Chapter 13 Torn From You (Chica)

(A/N: hello lovelies! Just a quick note that when you see chapters like this, it's the same rules as before but now they are their own separate chapter! Happy reading! ~Nightmare)

So, this was really what it was like now? Chica wasn't known to be patient. She had a hard time sitting still even as a kid. But for you she'd wait. Her fingers grazed over your face observing you as you laid against the cushion of the booth. (The table still moved out of the way so she could sit on her knees beside you.)

Look at you. You look like sleeping beauty. A real princess. And what was she now? She wasn't human anymore. But you were so alive even when you slept to her it was fascinating.

What were you both now? These feelings were complex. But she knew she loves you, yes she can say it she loves you. For a while, when she was a kid, she brushed off all those thoughts of thinking women were just so pretty because she wanted to be like them when she's older. But now she wasn't so sure.

Part of her was scared. She was scared about the fact that she loves you. What if you wanted a Prince Charming? Not another princess rescuing from the tower? She felt silly constantly comparing you to fairytales. But there were no tales where the beautiful sleeping beauty, runs away with a beautiful princess.

She felt weird, she could still remember what her father was like when she was little. She's supposed to like boys. She's supposed to be girly. Like the things girls do. Not be wild and run around and jump. Was this normal? These thoughts? (Did you feel the same?)

Chica's fingers twirled strands of your hair curling it between her fingers as she gazed at you. She couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt. While the evidence was strong you felt the same the doubt still lingered in her mind.

Tears began to sting her eyes as she looked away with a deep frown. She can't cry in front of you! Even if you were asleep she had to be strong. But she didn't want to loose you, especially as a friend. Your hair fell from her dainty grasp, resting back against your face framing it delicately.

Sometimes she used to wonder what it would be like being human again. What would she do? At the time she thought she'd go and make new friends, travel with them, party with them, enjoy being alive. She wanted to experience life to the fullest if she was still human. But it was an impossible dream.

Now, with you here by her side, she wondered what it would be like to be human with you. What new memories would the two of you make? Would you love her? Would she have more time to tell you that you meant the world to her?

She can't imagine a world where you aren't with her anymore. When you had gotten hurt as a kid, she had heard her parents talking about it. At the time she couldn't comprehend it but as time went on the thoughts clicked into place. She didn't think she'd see you again. (Even though the puppet promised them that when the time was right, they'd send something or someone to help aid in the final battle. The final battle so they could rest. Have their happiest day.)

She knew that you were here for a reason. You didn't just take this job because you needed the money though you probably convinced yourself that at first. You're here to help them. She wants to have her happiest day with you. Finally at peace with the woman she loves.

It felt so impossible. It felt so far away. She was anxious, tears beginning to fall. She's such a cry baby. A fact she's heard all her life. Whether it was from goldie as a snide remark when they argued, or from her past. She just couldn't stay strong at the idea you could leave her. She just couldn't bare the thought.

She clenched her eyes shut keeping her head turned away from you covering her mouth with one hand as the other grabbed one of yours. She wanted you to stay. Even though you haven't left yet still laying in front of her, her thoughts were running rampant. She didn't even notice you stirred, eyes fluttering open to vaguely make out that she was crying.

"C-chica?" Your voice was frail. Soft, like a leaf in the fall being whisked away by the wind. Or was she over romanticizing the sound of your voice now?

Chica quickly wiped away her tears turning to look at you clutching both your hands tightly in her own.

"(Y/N)!" She leaned forward sniffling as you seemed to be trying to comprehend what was happening. It was hard to come back to reality. Your mind felt like a mess but some how seeing Chica sad made it worse. She was trying so hard to pretend she hadn't just been crying but you knew better.

"W-what's wrong?" You coughed a little looking away to do so before turning your head back to look at her watching the way her eyes widened. She didn't expect you to notice. (But her face quickly became red. It made her heart swell at the idea you noticed something was wrong.)

"Nothing!" Chica shook her head quickly.
"I'm just so happy you're awake again."

She looked down slightly rubbing her thumbs against the back of your hands. She drew a shaky breath bringing them close to her face nuzzling into your knuckles.

Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. Your face turned red enough to rival a tomato's colors. Your heart was beating out of your chest and soon you brought your self to sit up slightly sniffling. Her sweet actions just touched your heart as yours did hers.

But you were in pain. Even if you wanted to pretend it was okay now that you're back your mind was a mess. Jumbled with the past. It hurt, leaving its mark in a bad headache that pounded against your skull.

The tears that came to your eyes weren't just because she was so sweet, but from the headache that pierced your skull. Chica looked up towards your quickly as you sat up gasping when she realized you looked ready to cry.

"Oh (Y/N), don't cry." She stood up off the floor to sit next to you now that there was space pulling you back in for another hug.
"I meant it when I said I was never letting you go again."

Her hug was tight, desperate to keep you close. Feeling it in that moment, caused you to burst. You cried. You cried and cried, unable to stop the tears. Your wails could be heard through the quiet room. It was just the two of you in here after all.

You hid your face in the crook of her neck just to sob. Neither of you said anything just holding the other close. (Though Chica wanted to cry herself at hearing you cry. She tried her best not to.) Both of you were hanging on so tightly to one another.

"It hurts." You cried a bit shoulders shaking with your sobs. Chica didn't know just how much it hurt. But she could imagine. She could vividly imagine.

"You're not alone in your pain. I'm here. I'm here with you. Even if you can't go back now." Chica was breathing shakily, nuzzling her nose into your neck taking a deep breath. It was true you couldn't go back now that you remembered.

The tears had slowed down, leaving behind nothing but shaky breaths and hiccups as you both kept your embrace tight. In this moment you felt complete and yet like something was missing.

Chica didn't want to let go, she didn't want to part but feeling you move away she gave you room letting her arms relax as you stared at her. Purple eyes meeting your (E\C) eyes in confusion.

She didn't know what you were doing, she couldn't comprehend just what was happening until you leaned toward quickly closing the gap between you both. Her eyes were wide now, feeling your lips against her own in a soft but firm kiss.

You!- you were kissing her!

Chica thought she might pass out. The idea that you were actually kissing her was crazy, but you were. You made the first move. She couldn't believe it. But quickly fell into the rhythm pulling you close her arms wrapped around you tightly as the two of you scooted to be closer.

The kiss was heart felt, a passionate display of how much the two of you meant to one another. Lips molding against the others in a slow loving way. It was so romantic. She sighed gently twirling your hair back around her fingers.

The princess chose the other princess not a prince. Even if it was silly she was still hung up on that she was. You really chose her!

Her hands gravitated towards your face cupping it as the two of you tilted your heads to the side for a better angle. Neither one of you wanted to pull away. The moment was so sweet and full of so much love and acceptance, you both were afraid if you moved you'd be torn from one another.

Not even the need for air could pull the two of you away from your kiss. Only enticing the two of you to take quick breaths before coming back in for more. You just had to be together.




But unfortunately the bell chimes had other plans. The two of you parted quickly at the sound embarrassed. Neither of you wanted to meet the others gaze for a period of time. But this time Chica knew it was her turn to make a move.

She hugged you again giggling into your shoulder as she hid your face. You were quick to follow in her example giggling with her. Neither of you felt alone.

"I-" Chica pulled away from the hug standing up quickly. She dusted off her skirt slightly rocking on her heels with an embarrassed star struck daze about her.
"I gotta go now."

She wrung her hands together biting back another wide smile as you hid your mouth slightly in your hand.

"Um, I'll see you tonight!" You looked away giggling again.

"Yeah! I'll see you tonight for sure!" Chica giggled with you glancing towards the stage as Freddy and Bonnie returned to it. (As animatronics of course.)

Her gaze quickly shifted to look at you before she sucked in a heavy breath. She was going to be brave! Quickly she pecked your cheek with a few quick kisses and then ran off towards the stage where the boys were waving at you one last time before she turned back herself to an animatronic leaving you there.

She watched as you slowly brought your fingers to your lips again, then to your cheeks, the biggest smile on your face. And then you got moving putting back the table where it had been originally.
You couldn't believe it! You just couldn't believe what had just happened. Sometimes when you blinked you were brought back to the past. Quick images filling your mind only to vaguely linger when you opened your eyes again. But now, your mind and heart were occupied with the thoughts of Chica.

You stumbled your way towards your office sitting down in the swivel chair watching the clock tick by the minutes now. You haven't done anything you should normally be doing for your shift. You had to make it look like you had at least actually been doing some part of your job.

But what to do? You looked around for your stuff in the mean time as you thought over what you could possibly do. The time seemed to tick away quickly as you wandered about, picking up trash, fixing a few things out of the ordinary, you didn't pay attention to it much.

7:45 am.

You stood in the office now, clutching your bag tightly in your hand while looking down at your phone. Had you really been here an hour and 45 minutes? Part of you didn't want to leave. You wanted to stay as close to Chica as you could be. Leaving now felt like a part of you was being left behind. (Even though now your mind was confused remembering everything.)

You sighed and stuffed your phone inside your pocket about to leave when you noticed someone standing in the doorway. You jumped back startled at the sight.

The man said nothing, crossing his arms as he stood there eyeing you. He looked like he was forcing himself to be restrained as he clutched the cigarette tightly between his teeth. (He looked familiar.)

"Oh wow you scared me." You gasped placing a hand to your chest.
"Can I uh-help you?"

The man glanced towards the office then to you, motioning with his hand towards his uniform. It was purple unlike your blue one. That must be the day shift guard color.

"Just waitin' for my office." the man spoke coldly, eyes narrowing as you gasped an apology moving out the door so he could walk in. He eyed you for one last time, and then you decided it was better if you went ahead and left.

That guy gives me the creeps.

You shuddered slightly quickening your steps. You didn't really think about much except for where you were going as you sped walked. It should have been obvious that if the day shift guard was on sight that other day shift staff would be too getting ready for opening. But your mind was a mess still trying to juggle over the memories as well as what had happened between you and Chica.

You hesitated as you crossed paths with the main stage, your eyes looking up towards Chica. She seemed to be looking back at you making your face flare up slightly. (You glanced away smiling.)

Get ahold of yourself (Y/N).

You took a deep breath avoiding her gaze. You could almost feel her smiling with you. It was too bad she wasn't in her human form. It was hard to tell what she was thinking in her animatronic form.

"Ah! (Y/N)!" A familiar voice suddenly shouted for you. It was joyful and oddly relieved at the sight of you even if you've stayed well beyond your original shift's time.
"It's so good to see you!"

You turned your head to see Cawthon walking towards you smiling brightly at the sight of you. Physically you looked just fine. Not a scratch on you.

"Hello Mr. Cawthon. It's good to see you too!" You smiled though you didn't really want to chat for too long. It felt like eternity go that you had been hired for the job. You could feel Chica's intense gaze. (You wondered what she was thinking. If she could talk she would.)

"How have you been! I've been a little worried about you, I'm glad to see that you haven't been mistaken for an endoskeleton!" Cawthon laughed but seemed a tad nervous, he was ringing his hands together.

You glanced up towards Chica again at the thought of being mistaken for an endoskeleton. You knew that was just an excuse that Cawthon had come up with to cover up what the gang were really up to. You didn't blame them for what they had done. They were just trying to find shadow. (They thought all might guards worked for him. It made sense. Or at least they were trying to find one that did and by the time they realized they didn't it was too late.)

"Oh well, I don't think they'll mistake me for an endo skeleton anytime soon." You looked back towards Cawthon continuing to keep your smile. Cawthon just laughed a little looking towards the gang.

"Well, you can never be too cautious!" Cawthon  hummed looking back towards you.
"In any case, keep up the good work! I expect big things from you!"

He gave another cheery grin, waved goodbye and walked towards his office to get ready for the day. You watched him as he left letting out a sigh.

Just like everyone else.

You couldn't stop the thought as you watched him leave biting the inside of your cheek in worry. You just didn't know what to expect now. Casting one last look at Chica you knew it was time to go home. Waving a bit at chica you noticed she blinked obviously wanting to wave back. Your smile widened, and with that you began to walk towards the entrance.

It was pretty quite now that you were getting into your car and starting the drive home. You didn't expect too much other than just desperately wanting to sleep. Your eyes burned though. You felt like you had to sleep soon. It wasn't just a want it was a need. But you guessed it was normal to be so tired after everything you've gone through.

Your car finally reached your apartment complex feeling relieved at the sight of it seeing your home just in front of you. You felt heavy as if you've ran a marathon. It'll be nice to just get inside and go to sleep.

Yes won't it be so nice to sleep?

Your body tensed. Your heart clutched in fear. No! No that can't be shadow! Goldie had gotten him out of your mind! You know he did. So why was he back? You slowly looked up towards the rear view mirror seeing shadow sitting in the middle of the back seats. (His mask was back over his mouth creating a perfect smile, but the teeth in his stomach reminded you of the horrors he was capable of.)

"Leave me alone." You narrowed your gaze trying so hard to swallow your fear. Shadow just chuckled.

Leave you alone? You truly are a comedian dove. What makes you think I'll listen to you?

Shadow leaned forward resting his arms against his legs red eyes gazing seemingly right into your soul. You felt frozen as if looking at him stuck you in place making it impossible to move. Why can't you move?! You tried moving your arms, anything! But nothing seemed to budge.

Why are you so scared (Y/N)? Relax.

Shadow's grin made his eyes crinkle, though you couldn't see the smile aside from the mask you knew he was all the same. You felt paralyzed with fear.

"Let me go!" You we're glad you could at least talk while you were caught in his predatory gaze. He just leaned back amused with your sudden strength.

Let you go?

His words echoed in your head.

Please dove, you have no choice in the matter. Go to sleep.

You wanted to struggle. Cry for help hoping someone would hear you. Anyone would hear you. But you couldn't fight his influence. Your eyes and body felt heavy. Your eyes were drooping, your body slouched.

That's a good girl.

You could still hear shadow but the real world suddenly felt so far away as you collapsed falling into a deep sleep.

Sleep well.
Where was he? Vincent couldn't help but pace in the office. You were ready! Finally it was his time to strike. So where was shadow? Why didn't he come when he had been summoned?! It's not like he could do this alone that idiot!

Vincent was impatient. Finally he was so close to seeing his daughter again only for it to feel so far away all of a sudden. His mind was reeling. He couldn't quite think clearly. He just wanted his little girl back and the only thing keeping him from her was you!

Hello Afton.

The familiar low voice echoed inside Vincent's head causing him to turn around sharply looking around quickly for the dream demon.

"It's about fucking time!" Vincent was loosing his temper as he wildly tried to look around for shadow. Shadow scoffed at the sight.

You better watch your language and remember who you're talking to.

Vincent rolled his eyes slightly taking a long breath of his cigarette. (He really should stop if his daughter is coming back.)

"Look, we had a deal! I kill the girl you get to see your boss again and I get my daughter. She's ready! I saw her, just a few minutes ago. So where is she?" Vincent sat down in the swivel chair narrowing his gaze towards any movement he saw in the office.

This is where the plans change.

Shadow sounded as if he was smirking.

I believe our agreement is past overdue. You didn't hold up your end of it in time. So unfortunately I'll have to kill the little dove.

"WHAT?!" Vincent stood up quickly the cigarette falling from between his fingers down onto the floor being stomped on by his foot.
"You sack of shit! You can't change the deal on me like that! I don't need much more time I can kill her today!"

Vincent was panicked looking around in anger desperately looking for any sign of shadow.

Unfortunate for you, truly. But you see there's more at play with this one than I originally thought. So our deal is no longer in effect now. Goodbye William Afton. The deepest pits of hell are waiting for you, so don't keep the devil waiting.

The room felt empty after shadow spoke. Vincent knew he was alone. Utterly alone. He felt defeated. All those deaths felt meaningless now. Plopping back in the chair Vincent held his head in his hands fighting tears.

Charlie- Charlie!

His mind was crying. And then, a thought crossed his mind. Glancing up towards the tablet Vincent could see parents starting to walk into the restaurant, their excited kids running up towards the animatronics ready watch them preform. In that moment Vincent hatched a plan.

The day seemed to pass by quickly, and as Cawthon locked up for the night Vincent waited inside, hiding in the shadows waiting for the animatronics to come to life. The clock seemed to tick, seconds felt like hours until finally.




Midnight finally arrived. The gang started to move, but instead of the monsters he had seen in his time as a temporary night guard they were lively.

It all happened so fast. In a puff of smoke the animatronics he had acquainted himself with had changed into humans. But how?! It didn't make sense! How could they do that?!

Vincent was just stunned trying desperately to wrap his head around what had just happened as he watched Chica bounce towards the end of the stage looking out towards the entrance hallway.

"Has anyone seen (Y/N) walk in yet?" Chica hummed as she leaned forward almost as if that would give her more of an advantage to seeing you.

"Eh, no?" Bonnie shrugged a big fingers strumming against the strings of his bass.
"Why? Did little Cupid strike you with his arrow?"

Bonnie laughed teasingly making Chica turn sharply around on her heel. Her face was red but her cheeks were puffed out as she stomped her foot.

"So what if he did! I just want to make sure she's okay! I told her Id see her tonight!" Chica crossed her arms quickly looking away turning up her nose at the sight of Bonnie as he mocked her with a childish oo.

Vincent was just in awe. He killed them. All those kids. And yet there they were seemingly grown as if nothing had ever happened. How? How just how! But it didn't matter how much his mind whirled to the facts in front of him. Because it didn't take long for someone to notice his presence amongst the shadows.

Y o u.

A voice boomed in his mind threateningly making Vincent quickly turn around seeing white eyes staring at him from the darkness. Wait-

Vincent didn't have time to think as goldie forcefully grabbed him shoving him across the room towards the middle of the stage causing the others to gasp and step back seeing him.

"YOU!" Goldie seemed furious as he popped in front of everyone staring down at Vincent with rage. Vincent winced but just narrowed his eyes as he stood up again.

"Don't kill me yet. I've got valuable information about that girl you all seem to like!" Vincent brushed off his shoulders trying his best not to freak out at the display.

Chica was now at him, now it was her hands that grasped the collar of Vincent's uniform lifting him into the air. (She was much stronger than she looked.)

"What did you do to (Y/N)?! WHERE IS SHE?!" Chica was livid as she shook Vincent around as if he weighed practically nothing. Vincent gasped trying to fight himself out of her grasp but she held tight.

"Chica." Freddy placed a hand on chica's shoulder and at his command she dropped Vincent down to the ground for the second time.

Vincent winced at the impact, watching as goldie disappeared with out a word. Ugh that was the second time he's been dropped to the floor like that!

Chica just crossed her arms blaring daggers at Vincent as he sat there trying to get his barring in order.

"He's telling somewhat of the truth," goldie came back glaring at Vincent from his place on the ground, "she wasn't home."

The others all gasped but Chica was freaking out the most covering her mouth.

"We have to find her!" She turned to look towards the boys, by this point foxy had joined them bur Vincent didn't see when. Chica quickly turned back towards Vincent marching back over to him.
"You better be useful or so help me!"

Vincent rolled his eyes slightly standing up. He was their only choice in finding you after all. Chica didn't care though, she was going to make him help no matter what. Her eyes watered at the thought of you being all alone and hurt.

She didn't want you to have the same fate she and the others had. She couldn't let you die! She just couldn't.

I'm going to find you I promise (Y/N)!

Chica clutched the edges of her skirt now staring at the floor. It was a promise she was making to her self. She had to make the promise. You both just got each other she didn't want to loose you that fast.

She had made up her mind already. She was going to find you. No matter what.

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