"That doesn't make any sense whatsoever."

"You also need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity," Theo informed once Scott had eventually explained the plan him and Liam had discussed to us. Admittedly, I was still bitter that my brother had even agreed to keeping Theo around, not that there was much I could do about it. "I know where to find one and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me."

Malia curled her lip with a disgusted look, letting out a low growl in response to his comment. "She promises," Liam said quickly, causing me to roll my eyes. "So does Becca."

"You don't speak for me," I snapped, at the exact same time as Malia responded too.

"No, I don't," she retorted to Liam harshly, then turning to Scott. "We're really gonna do this? Trust him?"

"I agree," I spoke up, also looking to my brother. "You remember what he did, right?"

"You got a better idea?" Hayden questioned the two of us, and I shifted my eyes, hardening my gaze on her.

"I've got an idea," Malia said with a nod. "It may not be better. But at least it's not him."

She began to walk out of the room without another word, everyone's eyes on her. I took a step back, ready to follow her.

"Whatever plan you decide to come up with satan here," I eyed Theo, who arched an eyebrow at my comment, looking mildly amused. "I'll find another way, a better way. So that we can send him back to the damn ground."


"I'm pretty sure this qualifies as breaking the law," Brett commented as I pressed my back against the brick wall, putting a finger to my lips to hint at him to be quiet.

"We're not breaking the law. Just..." I trailed off, tilting my head to the side slightly as I tried to think of the word.

"Breaking the law," Brett finished matter of factly, causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

"Look–" I began, until he held his hand up, silencing me. I raised my eyebrows at him whilst he pointed to his ear, signalling for me to listen. I held my breath, trying to focus on the sounds around me. I could hear the distant sound of keys jangling in somebody's hand, followed by the noise of a car being unlocked. "He's leaving," I whispered, slowly leaning to see round the corner.

The front lights of the car suddenly burst to life, shining so brightly that I had to throw my hand in front of my eyes to shield them, before quickly sliding back into my hiding position.

Brett and I waited silently for a few minutes until we knew Chris was far away enough. I crept around the side of the building first, being cautious about my surroundings. In a contrastingly causal manner, Brett followed me, spending the majority of the time trying not to step in any dirt that would ruin his new shoes.

I was half tempted to step on them with my muddy boots just to get it over with.

"I don't see why you couldn't have just asked him to borrow the book," Brett commented once we reached the front door to Chris' place. I crouched down, feeling under the mat, much to Brett's confusion. "What the hell are you doing?"

My fingertips brushed the metal of the key and I slid it out, holding it up proudly. "House key."

Brett seemed to shake his head as I turned the key in the lock, expecting to find that it didn't fit or something along those lines. Lucky for us, the door began to open, and the two of us stepped inside. Whilst I fumbled along the wall for the light switch, Brett quietly closed the door shut behind him.

My hand brushed the switch and I pressed it down, bathing the room with some light. "Wow," Brett stated as he glanced around the room. "Nice place."

"Okay, we don't have long. You look over there," I indicated to a corner of the room with a set of drawers. "And I'll start over here. Make sure you leave everything the way it was."

"Remind me what we're looking for again?" Brett questioned as I began to head over to the desk.

"It's a book, called the Bestiary," I told him as I crouched down to open the small set of draws attached to the desk. "It's basically got all the information you'd need to learn about the supernatural."

I opened the first draw, rifling through to find nothing but pens, post it notes, a packet of chewing gum and a ball made of rubber bands. An interesting combination. "Does it look like this?" I heard Brett ask, causing me to pause.

I lifted my head up to see him holding up a book in the air; a book that looked exactly like the Bestiary. I stood up immediately, heading over and taking the book in my hands. Sure enough, he'd found it. "That was way too easy," I commented, as Brett shrugged nonchalantly.

"He obviously doesn't come up with creative hiding places." I headed back to the desk, Brett following behind as I placed the book down, opening it to the first page. The two of us leant over the desk, our hands respectively placed either side of the book. "So what exactly are we looking for?"

"I'm not exactly sure," I responded as I rang my finger along the page, my eyes scanning the information.

"That's helpful," Brett commented sarcastically with an impatient sigh. "How are we supposed to find anything when we don't even know what we're looking for?"

"You said it felt like she was controlling your mind or something like that," I reminded, causing Brett to let out yet another exasperated sigh.

"I didn't–" he cut off, pausing for a moment. "I mean I did. But– I don't know. Maybe it was nothing?"

"I got vibes too," I pointed out. "And anyway, nothing is always something in this town," I said, flicking to the next page once I'd found no relevant information. "Plus, who the hell comes back to Beacon Hills because they want to? There's only one answer – it's because it's a beacon for the supernatural."

"Even if she is supernatural, how is this in any way gonna help with the real problem?" Brett questioned as I chewed on my bottom lip, knowing there was a lot of truth to that comment.

"You know when I told you I was coming up with a plan?" I asked, turning the page over again.


I glanced up, meeting Brett's eyes. "She's the plan."

His eyes fluttered shut with a heavy sigh as he proceeded to rub his hands over his face. I knew it was a long shot too, but it was just a feeling I had, one I couldn't explain. "Bec–"

"I'm starting to realise how Lydia feels now," I mumbled, averting my eyes back to the book until I remembered something Brett had told me earlier. "Wait, you said I was saying her name in my sleep right?"

"Well, yeah, kind of," he shrugged, frowning a little. "You think that means anything?"

"Yeah, I think it means that I know something..." I said, trailing off slightly as an idea began to form in my mind.

"That doesn't make any sense whatsoever," Brett commented, watching me as if I'd just gone absolutely insane. "Bex–"

"I need to see the past again," I rushed out, standing up straighter. "You know, like with how I remembered Stiles."

"That's great and all but, you know, how?" He asked, raising a good point. That hadn't happened again, and I wasn't sure if it would...unless I could trigger it in some way.

"We need to go to her house," I finally concluded, slamming the Bestiary shut.

"You're asking me to break into another person's house?" Brett asked in mock disbelief as I lifted the book off the table, which he started to gesture to. "And what about this? What if we find something in there?"

"You were right. We can't find anything if we don't know what we're looking for," I said, heading back over to the draws Brett had found it in, slotting it back in an empty space. "Let's go."

"You're a bad influence on me."


Halfway out of Chris' door, Brett and I came to the realisation that we didn't actually know where Venus lived. I was about to call her and come up with some lame excuse as to why I'd decided to visit her, when Scott rang me.

So we ended up with the others, discussing another plan instead.

"You're going to bite Stiles?" Lydia questioned my brother as I watched them from the other side of the room, my heart heavy. As much as I wanted Stiles back, did I want this? Did any of us want this? Stiles was human. He was always supposed to be human.

Scott looked up at her, his voice quiet, showing he really didn't want to do this either. "To get him through the rift," he stepped away, heading towards the desk in the middle of the room. "It's the only way."

"Just to clarify, are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?" Peter Hale, who I'd found out had made a miraculous escape from the Ghost Riders and returned back to Beacon Hills, slightly burned, questioned.

"With Stiles back, he'll be able to help us figure out a plan," Scott responded.

"He's good at that," Malia added on for assurance.

"So the plan is to get Stiles to come up with a plan?"

"You can shut up now," Malia snapped at her father. I wasn't fond of having Peter there either, but after Liam's plan messed up and mine didn't even get the opportunity to be set into motion, he was our only option.

"Malia, look around. We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills," he continued. "If they take us, Lydia will be the only one left to haunt the place."

Lydia rolled her eyes, looking at me with frustration, a look I shared with her.

"That's why I'm the only person that's going in," Scott replied. "Liam and Hayden will stay here with Mason. Becca and Brett will be here. As long as somebody is left in Beacon Hills, the Wild Hunt can't move on."

"I like your plan, Scott. I really do, especially the part about turning Stiles," Peter said, taking a deep breath. "But it can't work."

"How do you know?" I challenged, moving away from the wall and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Logic," he turned to me. "Life experience. What are the odds that he'll get taken? What if Stiles isn't there? What if there's no Beacon Hills to come back to?"

"You got a better idea?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. It's called, run like hell," he said, causing me to breathe out exasperatedly. "So, leave in five?"

"You promised you'd help us," Malia said as she stepped towards him. "We still need to find the rift."

"I didn't promise I'd help you commit suicide."

"If you can't help, we can find it ourselves," Scott responded as Peter looked over at him again.

"Scott, I admit that you have a flair for beating the odds," he paused. "But, this, you don't walk away from," he began stepping backwards towards the door, his eyes lingering on us. "You run."


"Well, that was a waste of time," I commented with a heavy sigh as Brett and I slowly headed towards his car.

"Not completely," he replied, holding up a phone in his hand, my phone. Before I had the chance to kill him, he spoke again. "I text Venus and found out her address. She's expecting us."

"You're a pain in the ass," I said, snatching my phone back and shoving it in my pocket. "But I'll let it slide just this one time."

Brett shot me an innocent grin, pulling his car keys out. I felt my phone suddenly vibrate in my pocket, and expecting it to be Venus, pulled it out and answered without looking at the caller I.D. You can imagine my surprise when I figured out the voice on the other end was Chris.

"Hey...what's up?"

"Rebecca, next time you come to my house to take a look at the Bestiary, make sure you put it back in the right place." My eyes widened at his words, my heart suddenly beating incredibly fast. "Also, whilst parking the car a distance away was a good idea, it was still obvious. Nice try."

"Chris, I'm so sorry–"

"It's okay, Becca. But you know you could have just asked. Why did you need it anyway?" He questioned as I paused, opening the passenger side door of the car.

"I– it's complicated. You know I would tell you, but I don't even really completely know either to be honest," I responded, sliding into the passenger seat, watching as Brett sat down too.

"Okay," he gave in. "But promise me you're not getting into trouble."

I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he'd accepted my answer. "I promise."

"All right. Take care Bex."

"You too. Bye," I pulled my mobile away from my ear, pressing hang up.

Brett watched me expectantly. "Everything okay?"

"Well, he's not going to kill us," I informed as he chuckled, turning the key for the engine to come to life.

"That's always a positive."

"But he is pretty suspicious," I continued, glancing down at my phone again. We barely got away with that one. "So let's figure this out as soon as possible."

Brett nodded in agreement, readying his hands on the steering wheel, like a man on a mission. "On it."


Brotp on a mission™

Anyone got any thoughts about Venus? I can spoil that she's going to be very important for Becca and the others...

More Liam and Becca content in the next few chapters, I promise 😊

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