Chapter 1 Inauguration
Key: (Y/N)= your name
(F/N)= Friends name
(F/C)= Favorite color
(E/C)= eye color
(H/L)=Hair length
(H/C)=Hair color
The silence was insulting, as if it was mocking you as you laid alone in bed surrounded by the darkness of the room. The darkness of the night. Even being isolated in the room you didn't feel completely alone. It felt as if the shadows were watching you with an intensity. Curiously watching every move you made as you rested deeply into the mattress.
Maybe it's paranoia, maybe it's stress, or maybe it's something else, but you feel as if tonight someone else was with you in your room. Your body shook, as if fear had struck it immediately. Like it sensed something you simply did not. You felt like a scared kid. Sinking into your blankets and clutching them staring at the sliding doors to your closet half expecting something to jump out at you.
Was your mind playing a horrible trick? Making you think something was watching you from within the closet, it's glowing eyes following every breath you took. It had to be stress, you had a job interview in the morning, maybe your body was trying to cope with the anxiety?
Regardless of what was happening, you knew you certainly didn't like it. Hearing the heavy footsteps in the hall you feared it was something coming to get you. Loud heavy footsteps. Like a robot. But you don't live alone. Your roommate, your best friend lives with you. Trying to rationalize fear was easier said than done.
No matter how many times you ran over the logical scenarios in your head, your mind was refusing to let you sleep. Or so it seemed. But sleep had taken hold of you with out your consent. Dragging you into the darkness of slumber, making you wait for the sunrise. Waiting so patiently for the sun to shine again.
Your alarm clock rang through the air, startling the morning silence and making it vanish hastily. You groaned involuntarily, turning to your side holding the blanket close to your head in a meek attempt to drown the sound. (Which has been playing for some time now.)
There was a heavy sigh in the room, and you assumed it was your best friend. (Or you hoped it was.) Not a word was said but the footsteps that followed after the breath of air were rushed and almost huffy. As if who ever was walking was frustrated.
With a single swish the curtains in your room were thrown open, revealing the light that had been blocked out from the dark fabric. The sunlight was warm against your skin, or what was peeking out of the blanket at least, soothing you into a state of contentment. If you bothered to open your eyes you'd be met with (F/N). Who casted a gaze of annoyance upon your "sleeping" form. But you refused to open your eyes regardless of who was there.
(F/N) rolled their eyes at your behavior. Seeing the way you were just so unwilling to even make any sort of attempt to pull yourself together so late in the afternoon. Did you stay up all night again? (It was a habit for you, a bad one.)
"(Y/N), come on, it's already 2:30! You've been asleep nearly all day!" (F/N) spoke loudly over your alarm clock which still screamed for you to wake up. You said nothing, body wrapped tightly in its cocoon made entirely of your blanket(s). You gripped the fabric tightly squeezing your eyes shut with a child like defiance.
A groan was your only response to (F/N) words as you attempted to bury your face into the safety of your pillow. You didn't care what time it was you just wanted to sleep. You just wanted one good night sleep.
"Don't be like that," (F/N) rolled their eyes placing a hand on their hip, "didn't you tell me you have a job interview today? You've been looking for a job for a few weeks now anyway. Do you really want to blow off this interview to sleep?"
"Yes." Your muffled response was the first thing you've said since parting ways with (F/N) last night to try and get some sleep.
"Fine, but don't blame me if you can't find another job! Just turn off your stupid alarm." (F/N) let out a huff through their nose. Then promptly left the room closing the door behind themselves frustrated.
You lazily extended an arm out looking for your phone on the night stand. With the intention of shutting the alarm off. Slowly feeling around for the buzz, you finally grabbed ahold of it. The light of the Home Screen nearly blinded your half lidded eyes.
You're awake now, so much for sleep. Your eyes lazily skimmed over the alarm title across your screen.
Your frantic typing from when you had created this alarm was the equivalent of past you screaming at present you to wake your ass up. Your mind was still foggy trying to process everything as you rubbed your eyes with your free hand subconsciously pressing the snooze button on the alarm. Willingly allowing the timer to tick down for the next 10 minutes for a moment of silence. Just to get your mind back together from your sleepiness.
Your mind paused. The gears were beginning to turn. You pierced your lips squinting your eyes in thought.
Click! Suddenly everything came into view inside your mind and (F/N) words struck a cord finally. In a frenzy you fought with your blankets to get up. You can't believe you just tuned what (F/N) said out of your mind! You just didn't even pay attention only caring about wanting to sleep. Ah, the consequences of your actions.
Even if you had time, you were still in a rush racing to your closet and flinging it open. Not bothering to worry about the fear you had last night of the red eyes watching you. Your hand lunged inside urgently, ignoring the clothes neatly hanging up inside. Finally reaching what you were looking for.
Quickly grabbing one of your (shirts/dresses) you had in the not quite clean but not dirty pile inside the closet, you dashed out of your room. Leaving the door wide open on your way out towards the bathroom.
It was amusing to (F/N), who had been observing the whole display, to watch you run to the bathroom and realize you forgot something just to run back to your room then back to the bathroom. Over and over again until at last the door shut and you were finally getting dressed.
(F/N) smiled from where they were leaning against the archway that led to the kitchen. Both amused and relieved you finally realized you had an important job interview today. Though they didn't linger long, returning back to their computer that sat in the kitchen.
You couldn't believe yourself. How could you just ignore everything in favor of sleep? Your eyes met their own reflection from within the mirror. Gazing deeply into the (E/C) orbs that were your eyes your mind wandered. Lost in a deep thought, mindlessly brushing your hair.
It's been so long. You haven't been to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria since you were a kid. It's been so long since...
Not yet...
Your head whipped around the bathroom. Heart racing in the same anxiety you had last night. Hastily your eyes darted around every nook and cranny you could see in the bathroom. You could feel your heart thumping against your chest heavily. Causing labored breaths.
What was that? Did you-did you just hear someone calling your name? Someone like-like a little boy? Your eyes returned to your reflection, frazzled for a moment, after seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
Maybe it's just the lack of sleep. Maybe it's your insomnia catching up to you. That has to be it. Nothing more. Nothing less. Shaking it off you placed the hairbrush down onto the counter smoothing your clothes over one last time before exiting the bathroom.
It was nothing, just paranoia from last night after not being able to sleep. That's it.
You tried to convince yourself it was all okay, that it was nothing but the lack of sleep that was getting to you. Repeating it over and over again inside your mind, as if that would fix the problem. After all it's not like this wasn't one of the side effects, right? This is normal. Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. Everything is just fine-
"Hey...(Y/N)?" (F/N) voice snapped you out of your growing paranoia. You jolted in shock at someone speaking to you, looking around the room you were in. Were you mindlessly wandering again? When did you walk into the kitchen?
You rationalized you must of realized you were hungry in your anxious whirlpool of thought that you brought yourself here to eat.
"You okay? You seem kinda out of it." (F/N) said worried. Your eyes slowly met their eyes.
"Uh yeah I'm fine," You sighed out pressing your lips together glancing around, "Just hungry."
You settled on some toast. It was easy and the loaf of bread was already out. Walking towards it you reached for a disposable plate.
"I get that. But do you think you have time to make something? Isn't Freddy's about a 25 minute drive from here?" (F/N) curiously questioned you. You frowned stomach gurgling in hunger. You don't even have time to eat? That sort of sucked.
"Damnit." You groaned under your breath stomach still growling.
"Well the interview shouldn't be too long right? You can just eat after." (F/N) stood up from their seat approaching you to gently grab your shoulder. A reassuring smile on their face.
"Yeah yeah," you waved them off dismissively, "I guess you're right. I just had my heart set on something at least before I went!"
(F/N) frowned a little, but it only lasted for a moment. They patted your back instead of your shoulder.
"I know it's been kind of difficult lately with how hard it's been on you. But everything's gonna be okay, toast or no toast" (F/N) gave you another reassuring smile. You're not so sure it puts you at ease but it was better than nothing. You've never been the same since-...
"Yeah." You slumped your shoulders as (F/N) leaner against the counter.
"I guess should get going then. I hope I don't run into any traffic."
You faced them with a smile on your face. Timid but hopeful. After all, they had tried to wake you up for this interview. They wanted you to succeed, so it was only fair in your mind to show them you wanted to as well. (In the form of a smile that is.)
"Nah, I doubt you will at this time of day. Go get 'em! You got this!" (F/N) grinned widely, giving you two thumbs up. Your smile felt more genuine. Offering the thumbs up back.
Right I can do this.
After all the worst that could happen is you don't get the job right? Sucking in a slight breath you grabbed your things and waved goodbye to (F/N).
"Good luck!" (F/N) called out to you as you left.
Yeah good luck.
You scoffed to yourself inside your head.
"Thanks! I'm going to need it!" You shouted as you walked out the front door. Trying your best to remain cheerful as you left.
Right, you got this.
Shaking yourself off you marched towards your car, choosing to ignore the feeling of dread that was starting to bubble up inside you. Anxiety returned and your fear of the eyes bubbled up again. Feeling as though the red eyes followed you from where they resided amidst the shadows. Shadows that were not sentient and just a reflection of your fears.
Your mind was like a whirlpool of anxiousness. Swirling around and around with nothing but dread and fear. As you mindlessly turned your car into the parking lot of Freddy's, you felt sick.
Your stomach was twisting itself up, making it feel as though someone has their hands wrapped around your intestines. Gripping them, twisting them, stretching them, in the right way to make you feel more than just queasy now. You tried to get a grip on yourself. Taking deep even breaths looking up at the blaring logo in front of you.
It brought back memories being here, or at least foggy ones. Every time you tried to remember this place, it was always so very distant. Like trying to recall a dream. You try so hard to remember it, but no matter how hard you try, you can never quite place it. The details were just so fuzzy, refusing to resurface. Like your own mind was stopping you from remembering.
Though despite the gap in your memories, you knew Freddy's has changed a bit since the last you've seen it. Not to mention the history of the establishment. It was darker than when it started. No longer seen as just a family friendly pizza place.
People talk about it as if it was a death trap. Like it's one of those, don't go to it locations. But that wasn't the Freddy's you remembered. The place that was safe inside your memory was warm. Fuzzy, but warm. A place of joy and laughter. Of fun and play.
But you were a kid back then, so anything seems magical to a child. With that in mind when the rumors had gone around again about Freddy's, you did some digging. And what you had seen did spook you.
The position you were applying for was the night guard, and from what you had read from the news previous guards from Freddy's had just mysteriously disappeared. Not a word to their family or friends. Just poof gone. (Not to mention the previous headlines from when you were a child. Missing kids, animatronic malfunctions at a birthday party.)
In truth, you were desperate for a job. Otherwise you don't think you'd be here for this interview today. The Ad for the job just so happened to pop up on your phone, and you thought what did you have to loose? After all the worst they could say was no. So despite the bad things people had to say about this place, you needed this job.
Your eyes followed families as they entered or left the restaurant, some parents fighting their crying children as they screamed and begged and threw a tantrum for having to leave when they didn't want to. While other parents were just lagging behind their overly enthusiastic children who wanted to get inside so badly. A reminiscing sight.
Sucking in a breath, with closed eyes you began to hype yourself up inside your mind. You've got this. You can do this.
Let's do this.
Hesitantly rising from your opened car door, you stared up at the logo of the pizzeria. Something felt magnetic about it. Pulling you inside. Staring at the flashing lights they almost looked as though they were saying; "Come in! Come in (Y/N)!"
Shutting the car door behind you, after grabbing your things, and listening for the beeps to reassure you it was locked you decided it was time to go inside. Enough stalling.
Your feet walked forward, bringing you to a stop just outside the glass doors that revealed what was waiting for you on the inside. The carpet hadn't changed from the last time you had been here, it was still the same just more worn with more stains probably from the years of its use. (Your face twisted slightly into disgust at the stains, you hoped they cleaned this place more thoroughly than your mind was leading you to believe.)
So much has changed over the years. You wonder if they kept the arcade, or the carousel. You wondered just how different it was now. Only one way to find out, you guess.
Reaching for the handle you tugged the door open, taking a step inside instantly met with an instant wash of cold air as it blew past your face. You suddenly felt like you had just signed a contract for your own death as you stepped inside. But that's such a silly thought.
You had to force yourself to walk to the front, for some reason your body was on edge not wanting to go any more than it already has. You almost wanted to turn back and run away never to come back. But you knew better. Besides you really, really, needed this job.
The ticket booth stayed the same, at least from what you can remember, only the person behind was different. The guy who stood there now looked dull, his eyes heavy and bored and his lips pressed into what seemed like a permanent frown. But you can't say you blame him. He does work with the general public. But still he's not exactly welcoming, now is he?
"Hello," his voice was low and it was as plain as day to the fact he would rather be anywhere else but here, "welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. A magical place for both kids and grownups alike. If you would like to purchase one adult entry ticket that will be $24.99."
Your eyes widened at the price. You weren't here obviously to actually enjoy the pizzeria and reminisce about your childhood but even if you were that was a lot of money for just one adult! You're afraid to ask what children cost for entry.
"Uh," your voice caught in your throat at first, "I'm-Uh-not here for that...I have a job interview? For the night guard shift?"
Why'd you feel so nervous all of a sudden? Regardless of how you felt you still tried to be nice after all no reason to be mean to someone who isn't being mean to you.
The man working the booth gave you a funny look, like what you just said shook him out of his bored state. His eyes had glanced back and forth between you and the hallway behind him that led to the rest of the establishment.
"Uh, it's back there. You should see a door on your right near the main show stage labeled Cawthon..." the man jabbed his thumb behind him in an attempt to show you where you should be going. He looked almost like he was pitying you. (Or maybe already mourning for you. Did he think you'd disappear like all the others? A chill ran through your spine.)
"Thanks!" Regardless of how strange this had suddenly become you smiled and thanked him as happily as you could. You didn't spare him a second glance now making your way back down the hall he pointed to.
You could hear the music from here, from the animatronics, as you walked down the hall. Everything looks so friendly in the light. Even the cute little pictures the kids have drawn for the crew were kept on the walls just as you remembered it. You wondered if your drawings were still on there.
But your thoughts stopped as you stood in the entry hall of the main show room. It was dim now and the lights were all focused on the main three up on center stage. On Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica, who were just going about their routine singing like they always have.
It's been so long since last you've seen them. It's like seeing some old friends after years of being away. It's comforting even amongst the loudness of the children in the room. Like seeing an old friend again after moving away. There's that feeling again. That magnetization that urged you to keep going. Keep walking forward. But you're not here for pleasure, or leisure. You had a task to do. That was enough reminiscing for now.
Your eyes gazed over the area in search for the door that guy mentioned. Though so far all you were seeing were four long party tables set up in the middle of the room with red leather booths lining the walls of the main stage area.
The booths were new. And so was that really heavy duty looking silver door way in the back down below the show stage. (It read Staff only, and seemed like it was one of those bomb shelter like doors. Really, it was just that it looked like a very heavy door.)
Why would they need a door like that? Especially for a parts and service room. What ever the reason was, you pushed it out of your head preferring not to know. It was easier that way, not knowing.
At last as your eyes looked to the right, finally seeing the door that was mentioned. It was settled next to the silver doors that led to the kitchen. Your footsteps felt heavy as you walked towards the wooden door, but as your eyes read over the bold lettering you knew there was no turning back now.
S. Cawthon.
Just as the man said, there it was written in bold letters on the door. You could turn back. You could walk away and never come back to this place and find a job else where. You could-no! You have to get this job! You have to make rent this month you can't keep living off poor (F/N) like you have been!
Sucking in a breath you raised your hand up to knock on the door feeling your knuckles almost turning white from how tightly you were clenching your hand. Then just as you were about to knock, the door swung back and opened inwards.
You jumped surprised by the action, your nerves getting the better of you making your breathing labored as you stared at the man who had opened the door in such a rush. Your hand, which was about to knock, settled on residing on your chest in a feeble attempt of slowing your heart rate.
"Oh! I didn't see you there! I'm so sorry ma'am!" The man who had been in such a hurry to open the door apologized kindly seeming genuinely apologetic. But little did you know, you looked like you had just seen a ghost.
"I-it's fine! No worries!" You took a step back as you spoke. Your heart felt like it was gonna beat out of your chest you don't know what you thought was gonna open the door but apparently you expected the worse.
"I-um," you cleared your throat as you attempted to speak up, "I'm here for a job interview, for the night guard shift? You opened the door so fast you scared me before I even had a chance to knock."
You laughed meekly attempting to make the conversation light. Maybe it'll calm your nerves.
"Oh! That's great! I was wondering when you were gonna show, (Y/N) right? Come on in!" Cawthon seemed like a rather cheery kinda guy, and his light hearted demeanor was something that could certainly rub off on you. A welcomed distraction. He had parted from the door motioning with his free hand, his other was gripping the side of the door, to usher you inside the office.
You hesitantly stepped inside listening to the door click behind you as Cawthon made his way over to sit behind his desk.
"Come on in and sit, don't be shy." He seemed to pick up on your hesitation trying to coax you from standing at the door stiffly to sit down in front of the desk.
"Right! Sorry! Of course." You felt like you were stammering but luckily you weren't. You hastily walked over to sit at one of the two chairs facing the desk. Just glancing you saw a photo of two boys on his desk, you guessed they were his sons. That's sweet.
"No need to be so tense, everything's gonna be just fine." Cawthon tried to ease your nerves as he leaned behind his desk seeming to search for something in one of the drawers. When he finally found it he sat up gripping a large stack of papers in both hands setting them on the table.
"I guess I'm just a bit nervous, I'm so sorry but I'll try my best for the interview." You smiled as you spoke but as you drew to the end of your sentence you couldn't help but slow your words down a bit. What was all that paper for?
"Don't worry about it, I understand! This is gonna be real easy just one two three, I'm just gonna need you to sign these papers and then you're all set to become apart of the crew." Cawthon grabbed a pen off his desk pointing the tip of it at a line in which you were supposed to sign your name at.
Wait a second...
"I'm sorry did I hear you right?" You leaned forward feeling that confusion was just written all over your face. Is it really that easy? Just sign a few papers and then be set? Something doesn't seem right about this. What happened to background checks? Or seeing if you were up for the job? Finger prints? Resumes? What happened to all those steps?
"I thought this was an interview." You trailed off a bit looking between the pen, to the papers, to Cawthon. He suddenly seemed very nervous.
"W-we-well! I don't think I'll be needing to do all that!" He heavily stuttered at first there and while his voice still remained shaky he carried the rest of the sentence out just fine. Regardless of the nervous smile on his face.
"I-I'm normally a good judge of character. I can tell you're a good person and you'll fit in just fine with the rest of the Fazbear family."
Cawthon folded his hands on the table, just as you took the pen from him, seeming nervous in everything he was doing. You eyed him skeptically. Is this how he runs his business? That doesn't seem very smart to you.
Your eyes gazed at the pen in your hand then to the papers, even though this seemed so sketchy and cawthon seemed nervous with the way he kept fiddling with his fingers and shifting in his chair, you needed the money.
Am I really going to do this?
You frowned at the thought gazing seriously at the papers before you. Just sign your name and you'll be all set. This has to be the easiest job you've gotten. No need to wait, no need to keep looking. It's right here all on the table. You're afraid to read just what it says. If you read it you don't think you'll sign it.
Lifting your hand, against your better judgment, you moved to sign your full name giving away what ever rights the papers said it would take to the company. You felt like you just sighed your soul away. Cawthon seemed less anxious now, and visibly relaxed as your name was written across the few pages he had said needed to be written. And as you were done he had snatched the papers up in a hurry along with the pen.
"Great! Glad to have you aboard (Y/N)! Welcome to the crew! Let's go get your uniform ready! You don't mind starting right away do you? Like tonight?" Cawthon had stood up quickly once the papers disappeared from your line of sight to walk over to your side of the desk gazing at you quizzically. He seemed so enthusiastic you took the job.
"Tonight?-" you gasped out surprised.
"Is that okay? I need you in here working ASAP, if you're worried about pay it's worth it." Cawthon was trying to bribe you to stay, but you'd stay regardless, even the pay wasn't that great. You really needed the money.
"I'm just...surprised I'll be starting so soon, I guess that's fine." You looked away from him once you finished your sentence. Well this is good isn't it? Why worry about it?
"Glad to hear it! I'll be back in just a moment with your uniform, I'm sorry ahead of time if it's a bit baggy. We have a one size fits all sort of situation going on here." Cawthon spoke so fast you're not even sure you got most of that sentence. But before you had a chance to even question it he was out the door leaving you alone in the office.
You stood up slowly pressing your lips together anxiously. Your heart was beating with a bit of fear all of a sudden. You're not sure what you've just signed up for but what ever it is, it really probably isn't good. But there's not a lot you can do about it now.
Walking towards the office door you opened it peeking your head outside to the main stage room looking around at everything merely waiting with baited breath for your new boss to return with your uniform. Just as your eyes gazed towards the staff only room, you thought for a second someone was watching you.
Quickly you glanced around hoping to find a source but when one wasn't found you settled on slinking back inside the office. Cawthon was quick to return, from you assumed the staff only room, and as promised had your new uniform tucked away under his arm as he stepped back inside the office.
"Here we are!" Cawthon handed you the uniform letting you take it and look over it as he began to speak again. Explaining a few things to you.
"Your shifts will normally last from midnight to 6 am. Don't worry about anything else, someone will train you over the phone, when you get here, on what you've gotta do. Um be advised it's imperative you get here early! 11pm to 11:30 at the latest are good times for you to show up. Tonight I'll run you through where your office will be and that sort of thing, so don't worry about that. Just be sure to get here before midnight!" As he spoke, informing you about how you'll be starting things around here you were focused on your new uniform.
Looking over the button up shirt and dress pants and the tie, even the hat. The whole deal. But your eyes looked up when he mentioned the times you'd need to be here and what times you'd be working. You did agree to a night shift you guess you didn't think you'd be working till sunrise. But there's not much you can do now.
"Okay, sounds good." You nodded your head a bit.
"Great! See you around 11:30! Don't be late, time is everything here!" Cawthon seemed a bit stern when he reminded you about the time but other than that he was normal. Or as normal as he'd come across to you anyway.
"I understand. See you then!" You hummed sweetly, clutching the clothes close to your chest as you were ushered out of the office. Your mind was else where half hearing cawthon telling you about how he's so sorry but he's got work to do and he has to get going and how he can't wait for you to start working tonight. It just all seemed so blurry so far away.
Before you had left though, you casted one look towards the animatronic gang on stage. Maybe this won't be so bad. But as you left things wouldn't be as they seemed, you've just gotten yourself in quite the predicament now.
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