Part 30

Alex loves the feeling of Henry's warmth radiates besides him in his arm. He couldn't help tearing up feeling his used build figure are much lighter and he could see the hollow cheek and his drained sleepless eyes that changed Henry entire looks. The way his waist dip deeper in his palm unlike how it used to feel when Alex's palms cupped Henry's waist, he swore the softness of Henry's skin would kill him right there on the spot.

But he couldn't deny the fact that although how much things had changed, their feelings still remained the same towards each other. His heart broke when his fingers traced the line of Henry's wrist wrapped around in a bandage and he tried not to sob at the thought.

He sighed wrapping his arm tighter pulling Henry closer to his side and pressed his lips deeper onto Henry's temple earning him a moan in his sleep. "Good morning." Alex whispers and Henry looked up meeting his gaze. Alex could see the tiredness in his eyes but somehow his face is more relaxed after that hours of sleep. "Morning." Henry whispered back not care about the time is basically three in the evening at the moment.

Their eyes locked in each other when Henry finally breaks and starts to move away but Alex wrapped him tighter. "Stay." He whispered and Henry relaxed back in his arm, staring into Alex's eyes, studying the stare on his gaze, lost deeper into Henry's hazel eyes. The way his sharp nose split in between and somehow it seems connected into the depth of his cupid bow and his lips, the one that Henry had one of few dreams about it, how he craved the feeling of his lips for weeks now. But somehow that lips always scares Henry the most especially in his dreams.

He didn't realized he was swallowing his throat dryly when Henry felt Alex leaned closer to his lips but he retorts back. "Don't." He whispered and Alex could see his eyes watered as he said those word. "I can't." He adds and Alex nods understand exactly what he meant by that. "I know. I'm sorry." Alex apologized and sighed pressing his arm behind his neck.

He knows how Henry still feels about physical intimacy even though Alex is the only person that could touch him freely but deep inside, Henry still traumatized by the feeling of someone touching him, hugging him and more kissing him. They were both silent with hands still intertwined and eyes gaze on each other when Henry broke the silence.

"What happened?" Henry finally asks with his eyes stares down on Alex's braced legs propped up on the pillow. "You know exactly what happened." Alex replied and Henry can feel the anger in his tone. Henry sighed propping himself up and turned letting his legs dangled on the side of the bed.

"You shouldn't get involved Alex. This isn't your problem to be meddling with." Henry said softly with his head tilted towards the ceiling above him and he could feel Alex raised himself higher against his bed crossing his arm over his stomach. "Damn right it isn't! But again you're the stubborn one remember? If you would have just listen to me, none of these would have happened." Alex yelled and Henry gripped the bedside tighter before he stood abruptly attempted to leave.

"SEE! Prove my point Henry! You are nothing but a coward! People fucked your life and yet you are hiding away and for what?! They won't stop! Don't be stupid Hen! You are not their first and definitely not their lasts!" Alex yelled and Henry stood in the middle of the room feeling his heart beating rapidly against his chest. He palmed his hand over his shirt wanted to ease the feeling but he knows nothing would.

"You're right. I am a coward. I was afraid to face them because the last thing they told me that if anyone finds out about this, God knows what they might do to you. And now look at you." Henry said with tears flooded his eyes as he stares at Alex on the bed. He could see the furious look on Alex's face falls and it changed into regret.

"I don't care how many people wanted to hurt me even the people I cared about hurts me but I can't handle if they hurt you because of me Alex. So yes, call me a coward, I don't care. Call me useless, call me stupid all you want, I rather die than seeing you got hurt Alex." It hurts Alex to hear Henry said those words and he knew for a fact, that he did try to kill himself before and he wasn't there to save him. 

"Hen, I -" Alex couldn't finished his sentenced when Henry opened the door swiftly and before he left, he took one last glanced at Alex over the bed, "Goodbye Alex." Henry slammed the door shut leaving Alex alone in the room and hoped to get as far away from this place as possible. But first he needed to find Phillip and Shan only that the moment he went out from Alex's room, neither one of them is there including Alex's family.

So Henry walked out of that ward headed straight into the long hallway, feeling his vision blurred with tears by the seconds as his legs paced faster towards green exit. He literally sprinted towards the corner hoping that he didn't stumbled on any of Alex's family and worst having to explain why he is crying and running from him.

Henry had doubts in his heart that coming back here was a mistake and he was right. The moment he turned, he saw the figure of two of his worst nightmare coming out from the elevator and their eyes met. He could feel his heart racing in his chest when those couple of hungry eyes stared deeply into him and Henry turned immediately towards the fire exit door to escape.

He ran up the stairs in hurry hoping he would escaped them. He figured they would have thought he chose to climb down the stairs but as much as he tried, he seems to be attracting trouble coming towards him. He figured he couldn't outrun both of them and needed to be in a crowded area and if he opened the door of one of the exit he would managed to escape but he was wrong. Henry suddenly felt an arm pulling his shirt and he fell backward before stumbling down the stairs.

Henry could hear laughter, that cackles of that devils voices he kept hearing in his dreams over and over but this time, it wasn't a dream. There is no waking up to the reality, this is the reality he had to face and the moment he opened his eyes, James' face came in his view with Danny behind him before he felt arms wrapped around his collar lifting him up from the ground and slammed it over the wall behind him. Henry coughs his lungs out, feeling a rusted taste in his lips with pain shooting down his spine.

"Hello lover." James said with Danny besides him smiling that devilish smiles at Henry. "What- do you want?" Henry's voice choked as James' hand wrapped tighter around his neck blocking his airway. "Do you miss us?" Danny whispered next to Henry's ear gliding his nose against Henry's cheek as his hand roamed around his hips. "Gosh, you're making me so hard. How long since it's been? Weeks?" James said rubbing himself against Henry's thigh and he felt disgusted by his gestured. He wanted to throw up when he felt James's rubbing himself against him and Danny on the other side pressing his lips over Henry's cheek.

"Get off me!" Henry yelled and wanted to scream for help but Danny cupped his mouth with his palm muffling Henry's voice from screaming. "Now, now Henry, you know how much that scream turns me on." James whispers and Henry could feel his hot breaths fanning his face and he shut his eyes tight. His hand gripped tightly over James' wrist while the other is in Danny's death grip by his side. 

"Here I thought we should pay Alex a visit in case he was stupid enough to tell people about us and turns out, you are here too. If we knew you would be here, we would have come sooner, invited you back to the house. Remember that time, Henry? We can reminiscing our time together." James smile cynically at Henry attempts to break free but held him tighter.

"You can scream all you want there, you know how much we both love it." Danny adds whispering into Henry's ear next to him.

"Stop!" Henry kneed James in between his legs earning him a gasps before he released Henry from his tight grip and Henry managed to escape by pushing him by his chest and he fell back on the steps. He tried to reach for the door again but Danny was faster and he grabbed Henry by his shoulder pulling him away from the door earning him another stumbled down the stairs. "Shit!"

Henry didn't remember what happens after but all he remembered Danny and James both cursed seeing him laying on the ground with his vision blurred and his head heavy as a rock. He could feel wet over his temple with the smell of blood invaded his nostrils and the last thing he sees is Danny and James hovering over him.


"Where's Henry?" Phillip asks as soon as they stepped into Alex's room only to find him alone on bed. Alex turned his head towards Phillip by the door and he can see tears in his eyes, "He left." Alex simply answered and Philip didn't waste anymore time before he stepped out from Alex's room followed by Shan. "What happened?" Alex asks watching as both Ellen and Oscar had that worried look on their faces. "What?" He asks again and Ellen sighed.

"Phillip thinks he saw the two brothers walked into the elevator and now he couldn't find them. He is trying to get a restraining order for Henry so they won't be able to get anywhere near him. Henry is not safe until we get that court order against those two." Ellen explained and Alex could feel his heart raced before he tried to slip his legs down on the floor but he was stopped by his mum. "Alex what are you doing?" She pushed him by his shoulder but Alex denied her even though he is clearly in pain.

"I need to find Henry." He said attempting to grab the crutches by his bedside and lifted himself up from the bed. He winced in pain as he is not supposed to be on his feet yet but the thought of Henry in danger made him jumped to his rescue. He had to make sure he is alright since the last they spoke is not something he wanted to be their last.

"Alex, we will find him, you stay here, June will keep you company." Ellen told him and grabbed the crutches from his hand and placed further away from him. "Mum, please." Alex begged but Ellen knows that he will not stop until he gets what he wants. So she pushed him back on bed lifting his braced leg back on the pillow earning him another winced, "I know darling, we will let you know as soon as we found him, alright?" She said pulling the rails up to caged him on bed hoping he won't escape.

Ellen and Oscar went out the room leaving Alex with June inside and they told her never to leave Alex alone until they are back. They joined Phillip and Shan after and saw them are discussing about Henry's whereabout. "Do you have any idea where he is?" Ellen asks but Phillip shook his head at her. "No but I know where to find him." He pulled out his phone and start tracking Henry's phone through 'Find My Phone' and it pinged third level upstairs through the fire exit.

Phillip never ran that fast in his life, he feels like the closer he get to Henry, the further he is from him. He tore the door open harshly and ran up the stairs in hope he could find his brother soon enough.

He finally reached to the third floor up followed by Shan with Ellen and Oscar behind and felt sorry for them to used the stairs as they huffed and pants in their breaths. But the moment he reached the level, horror stricken him seeing his brother laid on the steps unconscious and bloods pouring out of his head and his lips. "HENRY!"

"No, no, no, no. Henry. Wake up. Hen. Hen, open your eyes, wake up!" Phillip taps him on his cheek to wake him up and slowly his eyes flutters and he sighed in relief. "Pip.." He whispered feeling his throat choked him from producing any words but he swallowed bitterly to try and say further. "It's alright, it's alright, help is coming. Don't move." Phillip tried to assure him from moving but he could see how much pain he is right now and his hand clasped tighter in his. Shan immediately ran out from the exit to get help that he need.

"They're- h-here." Henry gasped feeling the pain worsen in his chest as he breathes. "They're here!" He raised his voice higher and more blood pouring out of his mouth as he did. "Hen, breathes. Help is here." Ellen tried to calm him but Henry fisted Phillip shirt tighter with his gaze sets sharply at him. "Danny and James W-Warren." Henry whispered and Phillip eyes blazed wider at his brother.

"They raped me and n-now they tried to hurt me a-again." Henry claims and Phillip could feel him breathing slower with his eyes drifting to close. "Hen, open your eyes, stay with me." Phillip taps his cheek to make sure he stayed awake but Henry eyes fought tirelessly and soon he fell unconscious in Phillip's arm.


"Trauma incoming!" The nurse yelled as they pushed Henry towards the room and Phillip was pushed out from joining them. He fought endlessly but at the end, the door closed and he was denied access to be with his brother.

"He's going to be alright." Shan whispered next to him but Phillip had another thing on his mind. His eyes gaze sharply before he turned to leave the area.

"Where are you going?" Ellen asks and Philip turned to face her, "Stay with Henry, please. Update me if anything." He said and Ellen pushed Oscar to follow him. Shan followed him reluctantly although he knows he wanted to be there for Henry but somehow Phillip gaze made him worry what he had in his mind right now.

Phillip turned to the counter that had registration staff working at the moment before he asks, "Where is your security room?" He asks and the nurse pointed towards the direction which is the basement area. "Sir what are you doing?" Shan asks and Phillip huffed slamming the button of the elevator rapidly hoping the door open soon. "Henry confessed, means he is ready to fight. I am going to get that bastard and I will make them pay." Phillip says angrily earning both Shan and Oscar a furrowed look. 

Phillip didn't think twice before he barged into the security room and witnessed the large monitors that consists of multiple small screens that showed literally every inch of the hospital area that these guards are supervising. "Hey, you can't be here." One of the guards told Phillip and he grabbed something out from his coat pocket.

"I can write any numbers on this cheque if any of you could show me the footage from third floor up." Phillip held out his cheque book for them and both Oscar and Shan could see how the guards didn't even batted an eye at him or his attempt to bribe them. "Look if you want the footage, go and talk to the manager and made a request. Should be able to get the footage approval in two, three working days." The guards explained but Phillip slammed his palm over the table startling each and every one of them.

"MY BROTHER WAS ASSAULTED DAMN IT!! THEY FUCKING RAPED HIM AND NOW THEY'D HURT HIM- AGAIN!" He yelled and the look on the guards face dropped. They both were stunt at Phillip sudden outburst and the look on Oscar and Shan face tells them that he is not lying.

"Now show me that footage so I can fucking sue them till they had nothing left to pay me back." Phillip eyes glistened in tears and they can see the guards turned his gaze towards his colleague next to him.


The only thing Phillip could see in the footage was Henry running away from them as they came out from the elevator and they'd chase him into the fire exit.

It boils him on the inside seeing how the footage doesn't consist inside the fire exit and few moment later they can see both Danny and James walked out like nothing happened. It furies him to see them walked out freely leaving his brother to die after what they just did. "FUCK!" Phillip yelled, banging his fist over the table again and Oscar gripped him over his shoulder.

"It's not enough! It's not enough!" He repeats as he paced around the security room gripping into his neck in anger. "We should get back to Henry. Ellie said the doctor is looking for you." Oscar informed him and he stopped pacing immediately. He sighed longly before he thanked the security officers. He slipped couple of hundreds for each of them and Shan noticed how it made them uncomfortable.

"Take it. You helped us a lot. We're gonna need the footage soon." Shan explained and they both nodded before he took the money from Phillip. 

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