Part 28
Alex felt off these couple of days since he came back to the university. It wasn't just because of a certain blonde British guy that he had been missing deeply and wished he could talk to at the moment but also the fact that he couldn't find James or Danny anywhere around the campus ground. He heard rumors among the students that they both took an extra leaves for some personal reason and he wonders if it's because they wanted to hide the fact that they tried to hide their broken noses or their bruised face.
He can't help himself walking around campus feeling like he is being followed although he knows how paranoid he's being since he didn't exactly know what to expect since the last time he saw them, he was running out after beating the shit out of those two. He spoke to Nora about everything that happened as soon as they both reunited and it worries her the most since Alex is practically digging into a hornet's nest for what happened and she couldn't express how sorry she was for what happened to Henry as well.
But the worst part of it all is when Alex's body had a certain memory reflexes of his own. That sometimes when he walked back to his dorm late at night from working out in gym or studying, he ended up right at his old dorm that he shared with Henry.
He remembers how he used to stay in that empty room staring at Henry's bed letting his tears runs down his cheek. He can't do that being in his own room seeing his roommate might wonder why a grown ass man crying like a child almost everyday. But today he decided that he wanted to keep coming back to that room to be alone with himself or sometimes, he would go to the empty barn that Henry loves to stay and reads.
His hand would scrolled through the picture of Henry and him studying in the room or hanging out with Nora or sometimes he would bring Henry's book with him and read alone while he cried again. He hated how his life had turned around, or Henry's but he was lucky enough that the room remained empty at the moment since no freshman intake yet and he hoped it would remained that way.
Alex stayed in the empty room again later that day staring at Henry's side of the bed while he sat on the chair by their study table. He scrolled through his phone for Henry's number remembering how he had call him that one time and Alex was still holding on the hope for him to call again. But ever since then, Henry never did call and each time Alex did, the number is no longer available.
So instead, he pressed Phillip's number and luckily it was still early that day since he had no class and he knows London is evening time when he called.
It took Phillip few rings before he answered and Alex stuttered when he heard his voice feeling pity at himself still lingering on the hope of Henry still want him to be part of his life.
"Alex?" Phillip asks since he remained silence after he answered and Alex didn't want to sound like a pathetic person. He cleared his throat before he answered to Phillip.
"Hey. Uhm- just checking in." Alex said briefly and he can hear Phillip sighs before he replied. "Wait-" he said and Alex can hear nothing but silenced and he assumed Phillip covered the speaker muffling the sound and seconds later, he heard a door open and shut.
"I know how much you want to talk to him Alex. Trust me, no one else understood but I do. Each time I bought him a phone, he would ended up smashing those too pieces and I just wish he would talk to someone about it." Phillip said and Alex tried to hold on to his tears when he heard him.
"How is he?" He asks and Phillip sighed into the speaker again, "If I tell you, promise me you won't freak out." Phillip starts and Alex is practically sitting on the edge of the seat waiting for him to speak.
"Few days back, Henry,- he uhm- he'd try to kill himself. He slit his wrist in the bathroom." Phillip's voice almost like a whisper but to Alex, he could feel like someone just stabbed him in his stomach and he could feel it twisted inside of him. "Is- he?" He couldn't utter a word and feels like each word came out like a knife cut his throat.
"He's fine, he was coming out slowly but then- uhh, I don't exactly know what happened today. He starts freaking out of nowhere and said he saw him in the library." Phillip states and Alex sighs rubbing on his temple. "That's where they'd first met." Alex replied and Phillip stayed silent.
"Danny hit him with a book in a library claiming that it was an accident. That's how they first met and I tried to warn him but-" Alex stops unable to continue his words. "But Henry being Henry." Phillip added. Alex snickered a smiled at his words knowing well what Henry stubbornness means to them.
"I miss him." Phillip knew exactly what Henry meant for Alex and he knows how his brother is actually missing him too only too stubborn to admit it.
"I know Henry does too. He calls you in his sleep. I just hoped he would stop acting like he could face the world alone and move forward to a different phase already." Alex furrowed his eyebrow at the thought of what Phillip meant by that, "What phase?" He asks and Phillip sighs. "The anger phase." He said and Alex stayed silence.
"Let me know when it does." He said and Phillip chuckled softly. "Hanging there Alex." Alex listened to the single toned after Phillip hanged up their call an it broke him. He wished Henry would at least talk to him for once but he knows better. So instead he sighs longly before he decides to leave the dorm room.
Alex opened the door trying to leave but to his surprise the moment he did, Danny and James barged in knocking him with the door on his forehead and he stumbled back on the floor. "Hey Alex, missed us?" Danny asks sarcastically closing the door behind him as Alex struggled to get up feeling blood pouring out of his nose.
"The fuck you want?" Alex yelled before he stood up trying to back away from them but the room is small and he had no space to run. He fiddled with his phone in his hand before James slaps it away and the phone was thrown under the bed.
"Payback." James said before he grabbed Alex and punched him in his stomach and he doubled over on the floor coughing in pain. "Fuck you!" Alex cursed but it was not his best moves when Danny kicked him again on his side. Alex coughed dry heaving in his breath trying to crawl out of that room but Danny and James laughs at his attempt.
"Now now, where do you think you're going?" He asks seeing Alex crawling on the floor attempting to escape but Danny stepped his boot over the back of Alex's knee and he screamed in pain and James had his palm pressed over Alex's mouth muffling the sound of his screams as Danny stomped on his leg again.
Alex screamed in James' palm letting his tears runs down his cheek feeling the pain running through his legs. "That is how he screamed that night when I fucked him." James whispered on his face and Alex cried further in his palm.
"This is just a warning. Things will get a lot worst if you tell anyone." Danny whispered pulling his curls back. He didn't exactly leaves him on the floor without another kicked to his side and Alex screamed in anger.
After they both left, Alex immediately pulled out his phone from under the bed and pressed the middle red button to stop recording and starts calling Nora. It took her few rings before she could answer him, "Alex, sorry I'm rushing to a class, can we talk later?" He could hear her pants in her breaths assuming that she is running to a class but the moment Alex groaned in pain cursing under his breath, she stops.
"Alex? Is everything alright?" She asks and Alex clenched his jaw tight holding on to his pain. "I- I need you, old dorm room." He said in tears and Nora didn't hesitate to run out from her class to help him.
By the time she arrives, she found Alex on the floor leaning against the bed holding on to his legs. "Alex!" She screamed seeing him crying out in pain with his legs stretched, "I think it's broken." He cried out in pain and Nora couldn't see him suffers more in pain. She pull out her phone to call for help and they both waited out together until the help arrives.
Nora waited out in the emergency room for about an hour before she managed to see Alex and when the doctor came to her carrying the metal folder in her hand, she could feel her heart thumping in her chest. "Alex Claremont?" She asks and Nora nods her head frantic. "Is he alright?" She asks and the doctor sighs shaking her head.
"We need to push him to surgery, his distal femur bone fractured and there's evidence of his ligament tears after the CT." she explains but Nora couldn't understand any of her words. She feels like her brain is silenced from understanding her except for the part she mentioned of surgery.
"I-I don't - I-" Nora stutters and she could see how afraid she is at the situation so she sat her down on the chair trying to calm her from panicking. "Breathe miss." She told her and Nora inhaled slowly through her nose and exhaled through her pursed lips. "Have you contact the family?" She asks and Nora nodded, "His mum and his sister are coming from Austin." Nora replied and she nods softly.
"Okay, your friend will be alright but we need to fix him so he won't be so much in pain." She tried to explain slowly so she understood her better and Nora nodded at her. She can see how scared she is at the moment before she reassured her again. "He will be fine. You can see him now if you want but we need to push him to OR as soon as possible, alright?" She asks and Nora nodded before she stood and followed the doctor to Alex's room.
The moment Nora was shown to Alex's cubicle, she could see him lying on bed with his right leg propped up over two pillows and Alex is currently sleeping. She didn't want to wake him up but as if he knew Nora stood there staring at him when Nora sees his eyes flutters opened. "Nora." He whispered with his hoarse voice. "Hey, hey, it's okay. It's going to be okay. They're gonna fix you alright?" She reassured him and Alex shook his head at her.
"Phone." He pointed at her and she shook her head, "Not right now Alex! Now is not the time for you to take a picture of yourself!" She scolded him and he sighed in his drowsiness she assumed from the strong painkiller they'd gave him. "Noooooo!" He yelled back in a slur. "Grab my phone!" He told her sternly and she did. She handed him his phone but Alex shook his head and pushed it in her hand. "Show it to Oscar and my mum the recording. DO NOT LOSE IT!" He warned her and her eyebrows crooked. "What recording?" She asks and Alex sighs leaning his head back on the pillow.
Nora can see his eyes drifting back to sleepiness but he tried to fight it. "I caught them. I caught those bastards confessed to rape Henry." He said and Nora gasped before she scrolled through Alex phone and tried to find the recording. She found an app he downloaded that he recently opened and immediately pressed the speaker over her ears to listen.
She couldn't hide her smile when she heard them speak and they are definitely Danny and James voice, without any doubt but this isn't strong enough to bring to court. But this evidence is new and she have to make sure it's safe so she send the recording over to her phone before she puts away their phone in her bag.
Nora waited for Alex having his surgery and waited in the waiting room when she saw Ellen and June running towards her. "Is he?" Ellen asks panting in her breaths probably running all the way from the entrance and Nora grabbed her hand to calm her down, "In surgery. I need to talk to you and Oscar." She starts and her eyebrow furrowed. "What? Why? How- how did this happened?" She asks with her head turned side to side looking for the entrance door of the OR. She kept talking to June about Alex ignoring Nora in front of her.
"Mrs Claremont! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Nora yelled earning both Ellen and June startled at her sudden raised of voice. "All of you." She said softly after regretting at her raised voice. "Oscar is parking, he's coming." She said and Nora pressed her lips together nodding at her.
Few minutes later she can see Oscar came running down the hall headed towards them and Nora exhaled standing right in front of them.
"I know it's not the best time but this is really, really important." She starts and they all stared at her patiently. "What is it?" June asks and Nora inhaled before she handed Ellen Alex's phone with the recording ready to play.
"As stupid as it sounds but your son managed to get a recording of those bastards raping Henry." Ellen gasped simultaneously as June does and immediately grabbed the phone before playing it over the speaker for them to listen. Oscar repeated the records over and over trying to comprehend this new evidence in his hand and asks Nora if he could make a copy of it and she nods. "Alex told me to give it to you." She said and Oscar nods thanking her.
"What the hell is Alex doing with them? How on earth is my son managed to get hurt by those bastards?" Ellen asks and Nora could see how infuriated she is right now. "I don't know. Honestly Alex is the only person could explain it to us." She says and they all sighed knowing well the truth in her words. So they took a seat in the waiting area hoping that once Alex is out of surgery, Ellen is going to kill him for sure.
Couple hours later the doctor came out from the door wearing her scrubs and they all stood for her to deliver the news. "It's alright. He's fine. He will be shifted to the ward soon and you guys can see him. We fix the bone with a plate and couple of screws and his ligament injuries will put him in bed for a while before we starts physical therapy." She explains and they all sighed in relief thanking her before she left.
They were all shown to Alex's room after his surgery and Ellen teared up seeing him in bed with his right leg in a brace from his mid thigh down to his ankle. He's still sleeping from the surgery and it's already eight in the evening when Alex finally settles in his room. Nora had left them after she saw him and promised them she would come back tomorrow after her class.
Ellen felt Alex flickered his fingers over her palm and she immediately stood up from her seat. "Alex? Honey?" She called running her fingers over his curls as he slowly flutters his eyes to wake. He was groggy when he woke up and swallowed his throat few times before he could speak out again. "Mum." He called and Ellen sighs in relief.
"I'm here sweetie." She says rubbing his palm in her clutched hand and Alex can see June stood next to him holding on to his wrist with Oscar right next to Ellen. "Did you get-?" Alex stops feeling his throat too painful to speak and Ellen stops him. "We got it. We heard and Oscar is dealing with it." She continued and Alex sighs longly relieved that they finally could catch this guy, for good.
"We need to tell Phillip." He said and Ellen shook her head at him. "Not now darling, rest. We'll figure it out tomorrow alright?" Alex shook his head trying to raise himself up but he is too weak from the surgery. "No, mum. We need to tell him. Henry needs to know." June pushed him back on bed and held his chest firm against the mattress, "Listen, I know you want Henry to be the first to know but considered now it's probably four in the morning in London so we'll wait, alright?" Alex sighs resting himself back on the bed before his eyes drifted back to sleep.
"We need to call Phillip." June says after and Ellen sighs nodding at her before she grabbed Alex's phone by the bedside. "On it." She said before she pressed on the call button and waited for him to answer.
It wasn't even that long and it took him two rings to answer which shook Ellen when his voice isn't raspy or sleepy as she thought he would but rather panting in his breaths. "Uhm, hello?" She asks figures it might not be an appropriate time for him. "Who is this?" He asks confused and she can hear his breaths a lot calmer now. "It's Ellen, Alex's mum. Is it a bad time? I'm sorry to call you so early." She could hear him rustling behind the speaker and soon she heard a door close.
"It's kind of is." He said and Ellen apologized immediately at him. "I-I am so sorry. I'm sure you are but we can talk tomorrow." She says and was about to hung up but Phillip stop her. "Wait-" He said and Ellen wait for him listening to a door closed before he spoke again. "What is it? Is Alex alright?" He asks and Ellen could hear concerned over his voice. "No he's not. He's in hospital right now just came out of surgery." She says and Phillip gasps. "What happened?" He asks.
"Those bastards." She starts and Phillip sighs. "I'm coming there. Tell Alex that for me." Before Ellen could protest he already ended the call and she saw both Oscar and June stares at her waiting patiently for her to tell them. "He's coming here soon. June maybe you should go back to the hotel. I will stay here with him." Ellen says and June sighed. "Mum, no one is leaving him alone knowing those two bastards are still out there. We are going to stay here no matter what you said." June sat on the chair with her arm crossed over her chest and Ellen smiled at her proudly.
"Don't worry darling, we will make sure those bastards got what he deserved." He says before he pressed his lips over Ellen's cheek and she smiled. "I hope so." She replies shortly before taking her seat on the chair next to Alex. They both stayed in that room for the rest of the night taking turn on watching over Alex hoping that all of these matters would end soon.
Phillip woke up middle of that night feeling restless to his bones. It wasn't the fact that he was woken up to Henry screaming in his dreams again but tonight, Henry slept through the rest of the evening after he got back from the rehab with Bea and he didn't wake up once from anything. He turned to his bedside grabbing his phone and sighs when the clock showed three in the morning and he couldn't sleep. He was used to Henry waking him up at this hour but now he woke up by himself.
So he got up and grabbed his robe letting the tie loose over his hips and still holding on to the phone in his hand before he went out to check on Henry. He slipped his phone into his robe pocket before taking his steps towards Henry's room but something caught his attention when he saw Henry's bedroom doorknob twisted open. He immediately hides in the corner not wanting Henry to see him up and about but to his surprised, it wasn't Henry who walked out from that room, it was Catherine.
He saw her tip toeing in the dark shutting Henry's bedroom door close before headed to hers with a weird smile on her face and Phillip couldn't hide the bad feeling he had inside of him. He didn't want to think badly of her all the time but he does known her for being diabolical and there is always something up her sleeves.
Immediately after he heard her door closed, he rushed to Henry's room and checked on him. He could see Henry is sleeping on his back and he couldn't find anything weird about him or anything different in his room which is killing him to find out right now. He went to Henry's balcony and see the door and window all shut and checked under his bed for anything that would harm him but nothing. Henry is sleeping soundly in bed and to his surprise a soft snores coming out of him.
He remembers the conversation he had with Alex earlier that evening and his mind wanders to Alex's desperate voice. He feels sorry for how Henry treated him and he wished Henry would at least try to talk to him after everything they both been through, Alex didn't deserved to be pushed away like this.
Phillip was interrupted from his thought when he heard Henry coughs and almost choked in his sleep. He was curious to see him barely lifted his arm to try and turned to ease himself rather than letting himself choke when Phillip helped turning him on his side and Henry gasped finally breathing again.
"Jesus Hen, breathe." He said tapping him on his back and Henry couldn't even lift himself up to wake. "Henry breathe. Slowly." He stroke him on his back before letting Henry rests against his chest and Phillip grabbed the water from Henry's bedside to help him ease his coughs.
Henry barely could lift his head up and it worries Phillip seeing him flail and weak like this. "Hen, hey, what's wrong? Open your eyes. Hey." He taps him on his cheek and Henry couldn't even keep his eyelid open and he looks like he is drunk or probably high. He coughs few times before he could exhaled struggling in his breaths again. "Henry wake up!" Phillip yelled still holding on to Henry over his chest and Henry slurred.
"Pip..." he called weakly and Phillip saw Bea came through the door watching him cradling Henry over his arm. "I went to the bathroom, thought I heard your voice and I was right. What happened?" She asks and Phillip is already dragging Henry on his feet with his arm over Phillip's shoulder. "Open the bathroom door for me." He instructed her and she did and she saw him putting Henry in the bath tub with his clothes on.
"What are you doing?" She asks him seeing Phillip placing Henry inside the bath tub but when she saw Henry barely awake when he turned the tap water on, it got her worried. "Henry?" She taps him on his cheek but no response and Henry is pale as ghost. "What is happening with him?" She yelled at Phillip but he ignored her and let the cold water runs through Henry's neck but he still remained unconscious.
"Do you still have the narcan in your room?" He asks out of sudden which surprised her. "I- don't know." She stuttered and Phillip sighs desperately. "Please look. Quietly." He says and Bea nods before she ran a little to her room. She knew she's not supposed to but her hearts races that makes her feet matched.
It took her few minutes later when she returned back to the bathroom finding Phillip still tapping Henry by his cheek when she found the narcan spray in her hand and Phillip sighs in relief. "Oh thank God!" He says before he grabbed it from her hand and sprayed it into Henry's nostril.
"Come on Hen." Bea prayed next to him and when they heard him gasped loudly and sudden woke with his eyes wide open, they both sighed. "Thank God!" Phillip cheered grabbing Henry by his neck and kissed him on top of his head while Bea pecked her lips on his knuckles over the tub.
"Wha-What happened?" He asks and Bea turned to look at Philip besides him still didn't understand this herself.
"How many have you taken?" He asks after Henry had calm down a little and handed him a towel to dry himself. He looked up to meet Phillip's gaze with his eyebrow furrowed clearly confused.
"What?" He asks weakly and Bea sighs next to his legs, "Hen, you were almost overdose. How much did you take?" She asks and Henry turned his gaze back and forth between Phillip and her. "I- don't understand. Take what?!" He raised his voice a little and Phillip sighs before he pulled out his phone and was about to contact someone when it vibrates and the name popped over the screen shocked him.
He didn't want Henry to know Alex has been communicating with him but the fact that he called at this ungodly hours made his heart raced. He answered it immediately but didn't say anything and he heard a female voice instead of Alex's raspy one. "Who is this?" He asks confused at the sudden feminine voice.
"It's Ellen, Alex's mum. Is it a bad time? I'm sorry to call you so early." She said and Phillip exhaled before he replied, "It kind of is." Henry stares at him answering call at this hour with a furrowed eyebrow.
"Wait." He told her and rushed out from the bathroom closing the door behind him.
As soon as he stepped out closing the door, Henry turned to Bea that still had the same look on her face chewing on the corner of her lips. "Who is it?" He asks and she shrugs. "Hen, tell me the truth. It's okay. If anyone in this house, I am the only one who could understand this way better than anybody else." She tried to convince him but Henry shook his head.
"You gotta believe me Bea. Please." Henry plead and she sighs staring at his face sitting by the floor against the tub hugging on his knees.
Minutes later Phillip walked back in the bathroom and both turned their gaze back towards Phillip by the door. "Pack your bags, we're going back to LA." He said and Henry sighs shaking his head in protest. "No thanks." He said trying to get up from the floor but his whole body starts to sway and he almost fell on his side but luckily Bea caught him.
"It wasn't a question Henry. Something happened to Alex. He's in hospital because of those bastards that YOU decide not to name." He pointed at Henry and he could see how it shocked him. "Now he is hurt, so pack your bags. We are leaving in an hour." He ordered and Henry stayed silenced holding on to Bea next to him and saw Phillip left the bathroom in anger.
A/N: I'm so upset right now that nothing in my life is making sense to me. I am happy at the sequel but I'm also upset that Nicholas starting to distant away from the RWRB family. He couldn't be bothered to post about the sequel or the celebration for their GLAAD award and now he is saying that he feels bad for playing a queer character. Maybe we should hire a real rapist to play a rapist. We should hired a serial killer to play a murderer then. He is more proud of the work he did with TIOY rather than his breakout role then so be it. I am done writing about him.
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