Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The clock in his home was an incessant reminder that time was marching forward. In a matter of days the pizzeria was shut down, the animatronics removed, leaving nothing but an empty husk of his past. (The company was now lost from him too, aside from the occasional check for being a shareholder. Though they too would fall once word gets out about the closing of another Freddy's.)

Vincent swirled around the drink in his hand as he sat forward. The tv was on, but it's noise was nothing more than a lost distraction.

So this was it huh? His deal with Shadow fell through, though what more did he expect? When you mess with demons they tend to lie. Truth be told he got out of that rather lucky. The price for defiance in the way he had behaved as death. But at the same time technically he had fulfilled his end of the deal. Being the one to kill you.

Still how did he feel about it?

You were the first he set his eyes upon for a reason. And there was a reason that he's stuck around this town looking for you due to shadow's orders. Reasons he didn't want to admit being caused by vengeance for what he had done to him.

Vincent took a swig of his drink, only to in turn stare at his sunken reflection in the liquid. In a way his new identity was a way of him running away. Running away from who he really was.

Whether he was "Dave" or "Vincent" or what ever other name he'd come up with to avoid detection for his crimes, Vincent will always be William Afton deep down. The man with an idea. The innovator who had a dream.

William came to terms with the darkness that lingered behind his real name. Because of him, his company was set to fail. Isn't that how Henry wanted it? Hidden behind a kind hearted inventor persona. That crook.

William slammed his drink down upon the side table, pushing himself up with harsh breaths. Thinking about that day that his true colors shimmered through made his blood boil. His daughter, the blood.

Shoving it down, Vincent returned to call himself the lie. Dragging his feet towards the coat hanger, Vincent fished for his cigarettes before stepping outside into the night.

The sun had already set, leaving it pitch black outside the condominium he lived in. The only light being from the flame ignited from his lighter after a few tries. And once it had been used to light the cigarette, it too vanished in the night.

Vincent sucked in a deep breath, drawing the toxins into his body, before releasing it with a long sigh. What was he going to do now? He still was going to search for a way to bring his daughter back. He had to. Nothing would keep him from that.

A cold chill swept through the air, making Vincent shudder glancing around. It wasn't supposed to be this cold.

"Well, well, it's been a few days hasn't it?" The smooth voice echoed in his mind shaking Vincent to his core in a fear he refused to admit. Sliding his eyes over to his car, Vincent saw shadow alive and well standing nearby. (Though his fave was scarred, terrible burn gashes ran along his face, with soot sticking to his already darkened skin.)
"Didn't expect to see me back so soon? You know you can't get rid of me that easily now."

"What do you want. Isn't our deal over?" Vincent rolled his eyes taking another drag of his cigarette. Tapping the end of it once out of his mouth with his thumb allowing some ash to flake off.

"Oh no, far from it my friend." Shadow's form was similar to how you saw him for Vincent, due to his hatred. (And fear for the partner that used to dawn the fredbear suit.) his smile stretched far enough to almost surpass his mask.
"You see I've come to repay you."

"For what?" Vincent raised a brow, lips coiled into a frown.
"I didn't do anything for you, and I don't plan to. I'll get my daughter back myself."

Shadow laughed.

"Oh but you have done something for me! You completed the ritual as instructed even if you may have helped those pests in burning me." Shadow flicked a stray piece of ash off of his shoulder with a side eye.
"In return, as due to our agreement, I have something for you."

Vincent scoffed, laughing almost as he shook his head.

"Oh yeah sure. You're the one who said that the deal was off and you no longer needed my help. What could you possibly have to give me now that isn't my daughter." Vincent gripped the cigarette tightly before releasing it to the ground. Stomping its flame out with his shoe.

"Your distrust truly hurts," shadow sighed, "I promise to you it is worth it. Besides, isn't anything worth the risk to know if I have a way to reunite you with your daughter again?"

Vincent stared at the driveway in silence. His heart pounded in anxiety as he replayed the words in his mind. Shadow had him with that. Did he really want to get mixed up in this again?

But, Charlie...

Vincent clenched his hands into fists until at last he met shadows gaze. Fuck it.

"Fine, then lead the way."

Shadow hummed moving from the car door motioning towards it for Vincent.

"Then let us return to where it all began shall we?" Shadow motioned for Vincent to step inside the vehicle.

Chewing the inside of his cheek, wondering what to do, Vincent stuffed his hands inside his pockets. Feeling for his keys and finding them there already. He guessed he had to go now. Trudging forward he got in, starting it up and driving towards the now closed Freddy's Pizzeria.

It was just like him, as he predicted, an empty husk of what used to be. The signage and letters had been removed leaving stains of what used to be there engraved against the building due to weather. There weren't any lights on, and even from the car he could see the things missing from within.

"Come on out of the car, and enter once more." Shadow's voice echoed in his mind, though he was nowhere to be seen. Vincent turned the car off getting out as instructed to stand outside of the place once more.

There was a feeling in his chest, something felt different about it tonight. As if it wasn't just going to be him and shadow within the confines of this place. Regardless Vincent trudged forward, unlocking the doors with the keys he purposely kept after the closing.

The door swung open with a long break revealing just how bare it was inside. Vincent glanced around at the removed entry desk, and prize corner that once was within this room.

"Well?" Vincent couldn't help his impatience.

"Now follow me." Shadow walked out of seemingly nowhere leading Vincent down the hallway. Vincent followed entering the main party room.
"This way."

Vincent watched as shadow walked towards the  arcade area, and quickly followed after him.

Is he taking me to...no he couldn't be.

Vincent looked around at the bare arcade room as he thought to himself only to stop seeing shadow round one last corner.

"Follow me." Shadow beckoned, and Vincent begrudgingly followed. But as he turned the corner to a hallway that seemingly led nowhere Vincent knew exactly where shadow was taking him.
"Seem familiar?"

Vincent pierced his lips as shadow pressed against the panel of wall, forcing it to break open revealing a sealed room that had purposely been covered up by cheap wallpaper and paint. Must immediately filled the air revealing the room Vincent hid for a reason before releasing this restaurant to Cawthon.

It wasn't a very big room, but it was filled with all sorts of parts. An old work space. There were endoskeletons from the early days slouched over on some work benches. Neatly kept tools still resided in their boxes, along side the metal bookshelves that lined the walls holding familiar masks.

The Mediocre Melodies.

Vincent narrowed his gaze at the thought.

"I see this old haunt still sparks something inside of you." Shadow hummed as he stepped inside gazing around.
"He told me to show you this. A trip down memory lane he said. A perfectly fitting place for this to come to an end don't you think?"

Vincent hesitantly stepped inside squinting his eyes to the darkness that was around. He was unable to see much more of the room, but there was a feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him there was one more thing in here he should see.

"You've done all this for your daughter from the start haven't you?" Shadow hummed, the light flickered above sparking to life allowing light to flow within the room. Vincent took a step back as he gazed at the very first animatronic to take stage under the pizzeria name.

Spring Bonnie. The first. His creation. Laid slouched on the floor with hallowed eyes. His endoskeleton had been stripped from him, his fur was darkened with mold and mildew. As well as flecks of dried blood.

"And to think, her favorite character on stage would end up being her father's killer persona." Shadow laughed at the way Vincent turned around. Anger in his eyes and a look that screamed murder. In that moment the door shut.

"What is this?!" Vincent snapped clenching his hands into fists again.

"Your reward." Shadow hummed, suddenly something formed in the darkness taking shape of a little girl. Her green eyes were unmistakable.

"Daddy?" She walked forward tilting her head to the side. Vincent's eyes teared up.

"C-Charlie?" His voice cracked as he took a step forward. Was it really her?

"Why did you kill them?" Her question caused him to gasp.

"What?" Vincent took a step back.

"You killed them. You killed me. I hate you daddy! I hate you! I hate you!" Suddenly his sweet little girl cried in agony, rushing to attack. Vincent was quick to move trying to coax her out of the madness that shadow had placed her in. But nothing was working.

"No-no please it's not like that." Vincent tried and tried, but his words fell upon deaf ears.

"Is this not what you wanted Afton?" Shadow chuckled.

"No! You've done something to her!" Vincent looked up at shadow with venom in his words as he moved again from getting hit by his daughter.

"Well if that's how you feel then so be it. If you want her gone just put on the suit one last time." Shadow sighed disappointed,

Vincent gazed at Charlie as she stalked him in slow steps, her green eyes were gone and gouged out replaced with a hallowed darkness. (And a stream of black running down here face like tears to match.)

Vincent recoiled once more and glanced at the suit. This isn't how he wanted his daughter back. This can't be her. Shadow was lying to him about this being his daughter. And with that in mind Vincent went to put on the suit one last time.

He was fast, clicking it into place around his body before at last the mask rested upon his head one last time. He looked around the room with heavy breaths finding that spirit no where to be found. He let out a sigh of relief.

"I see you've made your choice." Shadow grinned stepping forward.
"Now let me give you your real reward."

"What?" Vincent gasped the word out too late. Shadow had messed with the suit, causing one spring lock to snap into place breaking his skin. Vincent screamed as in an instant multiple locks embedded themselves into his body.

He fell to his knees squirming and spasming unable to stop his body as he felt the blood pour from his many wounds. His eyes tried to look up at shadow as more locks punctured his organs leaving holes that could never be healed, and leaving him to die a slow and agonizing death.

"Y-y-" Vincent couldn't talk, blood had filled his throat leaving him to choke as he tried to speak. Shadow leaned down seeming satisfied.

"Remember what I said now, don't keep the devil waiting." Shadow stood to his full height and in an instant was gone leaving Vincent convulsing in death alone.

The final piece was now within reach, and so that extra presence within the pizzeria took action. Adding it to the board of this long chess game for one final round.
Cobwebs littered the empty building. The only sign of life left within what used to be a lively pizzeria.

"Are you sure we're allowed to be in here?" Flashlights shined along the walls as their carriers walked.

"Yeah man, I got a buddy who was apart of Fazbear entertainment who said it should be fine. You think anyone is gonna wanna come here after what's happened in the past?" The man leading laughed as he stepped over a piece of debris.

"Dude I don't even want to be in here." The second man shuddered as he stalked forward.
"Even if we are running Fazbear Frights, don't you think one animatronic is enough?"

"She is a beauty, but she's too pristine." The man up ahead hummed.
"Not to mention she was apart of the rival pizzeria, Candy's. That's what this location was before a Freddy's. Not like it could have survived back in the 80's."

"I guess, still I don't like it in here." The timid one jumped as a rat scurried across the floor suddenly.

"Oh stop whining! This is perfect for salvaging. What if we find an animatronic from Freddy's?" The leader stopped at a seemingly dead end.
"Huh, I don't remember this hallway in the blueprints."

"Maybe it's just extra space?" The timid man came to a stop behind the leader peeking over to see the empty hallway.

"No there's a hidden panel! Look at the wall it's torn!" The leader pumped his fist up, before he attempted to see if he could open the door up.
"Give me a hand."

Quickly the two men pushed and shoved at the wall until finally it creaked and groaned shoving itself backwards from the force revealing the room. The smell of death quickly hit their noses causing both men to wretch covering their mouths.

"Ugh! It wreaks!" The timid man shook his head shining his light in the room.

"Whoa! Jackpot! Look at all this! The endoskeletons would look awesome in the hallway!" The leader slid inside covering his face as he did so careful to breath.

"H-hey wait!" The timid man followed quickly not wanting to be left behind. But as he entered the leader had his light on the slumped over figure in the corner.
"W-what is that?"

"It's-" the leader gasped, "it's exactly what we've been looking for."

You're making a mistake.

"Hey uh did you hear that?" The timid man looked around the room

"Hear what?" The leader walked forward trying to get a closer look at the suit on the floor.

You have my friends and now you'll have him. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave them be and stop gathering them all within the same place.

The timid man gasped at the words he heard inside his own mind. But he was quick to dismiss them. Despite the warnings this was what was meant to happen. Everyone gathered under one roof.

"Come on let's see if we can get him outta here and then let's call Craig to come help us transport these bad boys to Fazbear Frights." The leader wheezed as he attempted to lift the animatronic off the floor grunting about how heavy these things were.
"Come on! Help!"

The timid man quickly came over to help with the lifting dragging the original Bonnie out from his shadowy domain into the faint light.

"Why do I have a feeling this is really big what we're doing." The timid man shook his head.

"Because it is! We're gonna make a fortune buddy!" His friend laughed before turning to make a phone call.

The man shifted in his feet looking down at the old spring lock suit cringing at the death that wreaked from it. Unaware that this was the final step, for everyone to meet again.

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