Chapter 4 Golden Boy

(A/N: There isn't exactly character sheet for how Goldie looks, but the picture above is the best I can find. Basically just the same outfit as Freddy,  he's just different looking. Happy reading!)

You really didn't want to be here. Back standing gazing at those glass doors, not after what happened last night. But you didn't have a choice now. Anxiously biting your lip, you unlocked the doors, pushing them open and then locking them as soon as you were inside. But safely wasn't the word you'd use in this predicament.

You couldn't help but be paranoid, that feeling of someone watching you didn't go away like you had hoped it would. It was like someone was just drilling holes into the back of your head when ever you turned around, but when you quickly turned to see who was gazing at you, you were met with no one.

I just need to calm down. I'm obviously just really tired with this new sleep schedule.

You tried to rationalize everything within your mind fiddling nervously with your tie. (You hated that thing but you had to wear it because of the stupid uniform.) Sucking in a deep breath you forced your shoulders to relax marching towards the entry hallway. You don't want to stand around for too long, after seeing Bonnie at your door last night you're absolutely mortified to what might happen if you stick around.

You didn't bother to look at the animatronics on stage, just wanting to get to your office as soon as you possible could. Head low, hand grasping the strap to your bag tightly your speed walk turned to a full jog in an attempt to get away from the main show stage. Unaware in your haste that their eyes were watching you.

Finally! At last! The office was almost like a safe haven even for the second night. At least for while you were inside the pizzeria, you'd pick a grave yard at midnight as a safer place over Freddy's at night. Heaving a heavy breath, unsure if it was caused from your sprint to get here or your anxiety, you laid your bag down against the floor.

You didn't bother to look at the time taking a seat at the swivel chair as you had last night, though this time you picked up the tablet with shaky hands. It was silent, all expect for the fan which continued its loud buzzing in the corner of the office. But it's not something you minded too much, it wasn't complete silence. Complete silence seriously bothers you.

You flicked through the cameras a few times before placing the tablet down feeling yourself shaking again. If anyone saw you right now they'd just assume you were cold. But it was fear that was making you this way. An increasing impending fear.




For a second time the phone scared you, making you jump in your chair worth a yelp. Your shift must of just begun now if the phones ringing again. You assume this phone guy has it set on a timer for you. Although he was a stranger his voice brought you a sense of security even if he wasn't really here with you.

Reaching for the phone you pressed the speaker button laying it down on the table pressing your lips together. Don't panic, just stay calm.

"Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this then you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses..." as the recording began, it took a dimmer turn than youd of liked.

Your eyes looked up towards the phone on the desk, gazing at it with a pleading look. But it's not like anyone could see it. No one was gazing at you right now.

Great. I just want to get out of here.

You sighed at the thought looking away from the phone to stare at the floor, only to straighten up as the small little pause on the recording finished.

"Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know?" As soon as the words were out in the open you were frantically reaching for the tablet. This was terrible were still scolding yourself for not reading those papers before signing them.

You quickly flipped through the cameras trying to see if anyone was out and about, and as you made it to the main stage you noticed Freddy was standing alone, regardless of the fact his eyes were gazing at the camera with a look you couldn't quite place. But it didn't matter.

"Uh...Interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often. I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so, hey, I guess that's one more reason not to run out of power, r-right?" The recording continued on, as you began a frantic search for Bonnie and chica. (The urgency was lost when you finally found them of course. Bonnie was in the parts and service room while chica seemed to be walking amongst the tables of the main room where the stage was.)

Your head looked up from the tablet peering between both doorways into the darkness of the hallways that resided out the door. Freddy likes moving in the dark? You certainly don't want to know what it's like when Freddy is out and about from the stage. Shivering in fear you looked back at the tablet keeping an eye on that power but forgetting to even check the time. (You don't want to think about it until you hear the alarm chime. Not to mention if you're busy with the cameras your fear of the dark won't creep up on you as well as your fear for the animatronics.)

"I-I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights. There are blind spots in your camera views, and those blind spots happen to be right outside of your doors. So if-if you can't find something, or someone, on your cameras be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react. Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I-I'm not implying that..." the guy who was talking suddenly seemed nervous and you wondered if he was alright.

Noted, blind spots at my door check the hall as much as I can.

You made the mental note with a shaky breath already putting into action just what you had thought pressing the lights for a split second seeing nothing there, then your attention returned to the cameras.

"Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time. The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I-I-I guess he doesn't like being watched? I don't know." The recording paused in its talking and you could hear the labored breaths on the other line. You guessed he was afraid.

That makes two of us.

You thought a bit sadly looking for this fabled pirate cove on the feed. Sure enough there it was with a camera directed right at purple curtains. So then, this is where the missing animatronic was hidden away. The out of order sign implying he wasn't active but from what the phone guy said that wasn't true.

"Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, talk to you soon." The silence lifted and the recording was put to an end as the former night guard said his farewells was the line went dead.

It felt lonely now not having him talk. You preferred his ramblings from last night but tonight it was short and sweet. Would the other nights be this short and to the point? You admitted that he made you less lonely.

The tablet lowered from your hands, and you out stretched one of your hands to return the phone back to its original place. Your eyes lingered on it for a few moments longer, and then was directed towards the tablet. A serious expression crossed over your face.

I can do this right? Last night wasn't so bad, and if I make it tonight that's another days worth of some good money for rent.

You were trying so hard to give yourself courage as you looked between all the cameras again, but your thoughts were preoccupying your mind. You had so many questions from your search on the web today.

What happened to those kids? What about all the other previous night guards? Is this all just apart of the animatronics programming or was something else going on here?

What if....those kids, who went missing....were murdered here...

The thought was slow as it crossed over your mind, hesitant almost. But was it possible? Was the idea even something you could ponder or was it merely nothing but just a silly conspiracy like a lot of what people have speculated about this place on the web?

Your eyes focused in on the cameras again quickly flicking through every one, but the scene at pirate's cove was unsettling. One eye stared at you, well the camera, from within the darkness behind the curtains. It glowed, illuminating just enough so you could faintly make out the face of the animatronic inside.

It's sort of chilling to look at, and the way the eye gazed at the camera made you worry about what the animatronic was doing. They shouldn't be able to think, other than what they've been programmed to do, but the longer you spend here and the more the hours tick by the more you realize this isn't just normal programming.

I don't like this, I don't like how calculated this all feels. Are they planning something? Is this all just one elaborate set up to cover up murders or something?

You swallowed thickly at the idea of that shaking a bit as you looked through the cameras again. You're not even paying attention to the battery like you should be.

"You couldn't comprehend what's going on here even if it was thoroughly explained to you."

Your head jerked up eyes wide and filled with panic. Who said that?! Where was that voice coming from?! Your head turned from side to side hands reaching to check the lights to the blind spots at the doors only to see nothing.

The air feels thicker, humid again, and the feeling like someone was really looking at you was back. Your heart was beating wildly against your chest.

"I'm hallucinating! That's what's going on I'm hallucinating!" You spoke aloud in a panic, unable to keep it inside your head as a thought. (Its funny just what fear can do to a person.)

"If only that was it." There it was, that voice again. Calling out to you from somewhere but where you're not sure. It sounds like it's right next to you but! It's not! You're feeling light headed.

"I have to be hallucinating! I have to be!" Now you're talking back to the voice afraid if you don't something bad would happen. You're frantic shaking in your spot as the world became slightly, you felt almost far away. As if the world was spinning around in circles.

"Please calm down, this isn't going to help the situation you're in." The voice seemed unbothered by your reaction. At least that's how it came across.

"I-I-" your throat felt hoarse, your hands felt clammy, and the world wouldn't stop its spinning. You felt like the darkness was creeping up on you, about to swallow you whole. In a way it did as you fell forward towards the desk with a thunk your hair falling over your face as you laid there passed out in your chair.

The doors to the room closed shut and the power level glitched remaining at the last percentage you saw as you felt yourself slipping away into a dream like state.

Laughter, you could hear laughter. It was distant but it was growing closer the more you strained to hear it. It wasn't just laughter it was children's laughter. Your eyes fluttered opened and you realized as the noises all became so clear you were standing in the middle of the main show room.

Your eyes blinked a few times trying so desperately to focus in on the sight but it was difficult and your vision was very foggy. Like looking through a fogged window but no matter how many times you wiped away the fog it came back.

Your eyes tried to adjust but figuring they wouldn't get better than this you decided to try and look around. You strained to see, to catch a glimpse of what was going on but it was easier said than done. You could hear some sort of song playing off in the distance and as you strained to hear that to it had ended just as quickly as you had even began to hear it.

You didn't even question what was going on, if this was a dream or if this was reality, you just went along with you walking until you met with the loudest and happiest table in the building. Or so it felt. You could barely make out the children, faintly seeing six kids there chatting happy to one another while their parents sat at the other end of the table talking to each other.

Or at least you thought you saw six kids, when you tried to look again and see their faces, the sixth kid was missing leaving only five at the table. You wanted to see what was going on so badly, but you felt as if you were pushing yourself too hard forcing yourself to see and hear.

"Hey kids!" Suddenly auditable words were said, no longer just noise in the background the words stuck out to you and the voice...placed fear inside of you. Your head turned to look at where the sound had come from seeing what looked to be a golden version of bonnie standing at the end of the table where the kids were sitting.

Even if the image was blurry and very hard to make out, looking at the animatronic frightened you more than anything else you've seen. Your breathing quickened and you had to take a step back as the children cheered upon seeing the rabbit.




The kids had responded all at once but there was only three different variations of greetings. The more you looked at the animatronic the more you realized it wasn't just an animatronic, there's a person inside there. From what little you can see. Your eyes looked away unable to maintain eye contact with the person to attempt and focus on the background.

There were some signs on the stage, to the side that read about something about some new members of the crew would be added soon. But you were having a hard time reading it. It didn't matter too much did it. Reluctantly you looked back towards the table of kids who's parents were so engrossed in their own conversation paid no mind to the stranger talking to their children.

"I heard from my best friend Fredbear that today it's someone's birthday!" The golden bonnie seemed quite enthusiastic as he spoke, and it was then your mind allowed you to see that he was holding a birthday cake in both his hands. But, something didn't feel right and the fear was still firmly rooted inside you. Are you shaking?

"It's my birthday today!!!" A little boy gasped out excitedly and you found yourself looking towards his direction feeling yourself smiling sadly. (Though why you're not so sure. It just naturally happened.) That little boy, with his purple shirt and plush rabbit clutched securely to his chest, almost reminded you of the bonnie you know. (Not the golden one. Obviously.)

The man in the suit laughed heartily, but something about it seemed malicious, holding the cake tighter as he did so. The kids all seemed to be waiting with baited breath and excitement about what he was about to say.

"Well," the man seemed to almost shift on his feet like he was anxious or excited about something, "the birthday boy deserves some cake on this special day! Don't you kids agree?"

Cheers of approval erupted from the table, every one of the boy's friends seeming so excited as they shouted various yeses to the question.


You couldn't help but think to yourself.

No don't take the cake. Don't follow him, don't follow him.

You wanted to say it aloud. To shout it to get the parents attention so they knew just what was going on with you but no matter how badly you wanted to just scream at the top of your lungs you couldn't make a sound. You did nothing but watch.

"Then follow me and we'll make sure everyone can get a piece of cake!" The man seemed so enthusiastic, but all you could think about was the dread that washed over you.

You just had to do something. To stop this from happening, and at last your body was able to move again, your hand reached out hoping to stop at least one kid from following the man. But it never touched one of them. It phased right through as if you were ghost. Startled you withdrew your hand quickly to gaze at it with wide eyes.

"You're only spectating. Everything you're seeing here is nothing but a dream." That voice. You know that voice. It's the one from the office. But instead of sounding like it's everywhere at once, this time it sounds like it's merely next to you.

Your head turned sharply in the direction of the sound but you faltered when you were finally met with the owner of the voice. It was just a man, well actually he's a bit odd looking with such platinum blond hair. You thought that was the only weird thing about him, but when he turned to look at you his eyes...

They were nothing but white pupils surrounded by darkness, like his eyes had been gouged out from his head and all that remained were these white specks in their place. You were so startled by the sight of his eyes you didn't even acknowledge the golden bear ears on his head. Or the fact he looked an awful lot like that Fredbear character, except obviously if he was a human and a young man.

"Who are you?" The question just fell from your lips curiously, your eyes unable to leave where this man's eyes should be. But his eyes weren't on you at the moment, with his hands behind his back he was just watching the children follow after the man with the birthday cake towards the staff only room while their parents remained oblivious to the situation.

The door had closed shut but the rest of the scene was nothing but what normally happens at the pizzeria. Finally his gaze met your own and feeling him looking at you, you shuddered almost afraid.

"Where's the fun in telling you that?" He raised a brow seeming a bit mischievous as a light smirk traced his lips.

What? Is that all he has to say? This has to be one big hallucination like you thought. This was just one long and weird dream and he was a figment of your imagination. (Though good job to that for making him look handsome and absolutely terrifying all at once.) You frowned looking away from him to hold your head in your hands.

"Oh my goodness I'm loosing my mind! It's only my second night and I'm already loosing it!" You gasped out shaking your head frantically.

"Calm down. You're not loosing your mind, this is just a dream like I've mentioned before. Are you even listening to a word I say (Y/N)" the man turned fully to face you making you stop your head shaking and peer up at him.

Did he...did he just say my name?!

You couldn't help but scream inside your own mind at the thought. The man visibly cringed almost like you were yelling out loud and had a hand pressed to his forehead like he had a headache coming on.

"Please don't scream." He sighed lowly.

"You!- you!-" your hands moved from your head, your body taking a step back as you pointed.

"Yes." The man let out another deep breath fiddling with his tie. (Well it was a bow tie, but he seemed to be messing around with the knot of it.)

"H-how!- how are you doing that?" You didn't mean to sound so frightened let alone to be a bit loud at the beginning there but you were freaking out. Reasonably of course.

"Doing what?" The man smiled amused.


This voice echoed inside your mind, but his mouth was closed. You jumped looking around like someone else was talking, that was until you met his gaze yet again.

"Yes!" You couldn't help but sound frantic. How is he doing that? Is this just part of the dream? Him speaking to you like this? Are you really hallucinating this badly?

"I'd rather not say a thing, but it appears I'll have to or you'll keep trying to convince yourself this is one big hallucination. Well that or some weird dream. I'd hate to be the barer of bad news, but while yes this is a dream unfortunately me being here isn't apart of it." His explanation was more confusing than just not knowing.

You let out a shaky breath, feeling your heart still thundering against your chest, which made you press your hands to that instead hoping maybe that would ease the feeling. The man seemed a bit unhappy you didn't understand what he meant and stood a step closer to you.

"This," he waved one hand around motioning around the two of you, "is a dream. This part is not real. But you, and me, we are real. This is your dream, but I'm intruding."

As he spoke his hand motioned from around the two of you to pointing at you and him towards the end. This time things made a little bit more sense.

"But how? How is that possible?" You wanted to know you wanted to understand why this was all happening what this all meant if this wasn't what you thought it was. Why were you even here what was the point of seeing all this?

"I know you have a lot of questions but I can't answer them all right now." The man seemed a bit sadden but that fact. But before you could even ask why not he merely held a hand up to stop you from even speaking.

"Just be patient. I don't normally reveal my self like this, you'll see me again." His hand lowered and you furrowed your brows now a bit frustrated.

"What does that even mean?! I just want some answers! Why should I be patient when you're the one who-who's ! Invading my mind!" You can't believe you even just said that sentence but here you are. Saying it. The man stayed silent for a moment.

"Would you please calm down? I told you I can't right this second. It's not as if I enjoy being mysterious, even if others would argue otherwise. Don't behave like a toddler." His words almost sounded cold, but the smile on his face looked friendly. It seems he was trying to poke fun at you in a very peculiar way. His hands returned to his back and his ears twitched to the noises in the background. (Which were slightly loud considering now the parents were all looking for their children off in the background.)

You can't believe he just called you a toddler. You're not a toddler! Wait you're not behaving like one right? You feel like your reactions are perfectly rational. If anything you're under reacting, and you're not sure if that's from the stress of your new job or what.

"I am not a toddler." You crossed your arms pressing your lips together looking offended.

"Of course not, how could I be so blind?" The tone in his voice was obviously so fake as he apologized. Sounding so mocking. You frowned.

"Jerk." You scoffed under your breath, not even expecting the smile that crossed over the man's face. He was looking at you like, he was looking at an old friend.

"That's not the first time you've called me that." His tone seemed softer, like this whole time he was testing you and this moment right here amongst the others from earlier had told him everything he needed to know. To brush away any remaining doubt he may of had.

"What?" You couldn't help but be so confused as you looked at the man, but he merely shook his head in response.

"Nothing, nothing." He sighed again, you're starting to wonder if he does that a lot. You wanted to ask him again, but before the words could even reach your lips a splitting loud noise made you cover your ears.

It was so loud! It felt like it was shaking the very earth beneath your feet from its constant rhythmic chiming. What was that noise?! It sounded so familiar but you can't quite place it.

"You're waking up!" The man shouted over the shrill volume of what ever was making that noise. You looked up from where you were slightly hunched over wanting to get away from the sound.

"What?!" You shouted back.

"I said you're waking up!" The man shouted just as soon as you spoke.

"Waking up?!" Your volume didn't change but it was clear the world around you was starting to, fading away like static from an old tv program.

"Yes! Don't worry though when you wake up back at your desk! I made sure you stayed safe for the remainder of your shift! Not like they'd bother you knowing I'm talking to you but I can never be too careful with-" what ever he was saying was drowning out and even though his mouth moved no words left him.

"What? What are you saying?!" You wanted so many things answered, you wanted to ask so many more things, but it appeared you wouldn't get the chance to. This time.

"I'll be seeing you, (Y/N)"

That was the last thing you heard him say. Your body bolted up, a loud gasp leaving your lips almost giving an impression that you had just come up to the surface after being underwater for so long. You were panting, panicked eyes looking around as the clock on your desk read 6:00AM in its normal font. What just happened?

The doors to the office were up and nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than maybe the fact you were shaking like a leaf. What in the world was that dream? Everything that had happened was still sitting inside your mind, but the more you tried to think about it the worse things became. You felt like you were getting a headache from thinking which was such a silly thing to even fathom.

You can't believe you survived the second night. Would you of survived it awake too? That was a loaded question. How did you manage to remain safe even in sleep? Could it be that dream, was more than just a dream?

You licked your lips anxiously while leaning down to grab your bag off of the floor. You wanted nothing more than to just leave. Just get out of here as fast as you can. Standing up you had to lean against the wall for support your eyes looking at the wall across from you.

Was it all real? Your heart was beating in fear at the thought, but you can't obsess over it. You can't obsess over what had happened for that matter. You just wanted to get back home, and see (F/N) and pretend that none of this ever happened. It was like the nightmares were coming back from when you were a kid. You don't want to revisit them. You don't want to even think about them.

Rushing down the hall in a quick walk you barely even waved goodbye to cawthon who had just walked inside the pizzeria. You didn't even notice he looked relieved you survived yet another night as you left with the soul intention of just getting home as fast as you can. You just want to go home and live in a world of make believe.

What happened tonight, woke something up that shouldn't of even been awake. He was going to find you. And the animatronics on stage, who had watched you leave with worry, knew that He was finally coming out from hiding.

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