Part 37

"I'm fine Bea." Henry was talking to his sister few days later after Phillip told him that she is getting madder than the hatter staying back in London. She was practically screaming at him before he finally gave in to her demand.

"I am getting mad right here, are you coming home soon? Has the doctor said anything?" She flooded him with questions and Henry couldn't help looking at Alex from behind his phone as he was staring at his own over the edge of Henry's bed ignoring him. Phillip on the other hand paced around the room with his phone pressed on his ear assuming he talked to someone from his office.

"I don't know Bea, maybe." He sighs trying not to stare at his phone screen so much as it raised his headache further. "Look, look." She told him before the screen starts to shake and she was walking with her phone in her hand. Henry shut his eyes tight trying to ease the headache building but Bea kept asking him to look at her on the screen.

When the screen finally settles, he saw her standing in front of a long mirror holding out her bulging stomach that grew twice the size since the last he saw her. "Oh my God Bea, you're getting close aren't you?" He says hiding his pain behind his eyes and Bea smiles widely rubbing her stomach.

"I know, six weeks more and counting. I can't wait to get her out. She is kicking me like I'm a punching bag." She sat back on her bed in her own house that she had and Henry is glad she is not back at their childhood home.

"Have you talk to her?" Henry finally spoke about their mother and Bea was quiet before she finally answered him. "No. I don't think I can face her after what she did to you." Henry sighs pressing his finger over his temple before he sat up straight on his bed.

"You okay Hen? You look like you're gonna vomit." She says and just on cue, Alex shot his head up to look at Henry's face pale and his throat bobbed up and down trying to hold down whatever is coming. But he didn't expect when Henry turned to his side and start hurling everything inside his stomach. "Shit!"

Alex jumped from his seat and Phillip immediately ended his call before he grabbed the trash can and hold it out for Henry although it might seems pointless by now. "I'll get the doctor." Phillip told them as Alex holding out the bin for Henry to continue hurling and Bea's panicked voice were muffled by the blanket on top of Henry's phone.

It took him a while but Henry finally managed to stop from vomiting and Alex grabbed a tissue box by his bedside and handed it to him before Henry wiped his own mouth with it. He thanked him and noticed Bea's still calling out from his phone so he handed the phone to Alex. "Tell her I'm fine. I'll call her later." He told him with a dry heaving sound and Alex nodded.

"Bea, hey. I'm Alex." He noticed that Bea and him never spoke and he can see how frantic she is over the screen and tears were running down her face before she saw him. "Is he alright? Where's Pip?" She asks in tears and Alex tried to calm her down as best as he could. "He's fine, he's fine. he's here, see?" He flipped the camera for her to see but it didn't help when she sees Henry leaning his head back on his pillow with his palm over his forehead.

He tried to hide the residue vomit over the side of his bed before the doctor barged in with the nurses and Phillip followed behind them. "Bea, gotta go. Call you later. Love you." Pip told her after he grabbed the phone from Alex hand and immediately ended the call. Alex knew Phillip didn't want her to see Henry being surrounded by these people and worrying about him.

Both Alex and Phillip stared at the doctor examining Henry and the nurse helped cleaning him up and changed the sheets over the bed before the doctor held her waist cocking her head to the side. "How long were you on the screen?" She asks and Henry turned to look at Phillip behind her.

"Not long. Few minutes I think." He replied and she took a sharp breath before she exhaled and wrote something on her folder.

"New rules, no screen, no phones or electronic until your brain swelling is gone, understood?" She says and Phillip sighs in relieve but Alex was not convince otherwise. "Shouldn't we get another CT just to be sure?" He asks and the doctor turned to look at him before turning her gaze back at Henry.

"I supposed but I don't see it's necessary for now. We'll continue to monitor and hopefully within the next few days no more new symptoms." She told Henry and he raised himself on the bed, "Is that mean I can go home soon?" He asks and Alex felt like a stab in his heart when Henry mentioned those words to her.

"In time, we'll see how it goes." She replied shortly before excusing herself and once the nurse are done they left them in the room.

"I'm gonna tell Shan to grab you guys dinner." Phillip says before he left the room finding it awkward silence in between them. After the door closed, Henry stayed silent in bed with Alex sat by the couch staring at the floor before him. No words slipped their mind and Henry finds it odd for Alex to be this quiet.

"Are you okay?" Henry finally asks seeing the silent is killing them both on the inside. Alex clicked his tongue at him before turning his face to his side and Henry could almost see his eyes are red in tears. "Alex, what is it?" He asks and he sighs desperately. "Couldn't wait to go home wouldn't you?" Henry could hear the break in his voice when he said those words and his eyes lowered knowing Alex is upset at his questions earlier.

"Alex we've talked about this." Henry starts but Alex cut him off abruptly by standing up and held his waist. "No, we don't! You just got out of coma and now you're - leaving." Alex felt his words stabbed him deeper in his stomach and the more he thought about it, the more painful it is twisting inside.

"I can't lose you again Hen." He whispered and Henry didn't say anything else.

"Alex, you know that this is inevitable. Why fighting about this. I was not supposed to be here remember?" He told him and Alex scoffed.

"No! You are supposed to be here, with me. We were meant to be!" Alex protest in denial and Henry didn't replied further. He knows there is nothing that he said would changed the fact that he and Alex need to go back to their reality soon, no matter how much they are avoiding it.

"You can't deny that out of all the students, you ended up bunking with me! We were supposed to be at college making memories! Not this-" He eyed Henry over the bed seeing how messed up situation had become since and he can't deny the fact that Henry felt the same either.

"Whatever Hen, you seemed to got everything all figure out." He says weakly before Alex tried to limp his way out but Henry stopped him.

"Don't walk out on us! Talk to me damn it!" For the first time in Alex's life, he finally felt relieved that Henry was the one that fought for him to stay instead of Alex. "To do what Hen? You made your choice." He asks and Henry gulped his throat before he could find his words again.

"Talk to me. We figured things out but don't walk away! Please. The last time I did, I got hurt and I don't want us to fight again." Alex stopped before he saw how hurt Henry words had got to him and he hate how broken Henry look right now. He sighed before he walked closer to Henry and sat on the edge of the bed and tangled his fingers over Henry's pale one.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and Alex nodded, "I know it's hard but I need to go home Alex. I have things I need to settle for the sake of my own family." He told him and Alex shot him a look with a furrowed eyebrow. "Tell me." He folded his one leg on Henry's bed while his casted one dangled on the floor beneath him.

Henry took a deep breath before he exhaled them palming Alex hand in his grip as he stared at his veins. "The day that we got your news, I was overdosed in my bathroom." He could see Alex shot him a devastating look and if he looked further maybe a disappointing one too.

"How?" He asks and Henry finally looked up, "Phillip thinks it was my mother. Which is why he insisted to bring me out from the house, so he could get me away from her but didn't expect I would end up this way." He say and Alex saw he tried to hide his tears at how ironic this was.

"Which is why I need to go home. She is plotting something and I need to know what she's up too. I need to protect my family, my niece." He says and somehow he saw a smile grew wider on Alex's face. "Then I'll come with you." Henry eyes shot up at his offer before he pulled his hand away from him.

"N-No Alex you can't. You have to stay here." He says and Alex glared at him, "To do what? Sit and do nothing? I got weeks off remember?" He pointed at his legs and Henry still had that frown over his face, "You need to go for your therapy, you had classes to catch up plus-" Henry was cut off by Alex pressing his lips over Henry's. Their breath synced and the moment their lips parted, Henry mouth left gaped apart and Alex had that satisfying smile over his face.

"You need to let me figure out my own life Hen, my choice." He whispered and Henry smiled shyly at him.

"Plus I get to see your sister, and your niece." He says leaning against Henry bed right on top of his legs with his hand folded underneath his temple.

"She's not due for another six weeks." Henry told him and Alex laughs,

"Well if she's anything like Alex, she'll be here in two." A sudden voice heard from behind Alex and they both shot a look towards the door and found Ellen walking in with Oscar followed behind her.

"Mum!" Alex called out for her and she smiles but she headed straight to Henry and wrapped her arm around him. Henry smiles widely at her gesture pressing her lips over Henry's cheek while Alex pouted. "Wait, did you just overheard our conversation?" He asks curious at what his mum would thought about him visiting Henry in London. "Nooo.. just the six weeks part." She slurred before wrapping her arm tighter around Henry's shoulder and half-hugged him from her side. She pressed her lips for another kiss on the side of Henry's temple before she wiped the residue of her lipstick on Henry's skin making Alex jealous.

"Hey, I'm your son! You should kiss me first." Ellen glared at Alex lying on Henry's legs before she cupped his chin and kissed him in between his eyebrow.

"Don't be snippy! Learn to share darling now that we're family." She told him and went to place her bag over the couch behind him. "Yeah, welcome to Claremont, no boundaries family!" He told Henry and he laughs at him.

"Actually, it's officially, Claremont-Diaz from now on." Oscar says clasping Ellen's hand in his and they both stood side by side with a sheepish smile on their face. Alex turned his head sharply towards them before he saw his mum raised her left hand and showed him her official wedding band together with Oscar.

"OH MY GOD!!" He yelled his highest pitch voice and went to hug both of them in one embrace with Henry smiling happily over his bed watching them engulfed into one big family hug. He smiled seeing how happy they are and couldn't help shedding few tears of his own.

"Aw Henry." Ellen saw how he tried to wipe his tears with the heel of his palm before she went to his side and pulled him into another hug.


"Well I supposed you wanted to take your gap year now?" Ellen asks and both Alex and Henry turned at each other. Phillip stood next to her crossing his arms over his chest with both Shan and Oscar sat behind them over the couch.

"Maybe apply to different school, who knows?" Alex suggested and Henry didn't expect him to say that while he stares at Alex beside him. "Why?" He asks softly and Alex shrugs, "I can't see myself going back to that place, it's too traumatizing. Everything about that place reminds me of -" his eyes linger over Henry's face and Henry knew exactly what he meant.

He stroked Alex's back with a comforting circles and Phillip snapped his finger, "How about we just take it slow. Maybe spend this time to heal before getting back on your feet. I'm sure Ellen or Oscar won't mind." Phillip says and Oscar didn't have anything to protest except that Ellen is still contemplating to let Alex went to London with Henry while in recovery.

"Mum, please." He plead with his both palm pressed together. She sighs longly before turning her gaze back at Alex over the bed, and turned to Henry whom stayed silently besides him. "You promised to take care of him?" She asks and Henry turned his gaze to her, "With my life." He replied and Alex smiled before he leaned pressing his lips over Henry.

"Okay love birds, break it up." Ellen told them and both Alex and Henry pulled away from their kisses and laughs. "You're lucky you can't make me a grandmother yet. I am not ready for that." Ellen mutters joining Oscar on the couch, "You never know mum." He teased and Henry snorted next to him.

"Oy, oy! Finished school first then get a job, and then get married! Kids later." Phillip detest and Henry laughs at his gesture.


Alex couldn't believe himself packing his stuffs away in a box and his luggage ready to leave this horrid place. He remembers the time he had packed for his arrival here and all the times he had procrastinating to unpack. Mostly he was grateful how he had met Henry and never would he thought would be this in love with someone.

"Do you really gonna leave me?" Nora pouts by the door and Alex looked up to meet her sad gaze. He smiled before he stood and stepped closer to her pulling her for a hug. "It's not that we aren't gonna see each other, we will! Except a lot lesser." Nora still pouts over the fact that Alex was her first friend here and they had grew accustomed to their rituals of getting coffee or late night snacks to study and now she is all alone.

"Promise me you'll call soon as you arrived?" She asks pulling away from him and he nods with a sheepish smile on his face. "You bet. Maybe you'll come visit then. We can hang out." Alex suggest and she smiles. "Maybe you can tell me that Henry's family hide skeleton in their closet." She joked and Alex didn't find it amusing and instead he glared at her.

Nora helped Alex got his boxes out from the dorm room and into Oscar's car while Alex took a while to reminisce the time he had together here staring at the crowd over the promenade.

"Alex?" Oscar called but he didn't realized his voice when Oscar stepped closer grabbing the box in his hand and he startled, "S-Sorry." He told him and let Oscar grabbed the box in his hand and placed them inside the boot. "You okay?" He asks and he inhaled sharply before he let out a breath looking at the view around the campus.

"It hurts to leave this place knowing how much it meant to us." He whispered and Oscar can hear his voice breaks. He remembered the time he walks those crosswalks countless of time or the tracks that lead to the abandoned barn where Henry used to read and sing. He remembered the video footage of Danny's car dropping Henry right where Oscar parked his car. There's too much to feel and remembered within minutes. He made the right choice, he knew he did but why does it hurts so much to think of the past?

"It'll be alright. Soon you will start new, making new friends, new memories." He told him and he smiled nodding at him. "Shall we get coffee one last time?" Nora suggested and Oscar smiles agreeing with her. Alex nodded his head before he opened the door for her and they went inside the car while Oscar drove them to the coffee shop, one last time.

Usually they would be sitting by the corner or if the weather is nice, outside table but since they are going back to the hospital, they both stood in the line waiting for their coffee order and their pastries while engaging into a conversation.

Alex didn't realized when Miguel approached him and taps on his shoulder before he turned and soon as he did, he groaned in frustration.

"You're the last person I wanted to see Miguel. You better leave before I broke your jaw and your already busted nose." He told him without even glancing at him. "So just like that, you're gonna leave and chased that British asshole to the end of the world?" He asks and Alex turned sharply at his words unable to control his hand that now had a tight grip over his collar.

"Alex! Stop it! It's not worth it!" Nora pulled his hand away from Miguel's grip and she too was annoyed at how Miguel got under Alex skin. "Yeah Alex. It's not worth it. I bet it kills you that they won. I'm not surprised at all. To be honest, I told everyone that he was lying in the first place, I was right." He said and just on cue, it wasn't that Alex reacted but rather Nora.

She was quicker than anything and Alex barely had time to react when she grabbed the glass of milkshake by the other person's table and threw them all over Miguel's head soaking him in the white, thick, frothy sugar. "What the fuck!" He yelled but Nora didn't stop there when she grabbed one of the scones on the other person's table and shoved them inside Miguel's mouth shutting him up.

"Listen here asshole! No matter what you did, everyone that knows Henry, knew he is innocent and because of you, you just let two rapist walked around campus freely finding their next victim. If I were you, I would be very careful on saying anything. No one gives a shit about you here anyway, not even them." The whole cafe stopped and stared at both Nora and Miguel who's now covered in milkshake and stunt silenced fell inside that small space. 

Alex was staring at Nora proudly behind her before they heard their order being called and he grabbed them. They both left the cafe feeling victorious especially seeing Miguel speechless with a scones in his mouth and a spilled milkshake over the top of their head.

"That was bad ass!" Alex yelled inside the car when Oscar pulls out from the parking lot and Nora laughs. He told him what happened and to be honest, he didn't exactly like confrontation but he knew Miguel deserves it for what he did in Henry's case.


"You are not cleared for discharged if you don't listen to my instruction Mr Fox." The doctor told him and he was already changing into his normal clothes that Shan had brought and buttoning it up when he heard her. "Okay." He slurred while seating on the edge of the bed barefoot in his room while Phillip and Shan stared at him. "Listen to her." He told him and he glared back at Phillip.

"No screen time, I mean it. It's not just for the headaches Henry, it's to prevent you getting anymore seizure. You hear me?" She asks and Henry nods but Phillip decides to step in between him and the doctor. "I thought the seizure is just because he had the bleed, now he's better, would he still be getting seizure?" He asks helping Henry buttoning up his dress shirt and Henry let him.

"It can be. Most cases it resolved on his own but in his case, we might be too early to say it isn't. So just watch out for it alright?" She told him and he nodded after he is done with Henry shirt.

"Anything else?" He asks and the doctor flipped through his folder in her hand and sighs, "I really don't like discharging you this early but I understand you want to follow up back at your own home so I trusted you will bring him there on Wednesday for his first appointment?" She asks Phillip and he nodded, "Yup."

"No! I can go with Shan and Alex. You can go back to work." Henry protest but he didn't take it as well as he should. "Are you ditching me already now that you have a boyfriend?" Henry glared back at him when he saw him smirked at him.

"I think it's time I fix other people's lives Pip, starting with yours." He says before he stood and left him right in the middle of the conversation. "What is that supposed to mean Henry?!" He yelled but Henry chose to ignore him.


"I don't get how mum let you go in the first place. This sucks!" June protest pouting over the fact that her brother get to spend weeks in London while she is stuck here working. "Oh come on June. Mum is going honeymoon soon and it's not like she would leave if I stick around." She pouts further thinking about her mum and Oscar is going to spend the next two months cruising for their honeymoon. "It's not fair!" She yells and Alex snickered a laugh at her childish reaction and Ellen is not surprised.

"June bug, you will find someone someday and that person will love you so hard he or she will take you to the end of the earth for you alright." Ellen gripped her shoulder tight assuring her and she nods weakly.

"As the matter of fact, I might know someone and I can introduce you to him." Henry cuts in between Alex and her and he lifted his arm wrapping it around Henry's shoulder with a soft smile on his face as they walked to the airfield. He still had his cast on but the brace did help him moves slowly and Henry is helping him walk faster than usual.

"No! One thing I learned, never recommended anyone to be your friend's partner. That's how you lose friendship." She denies his offer and Henry nods in understatement. She was right.

"Alright boys." Oscar starts holding on to Ellen's waist staring at Henry and Alex both arm in arm ready to fly off from here. Smiles were all over their faces and somehow Ellen could see how happy Alex got at finding happiness.

"I'm gonna miss you boys so much." Ellen wrapped her arms in between Henry and Alex before she pulled away with tears in her eyes. Henry stroked her cheek with his palm wiping away the tears for her. "You know you can come visit during your honeymoon. Just tell us." He told her and she nods.

"Just not yet." Alex told her pointing his finger up and she glared at him. Henry left giving his final goodbye to Oscar, June and Nora before he went to the private jet that parked still in the middle of the runway. Phillip followed behind but letting Henry to walk ahead of him.

Henry turned to see Phillip shook hands with Oscar and their eyes stared deeply into each other uttering words of whisper that no one heard but he saw them, talking in secrets. His body language is stiff and Henry wonders what could he have said to him that made Oscar look at him so sternly like that. He chose to ignore them and made a mental note on asking Phillip later before he climbed inside the private plane. 

Ellen wrapped her arm around Alex refused to let him go just yet and Alex couldn't let her go either. "I got something in your luggage. Just something for your safety." She whispered and Alex eyes grew wide at her. "Is it a gun?" He asks and Ellen pulls back with a frown on her face. "NO!" She yelled slapping his arm and Alex laughs pulling her back into his embrace.

"Just condoms and Truvada in case any of you are bottomming." Alex pulls away so quickly with an annoyed look on his face. "Mum!" He warned her but she winked at him instead. "Be safe." She told him and he shook his head at her.

He was caught by June and Nora in a group hug and he wrapped his long arms around those girls feeling like if he released them, he might never see them again. "I'll be back soon enough. Don't worry. I haven't decided on college yet." He says and they both wiped the tears in their eyes that starts to ruin their mascara.

"I'm gonna miss you. Enjoy London." June says holding on to Alex finger and when they heard the jet engine started, the ache in their stomach grew knowing how it's time for Alex to leave. "Take care of yourself alright, all of you." Alex told them staring at each and every one of their faces.

Lastly he wrapped his arm around Oscar's body and he exhaled in relieve, "Thank you for everything. I mean it." Alex whispered in his ear and he smiled. "We'll see you soon mijo." Oscar taps him on his back before Alex pulls away from their hug and smiled, "Okay pops." Oscar face dropped at Alex sudden words and it brought tears in his eyes.

"Love you all." He kiss his forefingers before he blew them as he climbed the steps carefully with his casted legs. He took a seat next to Henry while Henry sat next to the window and Alex cocked his head to the window next to him waving at his family and Henry smile fades when Alex eyes glistened in tears.

"Hey." He cupped his cheek with his palm and Alex inhaled sharply before released his breath, "Just for a bit. Then you can see them again. Alright?" He promised and Alex smiled nodding at his words.

"I love you." Henry says earning Alex a sharp glance with a smirk before pressing his lips over Henry's, "I made a deal that you don't get to have the last word anymore. I do. So I love you." He repeat and Henry eyebrow crooked into a thin line. "Made a deal with who?" He asks and Alex didn't exactly reply but strapped his seatbelt over his waist and stared at the view in front of them letting Henry questioned those in his mind.

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