Part 34

"It might be just spasms. He still under sedation." The doctor explained and both Phillip and Alex had the same expression on their faces. "No its not!" Alex defends and Ellen had to pull him back from charging at the doctor. "It's still early to put off the sedation, I'm afraid of what it would do and damage the brain further if we did." She continued and Alex huffed in anger.

"He's fighting it. He knows we are here and he is fighting through this." Alex says and Phillip gripped his shoulder tight, "We know. Henry knows." Alex turned his gaze at Henry over the bed and sighs.


Alex didn't have a court day today so Nora thought it would be nice for him to hang out with her outside of the hospital and have lunches at the usual place, the cafe by the university. She was busy with her exams and didn't had time to catch up on Alex and Henry but the moment she finally did, she glad Alex agreed to spend the day with her instead at the hospital.

"How is he?" She finally asks even though she knows how Henry is still intubated in the hospital and Alex stares at his coffee cup twirling the spoon with his finger. "He's a fighter." He smiles softly. "I missed him so much." Alex exhaled his breath exhaustedly and Nora leaned over the table cupping her hand over Alex's. "We all does. I know you're gonna win this case for him. I have faith in you, all of you." She says and Alex smiles.

"We might have a lead." Alex whispered and Nora eyes widen. "Seriously? That's a relief." She could see hope flickering in Alex's eyes when he said so. "It's not much but it's something. A potential witness and that's all I can say." He remembers the promised he made to Oscar for not mentioning this to anyone. But Alex is born with ADHD and his ticks makes him nervous and the more he kept it, the more he will explode. Nora seems to notice his agitation when he kept staring at her and suddenly leaned forward gripping her hand over the table pulling her to do the same.

"It's one of Danny's old girlfriend. Apparently they'd paid her to shut her mouth and abort herself." Alex exploded and Nora stares at him surprised at that new information. "Alex we can't talk about this in public." She stops him and he furrowed his eyebrow at her. "No one would know." He protest, "We might never know." She told him before taking a sip of her chai latte.

"Hey Alex." Miguel came out of sudden startling both Nora and Alex since he came from behind her and Alex didn't noticed he came from behind the corner and handed him the plate of croissant over the table. "Hey Miguel." Alex straightened his back not wanting to make eye contact with him. "It's been a while, I missed you." Alex could feel his hand over his shoulder and he tried to pull back feeling annoyed at his gesture.

"Laid off Miguel, I'm not in the mood." He said pushing his hand away and Miguel's face dropped in anger. "I heard. How is he?" He asks and Alex scoffed.

"Like you care." He whispered and Miguel clenched his jaw, "You're right I don't. Truthfully I thought he should be dead by now." Alex turned his gaze abruptly before he stood up towering over Miguel's small built.

"The fuck you said?" He pushed his shoulder back with his finger and Nora stepped in between them. "You heard me. He deserved it, practically begging for it. Rape? What a load of crap! More like he couldn't have him so he made those accusation to cover his own shame." Miguel replied and Alex felt like his world turned dark when he heard him. He didn't know what overcome him when the next thing he sees was Miguel on the floor with a bleeding lips and Nora is pushing him out of the cafe.


"One day Alex! One fucking day you will know exactly what all of this meant when you had kids and then don't come at me for being as frustrated as I am right now!" Ellen told him practically screaming at his face when he returned to the hospital after Nora accompanied him back. She didn't exactly tell them what happened but the sight of Alex's bruised knuckled is self explanatory.

She left him after seeing Henry and wished them all good luck for another court day tomorrow and promised Alex she will be there to witness it.

Alex huffed on the couch pouting over his mum scolding him like a child with his arm crossed and his eyes fixed over Henry on the bed. Shan had gone for the day leaving Phillip in the hospital and he was talking over the phone for quite some time now. Ellen still ranting over his behavior while pacing around the room telling him why he shouldn't be allowed anywhere alone anymore and Oscar couldn't help snickering next to Alex over the couch.

"Do not! This is serious matter!" She warned him. She knew Oscar loves her authoritative side and when she is mad at Alex like this, he loves it more seeing the motherly side of her. Oscar never did had kids with his dead wife and he already considered Alex as his son. He sighed placing his hand over Alex's shoulder and Alex turned his gaze at him. "Henry would be proud knowing you stand up for him." He says and Alex smiled his half smile at him before Oscar stood and pulled Ellen away from the room to cool down.

Alex could see Phillip still on the phone pacing around nearby the window staring outside and his hand gripping it hard closer to his ear. His face crooked into a worry expression and Alex assumed he might talking to someone he knows.

"Bea, I know. Listen to me, calm down." 

He tried and only then Alex noticed it was their sister. She is far away in London while they are stuck in here. 

"Please calm down Bea, think of the baby." 

Phillip continued and Alex raised his eyebrow surprised at his word, she's pregnant? He thought since Henry never mentioned her being pregnant or his brother in law since they reunited.

It is not a good thing to tell a pregnant woman whom far away from them to calm down. She will explode. As Alex thought it would be, Phillip raised his phone further away from his ear and he can hear Bea's voice screaming over the speaker and he had to cup the speaker so Alex won't hear her.

"STOP! Listen to me!" 

Phillip yelled again and this time she silence. 

"You are not to travel, I have your passport seized at the immigration the moment you handed to them. You are not to go back to Hill House as I told Charles to keep you far away from it as possible!" 

Alex snorted at the mentioned of Hill House and then finally realized that it was their home he talked about.

"She can fucking sell the house for all I care as long as she didn't come near anyone of you." 

Phillip told her and Alex can see how desperate he is at protecting his family. Being the oldest is the hardest of them all and with Henry as his brother, he assumed their childhood is pretty eventful.

"Bea I'm so sorry for letting this happened to him but we are on trial now. I promised you I will make sure they'd paid for it." 

He told her and he can see him staring at Henry over the bed with his eyes glistened. "I shouldn't have left him all alone." 

He whispered the last part and Alex could hear his voice breaking.

"I will, I promised. Please let me know if anything." 

He told her and soon after they said their goodbye, he snapped a photo of Henry on bed and sending it to Bea. "Are you sure that's a good idea to send his photo while he's looking like that to a pregnant stressful woman?" Alex asks and Phillip chuckled.

"I would be more afraid if I don't. She'll harassed me to no end." He says before taking his seat next to Alex over the couch. "If you think Henry is persistent, wait till you see our sister. She is worst in many ways." He says with a smile over his face that made Alex smiled softly at him. "I would love to meet her one day." He says and Phillip turned his head to Alex's side nodding a smile before it slowly fades and Phillip stares at Alex.

"Why did you punch him?" He asks and Alex turned his gaze back at Henry before them. "He said Henry deserves it. Practically begging for it." Alex whispered and Phillip sigh longly. "Well, be glad it wasn't me there or he will ended up six feet under." Alex cocked his head to his side surprised at Phillip threats.

"Death threats doesn't suit you Pip, you're more of a sue this sue that kind of a guy." Alex replied and the moment he did, he regretted it. Phillip turned his gaze slowly at him with his face expressionless and his face taunt like he is plotting murder inside his mind right now. He didn't say a word which made Alex agitated sitting next to him. "S-ssorry Phillip. I - I mean, sir. I mean Mr Fox." Alex stutters before Phillip snorted next to him sending relief over his chest.

"Now you can see where Henry gets his bossy demeanor from?" Alex nodded softly turning his gaze away blowing his breath from his pursed lips not wanting Phillip to see his anxiety exuding sweats over his forehead. "He spend most of his teens with me after our dad passed. Which is why it hurts me when he told me how he's the reason why I won't be able to move on with my life as long as he lived."

Alex could see Phillip tired expression as he stares at his brother from his side. "I think deep down I feel that if I let him go, I might lose him like I did with my father." Phillip blinked letting a single tear fell on his cheek, "Family comes first." He continued. "Father told me that right before he passed. I failed him. Just like I failed protecting Henry. I failed taking care of my mum, my sister fell into an addiction that almost cost her life. My mum becoming the monster under our bed."

Alex could see how Phillip tried to be brave in front of him but he knew better not to hide it. "I don't." He starts earning Phillip a glance.

"I don't regret anything that happened. If you didn't send Henry to study here, I would never have met him. I won't know what real friendship or hardship really meant. I certainly won't care for someone this much the way I care for him." Alex says and Phillip pressed his lips to hide his smile but Alex blushed when he saw Phillip grinned at him. "You really love my brother?" He asks and Alex stared at Henry for a while before he nodded weakly.

"I can't explained it either but I wished I could turn back the time to that night. I shouldn't have fight him. I should have stayed and made him stay with me. I should have fought more for him. We won't be here if I did." Alex whispered and Philip gripped his hand over his lap. "But we can't. We learnt from mistakes, there is no success without failure. If it wasn't Henry that night, probably some other kid involved and we both knew how it would end."

Alex turned his gaze back to Phillip next to him and nods softly at him. He is right. There is always a reason for something to happen and if it didn't happened to Henry, it might be happening to somebody else. Someone less fortune, someone that came from a non wealthy family that couldn't even hired a lawyer to defend themselves. Everything happens for a reason.


"Mr Campbell, Mr Diaz, any further questions?" Judge Steven's asks and both shook, "No your honor." They both said. "Then call on your next witness." Judge Steven's said and the whole courtroom went silenced again.

Alex had witnessed another long day of trial today and somehow the further they went into this case, the further he feels apart from Henry's truth. He couldn't deny how good their lawyer is at bending the truth. Every single piece of evidence they had come up had them dismissed the fact and managed to convince the jury.

Alex witnessed Oscar and Mr Campbell whom he called Max on certain occasion was whispering with each other and he couldn't hear what they are saying except Phillip's face behind them is utterly disappointed. He wished Nora is here like she promised but she was call for one of her part time job and she needed the money which Alex didn't mind but her company might be less frightening to be seating here in the courtroom to face all of this people. 

"Mr Campbell? Mr Diaz, if you'd like to gossip kindly do this outside of my courtroom." Judge Steven called them and he can see how it amused the Warren table side with their snickering smile and Alex felt a sudden twisting knot inside his stomach. He hate this feeling, he knew something is wrong.

"Mr Diaz? Mr Campbell? I thought you want to call another witness? Any day now!" Judge Steven's voice boomed across the courtroom and Alex felt like he is in judgement day being punished for all the sins he'd ever did.

"Apologies sir. It seems our witness didn't show up today. We need a continuance until we sort our witness out." Oscar said as he stood up and Alex tilted his head staring at his face. "Alright then. Court adjourned till Monday morning nine a.m." Judge Stevens banged the gavel before the rest of them left and Oscar grabbed Alex by his underarm and pulled him up from his seat.

"Not a word!" Oscar told him and he nodded scared at his sudden aggressive and harsh behavior.

Alex was lead to their car with him seated in between Oscar and Phillip while Max seat on the front seat and Shan drove. They were halfway out from the courtroom before Shan swayed into an abandoned road and parked hidden in the bushes so people won't see their car.

The moment the car stopped all eyes are turned to Alex in the middle of the seat. "Who did you tell?" Oscar starts and Alex furrowed his eyebrow at him. "What? Tell about what?!" Alex defends and Oscar sighs before Max interrupts.

"Alex we told you to keep your mouth shut. Who did you tell about the witness?" He asks and Alex's gaze turned from Max to Shan to Phillip and lastly he couldn't bear to look at Oscar in his eyes. "N-No one." He lied and they all groaned in frustration.

"The witness suddenly decides not to show up and take back everything she said claiming that she was misunderstood and she refused for a trial. So either you tell someone and that person told the Warren so they threatened her or she really did want to protect them. So which is it?!" Oscar asks and Alex gulped his throat at the sudden interrogation inside the car before he exhaled longly.

"Nora." He told them but neither of them believes that Nora might be telling the Warren about it. She is an allied, not an enemy. "No, I know Nora, she is not someone that would betrayed Henry." Alex defends her. "Then who?" Phillip asks with his elbow over the door and his finger over his temple. His thought went back to Miguel that suddenly appeared while they are conversing and he remembered how he punched him to the ground. He hated Henry, Alex sure he is the one that told the Warren now that he held those anger towards Alex too.

"There was this guy, Miguel. He worked at the cafe we used to hangout. Maybe he heard us." Alex told them and they all sighs desperately.

"Alex! I told you not too mentioned it to anyone, why did you??" He could hear the disappointment in Oscar's voice and he wouldn't dare to look at him. "I'm sorry." He whispered and all of them went silence. Henry will lose this case, because of him. Alex felt his chest tightened as he breathes and his eyes flooded with tears.

"There goes the case." Max said and they all sat there in silence in the middle of nowhere.

"No. It's not over." Shan begins and all of them turned to look at him. "Alex you talk to her. She's been where Henry was before. She won't listen to Oscar or Max or even Phillip. She might listen to you. Convinced her to come to the court and we promised her protection, whatever she needs." Shan says and Alex felt the weight pressing over his shoulder as he reminded himself to convince this person he barely knew just so they would win this case.

He nodded softly before Shan pulls the car back and out to the road again. The whole ride back to the hospital was excruciating long and the fact that he had to face Henry and his mother about this made him want to jump out from the moving car right here right then.

"Listen, your mother didn't know about this. I intend to keep it that way." Oscar says before Shan drove the car into the entrance and they all heard him. "Why? It's my fault. I deserved to be yell by her." Alex told him and he sighs before his gaze went to Phillip next to Alex.

"As much as I love your mother, I hate to see you getting all the hit. I know you didn't mean to blab but it happened. I know your mum told me about your hyper activeness and you won't be able to held it in you. It's not your fault entirely Alex. Part of it is mine. I shouldn't have put you in those situation." Oscar told him before Phillip continued. "I hate to see her kill you before Henry did." He added and Alex snorted at him. 

"Plus it's not over yet. You're gonna get her back. I'm sure of it." He says before he went out from the car followed by Oscar and Alex on the other side. 

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