Chapter 18 I Will Wait For You (Freddy)
You're slipping away. Like sand through his fingers. Riding in the very back of the mini van like this was bumpy, but Freddy did all that he could do to keep you safe. He knew in his heart you don't blame him for anything that's happened, but despite that fact it was hard to ignore everything that had transpired.
For now shadow was gone. Destroyed in the fire silenced for a few years until he regained his strength. But what about you? All that was left to save you now was stuffing you into a suit into the back. But Freddy couldn't bare the responsibility that was placed on his shoulders.
Seeing you like this and knowing just what had to be done to see you and hear you speak again was an unbearable feeling. But in the end it was a decision that had to be made.
Vincent's car raced across the street, taking the road straight back to the pizzeria. Your final moments of life were at hand. Your breathing became more spaced out, slower, you're at deaths door.
Please hang on just a bit longer love.
Freddy frowned as he directed his thoughts to you. Even if you couldn't hear him it was the effort that counted. His fingers softly brushed away some dirt off your skin, frowning at the blood that now dried against it staining your once clean skin.
Was he making the right choice? Wanting to stuff you into a suit in order to save you. Was that the right thing to do? Freddy felt conflicted again. Unless this is what the puppet wanted.
The puppet, he didn't know much about them. Just that they gave him and his friends and family now life. And that they had a very close connection to you. At first from what he understood the puppet was adamant that it wasn't time for you to remember, but then allowed you to unlock all your memories at once. (Or so he assumed.)
Just what were they thinking? Did they know this was going to happen all along? Freddy just couldn't understand and not knowing the answers or knowing what he's supposed to do was driving him crazy. Still, seeing you sleeping taking your final breaths he knew he couldn't just let you die.
The car raced over a speed bump, jerking everyone slightly as the van pulled into the parking lot of the pizzeria. Everyone got out and rushed to the trunk trying to help you and Freddy out.
"F-fr-Freddy?" Your voice was hoarse still, nothing but a soft whisper as your eyes partially opened meeting his blue ones. This would be the last time you'd see him for now isn't it.
Freddy smiled at you as the trunk opened. His fingers brushing away the stray pieces of hair that refused to stay in place holding you close to his chest again.
"I'm here. It's okay, I've got you. We're safe now." Freddy's voice was soft. Threatening to crack as his eyes slightly watered at the thought of loosing you. You hummed in response. Smiling up at him before falling back asleep. His smile fell replaced with a serious expression, now he was on a mission.
"Let's go."
The others followed silently as Freddy made it to the entrance, kicking the door to open it. Everyone aside from goldie and Vincent too scared to get close to him as he marched forward. (It was very rare that Freddy kicked something like that after all.)
"Hey!" Vincent hissed matching freddy's quick pace as he entered the pizzeria. (It smelt like moldy pizza and socks. Did it always smell like this? Maybe Freddy didn't notice because he's lived here for years now.)
"Hey I'm talking to you Fazbear!"
Vincent blocked Freddy from perusing his path to parts and services, frustrated.
"Out of my way Afton." Freddy's eyes darkened, impatience's in his voice. A tone no one's heard before.
Vincent sneered are Freddy, annoyed upon hearing his real name used as a threat.
"I'm not trying to cause problems, I helped you with shadow didn't I? The salt was my idea, so cut the shit." Vincent tightly crossed his arms.
"I get you're in a rush but try not to break anything. We may be closing for good but Cawthon will still have my head if anything's damaged."
Freddy stared for a while. At first he didn't say anything. Not even so much as acknowledging what had been said to him. But then he sighed relaxing his shoulders.
"Of course I understand." Reasonable as always.
"Let's go gang."
Freddy walked past Vincent, continuing his walk towards parts and services the others hesitantly following behind.
"Are-," Chica hesitated walking through the metal door after Freddy, "are we sure this is what we want to do?"
Freddy motioned with his head for goldie to clear off the metal table in the middle of the room. The extra pieces of endoskeletons and wire being put off to the side. He didn't respond staring at his brother as he worked.
"She's got a point boss. Are we sure we wanna do this?" Bonnie peeked around the room looking around at all the endoskeletons that laid dormant on the shelves. Most of them had been picked off. Taken away by the company in the middle of the day used for other locations most likely or sold. (Who knew really.)
"Yes." Freddy finally responded his shoulders tense again as he held you closer to him lowering his head.
"It's the only way we can save her. It may seem cruel now but-i-I'm not sure how to explain it I just have a feeling this is the right thing to do."
"Then we be with ye captain." Foxy patted Freddy on the shoulder nodding his head reassuringly.
"Can someone please find a suit so we can get started. We don't have a lot of time." Freddy smiled towards his friends. Silently thankful for their support even if he was asking something of them.
Everyone but Vincent, who stood at the doorway with his arms crossed leaning against it, got to looking. There didn't seem to be any suits in the back. There always was one of at least Freddy, but there was nothing.
Freddy was beginning to loose hope. Did they really clear out the establishment that fast? They're always back here. Suddenly foxy pushed at a shelf, revealing a limp purple animatronic cat suit. Everyone stared in shock as he fished it out from its hiding place lifting it up examining its dramatic eyelashes and painted nails.
No one said anything but the same question hung in the air. Where did that come from? Though everyone had more multiple thoughts. How long has that been here? Why didn't anyone know about it? What location is this from? Is it even theirs? Or did it come from the puppet?
Despite the many questions none could be answered. Everyone accepted that this was your suit as it was placed on the table ready for the procedure. Freddy's hands shook with each step he took towards the suit.
Can he do it? Stuff you into a suit like he would a past guard? Freddy stopped at the table, unsure of what to do just staring. Tears flooded his vision as he gazed down at the suit that waited for you.
He can't be weak in front of the others. He can't. And yet he couldn't stop the tears as he held you close shaking his head. He can't do it. He just can't.
"Freddy." Goldie muttered softly to the side, trying his best to comfort his brother.
"W-we can do it for you." Bonnie spoke up suddenly walking closer to the table.
"Yeah." Chica played with the hem of her skirt.
"You can just wait while we finish this."
"We know this be the hardest for you captain. We will make the sacrifice." Foxy nodded once towards Freddy. But Freddy knew he couldn't let his friends do it either. What a terrible feeling.
"Ugh," Vincent suddenly groaned from the doorway catching everyone's attention, "fine. I'll do it."
Everyone stared at him in shock.
"You?" Goldie scoffed crossing his arms tightly standing taller to loom over Vincent.
"What makes you think we want you to touch her after all you've done."
"Look I've done a lot of fucked up things in my lifetime." Vincent stood toe to toe with Goldie unwilling to back down.
"I know I'm a terrible person, but I'm just trying to get my daughter back. As much as I think you all are annoying and I wish I had never even made a deal with that bastard, I know what it's like to have someone you care about taken away from you. I'm already a cold blooded killer, I've killed for selfishness. You've all killed for revenge. It's only right that I stuff her, to save you all the guilt you'll feel later."
Freddy was shocked. Vincent actually wanted to do a good thing. He acted as if he was still a cold blooded man but in this moment Freddy could see him a bit better. He was just a broken man who lost his daughter. Freddy didn't want to sympathize with his killer, even if the real person who led the killing was shadow, but at least he could understand now. (Vincent was right if he or the others stuffed you they'd regret it for the rest of their time. Especially if this didn't work.)
"Okay Vincent." Freddy walked closer to him forcing Goldie to take a step back. His arms out stretched handing you off to the purple guard.
"I give you permission to stuff her into the suit."
"WHAT?!" Chica and Bonnie shouted together in shock at Freddy's actions. The two of them looking at one another unsure of how to process it all as Goldie and foxy remained silent off to the side.
"Freddy you can't be serious. Come on this guy sucks." Bonnie shook his head as he jabbed his thumb towards Vincent.
"You do realize I can hear you right?" Vincent rolled his eyes as he took you from Freddy.
"Are you sure you want to do this Freddy? You can still change your mind." Goldie turned his attention towards his brother, wanting to hear one more time that Freddy really wanted to do this.
"Yes, yes I'm sure. I'll do anything to make sure she comes back to me. To us." Freddy stared at you as he spoke unable to break his gaze. With closed eyes he sucked in a deep breath trying to relax himself.
"I'll try my best to replicate what I did to you all. No promises i'll actually remember but, none of you have to stay in the room." Vincent walked towards the table now, intent on beginning.
One by one the others began to leave the room, casting doubtful and sorrowful looks towards you and Vincent before disappearing out to the main show stage. Freddy was the last to leave his back to the table as he stood in the doorway. He was hesitating and he knew it.
Finally he found the strength to turn around and gaze at you and Vincent one last time for now.
"Vincent." Freddy called to the guard watching him turn around.
"I am sure you won't care about this. But if you fail, I'll hate you more than I already do. I'll make sure you know what the true definition of hell is. There is no place you could hide that my spirit can't find you. Your life will be endless suffering."
Vincent nodded at Freddy. Somehow in that look Freddy knew Vincent felt as if he deserved that. (And he did.)
Finally Freddy turned to leave, parting from the room to wait with the others. That was all he could do, for now.
It was agony to wait. Agony to pace back and forth waiting to hear at least something. Freddy couldn't help himself. He couldn't stop his pacing. Occasionally he'd look towards the clock curious to what time it was.
It was currently 4 AM.
There wasn't much more time until he had to be back on stage. That's what worried him. His mind was plagued with what ifs and Freddy couldn't stop them. The others were all the same, doing their own things off in the distance but still glancing towards the clock.
What was he going to do? The pizzeria's final day was today now. Soon he'd be singing his final song until it was curtains for him and his friends. He wasn't sure what was going to happen to them when the place shut down. But he wanted to be hopeful.
Everyone knew what leaving the pizzeria had meant for them when they rushed to save you. No one said it, everyone acted as if they had forgotten but the puppet gave them the rules. If they left the pizzeria at any point for any reason they'd be cursed. That's all the puppet had said about it vague as always.
He wasn't sure how much longer he had just as himself. But he hoped it was long enough to remain with you.
Finally the door from parts and services was pushed open. Groaning at the force that moved it catching everyone's attention again.
Vincent stood there alone, now covered in blood from his shirt down to his pants, his eyes were heavy as if he was recalling a bad memory.
"I did the best I could. I don't know how to tell if it worked or not but she's not really moving right now." Vincent glanced back towards the table obscuring the sight with his body. Freddy looked down disappointed.
"Well maybe we should just wait." Chica forced a smile for her friends.
"After all we didn't come back that quickly. Maybe it'll take a little bit! There's still hope!"
Freddy gazed at her, his mind turning with the fear that it wasn't going to work no matter how much they tried to keep hope. But he can't argue with her logic. He has to keep a brave front. He's the leader they rely on him to show them that it'll all be okay in the end.
"Chica has a point," Freddy forced a smile, "you're all free to take care of what ever business you have left tonight. After all today is our last performance as a band together. Take your time and do what you need before 6 am."
No one said it, but they were scared for tomorrow. While goldie was the only one of the group who'd be fine even leaving the pizzeria due to his different nature that didn't stop even him from worrying. No one knew what was going to happen to them, no one wanted to really know. So with that they separated.
Chica was the first to part, taking off to go cry. Bonnie was shortly after her, intending to spend his final moments beside his "sister." Foxy disappeared towards pirate cove. And where ever goldie went Freddy only assumed to be where he normally hid during the day.
Now it was just Freddy and Vincent stuck in the main show room. There wasn't much time left. Freddy wasn't sure what he should do. But he guessed he'd give his crew some space before comforting them one last time until the clock hit 6.
"Hey," Vincent stopped Freddy from wandering towards the stage stepping out of the doorway to parts and services, "I don't get it."
"Get what?" Freddy turned to face him readjusting his bow tie.
"You've all got free will. Hell you could all even pass as humans out in society with your weird transformation thing. So why don't you guys just leave? Or just come back to life after they try to turn you guys off?"
Freddy sighed deeply looking up towards the stage longingly.
"I'm not entirely sure we could do a thing like that. Our abilities are as much a mystery to me still as they are to you. But I do know there was a strict rule in place for us not to leave the pizzeria and we broke it for (Y/N). Now we'll suffer the consequences of it. I don't know what will really happen if they shut us off, but I don't really want to find out either. Even if no matter what we'll figure it out when the time comes." Freddy closed his eyes. Unable to stop the anxiety that flooded his chest.
Vincent hummed curiously but didn't press any further just nodding. It was clear he wasn't entirely sure what to do with this information.
"I'm going to change into a clean uniform. Don't think you will, but if any of you idiots need me you know where to find me." Vincent nodded again at Freddy as a sign of respect before he took off. Leaving Freddy completely alone.
Freddy opened his eyes feeling his tears starting up again as he looked up towards the ceiling.
So, this was it huh? The pizzeria that's been open for almost 30 years now finally was at the end of its era. Cawthon almost didn't want to open the glass doors for the opening shift. His eyes staring at his reflection. Despite it all he pushed them open, keeping them unlock for its last day of business.
The familiar hallway was nothing but a bittersweet reminder of what was to come today. And then Cawthon saw Vincent. There standing in the main show room waiting for him alone. The main crew behind him ready for their final performance on stage.
"So," Cawthon forced a smile clapping his hands together in fake enthusiasm, "you ready for one last shift?"
Vincent sighed shrugging.
"Not sure. What about you?" His eyes were intense. Cawthon had no clue to what had happened last night, but the truth was he never had a real clue to what's been happening in this company for years.
"I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye." Cawthon looked towards the main crew sorrowfully.
"It's like saying goodbye to an old friend. It's not an easy thing to do."
"Well, what's the plan for today then?" Vincent stuffed his hands into his pockets as he spoke casually.
"I want to make sure that the kids who come through those doors today have a really good time. I want their final memories of Freddy's to be a good one. So I hope that everyone can make today extra special for them." Cawthon sighed still trying to keep his smile.
Vincent nodded, unsure of just what was to come. As he and Cawthon walked on towards his office to discuss a few more things together, Freddy watched carefully with a heavy heart.
Time was cruel, it moved quickly when you didn't want it to and slowly when you wished it would go faster. That was the perfect way to describe the day. It felt like seconds after Vincent and Cawthon left, and soon enough other employees came in for their final shifts. And then shortly after them the children.
It was almost like any other day of a performance, the children cheered begging for more. Their greasy hands trying to reach for them on stage only to be ushered back by employees. And then what was so many became so little as the time for closing approached.
Five kids remained. Their parents chatting in the distance with employees thanking them for the service. Leaving the children to watch the final performance. But as Freddy sang their conversation stuck out to him.
"I'm going to miss them." One of the little boys frowned as he stood on his toes trying to see the band better.
"Me too. I'm going to miss Chica the most." Freddy assumed the little boy's sister was the one who spoke, her pigtails bouncing as she turned to look at him.
"Well I'm going to miss Bonnie. He's the coolest." Another little boy puffed out his chest gazing up at Bonnie as he played his guitar for the final song.
"No way! Captain Foxy was!" Another little boy jokingly shoved the boy who said he'd miss Bonnie.
"I still miss Foxy."
"Well I think they're all neat." The second little girl laughed at her friends swaying on her feet.
"I'm going to miss all of them."
The other kids muttered in agreement at that.
"Fritz! Come on sweetie it's time to go." The little boy who mentioned liking foxy turned around to look at his mother smiling at her.
"Coming!" Fritz turned back towards his friends waving goodbye as he started rushing to his mother.
"See you guys later!"
"Jeremy, let's go kiddo dinner's waiting at home." Next the kid who said he though Bonnie was the coolest had been called to go home by his father. He was hasty to wave goodbye to his friends.
Then there were three.
"Cassidy. Come on sweetheart, we'll be late if we don't leave now." The mother to the little girl who said she liked all of the crew was ushered away by her mother who seemed to be in a rush talking on the phone with someone.
"We shouldn't stay too much longer either. Let's go Gabriel and Susie." The last two children's mother ushered them to come with her. Susie came with out any questions. Rushing to her mother and taking her hand but Gabriel stayed staring up at Freddy who looked back down at him.
"Goodbye Freddy. I'll miss you the most." Gabriel tried to reach towards his idol, who heard every word he had to say to him personally.
"Gabriel come on!" His mother called to him again and this time there was no arguments.
"Coming!" Gabriel glanced one last time at Freddy before he rushed off joining his family.
Freddy watched from the stage feeling a stray tear running down his animatronic mask. Then the last customers left. People came in and out of the room. Tables were moved. Table clothes and party hates removed from them. The floors cleaned and then employees began to leave.
The last one to leave was the mechanic. What was once a month routine for the gang to endure of tests on their mobility and voice boxes was now a moment of dread. The mechanic sighed as he marched up the show stages stairs. Beginning to open Bonnie's back.
Bonnie looked at Freddy, moving his mouth partially to smile at his friend. Though he couldn't say anything Freddy knew what Bonnie was saying. See you around. And then his body went limp. The lights in his eyes flickered off and the mechanic moved back making his way towards Chica.
Freddy followed with his eyes watching as her back was now opened. Her eyes met his tears beginning to reach them as she tried to smile at him too. She was scared but she was trying her best to be brave. He knew what she was trying to say too. I'll miss you guys. Then the lights flickered out of her eyes. Her body went slack slumping forward as she lost her power leaving Freddy to be the last in the group to go.
He stared forward at the wall sucking in an imaginary breath. His back was pried open and while it was an odd feeling he tried not to think about it. His joints locked, and he knew the end was near. Closing his eyes Freddy could only think of you. Your smile. Your warmth. Your kindness. The last thing to cross his mind was all about you.
I'll wait for you (Y/N). Till the end of time.
And just as his final thought crossed his mind Freddy lost power going limp like his friends. The mechanic wiped their hands before leaving the stage making his way towards pirate cove.
For now this was the end of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, the establishment leaving behind a distant memory in the back of peoples minds. For now they were nothing but a long forgotten dream.
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