Part 39

"Get some sleep?" That was the last thing Henry said before he rushed out of Alex's room and he expected him to sleep after what he just did? Alex is beyond smacking his head at this point for what he said to Henry and he wanted to rush out and chased him but his leg had been hurting him more at this point right now.

He didn't exactly remember what time he managed to fall asleep after Henry left and when he finally woke up, he could feel the sun hits the room brighter. He yawned stretching himself up and felt the twitching pain over his legs grew stronger than the day before. He sighs pressing his fingers in between the straps before he put his legs down on the floor.

"Argh!" He yelled out in pain holding on to his brace legs the moment his legs touches the hardwood floor. "Alex?" A voice came behind the door after a soft knock and he immediately recover himself not wanting people to know that he is pain at the moment, hopefully whoever that person is, didn't actually hear him scream.

"Yeap." He answered before the other person opened the door and revealed Phillip in his pale blue dress shirt buttoning up his sleeves. "You okay? I was gonna asks you if you've seen Henry? I sure thought he would be here." He asks and Alex turned sharply at him. "What do you mean? Where is he?" He asks before he tried to get up from the bed but the pain is too excruciating and he yelled out in another pain.

"You okay?" He asks stepping closer to him on the side of the bed staring at him clutching on his legs with his face contorted in pain. "The pain is a bitch!" Alex groaned sitting back on the bed and Phillip had that worried look on his face.

"Wait, what do you say about Henry? Where is he?" He asks and Phillip had his hand over his waist towering over him by the bedside. "I- I don't know. I went to check on him but his bed is untouched. I thought he might sneaked in here to sleep with you. Guess I was wrong about my brother." He says staring at Alex palming his legs in pain.

"He did." Alex adds and Phillip shot him a look, "Well where is he?" He asks turning his head around looking for him. "He's not here, we uhm- he was upset. He left like middle of the night. We should go find him." He tried to stand up again and this time the pain is beyond he imagined and he screamed almost falling to the floor but Phillip caught him.

"We get you to see a doctor first, Christ! One of this days, I'm gonna be the one ended up in the hospital. See if you guys can make it without me!" Phillip grumbled holding on to Alex by his arm and he laughs bravely in pain.

"FIND HENRY!" Phillip yelled at Shan stepping into the staircase before he turned to see Phillip guides Alex towards the car with Charles' help. "What do you mean? Where the hell is he? What happened to him?" Shan asks watching how Phillip was handed a coat to wear over his top body. "Shan meet me at the hospital, take Henry there when you found him and make sure he knows I'm gonna kill him when I found him!" He yells again and before Shan could say anything else and he is already disappeared into the car.


"Wait Phillip, we should find Henry first! What if he's in trouble?" He asks as they wheeled him into the ER and Phillip followed next to him. "They are not here Alex, we are in London, not LA. Don't worry. He's alright, just being his dramatic arsehole of himself." He assured him and Alex sighs before he was told to laid on the bed for them to examined.

"Sir, you need to wait in the waiting room, the doctor will come and talk to you." The nurse told him and he nodded before he turned his gaze back at Alex on the bed, "It'll be alright, you'll be okay." He promised and Alex had his eyebrow furrowed with worry. "Please make sure Henry is alright." He told him and Phillip nodded.


Phillip saw from the end of hallway Henry came running with Shan besides him. He was frantic and his eyes are searching for Alex when his gaze finally landed at Phillip and he rushed faster towards him.

"What happened? Where is he?" Henry asks and his eyes are wide. "Where have you been?!" He yelled back at him but he felt relieved at the sight of him.

"Nowhere, just around." He lied, his eyes lurking around for Alex. "What did the doctor says?" He asks and Phillip shrugs, "No idea, no one came out yet." He told him and he could see Henry is not waiting any longer. He barged inside the revolving door and tried to locate Alex by himself and Phillip couldn't stop him.



Henry yelled going cubicle by cubicle looking for him and only the last turned he finally found him lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Alex!" He rushed to his side stroking his curly hair back before he finally stirs to wake. "Hen?" He called opening his eyes wider surprised at Henry by his side before he raised himself up but Henry pushed him back against the bed.

"Easy love. Just relax." Henry told him and he could see Alex grogginess had him fell back to sleep.

After a while, Phillip joined Henry and Alex after and he was followed by the doctor talking to Phillip on their way in. Henry was resting his head on Alex's palm when he heard them walked in. "What is it? What happened to him?" Henry asks lifting his head up to look at them.

"He had his plates moved." The doctor starts and Henry eyed Phillip inhaled sharply at the X-ray slides over the screen of the doctor's iPad. "How?" He asks and the doctor sighs, "One thing, he moves too much. The other is that probably he's not using his crutches to walk. His leg should not be weight bearing for weeks."

Henry sighs pressing his fingers over his temple before turning his gaze back at Alex on bed, "Yeah, he hates them. He said it slows him down." His eyes lowered to his hand wrapped around Alex's cold tanned palm listening to his heartbeat beeps steadily by the monitor on his bedside.

"Well I have to in order to catch up with you." Alex finally voiced out opening his eyes and Henry shot him a surprised look. "Hey, a-are you okay?" He asks and Alex can see the redness in Henry eyes from his blurry vision. He raised himself slowly but Henry helped him by raising the headrest higher. "Rest Mr Claremont, you need to let the bone healed. We don't want to get you back in surgery soon." The doctor told him and Alex smiled putting his thumbs up with a sheepish grin on his face.

"I'm so sorry." Henry says with his eyes low but Alex tilted his chin up and he can see Henry's guilt riddance face before he wrapped himself around Alex's neck. "I'm going to the office, Shan will take you guys home alright?" Phillip told him and Henry finally untangled himself from Alex. "Thanks Pip." He told him but Phillip eyed him angrily, "You and me, hallway, now!" Phillip told Henry sternly and he sighs before he leaned to kiss Alex on his lips. "I'll be right back." He whispered and Alex eyed him walking out from the room following Phillip leaving Shan alone with him.

"Where did you find him?" Alex asks and Shan darted a look at him.


"Where the hell were you?! I woke up and you aren't there. Thought you went to sleep in Alex's room but no one sees you. I finished breakfast and you still not there at the house! Where the hell were you?!" Phillip's voice whispered not wanting people to actually hear him yelled at his little brother for sneaking out like a teenager.

"Pip! Chill!" Henry told him but Phillip had enough of him acting this way, "I am not going to chill Henry! I am not your babysitter! I have a life on my own and you are running around getting yourself hurt every single seconds is not making my life easy! I can't have you hurt knowing she is out there plotting it against you!" Phillip held Henry's arm tight in his grip but Henry flipped and pulled it away from him.

"I don't need a reason to tell anyone where I've been or what have I been doing! Just laid off! Plus! She's not there!" Henry pushed him by his shoulder but Phillip caught him and pulls him back to face him. "What's gotten in to you?! This isn't you! How the fuck would you know that she's not there? You went home?" Phillip yelled and he can see the tears starts flooding over Henry's eyes.

"You're right Pip! This isn't me! I am not me anymore and I am not the same Henry anymore! I don't even fucking know who I am much less acted the way I should! So yeah, I fucking went home to see her, I need to know!" Henry bangs the wall next to him and Phillip pushed him by his shoulder to calm him down.

"Breathe." He told him and Henry inhaled deeply before he exhaled. His tears flooded down on his cheek and his eyes stares at his side refused to face Phillip in front of him. "What is it? Talk to me." Henry sniffed his tears clenching his jaw before he could finally face his brother.

"I'm fucked up Pip. I couldn't-" he stopped himself pressing his lips together.

"I don't understand Hen. Please. Tell me." Phillip eyed him as he slides down on the floor crouching against the wall. "Forget about it." Henry told him before he stood up and wiped his tears with his palm. Phillip sighs not wanting to press him further for info knowing Henry will open up if he wanted too.

"I'll see you back at home. I'm sorry for disappearing." He told him and almost left in a rush when Phillip caught his hand again. Henry turned to face him and felt Phillip pulled him in for a hug instead. "I'm right here Hen. You know that. Just take one day at the time."

Phillip whispered in his ears and Henry nods softly, "Bea is moving in tonight, would you please help her. Charles will set another room downstairs for her." Phillip told him and he nodded. "No more disappearing." He says as he cupped Henry's cheek and he smiled.


Henry walked back into Alex's room and the nurse was taking his vitals. She turned to face Henry behind her and smiled, "I'm about done, he's good to go after this. But please make sure you look after him, he is under a really strong drugs." She told him and Henry nods crossing his arm.

"Don't worry. I won't let him out of my side." Henry says and Alex smiled groggily at him. "Looking forward too babe." He slurred and Henry frowned at the nurse, "He's high on the morphine." She says laughing at Alex chuckling on the bed.

Henry shook his head in disbelief before Alex handed out his palm for him. He stepped in closer grabbing his hand in his before he took a seat on Alex's bed. "I'll wait outside." Shan told him and Henry nodded thanking him. "He's so handsome." Alex babbles earning Henry a sharp look, "You don't want to mess with him." Henry warned and Alex smiled widely, "Well, why would I need him when I have you." He could see Henry smiled but he hides his face by lowering his gaze down. The were both sitting in an awkward silence again before Alex breaks them.

"Where did you go Hen? I can't sleep last night thinking about you." Alex states although Henry could hear the slurring still in his voice and his eyes are barely stayed opened. "I need to clear my head." Henry says lowering his gaze at their tangled hands.

"Shan told me you are at your old home. Why did you go there?" He asks and Henry looked up sighing, "I just need to see if she's there." He says and Alex sighs swallowing his throat. "Did she?" Henry stroked Alex's hands in his before he shook his head, "Unfortunately no." Henry's voice is soft and yet disappointing. "Hen." Henry felt a finger under his chin lifting his gaze to meet with Alex's eyes.

"Don't go look for trouble, promise me." Alex asks and Henry's eyes widen at his words. He nods softly before resting his head over Alex's chest and he could feel the comforting stroke from Alex's warmth palms over his cheek. He let Alex runs his fingers through Henry's hair and Henry exhaled a long breath in his touched.


The ride back home was silent and Alex was falling asleep on Henry's shoulder. By the time they reached the mansion, he couldn't bear his heart to wake him. He softly pressed his lips over Alex's forehead inhaling his scent of musk and cinnamon in him. He stirred in his sleep when he felt Henry's hand gripped tight in his. "Are we home?" He asks groggily and Henry hummed.

"Let's get you to bed." Henry whispered and Alex sighed longly before Henry opened the car door followed by Alex behind him.

"Easy." Henry told him helping Alex get in bed, placing his crutches on the side and pulled the blanket over his chest tucking him to sleep. "I'll get someone to send you some lunch." Henry says and was about to leave when Alex gripped his wrist. "Stay." He whispered knowing Henry didn't get enough sleep as much as he did last night either and Henry sighed longly staring down at him. He pulled off his jacket and climbed on the bed next to Alex before he wrapped himself around Alex's warmth body. They both inhaled simultaneously before exhaling a long breath and soon fell asleep in each other's arm.


The dreams came back.

The laughter, the grunt, the screamed all coming back haunting Henry in his sleep. It has been weeks since the last time he had those dreams and mostly it was due to the coma but he was off it.

He was running, he couldn't remember the last time he was running from James nor Danny but he remembers those hallways. It wasn't back in LA, it was in Eton. The night he had that call of his father's death, he was running down the hallway and he remembers stumbling down few steps along the way to catch his call.

"I love you Henry, my boy. Take care of your mother for me." His father's words whispering in his ears or probably his mind at the moment. He could see his wrinkled, pale, jaundiced hand wrapped around Henry's small fingers.

"Dad. Don't leave." Henry whispered feeling his father fading from his grip.

"Scream Hen." His father told him. "Scream as loud as you want." Henry couldn't help furrowed his eyebrow at his command. "Scream, no one will hear you." He was clueless, confused at why his father told him that and he could feel his thin fingers pressing stronger over his wrist causing pain inflicted in his arm.

Slowly Henry can see his father's face turned to Danny's and when he turned to escape, James was right there blocking him. "Nowhere to run." He says holding on to Henry tight on his shoulders. Henry fought him off but he felt his gripped is too strong for him to fight and slowly his hand raised above his chest and roughly gripped on Henry's neck.

He gasped for air trying to breath when he felt the tightening feeling on his throat and the more he fought, the more he couldn't breathe.

"Stop! Please!" He pushed James' hand away but it only gripped it tighter around his neck and Henry had his mouth apart fighting his way out of his grip.

"Henry! Wake up!" That familiar voice echoed again in Henry's mind but he is too afraid to open his eyes to see what's in front of him.



"Hen wake up baby please." Henry felt familiar about that concerning voice and he recognized it immediately. It was Alex.

"Alex." His voice croaked feeling the tightness slowly loosen and when he opened his eyes he could see that James is not there to choke him anymore but rather an empty space before he finally gasped and woken up to Alex towering next to him.

"There you are, there you are." Alex pants in his breaths cupping Henry's cheek as he slowly awake catching his breaths. "J-James." He whispered and Alex huffed shaking his head before he cupped Henry's cheek to face him, "He's not here, he's thousand miles away remember? You're safe Hen." He whispered and Henry shakes in his grip.

"N-No, he was he-here." Henry shakes terribly and Alex could feel him trembling in fear. "Babe, listen to me, look at me." Alex pulled Henry's cheek to face him, his mouth fell apart panting in his breaths as he tried to focus on Alex.

"Listen to me. Breathe in." He told Henry as he tried to follow his command. "Breathe out." Alex helped him again and Henry breathe out through his pursed lips. "Again." Alex told him and he did, together.

It took him a while but Henry managed to calm himself down and he was leaning against the headrest with Alex laid on his side with his elbow propped against his head. His braced legs rested firmly on a pillow while he stares at Henry next to him.

"Talk to me. I never seen you had that kind of nightmare before." Alex whispered stroking his fingers over Henry's knuckles.

"I don't know. I don't remember." He can hear hoarse in Henry's voice from what happened earlier. Alex sighs bringing Henry's hand over his lips, "No lies remember." Henry took a sharp breath before he laid back on the pillow and face Alex on his side. "I don't want to talk about it, please." Henry whispers closing his eyes from Alex burning gaze.

"Okay, how about last night then? Should we talk about it?" Alex asks and Henry still had his gaze sets in between him and Alex.

"What's there to talk about?" He asks and he could hear Alex sighs before his finger tilted Henry's chin to face him. "Hen you don't want to rush this." Alex starts and Henry finally shifts his gaze towards him.

"You don't know that." Henry's voice breaks and Alex eyebrows furrowed, "Hen, what is it? Why does it bother you so much?" He asks and Henry inhaled another breath, "Because I don't want you to lose interest on me." Alex could feel his heart broke when he heard Henry words.

"What makes you say that Hen?" He raised himself propping himself on his elbow while Henry remained on his side with his hand pressed under his cheek. "Come on Alex. When was the last time you had sex with anyone? Before.." Henry stopped himself and stares into Alex's eyes. He could see how his question hits him when he was silence for a while.

"I didn't think that would bother you that much." He adds and Henry sighs. "From all the months I've known you, there is one thing I know is that you are - flamboyant." Alex raised his eyebrow at him surprised at Henry's choice of word.

"Are you saying you're regretting being with me?" He asks and Henry shook his head, "NO! That's not what I meant. I know you had needs and I don't think I can-" Henry stops himself before he lowered his eyes at him. "I don't want you to get bored with me when I can't give you what you want." Henry swallowed his throat dryly feeling the lump in his throat grew when he couldn't hear any responses from Alex.

He didn't expect when Alex pulled him by his waist closer and grabbed Henry's chin to face him before he pressed his lips deeper into Henry's. When he pulled away from Henry's lip, they both exhaled in their breaths and Henry leaned his forehead against Alex's.

"That doesn't help either." Henry whispered and Alex tried to hide his smirk from him. "It does to me. Helps me feels better knowing you had that doubts about us." Henry eyelid raised again staring at Alex confused. "What do you mean?"

Alex pressed his lips before he took another breath. "I was thinking about us the whole night yesterday. How I'm might- not- be- your best choice of a boyfriend." Henry eyes furrowed as he raised himself to look at Alex whom had his gaze low to the sheet underneath him. "What are you saying? You don't want to be with me?" Henry asks and Alex could sense hurt in his voice.

"No, babe, no. I just think that maybe there is other people more suited than me to be your partner. Your boyfriend."

"What makes you think you're not?"

"Hen, your family is loaded, your brother just bought himself a mansion like he went shopping for shoes. I- I don't think I could fit in here."

"My - family, not me! I don't think you would thought of us that way!"

Henry raised himself in anger and Alex followed although his legs are still rested over the pillow.

"You know what I meant. I never think of your wealth would get into my head like this but it does bother me. Which is why I never said anything but the actual realization of how fucking rich your family money is, it bothers me."

"So you don't want to be with me because of our family's money? Is that it?"

"NO! I want to be with you because of you Hen not because of your family but I don't want to wake up one day knowing how you might change your mind about me when you finally find someone that actually suited to be by your side!"

"I can't believe you said that." Henry whispered and Alex can see how his face dropped from anger into despair.

"I'm sorry Hen but you need to know how I feel about all of this. So that one day it won't be coming back biting me on my ass and people would told me how I should have seen this coming."

"That's just ridiculous. Look at me Alex!" Henry tone hinted with anger and Alex finally raised his gaze at him.

"I'm fucked up, mentally and physically. What kind of an normal person would want to be with me? One thing for sure is that I know somehow, you will wake up one day and decides I'm not worthy enough for you to fight anymore. Because I'm too fucked up." He can hear breaks in his voice but before Alex could say anything else, Henry cuts him off. 

"I can't do this right now." Henry was about to leave the bed when Alex pulled him by his shirt and he huffed back in bed before he was pressed against the bed in Alex's gripped. He let his braced legs rested on Henry so he won't be able to run from him. 

"Let go of me Claremont!" Henry yelled and Alex smirked at his attempt.

"It's Claremont-Diaz!" He corrected still gripped Henry's wrist tight into the mattress.

"Fuck that, who fucking cares!" Henry protest pushing his way out but Alex had a stronger grip on his and his braced legs are heavy against Henry's preventing him from leaving and also from hurting Alex.

"You would. You were so adamant to keep me in your life. You tell me." Alex teased and Henry gave up trying to fight his way out especially when Alex rested his top body over Henry's and he couldn't move out from Alex's caged arms.

"I changed my mind, you are insufferable to live with. Forget what I said." Henry pushed him by his chest but Alex won't budge. It annoys him that Alex barely moves an inch, "Move Sasquatch!" Henry pushed but Alex still had his gazed smirking sets over Henry right below him.

"Make me Fox!" Alex teased him further but it only annoyed him more and Henry finally found his strength to flip them over and now he got the upper hand being on top of Alex. "You are such a tease!" Henry's words seethed through his teeth when he finally sat on top of Alex and he could see that stupid smiling dimple over Alex's face made him even more infuriated, or probably turned on.

Henry was filled with anger, stressed and annoyance when he finally realized that all of those emotions are channeling from one source, his sexual frustration. "What you're gonna do Fox? Talk me till I fell asleep?" Alex teased him again and he can sense how his teasing had Henry grew in frustration. He kept clenching his jaw tight staring at Alex beneath him in his grip.

"You are so fucking annoying!" Henry says with his teeth clenched and Alex smiled chuckling at his attempt to anger Henry further. "Ditto." Alex told him and next thing he knew, Henry gripped his shirt, pulling him up and crashed his lips together with Alex.

Henry was wild kissing Alex roughly and they are practically out of breaths when Henry had his hand underneath Alex's shirt pulling it off his body. Alex mouth gaped at Henry's lips practically attacking his mouth right now. He could feel their tongue fighting for dominance and Henry pressed himself deeper into Alex's waist feeling his growing member pressed against him.

"Hen. Ahh." Alex moaned, gripped into Henry's waist harder and Henry found his fingers buried deep into Alex's curly hair. His tongue travels down to Alex's neck sucking on his tanned skin. He could feel Henry's erection pressing against his stomach and his hand found the button of Henry's pants.

Alex runs his mouth lower on Henry's jaw down to his neck earning him a moaned. He could feel Henry cupped his palm on Alex's harder as he trails his kisses lower on Henry's collarbone. He loves when his kisses leaves reddish bright marks over Henry's pale skin and when Henry's shirt is peeled away from his body, Alex gawked at his bare hairless chest unlike his own.

"Are you sure?" He asks him and Henry pulled him by his neck before crashing their lips again. "Just shut up." He whispered in between their kisses.

Alex could feel their growing member pressed against each other especially with Henry's half done pants revealing his growing bulge in his briefs made Alex gripped his waist harder. His fingers traced the line of Henry's waistband with his tongue trails kisses over Henry's chest.

Henry shudders in his breaths when he felt Alex's hot breath over his skin and his hand palming over his growing erection when he had those flashes of images back in his mind.

It always back on that horrid night, the light flashes from Danny's car, the way the ceiling covered by cobweb and the roughness of dirt underneath his palm when he tried to crawl his way out on the dirt covered floor.

James laughing, cackling behind him, he could hear him. He bet if he opened his eyes, he might sees them so Henry shut his eyelid tight creating wrinkles on the side. When Alex had his fingers pulling his waistband lower, Henry panicked. He gripped Alex's wrist stopping him and by the time Alex realized, Henry had shaken in fear with his eyes shuts and his lips mutters words he couldn't comprehend. "Hen?"

Alex stopped immediately when he sees Henry starts breathing rapidly than usual and his eyes are now glistened with tears as he quickly removed himself from Alex's lap and sat against the headboard hugging his legs.

"See, I told you, not ready." Alex told him and Henry had tears flooded his eyes when he finally realized and he saw Alex pulled away from him before he sat by his side with his brace leg stretches next to Henry's legs.

Alex tried to reach for Henry's hand when he flinched and pulled away clasping it together in tremble. "I c-can't." He pants and Alex raised himself leaning against the headboard next to Henry with his eyes still kept focus on Henry.

He could see the rise and fall of Henry's chest rapidly but he was staring at the spaces before him when Alex leaned closer to Henry's shoulder facing him. "Come back to me." He whispered to him pressing his lips over Henry's bare skin and Henry turned his teary eyes towards Alex's and slowly he broke into a soft sobs and Alex couldn't bear his heart to see Henry like this.

He pulled him closer to his chest as Henry wrapped his arms around his waist and Alex did the same by wrapping his arms around Henry's broad body.

"Shh, it's okay." He whispered into Henry's ears rocking him back and forth as he calm himself in Alex's embrace. "We have all the time in the world Hen, no rush." He whispered in his ear and Henry looked up with his teary eyes at him. He didn't reply except pressing his face closer on the crook of Alex's neck letting him wrapped him tighter in his arm.


The soft knock on the door raises Alex's attention back into the room. He was lost in his thoughts with Henry still wrapped around his waist when he heard the knock. "Sir?" Shan's voice whispered gently behind the door as it opened halfway and Alex cleared his throat, "Uhm-" Shan peaked his head from behind the door finding Henry fell asleep in Alex's embrace before Alex could say anything and couldn't hide his smile curved on his face.

"Shouldn't you be the one resting right now?" He asks as he stepped closer and Alex smiles. "He had another nightmare." Alex told him and Shan face changed from grinning to a worry. "Is he-?" He couldn't bare to ask the obvious question knowing well Henry is not alright, "For now, let him sleep." Alex replied and he nods.

"Shall I bring the lunch here then?" He asks and Alex was kind of hungry since he didn't had his breakfast earlier and he bet Henry didn't had his either. So he nods with a soft smile on his face and Shan left the room shutting the door behind him. 

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