Part 18

Alex spent the rest of his morning in the gym after spending the whole night back in the frat house. Those kids might be partying a lot but to Alex he'd never mind it since they would just crash at their own place and slept till the afternoon. When Alex woke up that morning, he forgot to bring his stuffs from his dorm so he decides to go to gym after swimming instead.

He spend the rest of his morning working out and spacing out and by the time he realized it, it was almost one in the afternoon and his stomach is grumbling in hunger.

As he walked out from the building walking towards his lunch destination, he was caught by surprise on the unexpected visitors waiting for him by the entrance leaning against her car. "MUM!" Alex screamed and ran towards her hug as she happily let him collides into her. "I miss you!" Alex yells and she had to pull back for his high pitch voice and Alex's eyes lurked around for his sister.

"I miss you too. June's not here. She's still mad at you for leaving." She says crossing her arm over her chest and Alex pressed his lips into a thin line knowing well what he did. "Yeah I'm mad at her too. She should have told me but she didn't." Alex huffed crossing his arm over his chest. Ellen stood there in silent awkwardly before she speaks again. "Lunch?" She asks and Alex nodded smiling sheepishly over her visits.

Ellen brought Alex to one of her favorite spots when she used to spend his summer here during her study days and showed Alex her favorite meal she likes to gobble when she had numerous visits here. "Nothing can goes wrong over a nice stack of good ol' American pancake darling. We all need the sugar to stay late and partying." She winks at her son as she pours the syrup over the plate and Alex eyes widen at her gesture. "God mum. Don't remind me how you used to party. Makes me want to crawl into a hole." He says and Ellen smacked his hand over the table and he laughs at her.

"Now continue. Tell me about this Henry kid." She says as she sucked the syrup on her thumb and continued on eating. Alex on the other hand sighed staring into his plate of waffles barely untouched. It's always the idea of them to eat breakfast at inappropriate time of the day even at night and that's why Ellen loves this diner. It sells breakfast 24/7 and they are happily ordering breakfast menu in the middle of lunch hours.

He stares into his plate thinking about Henry's notes about him that still lingers in his mind and Ellen noticed how her son had turned into this silent creature in front of her. "Earth to Alex. Are you still there buddy?" She asks and he finally looks up to meet his mother's eyes. Ellen face dropped when she saw the redness over Alex's eyes and wished she didn't see it.

"Am I a loveless, soulless person mum?" He asks and Ellen dropped her fork over her plate. "Darling no! Why would you say that?" She asks her son and Alex lowered his gaze back on his plate. "Then why am I so afraid of falling in love? Henry said that I was afraid that what happened between you and dad would happened to me and my future relationship. Is it true? Am I that afraid?"

Ellen sighed staring at her son right in front of her and hated how devastated he is right now due to her broken marriage. "I believe so." She finally says and earned Alex a sharp look. "What?" He couldn't believe what his mum just told him and his eyes demanded her to elaborate further.

"Your whole life, the first example of love is from your parents. How we love each other impacts you on your understanding of what love is. Some are born into a loving family finding love as easy as finding a mountain. But some aren't gifted to be in a loving family so they looked at love like an act of trust. They'd believe that if you give something, then you earn something."

Alex straightened his back listening to his mother, "For Henry, his parents love ended tragically and there is nothing more devastating than losing someone you love. His family broke apart, left him alone dealing with his pain of losing his father and also his mother in the process."

"I don't blame Henry for protecting his heart my love. He had his guard up before he even met you but he is also a hopeless fool that wants nothing but to be seen and also to be loved. You saw something in him that made you both bloomed into this friendship but also, he can't stop feeling something for you since you are his first. First of everything. Love that consuming won't be easily destroyed. You still have your chances."

Alex smiled feeling relieved over his chest as he saw his mum continued on eating her pancakes and noticed the ring over her left hand had disappeared and Alex's heart dropped. "Mum." He called her and she immediately looked up to meet his eyes. "There's chances for you too with Oscar." He says and Ellen smiled painfully before she turned her gaze back on her plate. She shook her head softly and Alex knows she's hiding her tears away.

"I was nothing but a lovesick fool. It's all for nothing but a dream sweetheart. I should focus on being your mum, not someone else's wife." She said before she took a sip of her water and Alex held out his palm for her. She smiled grabbing his palm with her hand and Alex held it firmly before they both locked eyes at each other. "There's still hope and I'm sure Oscar is not someone whom gave up so easily." He says and Ellen shook her head at him, "I couldn't get my first marriage in place what makes you think the second one is worth risk anything?"

"Because he's not dad. You need to see it too. Everyone deserves a second chance and I was too immature to see that." He says and Ellen sighed longly watching Alex continued on eating his waffles before she smiled.

They walked side by side from each other with Ellen wrapped her hand over Alex's elbow and they talked about how Ellen should stay for couple of days but little did he know is that Ellen already booked a hotel not far from his college so they both could spend some time together like they intended too.

"Uhh, I forgot." Alex says stopping himself in his track and Ellen turned her head to her side to face him. "My batteries dead and I need some clothes." He says and Ellen cocked her head to the side, "Is that why I have been calling you for the last two days and you are not responding? Lucky I don't call the cops on you Alex." She huffed but also offered her son to stay with her while they both cool off after what she heard from him. "Are you dreading to go back to the dorm and face him?" She asks and Alex sighed nodding softly at her. "What if he doesn't want to see me?" He asks and Ellen smiled turning her gaze towards him.

"What if he needed you?" She asks and Alex scoffed at her. "Henry doesn't need anyone. All he need is his books and he will be fine with it." Ellen smiled pressing her lips before they'd both walked further on the pavement. "What if I stayed in my car and you headed up to your dorm to get your things. If he indeed hated you for being there, then you come stay with me for couple of days until he cool off. But if I was right, then you text me and we will have dinner together, three of us. What do you say?"

Alex stares longly at her options and he won't deny that is actually a good plan. He needed his clothes, his laptops and his charger seeing his phone has been dead since yesterday but he couldn't care less to charge it so he won't keep checking his phone for Henry to call him. After talking to Nora the day before yesterday he had made up his mind to let Henry stay and cool off seeing how his busted lips barely left any mark and he didn't exactly wanted another punches from Henry on his face.

He nods to Ellen's plan on grabbing his stuffs and if Henry indeed hated his presence, he would probably left him alone since he needed more time than that to cool off, so after lunch, they both headed back to the dorm as planned. Alex sighed longly in the car staring at his dorm building as Ellen waited for him to finally exited the car. She smiles seeing how nervous he got before he finally unlocked the door to open. "Good luck." She yells at him and he waved her before he ran towards the building.

He could feel his heart thumping strongly inside his chest and he felt like he wanted to vomit all his lunches by the time he stood in front of his dorm room. He turned in the key and unlocked the door open and found Henry lying on the bed, probably asleep. It wasn't Henry that caught his attention but rather his smashed phone over the floor that breaks into pieces that got Alex attention. He didn't bother to pick up anything and went straight to his powerbank by his bed and charged his phone. He throw his phone over his bed and turned his gaze towards Henry next to him.

Alex saw he had blankets covering his whole body including his head and Alex had to smile at him knowing he's trying to hide himself underneath all that. He grabbed his duffle bag from the cupboard before stacking his clothes painfully slow but not without making obvious sound like slamming the door close and clearing his throat or singing so Henry would noticed him or telling him to shut up just so they both would talk.

It was odd when Henry didn't even moves an inch so Alex threw his stuffs over Henry on bed and still didn't get his attention. "Are you still mad at me?" He asks hovering above Henry and slowly unwrapped him from the blanket and horror shocked his eyes.

Henry is pale, pallor than usual and his eyes are closed but he can see swollen lips with cuts by his lower lips and his cheek is reddened like he was punched and his hair is in a mess. His eyes are sunken like he cried for the past two days after Alex's gone. "Hen?" He called trying to shook him to wake and Henry stirred in his sleep.

The moment he saw Alex hovering above him with his both hand caging in between his body, he screamed like literal deafening high pitch screamed and he didn't stop for the next five minutes. Alex was taken back by his voice screaming at his face and tried to shook him to wake thinking he might had nightmares again but he knew Henry is awake. Henry is opening both of his eyes and he should be aware it was Alex not anyone else.

"Hen, Henry it's me! God! Stop screaming!" He yelled back at him and but Henry didn't exactly stop, he had his blanket gripped over his chest as he continued and horror shocked Alex when Henry's nose starts pouring blood from one side and it trails down on his cheek. "Jeez, Henry STOP! It's me! It's Alex!! What the fuck?!" He couldn't stop him from screaming at his face and all the years he had watched all those scary movies came back haunting him. He couldn't make Henry stop screaming so he did the most awful thing towards him, he slapped him hard on his face.

Henry finally stops screaming when he slapped him but Alex can see his face was surprised by the slap and slowly his eyes began drifting back to close and his head fell to the side with his hand drops over each side. "Hen?" He called still unsure whether he should wake him up or not but he was afraid by what he just saw. So he grabbed his phone that's now charging and called his mum.

"Should I leave?" She asks after two rings and she can hear Alex is panting in his breath by now. "No! I need you here. Something weird is happening to Henry. Can you come? Room 308." He says and Ellen didn't even questioned him further knowing Alex needed him right now. So she turned off the engine of her car and rushed out towards Alex's dorm room.

She knocks on the door and seconds later Alex opened the door for her. She walked in seeing her son's face is covered with worried and her eyes caught Henry's phone smashes on the floor next to his door. "What happened?" She asks and Alex shrugs his shoulder at her. "I don't know, it was smashed when I got in." He says and Ellen can see Henry is sleeping on his bed with the blanket over his chest and blood trailed down on his cheek. Alex grabbed the tissue by the table and wiped it off to clean and surprisingly Henry is still unconscious.

"What happened?" She asks placing her bag down on Alex's bed and approached sleeping Henry cautiously. "I don't know. I tried waking him up and he'd just screamed at me like for the past five minutes so I had to slap him to stop. But then he'd fell back to sleep." He says and Ellen watches how weirdly pale this boy in front of her and placed her palm over his cheek. She felt weird how cold Henry's skin is and he didn't even flutter his eyes open. "Mum do you think he's possessed?" Alex asks and Ellen rolled her eyes at Alex's wild imagination.

"Henry?" She taps on his shoulder and tried to wake him up but failed and fear overcome both of them in the room. "Hen? Wake up." Alex tried again stroking his messy uncombed hair back and wonder why Henry is behaving this way. He never let his hair uncombed especially after shower and cursed when he couldn't get his hair in place.

When Henry didn't even move a muscle or waking up to their call, Ellen stood up abruptly and tear his blanket off his body exposing Henry's to cold air hoping he would be awake in anger at least.

But to their horror when Ellen tore that blanket off henry's, they both could see blood traced over Henry's back and in between his legs. Henry is lying on his side and Ellen was surprised to see such amount of blood over Henry's back and Alex panicked. "Henry! Henry wake up. Come on please wake up. What the fuck happened?! Mum what is happening to him?" He asks and Ellen was unable to say anything and she couldn't figure out why Henry is covered in blood but there isn't time for both of them to find out what happened.

"We need to get him to the hospital, NOW Alex!" She screamed and Alex grabbed Henry by his neck and wrapped his arm underneath his knees before he lifted him off the bed and Ellen grabbed Alex's phone by the side of the bed before they both left the room.

Ellen speed her car to the nearest hospital which is the Stanford Medical Centre and immediately drove towards the emergency entrance and frantically ran out to grab the staff to help Henry. "Please help! My son's roommate, he's hurt." She says as they pushed the gurney towards her car and Alex carried Henry out with his lower half covered in blood.

He placed Henry over the gurney and let them wheeled him into the critical area and Henry still hasn't waken up yet. Ellen turned to see Alex covered in blood over his arms and his legs shaking after what just happened. "Mum, Henry-" he tried to speak but he couldn't find the right word and instead he broke into a breaking sobs and Ellen hugs him.

"He'll be alright. He's here now and they will fix him." She reassured him and Alex sobs in her arms feeling his hand won't stop shaking. She had that unexplained look over her face and Alex couldn't understand why but he couldn't care less considering Henry is the only thing on his mind right now.

Ellen helped Alex cleaned up and one of the nurses gave him some scrubs to changed from the bloodied clothes he had earlier. Alex waited for the doctor to finally comes out and tell him what happened and after twenty minutes they had Henry, one of them finally did and he can see the fright look on her face.

"Are you related?" She asks and Alex shook his head standing next to his mom. "Did you contact his family?" She asks and Alex shook his head. "What happened?" He asks her and she raised her palm at him. "Sandra call the cops, now! Tell them we need an officer for code 261." She yelled before she pulled Alex and Ellen into a private room.

"What's code 261 for?" Alex asks and he can see Ellen's face dropped. Her mouth gaped apart staring at the doctor while she closed the door behind her. "Alex-" she wanted to tell him but the doctor cuts her off. "Tell me what happened." She asks and Alex is confused while he stares at his mum looking deeply at the doctor and he sighed. "I came back to the dorm, he was asleep but then he woke up and saw me and screamed for like five minutes and then I had no choice, I slapped him but it was accidental, I swear. It wasn't even that hard-" Alex rambles on about his action hoping he didn't get himself in trouble and the doctor cuts him off. "Does he has any boyfriend or any enemy that might want to hurt him?" The doctor asks again and Alex retorts back not fully understand at what just happened.

"What? No! Henry is everyone's favorite. He never hurt anyone, he won't even hurt a spider much less people." Alex finds it odd for the doctor to keep asking him if Henry received any threats recently or the fact that if he was stalked by anyone and it almost made him screamed in anger. He couldn't understand half of what she just mentioned and when his mother adds in between his and the doctor conversation, he snapped.

"CAN YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!" Alex screamed at her face and she sighed longly and Alex felt an assuring hand over his shoulder next to him.

"Alex, your roommate just showed sign of someone who had just been raped." The doctor says and Alex could feel his whole world crumbling and he couldn't focus on what she says after the word rape.

"He came with a third degree tear over his anal area and that is why he is bleeding and if you guys haven't found him, I don't think he would be alive by now. We need to take him to surgery now and I need a consent." She eyed Ellen next to Alex whom now seating with his hand over his head sobbing in tears and Ellen shook her head at her.

"Not until you get the DNA sampling." She says and the doctor nods at her. "We try, he washed it off." She says and Alex looked up to meet her gaze and Ellen gripped over Alex's shoulder tightened. "I can't consent it, I'm not his legal guardian." Ellen says and the doctor nods at her fully understood at the situation.

"I know but I can, you both are my witness for saving his life right now and I need him to push to surgery immediately or he'll bleed to death. We already transfusing almost four packs and his vitals still not picking up. Miss, I need you guys to contact his family and the officers will come take statement from you guys soon. Just stay here." She was about to walk out from the room when Alex abruptly stood from his seat, "Can I see him?" He asks pleading and the doctor sighed before she nods at him, "Only for few minutes, we can't delay the surgery." She says and Alex nodded before he ran out to follow her.

The moment they pull the curtain open, Alex saw Henry laid on the bed and his clothes had been torn open exposing his bruised skin in multi shades of color and there's tube coming out from his mouth connected to a machine. He was too afraid to touch him or came close to his side worried he might tripped over something. But the nurse reassured him. "You can hold his hand. Even though he sedated, your voice might calming him down before the surgery." She says and Alex nods at her.

He came closer to Henry side and shakily gripped Henry's hand in his and he felt the coldness of Henry skin sending chills down his spine. He broke into tears when he saw the marks all over his arm and his wrist before he leaned his lips over Henry's knuckled, and tears fell on Henry's pale skin. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you. I should have fought for you Hen. Please forgive me. Please stay with me. You need to stay alive Henry. I beg of you."

Alex sobs before he stood and leaned towards Henry's forehead. He pressed his lips over Henry's soft skin and leaned his forehead against Henry's. "We need to move him." The nurse says and Alex nodded before he let them wheeled him into the operation room.

He watched how Henry disappeared from his sight after the door closed and he broke into tears right on the floor and Ellen hugs him from the side. "It's my fault. It's all my fault." Alex repeated over and over and Ellen held him close to her chest. "Do not say anything until the police got here. Don't say anything vague or make any assumptions. Just say what you know and only what you know Alexander, you heard me?"

Alex looked up to meet his mother's eyes and his eyebrow crooked into a curious look. "What if I know who did this?" He says and Ellen shook her head staring deep into his brown eyes. "Do you have prove? Solid prove that the person is to be blamed? You know how it would effect in a report if you make false accusation. You'll destroy a family Alex. Just like abuelito. Remember how he was incarcerated when someone claimed they saw him robbing the store? Do not say anything unless you are certain." Ellen voice is stern and precise making Alex scared of this side of her but he knows that it was all true.

Alex nods in understanding knowing his mother is right but in his heart he knew exactly whom to blame. He knew exactly who the person that hurt Henry in such way and he had enough of this person escapes from the crime they had committed.

A/N: Wattpad just gave me a scare and suddenly I can't log back in and I can't update my stories. If ever my account is being shutdown by WP, just know that you guys are the best thing that ever happened to me. 

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