Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Freddy)
How much longer? How much more did he have to wait? Freddy didn't want to know but yet at the same time he did. Were you okay? Please hold out a little longer, it's not much more time now until he'd save you.
Freddy didn't want the others to know his anxieties. He didn't want them to know that he was so paranoid that he couldn't stand still. For now everyone went their own way, being in different rooms, leaving Freddy alone on stage.
He couldn't take it. Waiting for Vincent was excruciating. He had to know you were okay. He had to have you back in his arms. In his right embrace.
Freddy was pacing, there was nothing else for him to do except pace. He had to know what was going on with you, if you were okay, but he's left in the dark about it all.
Please be okay.
Freddy stopped in his steps to stare at the floor frowning deeply. He'd tear himself apart if you were suffering. But the realistic thing was you probably were. There was no telling what shadow could do to you, and it was making him sick to think about it.
All alone with no one to help you. Just like what he had gone through before he died. Though like the others Freddy only remembered shadow behind Vincent guiding in the killings. It was all he remembered really. (Though goldie remembered it all.)
The feeling didn't change though. The fear of being alone and having no one to help or save you. It was one he didn't want you to go through. He was going to save you. He had to.
The doors chimed down the hall causing Freddy's head to snap up looking down towards the hallway narrowing his gaze. At first he held his breath, unsure of who was walking through those doors and what he should do, but then he caught sight of purple. He exhaled standing straighter.
Vincent was brushing off his shoulder scoffing to himself as he walked through the entry hall, he seemed annoyed. Muttering to himself. Freddy just watched, as Vincent approached the show stage and took his cigarette out from between his teeth.
Freddy's gaze was piercing. He wanted answers and Vincent gave no acknowledgment of his staring. Just exhaling and putting the cigarette back into his mouth.
"Uhem." Freddy cleared his throat narrowing his eyes. Vincent finally looked up.
"Oh it's you." Vincent rolled his eyes stuffing his hands into his pockets leaning back away from the stage. Freddy pressed his lips together in a thin line. (A bit rude and uncalled for, in freddy's opinion at least.)
"Where is she." Freddy was cautious with his choice of words. Keeping his cool, remaining calm, but each word was sharp. He was done waiting. Vincent leaned against the stage a bit.
"Took me a while to find her, that bastard knew how to hide her." Vincent didn't answer the question directly, cigarette bouncing with his lips with each word.
"I won't ask again, where is she." Freddy was impatient now. He leaned down to gaze at Vincent with a hateful gaze. Vincent took the hint this time.
"He's got her hidden in a little cabin in the woods. It's mine, I used to use it as a vacation home for me and my family before-" Vincent's eyes darkened. He never finished the sentence. He just fell silent.
Freddy stood tall eyeing Vincent before he looked up towards the side. Goldie appeared as if he knew Freddy was about to call him looking towards his brother questioningly.
"Get the others. It's time." Freddy spoke inside his mind, goldie nodded and left in an instant.
There was nothing left to say now. Neither one of them wanted to speak as the others came into the room ready for action. Everyone wanted you to come home just as badly. (But Freddy knew that what he felt was more intense.)
Wordlessly everyone left the pizzeria for the first time in 20 years. No one mentioned the sky. No one mentioned that indescribable feeling of the natural breeze against their skins once again. Instead they all piled into Vincent's car one after another.
This was the first time everyone, beside goldie, had seen the outside world. The world that wasn't the pizzeria. The city had changed so much since they had last seen it.
What was once a small town, had flourished into a city. There was so much to look at. So many signs that glowed as the sunset. (Though the sun was no longer visible just the purples and pinks that lingered in the sky.)
It was a shame that this was the only time they could gaze at it all. Take it all in. But it didn't matter too much. Freddy didn't want to dwell on it. (Maybe after this was over the two of you could enjoy the beauty of the world together.)
It was quite in the car as Vincent drove. In all honesty Freddy wasn't sure how all of them had managed to get in. (Maybe it was because they were packed in like sardines?)
Still they fit and isn't that what really mattered? It was too quite. No one wanted to speak, but truthfully he didn't really want any conversation. He couldn't think of anything other than the anxiety of what could be happening to you right now.
Freddy slumped his shoulders staring at the glove compartment longingly. He really hoped you were okay. You were strong. He knew that. It's just that he worried. His anxiety was getting the best of him. (It was his worst trait.)
Trying his best to distract himself Freddy gazed out the window at the passing building. Slowly one after one, they changed to trees. Spacing themselves out, until finally it was nothing but trees in view.
He wished he could take in the beauty of it. But his mind was too preoccupied with the thoughts of you. He was still blaming himself for your disappearance. Freddy crossed his arms digging his nails into his skin, clenching his jaw shut tight.
He wished more than anything he had forced himself to go home with you. Even if again he knew he couldn't do anything against shadow at least he made an effort.
The concrete road twisted and turn, until eventually it became just a winding dirt road. It was incredible dark in the forest. It was almost spooky. If he hadn't of been the spookiest thing in it freddy probably would have felt uneasy. (Well, spookiest thing next to dream demons in this forest that is.)
"You don't need to be so worried." Goldie's voice reached freddy's head. Causing his blue eyes to glance back towards his brother as he communicated with him in his mind again.
Freddy looked back towards the window at first not saying anything back. But he knew he had to say something.
"Do you think she'll be okay? Do you think we'll get to her in time?" Freddy frowned deeply.
"We'll get her." Goldie didn't say much more than that. Just looking at Freddy calculatedly, it was clear he was thinking but what Freddy didn't know. All he knew was that his brothers affirmation felt like a lie. Nothing but a lie.
The car followed along the bumpy road a bit longer until finally that small cabin Vincent mentioned came into view. It was quaint. But what waited for them inside was anything but homely.
Vincent was careful to park the car out of view, taking his keys out after turning it off and getting out. The others followed after him. Freddy clutched the door as he stood up looking out at the cabin with a sense of dread. (There was smoke piping up from the chimney, and a single light left on inside.)
"So, you think she's in there?" Chica's question broke the silence. She's always been the bravest at cutting through the silence.
"I know she's here." Vincent growled slamming the car door shut.
"That jackass chose here as a fuck you to me. I know it. He had to put him up to it."
"I don't know," Bonnie glanced towards everyone anxiously following along the path as they did towards the cabin, "this feels a little like a trap."
"It be odd that is for sure." Foxy spoke cautiously, nodding at Bonnie agreeing with him.
"We move cautiously, we don't know what shadow could be setting up." Freddy continued walking, the truth was he didn't care about being cautious. He just wanted to be sure the others and you would be fine. But as for himself? He didn't care.
Vincent walked up towards the door, fishing out some keys and sticking them into the lock, slowly creaking it open. The living room light was on, seeping out towards the door. Everyone leaned back as a strong smell reached their noses. (It smelt like blood.)
Freddy pushed past everyone taking the first steps inside looking around. You're definitely here. So far nothing seemed unusual. Just a fire place, some couches and loveseats. Basic things you'd see in a cabin. Everyone followed after Freddy cautiously taking the same amount of time to look around.
"Everyone look around, stick close together. She has to be here." Freddy spoke as he moved walking towards the hallway peering down it. The lights were off. (Though that didn't matter too much he could see in the dark easily.)
Stalking forward down the hall, Freddy listened carefully. The floor boards groaned with each step he took, the smell was getting worse. Freddy decided he would follow the smell walking down further down the hall towards the end. (There's a door.)
It seemed like this must be a bed room, the smell was strongest here, trying the door Freddy huffed.
Damnit! Locked.
Freddy furrowed his brows deeply. He debated it he should break it open, or wait until they found a key or something to get you out. He didn't even know if you were inside anyway!
"(Y/N)?" Freddy leaned close to the crack of the door speaking into it. He held his breath waiting for a response.
"F-Freddy?" Your voice was hoarse. You sounded so tired. Freddy's heart sped up. You were here! You're behind this door!
"Yeah, I'm here- I'm here." Freddy placed his hand against the door hearing your soft sobs
"I'm going to get you out okay?"
You said nothing and Freddy took that as a good sign of getting you out. Freddy tried the door again. Viciously jiggling the knob hoping that the second time it would work. But that was foolish. He stepped back to examine the door.
He couldn't break it down, even if he wanted to. If shadow was lingering around, he could hear it. (Though realistically if shadow was around he'd sense them here.) Still he wanted to play it safe.
"(Y/N)?" Freddy called out to you again, listening for any sort of response. Sacrificed when you have a weak hum in response.
"I will be right back. I'm going to get the other's. We'll get the door open for you okay?"
Freddy didn't want to leave until he heard another sound out of you. Very quietly you said okay, letting Freddy part from the door. It broke his heart to hear you like that. (You were hurt. That blood had to be from you, and to be kept in the darkness all day was even worse. Freddy's heart ached at the thought.) Quickly Freddy returned to the living room.
"I found her!" Freddy watched as everyone quickly rushed to him ready to follow.
"She's locked inside one of the bedrooms down the hall. I can't get in with out a key."
"I might know where one is." Vincent casually walked towards the fireplace reaching into a basket placed delicately up top.
"We used to keep spare keys up here. There should be one for the bedroom."
Shifting things around, Vincent finally found what he was looking for holding the keys up for the others to see. Freddy wanted to snatch them from his hand, run down the hall, and unlock the door that kept you from him. But instead he followed behind Vincent like everyone else had to the room.
The key slid into the lock, and Freddy couldn't help but peer over Vincent's shoulder desperate for that door to open. It creaked like the front door, slowly pushing open. The smell was overwhelming. It reeked of blood.
Oh god. Oh god. You're in there bleeding out to death. The door continued to be pushed open, and then he caught a glimpse.
Your body was limp, laying curled on the floor with ridged breaths leaving you. You were in so much pain. Covered in so much blood. It stained your clothes and clumped in your hair. Your skin was torn, jagged in places that were unnatural.
What did shadow do to you? You barely peeked your head up, relieved to see your friends standing in the doorway ready to come save you.
"Somethings not right." Goldie suddenly broke the relief everyone had to seeing you alive. He looked panicked turning to gaze at everyone with wide eyes.
Freddy looked towards him. What? But they were so close to you! They had found you! What was wrong?
"Like what?" Bonnie slightly huffed. Goldie continued to glance around unsure. He didn't say anything for a while and everyone held their breaths anxiously. What was wrong?
Oh no. It had to be bad. If Goldie was saying something wasn't right he was feeling something the others couldn't. Freddy didn't want to leave you like this. His eyes glanced towards you as you remained shaking on the floor. You didn't bother to try and sit up.
"We need to hide." Goldie pushed himself away from the door quickly walking down the hall.
"Hide?!" Chica gasped following after him. The others not far behind. Freddy didn't even budge. His gaze still on your frail body.
"What the hell is his problem?" Vincent scoffed slightly. Clearly irritated at Goldie's sudden exclamation. He glanced towards Freddy, as if demanding an explanation.
Unfortunately Freddy was still distracted glancing behind himself now as he followed everyone quickly. Getting farther and farther, than he'd like to be, away from you.
Vincent glared at Freddy now, finally catching his attention. Blue eyes meeting Vincent's gaze Freddy scowled at the look.
"Don't ask us questions. If he said hide. You listen." Freddy didn't say much more than that, ducking into a closet as everyone hid in their own places. (Goldie hid in the shadows, foxy carefully behind a counter, Chica behind a chair, Bonnie in the fireplace, and Vincent lamely hidden behind the other chair.)
He could feel it now. That presence. Freddy narrowed his gaze from the closet. He knew that feeling. He could never forget it. How could he forget the feeling of that dream demons presence?
The floor boards creaked, an invisible weight upon them. Everyone held their breaths. No one moved. No one breathed. They all knew what was lurking around the corner. (Though no one said it aloud.)
Everyone was thinking the same thing. Everyone knew just what was making it's grand appearance. Even though they wanted nothing more than for him to go away, they all knew there was no way that could happen. After all nothing was that easy. This just wasn't something that could be avoided.
Shadow was coming. And there was no stopping him.
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