Chapter 15 Missing

So, this was how it was now? People just sticking their nose where it doesn't belong? The police were outside the establishment, covering most of the outside of it. The lights from the cars flashing as a warning to keep away.

Vincent knew he should probably keep his distance, but he didn't have a choice. Cussing to himself, he got out of the car standing at the open door surveying the area. Cawthon was the only familiar face out there. Standing there while talking, wringing his hands together anxiously.

Fuck how did the police figure it out so quick?

Vincent scoffed to his thoughts feeling his eye twitch with annoyance. This was just ridiculous, annoying even. Normally it takes about a few days before they poke around after a disappearance. This would be the fifth one from the establishment, when did they care so much? (Is it because they have to care now?)

Vincent scoffed to himself at the thought, quickly walked over to see what was happening. His intense gaze caught Cawthon's, he looked sad. Oh honestly was he never going to catch a break? This was just tedious. (Were they asking for more information than normal?)

"What's goin' on?" Vincent pushed the sleeves of his uniform up, asking the question as he got closer to his boss. God he was exhausted, his eyes burned. Vincent was was up almost all night looking for you per the agreement. (Though even if he agreed to show the others where you were he had his own alterer motives. He wanted his revenge on that jackass for breaking the deal. He didn't do all that for nothing!)

"Did you not get my email?" Cawthon's voice pulled Vincent from his thoughts. He turned to look towards him seeming pensive. The officers who had just been talking to Cawthon parted walking towards something else. Clearly leaving the two men to it.

"No." Vincent stuffed his hands into his pockets trying to keep his composure. It was hard with how angry he was.

"Oh-well, you see, I got a call this morning from the police department. It seems one of (Y/N) friends reported to them about her disappearance. She didn't make it home this morning." Cawthon glanced towards the doors of the pizzeria. His gaze lingered on the clear glass longingly, until he seemed to make a decision.
"Here let's talk inside."

Walking ahead Cawthon stepped inside the establishment, holding the door open for Vincent. At first Vincent just watched Cawthon walk but begrudgingly he followed after him, not with out glaring at the cops as he passed. (This was bullshit. The police were nothing but a hoax. They didn't care that much when those kids disappeared. And they certainly didn't care this much when his daughter died. Vincent knew who killed her with out a doubt. It was him. His experiment killed her. Vincent was certain it was. But with no evidence it was just an accident. He hated the police. They were a joke.)

Police were inside as well, though it wasn't nearly as many as outside, Vincent guessed they were trying to make it look like they were doing their job. Cawthon didn't pay them any mind walking further down passing the entrance making his way towards the main performance room.

No one was really in here. The rest must be in the office where you were supposedly last seen. Vincent glanced up towards the stage feeling their gaze on him. He rolled his eyes.

"I have something important to talk to you about." Cawthon let out a deep breath.
"As you know, the police are investigating us again, though because we were the last people to talk to her they'll want to take us down to the station. I'm afraid that this is the last incident we can handle as a franchise before having to close our doors. This is it for the establishment."

It felt a little too quite after Cawthon spoke. It was a lot of information to pick through. The interrogation wouldn't be long, Vincent already knew that, but closing the doors of the pizzeria? That felt a little odd. (But it made sense. This was the last strike to the reputation. There was no coming back or making excuses for this one now.)

"You're kidding me right now." Vincent looked away towards the wall trying to suppress his scoff. It just didn't seem real.
"Closing? After everything that's happened here?"

"Fazbear Entertainment can't make excuses for us anymore. We're liabilities. They think it's easier to just close us then keep us open with all the gossip that will start after this." Cawthon hung his head low. He really tired his best to save this establishment.
"Kids go missing everyday, but adults? Working the same shift, at the same place, disappearances happening back to back? Not even days apart? We've run out of excuses."

Vincent kept quite clenching his jaw tightly. Fazbear entertainment, his beginning was now going to be his end? He started this company! He started it for his little girl. Him and his partner. He made this place what it is now! (Though he didn't mean haunted.)

After Henry died and then Vincent's  daughter, that was the fall of power after building an empire. (No longer able to show his face as William Afton. As far as the company knew he lost his sanity, the death of his wife and child were too much on him.)

Though even if the history was rich and dark, Vincent was still bitter that cooperate made the call like this. Though it didn't matter now. He was no longer in charge. 

"Hm, seems a bit ridiculous to me considering how they defend some other places." Vincent glared at the floor. (They defended Henry when Vincent had accused him of his daughters death. He just didn't get over it.)

"Well," Cawthon sighed, "corporate will be corporate you know how it is."

Vincent drew in a deep breath turning to look towards the gang on stage. He could feel the blond one was lurking watching him carefully. (Though he had a cold heart, no longer as sane as he'd care to admit, Vincent knew why goldie hated him so much. He can't say he blames him.)

Cawthon followed Vincent's gaze standing beside him a bit to grab his shoulder.

"I'll miss the gang, between you and me Mr. muffin was always my favorite." Cawthon laughed a bit at Vincent's confused look.

"The cupcake has a name?" Vincent turned quickly to look at his employer. (At the time the gang had been created, the only ones he had a hand in designing were Freddy/Fredbear and Bonnie.)

Cawthon snickered a bit but seemed a bit lost in thought as he stared up at Chica. Silence swept over the room as a weight hung in the air.

"Well, the cupcake used to be here. We had to get rid of it for liability reasons." Cawthon glanced back at Vincent.
"Do you think the animatronics caught her? (Y/N) I mean."

Vincent stuffed his hands inside his pant pockets. That was a good question, if you took into account Cawthon had no idea what was going on behind the scenes entirely.

"No I don't," Vincent figured he'd be honest, "but I can't say for certain."

Well it was only half true. Cawthon nodded in silence staring up at the stage. He seemed nostalgic. Vincent couldn't blame him. Everyday was a living memory of his past. It haunted him. (Though Cawthon was a good man with a wife and two kids.)

"The pizzeria will be open one more day, for the grand closing, and then that's it." Cawthon stared at his shoes.
"I figured I'd close shop for a week after this incident so people have time to recover, and then be open for one final day. Poor girl..."

Cawthon trailed off and now it was Vincent's turn to pat Cawthon's shoulder. The two men turned beginning to walk towards the doors.

"Well, this place has had a good run. We may as well get outta here for a while, don't want to be too sad." It was an excuse. Vincent saw the cops were done with most of their investigations and were beginning to pack up. Most of them had left the building, only a few lingered.

Cawthon nodded his head agreeing with Vincent as the two of them stepped outside. It felt like a new beginning. The sun was high in the sky, no where close to setting, but a day like this was comforting.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cawthon, Mr. Heliotrope? I'm afraid I'll have to ask you two to come down to the station with us for questioning on the disappearance of Ms. (Y/N) (L/N)." The peaceful moment was broken as an officer stepped over, they seemed overall done and now all that easy left to do was go in for the interrogation.

Both men didn't argue and followed as instructed, down to the station, leaving the pizzeria closed and empty. (As far as at least one of them knew.)
The pizzeria was quite. Not a sound lingered aside from the occasional mechanical whirling. No one said anything. No one knew what to say. The news was still being processed by those who heard it. Was it really all true?

The silence continued to linger, though it just couldn't last long. Chica brought her gaze to look towards Freddy. She wanted to talk? But eventually she gathered the courage.

"A-are they gone?" She had to ask, even though not a single living soul was in sight.

Freddy glanced towards her, Bonnie following his example to stare too. It was quite again. No one knew what to say. Or how to respond to her.

"Yes. I believe they are." Freddy sighed after a while, and in an instant was human again. (The others shifted with him. No one wanted to be mechanical for much longer now that there was no need for it.)

"So we're all just going to ignore the fact that they said the pizzeria is closing?" Bonnie crossed his arms, his ears twitching at the top of his head in annoyance.

Freddy didn't answer, he seemed spacey, gazing off into the room. Chica clutched her apron tightly in her hand at Bonnie bringing up what they all wanted to talk about.

"Yeah! I mean!- what's going to happen to us?" Chica looked towards Bonnie acknowledging he opened the conversation. She was glad that he had, even if he seemed just as upset as she was. (Foxy had ran into the room at this point, he had been dying to know what's been going on as he saw officers behind his curtain.)

"I-" Freddy's mind was running a thousand miles per second. He couldn't think. He had to think. What was going to happen to them? Or what about you? (What could he even say?)

"Captain?" Foxy looked up at Freddy from the ground floor, up next to the stage, everyone knew Freddy was lost in his mind.

Freddy didn't speak anymore keeping his mouth shut in favor to stare. The others looked at one another in worry. They've never seen him like this.

"He's fine. He just needs to think." Goldie appeared out of no where, it was obviously a habit of his, standing close to his brother.
"The only thing that matters right now is getting (Y/N) back."

"You're right." Everyone agreed softly looking down at the floor. It was just hard to also let go of what they had all known for years.

"Well, let's think of this as a good thing!" Chica waved her hands in a way to try and seem excited.
"With the pizzeria closed for a while we can stay out as long as we can to search for her!"

That was one way to look at it. At least someone was trying to be optimistic. But it was hard, especially when she kept wanting to cry.

"Yeah, and we won't have to rely on that purple freak for too much!" Bonnie was on board with trying to be positive.
"Obviously we can find her with out his help."

"Aye! It be a promise!" Foxy was on board with his friends but Freddy still seemed so distant still. He didn't acknowledge their optimism, he was too focused.

"Freddy." Goldie looked towards his brother, only sliding his gaze in his direction, calling out to him from his mind.

Freddy did the same, looking towards goldie slowly. Freddy didn't respond. He didn't want to. He knew why goldie was only conversing in his mind.

"Okay everyone, listen up." Freddy turned around at last. A full sentence finally formed in his mouth. Everyone looked at him expectantly.
"Things will still go as followed. We have to trust Vincent for now, we can't just wander around in broad day light looking the way we do."

"What about me?" Chica raised her hand a bit rushing to volunteer to search in the others places. Freddy shook his head no.

"We either leave as a group or not at all. Shadow is a dream demon and could easily pick us off one by one if we get too far apart from one another." Freddy clasped his hands behind his back keeping his posture tall. Chica lowered her head in disappointment.
"We move in the night, it'll be the least conspicuous looking with our animatronic features that stay with us in this form."

There was no arguing with that. Even if Chica was the most human looking out of them all, it just wasn't safe to travel alone in a time like this.

"I don't trust Vincent." Goldie growled slightly.
"But Freddy is right, if we trust him for now it may benefit us."

Why did they have to make sense? Everyone all thought it, well the three of them did. They'd have to wait whether they liked it or not. Truthfully neither goldie or Freddy wanted to wait any longer themselves. It was just the safest and best bet.

Don't misunderstand them, they were going to save you. You were their top priority. But in a game like this, you must play strategically.

Everyone was quite lost in their own thoughts as they pondered over what to do until Vincent came to speak with them. They all guessed the best thing to do was wait.

Although no one said it, they were all thinking the same thing. Just one thought they all agreed with.

They were coming to save you.
Save me.

You hung your head low, your voice was hoarse no longer able to scream. It was hard to think about much else than the pain now. You wanted to be saved. You wanted it to be over. But it wasn't.

You tried to convince yourself that the blood that was now splashed against the floor, still fresh, and against shadow's body was fake. It wasn't your own. But that was a lie.

Your emotions were jumbled. Too hurt to process them accurately. Were you angry? Afraid? All you really felt was the pain.

You didn't want to lift your head. Too sick to make eye contact with the man who's spent hours hurting you. How were you not dead yet? You know he said that he wasn't going to be the one to kill you, but your body was in excruciating pain, it was hard to believe him.

"Aw dove." Shadow's voice reached your ears, as if he was speaking aloud like before but much clearer. Was that because you were close to death? (And because he was a demon? You weren't quite sure anymore.)

You watched him kneel down forcing your head up to look at him. He faked pity, but you were too tired to spit at him again.

"Look at you, so tired. You should rest. Your friends will be here soon and they'll put you out of your misery." His tone was condescending, making you furrow your brows in annoyance.

You forced your self to have the strength to jerk away from his touch recoiling back. Your body was shaking. You're not even entirely sure what had happened to it anymore, but you knew you've been here long enough that your eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"Y-you monster don't touch me anymore." Your voice cracked, still hoarse from the screaming. Shadow just laughed at you, pushing himself up to stand.

"I'm the monster?" Shadow pointed to himself, with his blood covered hand, faking shock.
"Really the true monsters are those friends of yours. They've killed innocent people too you know. Too consumed in their rage and desire for vengeance against him. And they're going to kill you to."

You shook your head a bit clenching your eyes shut. You wanted to cry really, but you've cried so much there were no more tears left to fall. You didn't want to believe him. You know what they've done. Though no one ever mentioned it you knew they all had killed. (They would have killed you too if they hadn't of recognized you.)

But you refused to believe that they did it because they were heartless beings hell bent on vengeance. They're more than that and they were not going to kill you!

"They aren't going to kill me," you opened your eyes to stare at the floor curled against the wall, "they're going to save me."

Shadow just hummed, he sounded like he was walking away.

"You believe what ever you'd like. After all, who am I to say what happens in this game?" Shadow sounded as if he was smirking. (Game? What did he mean game? Was this all a game to him?)
"But I did promise him you'd return to his side. You are special dove, whether you believe me or not."

You didn't turn your head even the slightest towards his words. You didn't care what he thought. Shadow didn't say anything more, leaving the room letting you sit there bleeding out. (He had patched you up not that long ago, just enough so you didn't bleed out so quickly. You had time to live, but part of you wished you'd die already, it hurt so much.)

Even so, you didn't care what he did or where he went, deep in your heart you knew your friends would save you. It didn't matter if he was convinced he was going to have then kill you, you just knew that they'd save you.

"They'll come." You whispered to yourself closing your eyes exhausted.
"They'll come, they'll save me."

You fell asleep to the thought. Hang on a little longer. They were on the way.

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