Part 24

For three days since Henry came back home he had been locking himself up in his room. It gotten Phillip worried since he returned, Henry barely eats much and he couldn't have more than two hours sleep at night. The whole house was terrorized by the sound of his screams in the middle of the nights sending chills down their spine. Phillip can see how unkempt Henry become after the incident with his blonde hair uncombed, his eyes running dark circles around his lids. His usual red pinkish lips had turned chaps and dries as the desert.

He sat by his office later that afternoon with Henry still in his bed. He gave up trying to bring him out from the room and told the maids keep sending him food even though he refused to eat most of it. He taps on his phone attempting to call his mother for the millionth time for the last few days and the only time he managed to speak to her, she barely pays attention from being too drunk to even realized what's happened in her home.

He scrolled down his phone for another person he hoped that would helped Henry and to his luck, on the third rings, he answered. "Shan. Mate, how is it going? Listen I need you. It's Henry." He says as soon as he answered.

"Pip? It's been so long mate. How's Henry?" He asks and Phillip sighs,

"Not good, can you come? I really need your help right now. You're the only one that can help him." Phillip desperate call made him promised to leave his works and hurried to their home as soon as he could. Phillip knew he could count on Shan for anything despite after all the years they had known each other, Shan still pays the same respect he had since the first day they met.

As scheduled Shan arrives at their home later that evening in hoped he could see Henry. Phillip refused to say anything further in their calls and he rushed towards their home after work. He used to be Henry's aid throughout his youth after his father's death and he trusted Shan more than anyone. When Henry leaves London to go to college, Shan had another job thanks to Phillip in one of the company he owned and Shan didn't know that Henry had returned home if Phillip hadn't call him.

As he enters the depressive house that used to fill with laughter and happiness, Shan couldn't help feeling sadness overcome him as he stood and stares at the walls of their home. There was a large painting by the hall before it leads to one of the long corridors to the other side of the home that portrays the Fox family years ago. Arthur and Catherine sat on a stool with Phillip and Bea on their each side with Henry on his father's lap. He is probably around five at the time and the smile on his face is purely happiness and no worries in those eyes, unlike now.

"Shan!" Phillip called as he descended the large stairs and they both hugged even though Shan always felt like he isn't nearly as the same rank as Phillip and his family, they all treated him with great respect and equal as a friend. "Good to see you again sir." Shan replied and Pip shook his head at him, "I told you not to call me that. You're a friend. Right now, I really need your help." He says and guides him into his office before he asks the maid to prepare them some tea.

Phillip told him everything, from the part where Henry was raped and he became non communicative since after the incident bringing back the memory after their father's death. Phillip can see Shan sighs leaning his body forward before he rested his elbow over his laps and he swore he could see his eyes glistened in tears. "I can't imagined what he had been through." He adds before he stood and starts walked around the room.

"Why didn't you fight this? Those bastards deserves to be hang for what they did to him." He asks furiously and Phillip stares at him pacing, "You need to remember that it's America, not England. Plus I couldn't get Henry to talk what makes you think he'll stand in front of a crowd after what they did to him?" Shan saw the look on Phillip's face when he mentioned about Henry and he saw how exhausted he is at the moment. He doubt if Henry is as what Phillip told him with having those sleepless night, Phillip might suffers the same.

"What do you need me to do?" He turned and asks before he saw Phillip exhaled a breath fidgeting with his ring on his little finger, "I know you have a steady ground at the company and they told me what a great employer you are but I need someone here for him. Maybe you would recommend anyone for me? Maybe some one you trust to be around Henry?" Phillip asks and Shan turned his head sharply at him.

"What? Wait, I thought you wanted me here because you wanted me back as Henry's aide." He asks obviously clueless and Phillip stood from his seat and walks closer to him.

"I can't have you come back working here since you already had steady job. I know you hated being back in this home." Phillip can see how it changed Shan's reaction towards him. "Pip, it would be an honor to be working back here with you and look after Henry. Plus after what you told me, I don't think I would be able to go home without knowing he is not taken care off." Phillip smiles with tears glistened in his eyes and taps Shan on his shoulder, "Thank you mate." He says and Shan smiles nodding at him.

They were both interrupted with a sound of glass crashed and Phillip didn't even flinched at the sound. He sighs before he walked out of his office followed by Shan headed straight into Henry's room.

"I trusted you strong enough to see him like this." He asks before they entered. Shan didn't exactly replied to his comment but his heart is racing by now to anticipate what was behind those doors. He nods letting Phillip turned the door knob and pushed their way in.

It was dark and the only light that brightened up the room was from the door they had opened. The curtain drape is closed and not even a single light could shine from the window outside. Phillip turned the light switch on to find the room is in a clutter mess. The sheets are ripped open and the pillows are all over the floor.

Henry was no where in sight and they can see the furniture has turned over with the tables and the chairs turned upside down and one of the chair legs are broken in half like someone snapped it. "Hen?" Phillip called but he is no where to be found in the room, not even in the corner and it got him worried.

His eyes turned towards the lights shined under the door of his bathroom and immediately rushed to open it. "Henry! Open the door." He knocks on the door repeatedly while pressing his ears closer and heard the sound of tap water running. "Henry!" He yelled louder and starts banging louder to open but the door is locked. "Charles get me the key." He orders but Shan pulled him away from the door, "There's no time." He says before he starts pushing his shoulder to force the door open.

After few bangs and kicks, they managed to open the door tearing the hinges apart. They immediately rushed inside the bathroom and found Henry leaning against the wall besides the bathtub and when they reached him, they could see the blood pooling on each of his sides. "HENRY!" Phillip screamed grabbing him by his cheek praying that his brother is alive.

He pressed his fingers over the side of Henry's neck to feel for his brother's pulse. He sighs when he felt a faint pulse underneath his fingers and his eyes darted towards Shan on his side. "Call for help!" He instructed and Charles immediately ran out of the bathroom to call 999.

"Hen, open your eyes, please. Why the fuck did you do this?!" He begs clutching on his bleeding wrist and slowly Henry eyes fluttering opened,

"Let me go." He whispered before he lose his consciousness again and Phillip taps his cheek to keep him awake. "Hen, wake up, please. Don't you dare close your eyes. Henry listen to me!" Shan found some towels over the rails and starts wrapped it tight around Henry's wrist before he did the other. "Help is coming Pip, let us bring him back to bed." He grabbed Henry's arm and lifted it above his shoulder while Phillip does the other side and lifted him off the floor.

They both carried him back to his messy room placing his limp body over the bed. Shan grabbed one of the pillow and placed them under Henry's head and saw the towel he had wrapped around his wrist now soaked with bloods. He tightened the knot over his wrist and Henry starts groaning in pain.

"Hen, stay with me. Help is coming alright." Phillip reassured him but Henry shoved him with his elbow over his chest. "Leave." He mutters the single word and Phillip stopped him from shoving his chest.

"Never Hen. I won't trust leaving you alone like this ever again." Henry sighs desperately in exhaustion but from the corner of his eyes, he can see a figure of a man he knew from his past. He eyed the person standing behind Phillip and recognized that worried face he had missed from his youth. The one that was replaced after his father's death and become his friends with Henry over the years. "Shan?" He called but he couldn't ask further and instead he fell into his unconsciousness.


The paramedics arrived minutes later and it pisses Phillip to no end. The moment they stepped in, Phillip already yelling at them for being late and Shan stopped him. He didn't want them to argue and treated Henry as soon as possible. They drove him to hospital and Phillip feels generally upset that Henry's whole life is practically being in a hospital room instead at home where he should.

It took them almost an hour inside with Henry while Phillip waited in the waiting room with Shan and he couldn't stop his heart from racing and starts pacing around the room waiting for anyone to come and update him on Henry's news.

Later one of the doctors who wore a green scrubs with tired eyes found Phillip in the waiting room. He stood before her and noticed how small she is compared to his heights. He waited patiently for her to tell him about Henry and she can see the pleading look in his eyes as he waited.

"He's stable. The wound isn't too deep that cuts major arteries but it was deep enough to bleed him dry if you guys didn't find him in time." Phillip sighs at her words and somehow glad that when Henry broke the mirror in the bathroom, the sound alerted them. He wonders if Henry decides to kept silenced inside the room and attempted suicide on his own without anyone noticed, this conversation would turned a whole lot different.

"Has Henry ever tried any of this attempt before?" She asks softly sitting herself down on the chair with Phillip and Shan across from her. He shook his head hiding the actual truth and Shan shot him a look besides him. His eyes stares deeply at Phillip knowing that this is a white lie on Henry's behalf.

"Never- physically. Only thoughts." Shan added and Phillip lowered his gaze on the floor before him with his hand clasped together.

"Did he ever received any help?" She asks and Shan sighs shaking his head at her. "We tried. But Henry is Henry." He says and the doctor had her eyebrow furrowed at both of them. "What does it mean?" She asks and Phillip leaned his back to the seat behind him.

"He's stubborn as a mule. I tried pressing on the therapist for him but he had managed to send them away." Phillip told her and Shan nods before he adds, "All nine of them." Shan says and the doctor sighs flipping through the pages of Henry's record in her hand.

"Well I guess you can see now that is a bad idea for him. You need to stop giving him more leash and starts acting like the big brother you are. No more soft spot for him. He needs to be treated or it could get a lot worst." She says before she stood up placing her hand over Phillip's shoulder. "You need to see how your brother is suppressing all these feelings for years and no one could help him. So, before he gave up for good, make sure we're not the one that pushed him towards the edge."

Phillip stares blankly at the space after the doctor left the waiting room and Shan grabbed him some coffee. The words kept playing over and over his mind after what the doctor told him. Phillip pulled out his phone and scrolled over the screen before pressed it over his ear taking a sharp breath. The line disconnected after and he taps again and at this point, he is beyond pissed.

It took him five tries to finally reach her and the moment their call is connected he could hear blasted music over the speaker. "Hellloooooo." Catherine's voice slurred drunkenly over the phone and Phillip pressed his finger over his temple. "WE need to talk." His voice is stern and Catherine laughs at whatever is happening there. "We talk or you are off privilege from the inheritance." He threatens and he knows it frightened her cause suddenly the sound of music behind her disappear and he heard the sound of door closing after.

"Who do you think you are?" She asks angrily at him. "I AM your son. Your husband's sole taker for his inheritance. The court appointed me for being eligible to handle dad's property. If you don't listen, I will take everything away from you and you can rot on the streets for all I care!" Phillip's voice scares her a little and she sighs desperately over the speaker.

"What do you want?" She asks and Phillip sighs at her response. "Come home. Henry needs you." She didn't say anything else but groaned in frustration and ended up cancelling their call but at least Phillip did get through her this time and the threats he made earlier would probably made her hopped on the next flight back to London. She won't dare to be taken off from the inheritance knowing her life depended on it.


Phillip stares at Henry's bandaged wrist in his hand with his fingers stroking the gauze over his pale skin. He could feel his tears pooling over his eyes but his thought was interrupted when he feels the vibrates in his pocket. He pulled out his phone to find Martha's name across the screen and he sighs contemplating to answer it. But he had been dodging her calls for days now since he ran off to US after Alex called him.

He stood up from his seat and starts walking towards the window before he slides his phone screen to answer her. "Hey." He answered and he could hear Martha sighs in relieve. "How is he?" She asks and she didn't know exactly what happened since Phillip didn't have time to tell her except that he is in trouble and he needed to bring him home.

"I'm at the hospital. Henry, he -uhmm" Philip choked on his words muffling his cries with his palm. "Honey, tell me. How bad is it there?" She asks and Phillip inhaled sharply letting the tears fell on his cheek. "Bad." That was the only word he could mutter and he can hear her rustling on the other side, "Baby, I'm so sorry. Is Henry gonna be alright?" She asks and Phillip sighs staring at Henry on the bed while he leaned by the window.

"I don't know." He replied shortly. The call was silenced for a while with Phillip kept his gaze over Henry clutching on his phone by his ear. Good thing Shan had left earlier and left him all alone just for couple while before he goes home but he didn't want to leave Henry by himself in case he woke up.

"Are we gonna be alright?" Martha voice stunt him and he turned to face the window watching the building opposite of Henry's room with the windows closed.

"I don't know." He could only replied. The silence falls again in between them and Phillip could hear her sniffed her tears. "I'm so sorry Mar." Phillip voice broke again and tears fell on his cheek, "I don't think we could build a life together if my family still tethered around me. I can't leave him. I can't lose him. He needs me Mar." Phillip whispered hoping Henry won't be awake at this point.

"But you're okay to lose me? We promised each other. You made a promise to me, remember? I need you too Pip." She asks and Phillip could sense anger in her voice.

"I'm sorry." Phillip whispered.

"Sorry is not enough Pip. I have been waiting patiently for you! For us! You told me that Henry is off to college and you are no longer on tighter leash. Now you are back to square one and now-"

"He was raped." Phillip cut her off and the line went silent again, dead silent.

"Oh fuck Pip, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Martha apologized over and over again but Phillip could only sighs. "So you can see why I need to be here for him. I can't marry you Mar, I'm sorry. This isn't your burden to carry but mine." Phillip didn't even wait for her to reply but instead he cuts her call and kept his gaze over his lock screen. The wallpaper shifted from him and Henry playing polo to him and Martha hugging each other with him kissing her on her cheek.

Another tear left his eyes and fell on his cheek before he turned his phone off and hides it in his coat pocket. He turned his gaze towards Henry still sleeping on the bed and the room fell silence with only his heart beating beeps over the monitor. He steps closer to Henry sides and leaned down to kiss him over his forehead. He run his fingers over Henry's blonde hair on his temple silently staring at him in the dim room.

"Just you and me buddy. Just you and me." He whispered and tears fell on his cheek again before he swiped it hurriedly. He left the room later telling the nurse he will comes back in the morning and to call him if any changes with Henry.


"Did you call him?" Ellen asks and Alex sighs longly shoving his phone over the table wanting to smash that damn thing. "Couldn't get him." He simply replied crossing his arm over his chest as Ellen sat beside him on the porch swing staring at the lake behind their house. It was peaceful, it was calm and he found serene being back home.

"Only few more days now. Are you ready to go back? You know you can always take a gap year if you wanted too." Ellen asks wrapping her arm over Alex's shoulder and he leaned his head over her shoulder.

"Truth is I don't know mum. I don't know if I am ready. Especially to face everyone after what happened." He says and Ellen sighs stroking her fingers over his curls. "Well, why don't you give it a try and if you can't, you can always come home sugar." Alex exhaled a long breath leaning his head further into the crook of her neck and she wraps her arm tighter around him. Their warmth spread through each other over the cold breeze in Austin, Texas and their minds wanders over Henry. Especially for Alex, he wished Henry is well enough to fight this. 


Trauma victim had different response to situation. People sees it as mental illness, but we sees it as memory response. Trauma suppressed that memory deep down and it was like the closest thing we could have to a time machine. Stop telling us to stop being depressed, stop telling us to stop being suicidal, there is no switch or control over our own cluttered mind. We wish that we aren't being like this too, we too wish we could live simpler like anyone else in this world. 

It be crazy not to be crazy. (The crowded room) 

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