you! Both acting like a child." She says still laughing and Henry was annoyed by her gesture before he stood and turned. He had his hand gripped on to his waist waiting for her to come down from her silly laughs and Bea stopped seeing how angry Henry looked at her and decides to head for the couch in her room with Henry staring at her annoyingly.
"Come here." She taps on the couch next to her and Henry had his arms crossed over his chest before he sighs and joined her on the couch.
He plopped next to her and leaned himself resting his head over her shoulder while she wrapped her arm around him. "Listen arsehole!" She starts and Henry pulls back immediately but she pressed his head back on her shoulder.
"Alex has every right to feel like that. His feelings are valid and I mean, come on. Didn't you see the way Phillip spoilt us?" She asks and Henry remained silence next to her. "You have doubts too remember? All of us had doubts on our own relationship and that feeling you had thinking that neither of you was enough, it's never gonna go away."
"Then maybe we shouldn't be together if we kept thinking about it." Henry adds and she slapped him on his temple. "Ow!" He groaned cupping his head in his hand and she stares at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What did I said?" She told him and Henry frowned at her. "You can't keep running away from your feelings Hen. What if one day someone realized how great Alex is and decides to treat him better than what he deserves and especially what he received from you? Are you willing to give him up?" She asks and Henry exhaled longly crossing his arm over his chest on the couch. He refused to let his head rested on Bea's shoulder anymore but stayed silently next to her. "Maybe he should." He whispered and another slap hits him from behind his head.
"BEA! Stop it already! I've got a head injury remember?" He told her rubbing the back of his head with his finger and she didn't even feel sorry for what she did. "Well maybe that is why you're acting so stupid! You should get a new brain then." She says and Henry glared at her. "That's not possible." He told her and she scoffed.
They stayed silent on the couch for a while before Bea spoke again, "People don't go across the ocean for someone they don't care about Hen. Don't let him feel he made a mistake coming here in the first place." She nudge him on his shoulder and he turned to face her.
Bea smiled softly before she leaned to kiss Henry on his cheek. She stood up from the couch before she went to her pile of things and starts unpacked her clothes before she turned to face Henry again.
"Oh by the way, you might want to wear turtleneck for dinner. We don't want our uptight brother sees that." She pointed at her neck and Henry eyes widen at her gesture. He jumped from the couch and headed to her bathroom to see himself on the mirror and saw the red marks covering his one side of his neck and he was beyond mortified.
"YOU!" Henry barged in Alex's room slamming the door earning him a shock look. He was reading a book in bed, one of Henry's book he had when Henry decides to barge in like a mad man and he settled the book next to him on the table. "Yes, me? What is it now Fox?" He asks and Henry jumped on the bed before he climbed on his lap which surprised Alex but he didn't exactly protest.
"Look at what you did!" He pulled his collar down for him to see and he smirked examining Henry's love marks covering all over his neck with his finger. "Oh it looks good on you." He says and traced his fingers down on his collarbone and further down on his chest.
"What? No it's not! Now the whole house knew you gave me a hickey! I feel like I'm in school all over again!" He says and Alex pulls back with a look on his face. "Darling, I didn't know you had hickey before. You are a Fox aren't ya?" Alex teased and Henry didn't say anything except staring at Alex's perfect sculpted collarbone and he is still not wearing any shirt on. He could feel Alex's finger pressed deep into his hip and somehow his waist shifted underneath him.
"Well you're the one to talk." Henry replied and Alex smirked. "Oh well. I didn't think you would have wanted me seeing how you were listening to me fucking all the students in Stanford every night." He says leaning his back against the headboard with Henry still on his lap.
"Wait, you knew I was awake?" He asks and Alex raised his gaze at him seductively. "Well it's kind of my turned on knowing how you were listening while I was fucking them." His hands are back on Henry's waist and this time so does his lips over Henry's throat.
"Including Miguel?" He asks and Alex pulls back harshly and his face dropped, "What?" He asks and he can see how Henry lowered his gaze again, "He's the only guy you slept with more than once." Henry said in a low tone and Alex can see how it disturbed him to think about it.
"Hen, Miguel is no one. he's just a hook up. Practically mean nothing to me." Alex says and Henry raised his gaze back at him. "What about me?" He asks and the smirk returned on Alex's face before he raised himself closer to his face. He could feel his hot breaths fanning over his lips and Alex's hands stroked around his lower back edging through his waistband. "You are something else Fox." He leaned pressing his lips over Henry's lips, "You are my soul." Another kiss on the corner of his lips. "My heart." Another on his jaw. "My life." Another kiss over his Adam apple's and he swallowed bobbing it up and down.
"Furthermore." He pecked another kiss over Henry's neck and his finger found its way into Henry's briefs cupping his bare naked behind in Alex's calloused palm earning him a moan when he cups it harder. "You are - the pain in my ass." He says cupping Henry's ass before he slapped them and Henry pulls back harshly and slapped him over his chest.
Alex laughs when he can see Henry turned shades redder and his blushing made him want to kiss him more. So he leaned forward again pulling him on his lap and cupped his chin in between his fingers. "But you are always on my mind Fox. Every morning when I woke up and every night in my dreams." He whispered before Henry crashed into his lips again.
"I've been thinking." Henry starts pulling away from their kisses and Alex smiled, "I seriously doubt that." He says and Henry pulled back annoyed, "Shut up!" He crashed his lips again and starts kissing his neck. "I've been thinking." He continued kissing down Alex neck and runs his hand all over Alex's muscular chest.
"I need to confront my fear soon enough." He says and Alex frowned letting him continue, "So instead of straight to sex, maybe we do stages." Alex still had his eyebrow crooked into a line when Henry runs his lips over his again. "What do you mean Hen?" He asks and Henry smiled.
"You think you can teach me how to give you a proper blowjob? Like you did to me in that bathroom?" He asks and Alex was too stunned to speak or react. Henry stared at him with his mouth gaped apart and his eyebrow raised.
"I- I uhm- I don't think you would be up for it. Considering -" Henry pulls back from his kiss and stared at Alex in front of him. "Why not?" He asks and Alex couldn't bear his heart to tell him. "I don't think you're ready Hen. I don't want you to force yourself into doing this just because you think it would make me happy." Alex says leaning back against the headboard and Henry stayed on his lap.
"But I wanted too." He says and Alex smiled stroking his arm up and down. "In time." He says and Henry frowned at him, "When?" He asks and Alex shrugs, "Soon." Those were his only replies and Henry felt frustrated to even pushing this and decides to leave. But when he tried to get off Alex's lap, he pulled him back and crashed his lips on Henry's again.
"Patience." He says and Henry raised his eyebrow at him before his palm cupped Alex over his half hardened member. "Sure thing Claremont." He says and Alex twitched over Henry cupping his growing member under his brief and Henry smirked at his reaction.
The next few days was horribly frustrated for Alex. It wasn't just Henry constantly teasing him under the dinner table or the middle of the night visit under his blanket. But it was the constant teasing of making him hard in unsuitable places. He won't deny that Henry is really good at teasing him especially making him horny as fuck these days.
It didn't help either when Henry felt jealous over his physical therapist for being too hunk for a therapist and had him replaced in matter of seconds. So now Alex is stuck with an army vet who looks like his uncle that fought in Vietnam and Henry was rather pleased to think that he couldn't get touched by those handsome therapist while he's around.
A week goes by and Henry is beyond control over making Alex sexually frustrated over him. He would deliberately slipped into the shower with him so he won't be able to touch himself and decides he would just stay there to see how far Alex would go before he break. The whole house knew how teasing Henry had become and it even surprised Phillip to see him back on his banter self. Phillip was smiling a lot lately and Alex wonder why.
But on that day, Alex couldn't shake his feeling of worry when Henry didn't join them for breakfast. Or the fact that he stop coming into his room in the middle of the night for the last couple of days and it got him worried.
At breakfast, as usual Alex would wait on Henry to eat together before he would go for his therapy but that morning, Henry didn't come down and joined him.
"Might as well started Alex. The car is waiting to take you to the therapy." Phillip says as he scrolled through his phone and Alex eyed Bea sat right in front of him. She looks tired, possibly drained but she could be tired from her pregnancy. "Where is Henry?" He asks and Bea turned to look at Phillip.
"Asleep." Phillip answered shortly and Alex felt weird vibes coming off them. "Is he alright?" He asks and both of them didn't give him an exact answer immediately only Phillip did. He turned his phone off before he stood, "Yes. Now don't be late." He says and left. Alex turned to look at Bea and she hides her face from behind her bangs and Alex stared at her.
"Did something happened to him?" He asks and Bea sighs at him. "Nothing unusual Alex. You know it." She says and began to stand from her seat clutching on her stomach before she left the dining area, leaving Alex alone, clueless.
Charles came by the table picking up the plates away and Alex stopped him. "What are they not telling me Charles? Tell me if Henry is alright?" He asks and Charles kept his gaze towards the door probably to see if Phillip is there.
"Young sir hurt himself again last night." He simply said and Alex could feel the twisting pain in his heart when he heard him. "H-How?" He asks and Charles picked up the glasses in his hand, "I don't know. I wasn't allow to see him." He says and Alex felt hopeless, he felt anger rising inside of him and the only thing he wanted to do right now is to see Henry.
But the car honked right at the front door for him and Phillip was waiting for Alex to ride together in the same car to his office. Alex knew he did it deliberately so he won't escape his therapy for the day so he obliged and followed him either way. But he determined to see Henry once he is back from his therapy.
"I wanna do steps today." He says and the therapist, Ben had that odd look on his face. "Are you sure?" He asks and Alex nodded seeing he needs to know how on earth would he go upstairs into Henry's room without knowing how to move in his crutches.
"Here." He handed Alex an elbow crutches instead of the arm one and it was much more flexible then the other one. He taught him on how to step one leg at a time while holding on to the rails and he made a mental note on himself when he got home later.
The therapy was long and usually after the therapy Alex would go straight to bed and rest but today he is filled with adrenaline inside of him. He stepped into that empty mansion knowing no one in sight at the moment. Bea probably in her room and she won't know what he will do. So he stood by the huge staircase and stared at the top floor cursing himself.
He wonder himself how the hell is he going to get into Henry's room knowing he didn't know exactly where the fuck is it.
"Upstairs, first floor, turned left and straight ahead. His room is at the end." The voice whispered by the corner and Alex saw it was Charles hiding in the corner before he left to the back room. "That's not weird at all." He whispered to himself before he grabbed the banister and took a step just like Ben told him.
He finally reached the first floor, and he stopped to catch his breath. The steps are much higher and much steeper than the one at the therapy room. But he managed and he felt proud for what he did.
He did what Charles told him and headed straight to the left and starts walking down the long hallway that covers with arts framed along the floral covered walls. Funny thing about the house though, he never did once sees a picture frame of Henry's family, not even their childhood picture, their youth, or their graduation frame.
Alex remembered back at his home in Texas, his mum would run out spaces or frame for hanging their photos together. The thought itself made him miss his family more but he spoke to his mum yesterday and she just started on her cruise honeymoon with Oscar and they are reaching the Caribbean by now.
Alex stood by Henry bedroom door contemplating whether or not he should knock but he wonders if Henry would want to see him right now so he twisted the door handle and entered anyway.
It was the first time he entered Henry's bedroom and even though it's not his childhood bedroom but something about bedroom felt personal to him and he get to see how Henry decorates his.
It wasn't a typical boy room when he entered and he was quite impressed by the decor. Henry had a tower book shelves over the corner of his bedroom and it was filled with all sorts of books and version from fiction to non fiction to historical. His eyes caught the piano by the other corner that had glass door Alex assumed to the balcony on the side and his base guitar is placed on the side with his electrical one next to it. His amplifier and his speaker are stacked behind those guitars neatly and no coil hanging loose over the floor.
He stepped further into the room finding another corner headed to another side of his room and Alex peaked in to see it was his bathroom.
The bathroom itself screamed luxurious. The white marble floor matches the white table top with a grey stripes and gold lined between them. By the corner of the bathroom, a large white marble tub sat on the gold leg piece that imitates lion's foot. There is a huge mirror that split into three and one of it is empty which to Alex rather an odd design.
He wonder what Henry's bath routine is knowing back at Stanford, he used shower instead of bath and his shower gel is Alex's favorite thing. He decides to leave it for now and try to find Henry in this spacious bedroom and when he turned around, he almost screamed in fright to see Henry is standing there by the door staring at him.
"Jesus fucking Christ Henry! Stop scaring me like this." He says palming his chest before his gaze went back to Henry. He was in his shorts and his rugby shirt when Alex stares at him, he could see his eyes are blood shot and his hair is disheveled. "Hen? You okay?" He asks and Henry eyes met his gaze again, "Get out!" He says and Alex didn't understand why he's acting such way.
"Hen? What is it? Tell me." He asks stepping closer to him but Henry took a step back holding on to the door frame. Alex noticed the bandage wrapped around Henry's wrist and his eyes widen in fear. "Hen what happened?" He tried to grab his hand but Henry flinched and stepped backward.
"I said GET - OUT!" He yelled at him again and Alex finds it odd for him to react such way but he didn't exactly make any attempt to leave him. "NO! Henry we've been through this. I am not letting you alone, not like this!" He yelled back and Henry didn't say anything else except left the bathroom and headed to his bed.
Alex saw him walking in bee line before he pulled out his phone and handed it to Alex. He grabbed it surprised at Henry's gesture and saw him took a seat by the chest at the end of his bed gripping his hair in his hand.
Alex read the article over Henry's phone and his eyes caught wide in shock.
"Warren's heir, two brother's James and Danny found dead due to overdose at one of Stanford fraternity house party last night. The two were involved in some heavy drinking and late night partying when their bodies were found in the bedroom of the fraternity house that next morning.
The coroner report showed their alcohol level was four times the normal limits and mixed with some illegal drugs in their system which could be the results of their death. The final report of cause of death is however still pending.
They were both involved in a heavy lawsuit case against Henry Fox and Alex Claremont couple of weeks ago and the results are yet unsettling due to some bias decision from the jury claiming lacking of evidence but the internet is filled with their victims claiming they knew that Henry Fox was indeed raped by them.
Mr John Warren, father, notorious billionaire and owner of the largest import, export business in the whole States didn't make any comment about his son's death and chose to kept his silence on this matter."
"Oh Hen." Alex stepped closer to Henry sitting next to him on the hardwood chest stroking his back for comfort. "It's not supposed to end this way." He whispered and Alex was confused at his words. "What do you mean?" Henry stood abruptly from his seat and starts pacing around the room in front of Alex.
"Karma was supposed to hit them not death! Death is too easy of a punishment for both of them. I don't want to see them dead, I want to see them suffer the way I did! I want them to find someone they'd love and settled down and have kids so that one day those fucking kids would be raped just the way I did. Just the way their father did to me!"
"Hen that's fucked up! You can't think that way." Alex told him and he stopped turning his gaze sharply at him. "MY LIFE IS FUCKED UP ALEX! Because of THEM!" He screamed and Alex didn't say anything else except keeping his mouth shut. "They don't get to die and expect things would be better from there." Henry starts pacing again and Alex was curious.
"What did you do Henry?" He asks seeing the bandage wrapped is quite new considered his old one is already removed weeks ago.
"Doesn't matter what I did. It's over anyway." He says pressing his palm over his face and Alex sighs. "Henry stop pacing." He stopped him in the middle and Henry stood before Alex raising his arm in his. Alex examined the cuts on Henry's arm and relieved it wasn't a suicide cuts, it was multiple cuts he had probably due to smashing the mirror in the bathroom.
"I didn't try to kill myself." He whispered and Alex took a long breath before he exhaled. "I'm glad." He says and Henry still had his gaze down on the floor. "Come here." He pulled Henry by his neck and wrapped himself around his body. He could feel his trembled slowly relaxed in Alex's arms and Henry rested his head over his shoulder. "They should fucking suffer in this life and for the next seven generation Alex. Not death." Henry mutters again and Alex sighs stroking his back.
"I know baby. I'm sorry. But we know they would rot in hell right now." Henry pulled away from his hugs and stared at Alex in front of him. Alex stroked his hair tried to tame the mess with his finger and Henry stares at him.
"I don't think they overdose on purpose." Henry starts and Alex frowned at him. "What do you mean?"
"I think my brother had them killed."
Alex eyes grew wider after he heard what Henry just said. "Hen, don't think about it like that." He pushed Henry over the bed and Henry sat by the edge still had Alex gripped over his arm. "I saw him whispering something to Oscar on the day we left Stanford. It looks suspicious but few days ago I heard him talking." Henry stopped himself and Alex had to take a seat next to him on the bed.
"I heard him talking to someone asking if they are done just like they planned and he was being secretive about it when I asks." Henry told him and Alex sighs, "Hen, I don't think Phillip is capable of doing stuffs like this." He tried to assure him and Henry pulled out another thing from his drawer crossing Alex's lap.
He handed him the paper and Alex read them, it was a paper contained a large amount of money from their family account paid to someone under miscellaneous activity. "No one paid someone under miscellaneous activity Alex. Unless they are a hitman or underground business. I doubt Phillip doing legitimate business knowing he won't sleep at night if he had blood money."
Alex sighs crumpling the paper in his hand and Henry tried to stop him but he tossed it further into the corner before he grabbed Henry by his neck. "Hen, listen." He stares deeply into Henry's eyes and their gaze locked in each other.
"You need to let this go. There is no point in dwelling in this. For once, I'm fucking glad they both died. No one in this world felt that relief such as I did. I know you felt it too." He starts and Henry's gaze lowered. "It's not that easy to forget Alex. They did stuffs to me that I won't be able to forget until the day I died." Henry replied and Alex took a sharp breath still holding on to Henry's neck.
"Maybe this would help." He leaned closer to Henry and pulls him crashing their lips together. Henry melts in Alex soft minty breath and his eyes are closed feeling the softness of Alex's lips in his.
"Forget them, come back to me Hen." He whispered in between their kisses and Henry pressed his lips deeper before Alex let his mouth opened and let Henry's tongue fight dominance in his mouth.
"Do you still want those lessons?" Alex asks in between their kisses and Henry pulls back resting his arms over Alex's shoulder. "What lesson?" He asks innocently and Alex smirked at him. "Hmm, I guess you don't." He says and attempted to leave but Henry caught him and he fell back on bed laughing at his gesture.
Henry climbed on top of Alex's lap and continued his kisses over Alex's lips before Alex raised himself and cupped Henry's waist with his palm. "Tell me what to do." Henry whispered in his ear and Alex could feel his hot breaths over his neck. "Kneeled." He told Henry and pushed him off from his kisses.
Henry was surprised at his sudden toned but decides to obey. He climbed off Alex's lap and kneeled right between his parted legs. His braced one laid straight on the side while his other bended halfway.
Alex leaned forward staring at Henry flushed swollen face with his emotionless one. It surprised Henry to see this side of Alex but he is loving every single bit.
"Is your door locked?" He asks and Henry immediately rushed to his door locking it before he stepped back and kneeled in between Alex's legs. "Good boy." Alex stroked his cheek with his finger and rested his thumb over Henry's parted lower lips. "Open wider." He instructed him and Henry did before Alex pushed his thumb deeper into Henry's mouth.
He did it slow, painfully slow and when he hits the back of Henry's throat, he gagged making him stopped. But Henry caught his wrist and pushed it back into his mouth and this time, Henry didn't gagged. A smirk curved on Alex's lips but he didn't want Henry to see how proud he is at Henry's success.
So he removed his thumb from Henry's mouth and began sucking on his own thumb tasting Henry's minty mouth on his finger. Henry eyed him lustfully before Alex starts putting his index and middle finger over his mouth sucking on his own finger. He pulled it out before he placed it inside Henry's mouth, "Suck them." He commanded and Henry grabbed his wrist before he sucked Alex's long fingers in his mouth tasting Alex's mouth on his finger.
Alex felt the growing erection pressing his pants against the fabric of his sweatpants when Henry took his finger deep inside his throat and almost gagged when it reached beyond it. Alex curled his fingers over the back of Henry's tongue and felt confident enough he could take the next level.
"Enough." He told him and pulled his fingers away from Henry's lips before he took off his clothes and Henry eyed his sculpted muscles over his abdomen. He couldn't stop himself when he leaned and starts kissing Alex's chest and sucked on the curved of Alex's abs until down to his v-line.
"Undo them." Alex told Henry hinted his eyes at his pants and Henry grabbed his waistband pulling it off from Alex's thighs but it caught the brace on his legs. "Uhm, how do I?" Henry asks and Alex undo the strap but Henry stops him, "No, you shouldn't." He told him but Alex smiled. "Only for few hours, it's fine." He says and Henry helped undo the straps on the bottom part and placed the brace down on the floor next to his bed.
He pulled Alex pants off and Alex raised his buttock from the bed for Henry to remove his brief as well. His member sprung out like a spring in an old mattress and Henry couldn't tear his gaze away from staring at it. His hands still pulling Alex's pants off his ankle carefully not to cause him pain and by the time he was done, his hands stroked Alex's tanned thigh earning his member another twitch.
He didn't wait for Alex command before he grabbed Alex's cock in his hand feeling the fullness of his erection in his palm. It was soft, softer than he thought considering the whole time he was pressed against it, it was harder than that. His fingers starts tracing the line on the side of Alex's shaft running it up and down before he noticed the precum leaked through the opening slits.
Alex stares at Henry fascinated by Alex's cock and didn't expect him to stroke his tongue over Alex's slits tasting the cum in his mouth. Alex moaned pressing his lips together feeling Henry's hot breaths fanning over his tip.
"Have you tasted cum before?" Alex asks stopping Henry from licking his tip and his eyes raised to his gaze. He shook his head softly pressing his thumb over Alex's slit and he continued licking on the tip wanting more of that slick stuffs leaked from Alex's tip.
"Take the whole thing." Alex instructed him and Henry let his mouth opened wide to take the whole thing inside his mouth. "Look at me when you do that." He told him and Henry raised his eyes at him. He could see his whole thick shaft disappear into Henry's mouth before he hissed at him. "Watch the teeth. Used your tongue to guide, not your teeth." He told him and Henry opened his mouth wider letting his shaft rested over his tongue.
Henry moves so dreadfully slow with his eyes locked in Alex's gaze running his tongue up and down his shaft. His fingers circled the base of Alex shaft while the other on his bare thigh.
Alex gripped on his shaft pulling it away from Henry's mouth and pointed at the centre of his skin between his shaft and his testicles. "Kiss me here." He told him and Henry leaned forwards pressing his lips over the stretched skin and slowly he run his tongue down on Alex's scrotum tugging on the skin with his lips. Alex moaned when Henry pushed him back on bed and starts stroking Alex's shaft with his palm and his lips continued on sucking the wrinkled skin with his mouth.
Alex moaned louder burying his fingers into Henry's hair when he felt his mouth swallowed his shaft again and when he looked down, Henry is staring at him bobbing his head up and down with his hand massaging his scrotal area.
"Slow down." He stopped Henry by his chin and Henry did but he never released his mouth from Alex's and the more he bopped the harder he sucked creating hollowed on his cheek. "F-Fuck!" Alex whispered watching how Henry expertly stroke his erection with his mouth and he could sense his release soon.
"Do you want to come?" Henry asks and Alex nods frantic, panting in his breaths before he raised his head back to look at him. "Where do you want it?" He asks Henry and he didn't expect Henry to grab his shaft harder and opened his mouth with his tongue slightly taken out, "Here." He said and Alex was impressed at Henry's gesture.
Alex stroked his member but Henry took over seconds later and starts stroking faster than usual. He winced at the feeling of his release edging towards the end and when Henry runs his tongue over the slits again, he was gone.
"Argh! Fuck!" Alex released ropes and ropes of his own released into Henry's mouth and by the time he was done, he saw Henry is licking every single drop that he missed.
Alex raised himself on the bed cupping Henry's chin before Henry sat on his lap again. He pulled Henry by his neck and saw a strand of his cum dripping down on his chin before Alex runs his tongue over Henry's neck up to his chin and sealed his lips over Henry's mouth. Their tongue tangled in Henry's mouth tasting himself inside him.
Henry pants in his breaths by the time Alex done kissing him and they both leaned their foreheads together. "What does it taste like?" Alex asks and Henry pulls back staring at Alex's lips trying to remember the taste of his cum in his mouth.
"Weird. Doesn't taste bad than I thought." He starts and Alex smiled pressing his lips together.
"Salty," Henry continued.
"Thick but not so thick. Like a thick stew."
"Warm. Like pool water on winter days." Henry states and Alex smiled widely at his way of explaining those moments for him.
"You do have ways of describing stuffs Fox." Alex says stroking Henry's waist in his lap. "What does mine taste like?" He asks and Alex lowered his gaze to Henry's shorts and smirked. "Let's see. I forgot what it taste like actually." He says pushing Henry on the bed next to him and he stood from the bed with his broken legs raised an inch above the ground.
Henry scooted himself back so Alex could have space on his rather spacious king size bed. Alex sat on the bed stretching his legs over Henry's mattress before pulling Henry's shirt out and exposed his pale skin and covered forearm. He pressed his lips over Henry's bandage and he smiled at Alex's gesture.
He let Henry laid on his back against the bed before he pulled his shorts and Henry kicked it away from his ankle. Henry let Alex settled in between his legs stroking his inner thigh before Henry inhaled sharply staring at the ceiling above his bed.
"Hey, look at me. Not there." He pulled Henry by his chin and his gaze returned to Alex in between his legs. He could feel his member twitched at each kiss Alex planted on his inner thigh before reaching up to his own erection.
Alex wasn't as rough as he was before, he didn't exactly commanded stuffs for Henry to do except telling him to focus on him and only him. Henry breathe through his pursed lips when Alex mouth wrapped around his length and he starts bobbing his head up and down. He starts slow, too slow for Henry that made him whine and whimper at his gesture. "Faster." He told him in whispers and Alex pulled his mouth away from his length.
"I'm giving orders here, not you." He said and Henry nods before another gasps escape his throat. His hand clenched on the sheets next to him and Alex wrapped his fingers over Henry's clenched fist. He opened his fist to tangle his fingers with Alex and his other hands buried deep into Alex's soft curls.
"Ahh." Henry gasps when Alex starts running his tongue down on the base of his shaft and starts pulling his scrotum up putting Henry's leg over his shoulder to give him way beneath him.
"Ahh. A-Alex." He stops him when he felt Alex tongue closer to his entrance and Alex looked up, "Pain?" He asks and Henry shook his head at him. "Then stop thinking. Just know it's me. Not them. I'm not gonna hurt you Hen." He says and Henry could feel his tears flooding his eyes as he saw Alex leaned his fingers over his cheek. "Just me baby." He whispered before pressing his lips over Henry's and starts putting Henry's legs over his shoulder again.
Henry was shaking when Alex starts running his tongue down on his scrotum and pushed it upward before his tongue starts running around his entrance and Henry could feel his hot breaths with his wet tongue over his entrance.
He clenched feeling Alex's tongue starts wetting the area more and he could feel the twisting knot over the pit of his stomach grew. But when Alex swallowed his length again, Henry is lost. He saw Alex sucked on his index finger before he circled it around Henry's entrance. He gasped when Alex starts pushing it and he fought his fingers from going further.
"Don't. It's gonna cause you more pain." He told him stopping Henry from clenching down his entrance from Alex's finger. Alex spat on his forefinger before he runs it around Henry's entrance again and this time he waited for Henry to relax.
"I'm not gonna force you unless you're not ready Hen. Just tell me then I'll stop." He told him and Henry could see the truth in his eyes. Alex is not gonna hurt him, much less inflicting more pain in himself. So he nods softly and Alex smiled before he told Henry to breathe in and the out through his pursed lips.
The moment Henry did exhaled, Alex pushed his finger inside and Henry gasped clutching on the sheets in his hand. He could feel his entrance stretched not the way Danny or James had made him before. He could remember that time, it was physically tearing him apart and he could feel burning from the tearing of the skin. His entrance was like on fire, the fullness was eating him from the inside.
But this time, it's not. There is no burning, there is no ringing in his ears, no twisting pain in his stomach making him wanted to throw up on the spot. It was oddly weird feeling in his lower half and it wasn't pain either.
Alex could sense Henry is adjusting to his finger when he decides to thrust in and out with his other hand stroking Henry's shaft and his mouth continued swallowing Henry's member in his mouth.
Henry couldn't deny the fact that Alex is substantially an expert in love making. The way he moves his finger inside Henry's entrance and his mouth stroking Henry's hard member in his mouth while he stroke the base of his cock in his calloused hand sending Henry to the edge.
"Fuck- Alex. I'm coming." Henry whispered and Alex smiled in between his bobbed. He released his finger from Henry's entrance and starts bobbing his head up and down Henry's shaft harder, faster sending Henry closer to the edge.
"FUCK!" Henry screamed but Alex had his hand cupped Henry's mouth muffling his voice from screaming and continued his stroke over Henry's member.
It took him seconds before he ejected his seeds spilling it all over his own stomach screaming into Alex's palm. He pants in his own breaths coming down from his high when he felt Alex starts licking away his cum all over his pale skin.
He couldn't catch his breath from what just happened but his eyes stares at Alex licking his sticky skin like he was starved for years and that was the only thing he had to fill himself. Alex climbed back to catch Henry's lips and their breaths sync with Henry tasting his own cum in Alex's mouth.
"What do you taste like?" He asks and Henry shrugs. Alex smiled rubbing the pad of his thumb over Henry's slit and runs his thumb over Henry's lips letting he taste himself and his eyebrow frown. "Bitter. Thicker." Henry says and Alex nodded.
"You're dehydrated." Alex says and rested himself over Henry's stomach letting his breaths calms him down. Henry shifts his gaze to the ceiling above him with Alex circled his fingers over his naked thigh. "I know you're not taking care of yourself these past few days." He told him and Henry exhaled his breaths.
"It felt weird." Henry starts, raising Alex head to face him again. "What's weird?" He asks and felt Henry's finger twirling his hair in their sweaty mess.
"There's no shame. I don't feel like throwing up like before. They are not here to watch me." Henry eyes lurks around the room and Alex stares at his handsome face with a smile on his own.
"It's not gonna be like that from now on. I promise you." He says and Henry raised himself pushing Alex together. "Is it going to hurt if we did it?" He asks crossing his legs on the bed with Alex laid on his side in front of him propped on his elbow. "At start, yes." He told him and Henry lowered his gaze.
"But when you adjusted, it won't be as much. You have to be lubricated enough and prepped enough to proceed. Trust me you're gonna need a lot of lubes." He says and Henry frowned. "The condom already had lubes." He says and Alex snorted at his innocence.
"Not enough babe." He pulled Henry by his neck to kiss him again and Henry smiled when Alex runs his tongue over Henry lips. "I love you." Henry says and Alex smiled wider, "I love you Fox." Before Henry could say anything further, Alex pressed his finger over his lips, "Last word remember?" He says and pressed his lips again shutting Henry from talking further.
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