Check Up
A/N: Don't forget to Vote & Comment, if you wish too. ^^
At the ice rink, from the last movie, the light goes on as everything else turns on along with it. The ice was then seen getting cleaned with those big machines that clean ice. As we go to the locker rooms to see Riley tapping up her hockey stick and preparing for the game.
As inside headquarters, the emotions are preparing for Riley's game as well. Anger straightens his tie, Fear fixes his bowtie, Disgust files her nails, Sadness cleans her glasses, (Y/N) fixes her bow in her hair, while Joy shuffles his hands together with a smile.
Back in the real world, Riley puts on the gloves and pounds her fist together.
In headquarters, Joy slides into place as on the screen, Riley could be seen getting into position. As she is seen with her hair up in a ponytail with braces on her teeth. Joy hops into the screen with a cartwheel and a smile, getting close to the panel.
"Let's! Play! Some! HOCKEY!!!" Joy cheers as he presses a bunch of things on the panel.
On the screen, Riley and her team are seen entering the ice rink, excited and ready for the game of their lives.
Joy puts on a headset and smiles, "This is Joy-"
"AND (Y/N)!" (Y/N) hugs Joy's arm as she pops up next to him.
Joy chuckles and kisses (Y/N)'s head, "...coming from you live in Riley's mind! And we are expecting a great championship today with the Foghorns!"
On the screen, Riley is seen bumping into her friends, in the normal friendly way, and fist bumping them, doing a little handshake.
"Riley's in! Get up on your feet and MAKE SOME NOISE!!!" (Y/N) yells as she holds the pom poms in her hand.
"Let's meet our first, lovely, beautiful contender, my lovely girlfriend, (Y/N)!! Master of Love!!" Joy points to (Y/N) as she flushes and bows.
"Well...I wouldn't say that much." She paused and chuckled, "Okay...I will!" (Y/N) presses a few buttons for Riley's handshake.
On screen, Riley's parents are seen in a full get up, cheering for their daughter.
"GO, GO, GO!!" Mom cheers.
Mom & Dad start chanting, "LET'S GO, FOGHORNS!!!"
Riley gathers her team in a huddle, "Bring it in! Foghorns, on three! One, two, three!" The team puts their hands in.
Foghorns cheer, "FOGHORNS!!!"
As the whistle blows, and everyone is in position, the puck drops as the game has now begun. Joy & (Y/N) watch in anticipation as the puck hits the floor.
"Now that we've met one member of Team Riley, it's time to greet the rest of Team Riley!" Joy smiled.
(Y/N) fixes her headset, "Playing in his thirteenth year and fresh from the Penalty Box, it's Riley's Anger!" (Y/N) pointed to Anger as he walked out and walked to the panel.
Anger hits the panel, "LET ME AT 'EM!!!" He screams and shoots fire out of his head.
[Don't get mad but I see Anger more as the father to the emotions in Riley's Mind, even if the emotions are the same mental age as Riley. I mean he later helped and gave encouragement to Joy later on in the film like a Dad would, but thats just my input, sorry!]
On the screen, Riley is seen getting upset quickly and starts to dodge the other team that is trying to get the puck from her. As she makes her first goal of the game. With everyone cheering for her.
"Whoooo!" Riley cheers in victory for her goal.
A memory rolls down, it's red, other mismatched memories can be seen as well.
Fear walks in with a clipboard, checking things off, "Helmet, pads, gloves, safety check list is complete!" He stooped at the panel, "It should be nothing but smooth sailing from–" Fear notices Riley about to bump into another player, "AHH!!! LOOK OUT!!!" He slams his hand on the panel.
"And that's Fear! Keeping Riley on her toes!" Joy smiled, pointing to Fear.
"As always, keeping our girl safe on the field!" (Y/N) smiled as well.
"We gotta get our mouth guard, people!" Fear presses a button as Riley goes and puts on a mouth guard.
Disgust quickly rushes up to them and pushes a few buttons, "No, no, no, no! That's not ours!" She exclaimed as Riley quickly spit out the mouth guard.
Riley seemed disgusted by a used mouth guard and spit it out of her mouth, "BLECH!!!"
"And that, folks, is the infamous Disgust! Glad to have her on the team!" (Y/N) side hugs Disgust, who smiles.
[I agree. Blake would be a good male Disgust voice. The country accent, YAAAS!]
As Riley plays, she knocks someone down by mistake as the whistle blows and people gasp at the sight. Riley goes to the penalty box sadly.
"Oh No." A voice, familiar, says.
"And bringing it up from the rear! You know you love her! The one, the only..." Joy pointed to Sadness.
"Oh! We got a penalty...!" Sadness cries and face plants on the console, making the color blue.
"That's right! Sadness is in da house!" (Y/N) cheers and smiles.
Sadness holds up a little flag that says 'Yay', "Yay..."
The screen freezes. As Joy's voice is heard.
Okay, looks like we have a couple of minutes while Riley takes a breather, let me catch you up.
(Y/N)'s voice is suddenly heard.
Actually Joy...mind if I do this part...this is...kind of my story to tell.
Joy chuckles.
Of course, Dove! Take it away.
(Y/N) sighs.
Anyways...Riley is still exceptional.
In a memory, Riley made some odd looking food as her parents sat at the table. She places it on the table with a proud smile on her face.
"Ta-Da!" Riley gestures to her creation with a smile.
The Mom forces a smile, "Oh. Yum!" The two clapped for her as she smiled.
And not just because she's the top of her class, which by the way, she is...
Riley is seen walking on stage with the words 'Congratulations Graduates' on a banner, getting a certificate.
Her dad stands up, holding a camera, "Riley! Riley! Over here!"
Her teacher and her smile at the camera as it takes a picture.
She's also really kind.
Riley is seen helping up an opposing team member up from the ice.
And she's nice to stray cats, I mean, come on!
Riley is now seen giving a stray cat some, cat safe, milk.
Oh! And she's officially a teenager now! She got very tall. Very fast.
Riley is shown with her parents at her small little party, blowing out her '13' year old candles. As the next scene shows Riley unable to fit into her rainbow-like shirt, that was a bit too small for her.
"Did we grow overnight?!" Anger exclaimed.
"Oh. That was our favorite shirt..." Sadness whined.
"It's fine! There'll be others we'll love even more!" (Y/N) seemed excited.
We even got braces with extra rubber bands!
(F/C), of course, My pick.
[Was anyone else who wore braces changed the colors to match the holiday coming up? Or was that just me?]
The next scene shows Riley at the dentist with her new braces with rubber bands on each side.
"How does it feel?" The dentist asks.
"Great!" Riley replied as one of the rubber bands shot out of her mouth and hit the dentist in the face, she felt bad quickly.
Dentist rubbed his eye, "Ow!"
"Sorry." Riley quickly said.
Riley's Personality Islands are still going strong.
The Emotions are seen looking out the window to view the island as seen in the background is a statue dedicated to Bing Bong & his sacrifice.
"Glad to see Boy Band Island finally broke up." Disgust states as (Y/N) nods in agreement.
"But Goofball is still monkeying around!" Fear points to Goofball island, which looks the same.
"Wait, where's Family Island?" Sadness asked.
"It's right there!" Joy points to it, handing Sadness some binoculars.
They all look to see the tiny island where the daughter is face away from her parents as (Y/N) stared at it, slightly heartbroken as she looked away quickly, walking away from the window.
"Oh! There it is. Uh, what's that blocky map?" Sadness asks as she gestures to the big island.
"Oh! That's Friendship Island! Isn't it amazing?" Joy smiled, thinking about how (Y/N) and him were the ones who made the island the way it is, as he turned to see (Y/N) by herself at the panel, she seemed silent, quiet, empty and kept her hands off of the panel.
But we realized her islands aren't the only things made by memories. Way down at the root level, these memories were also creating beliefs.
Joy & (Y/N) are seen at the bottom of the tower, where there was a small island and a lake which held some memories that made little strings. Joy was walking around as (Y/N) was off by herself, staring at the water, yet seemed shut off from the world.
"You okay, Dove?" Joy turned and smiled at (Y/N), who quickly put on a smile and walked over, holding Joy's hand.
"Yep! Always." (Y/N) smile was fake but true to Joy.
Joy plucked a string and smiled.
Homework should be illegal.
Joy remembers when Riley had that belief, disliking the homework given to her.
Get Up and Glow is the best band ever!
Another memory is of Riley dancing in the car, on her headphones, to a band. Obviously Get up & Glow. personal favorite?
The one belief I love and makes me so happy.
It...kinda keeps my love alive.
I'm a really good friend.
Riley is writing something in her notebook, as a girl walks past her holding some coins. Riley looks up from her work to watch her.
"Did you know the change in your couch can change the world--!" The girl bumps into the board she made as the coin falls to the floor with her as well. As the other kids laughed, with only two students, one being Riley, seemed worried and felt horrible.
"Oh, no. We should do something." Joy exclaims.
"No!" Disgust stops Joy, "That girl is a social titanic! Do not get on that ship!"
"Uh, guys?" Fear gestures to the panel and behind them.
The other emotions watched as (Y/N) was focused on the panel, doing her thing. As behind them, where the core memories are kept, something arises from the ground as the remaining emotions walk up to it as (Y/N) presses a few buttons with a smile. As the new short pillar has some glowing flower on it.
On the screen, Riley is shown helping the girl, "It's okay. I drop things all the time. I'm Riley." She introduces herself, as the flower glows.
Joy looked back at (Y/N) to see her slowly glowing as well as Joy watched with love in his eyes.
The girl smiled back, "I'm Grace."
Another girl comes over to help, "I'm Bree."
Turns out when you put all those beliefs together, they make the most wonderful thing of all. Her Sense of Self.
Joy touches the bottom of the glowing flower.
I'm a good person.
(Y/N) looked up as her eyes sparkled at the self thought as she twirls and smiled.
It's what helps Riley make good choices. Thirteen years of hard work all wrapped up and some might call our masterpiece. You know one of our hardest challenges--
Riley is seen goofing off with her friends. As the emotions stare at the belief with (Y/N) just staring at the screen, her eyes shift worrily to the puberty button.
'I won't let them ruin her.' (Y/N) looked up with a smile as on her dress is a familiar colorful flower button.
Joy cuts in.
(Y/N) stopped her narration and remembered, as a horn sounded.
Oh! Back to the game!
The emotions see that the two teams are tied 3 to 3, "We're tied." Sadness gulps.
Disgust seemed worried, "How are we gonna score on time?"
Fear popped with an idea, "We need our slap shot!"
"No, no, no!" Anger argued, "We charge to the goal!"
"But Grace hasn't scored yet." Sadness informed them.
Joy looked to (Y/N) and nudged her, "Riley's got this."
(Y/N) looked at the screen as she walked to the panel and touched a few buttons with a small smile, 'We've got this.' (Y/N) looked up.
Joy looked behind them and saw the belief pillar show up as he smiled. Riley thought to herself.
'We've got this.' Riley looked at her friends as she smiled. "Thread the needle!" She yelled as the two nodded.
Joy looked worried, "Come on, Riley."
(Y/N) pressed a few more buttons as she stared at the screen. The last part of the game has begun as Riley passes the puck to the wall that bounces to Bree, who hits it to Riley, who moves. Riley then passes the puck to Grace. Then Grace hits the puck into the goal. The game ends with the Foghorns winning.
"AWOOGA!!!" Exclaimed the three girls after the win.
"AWOOGA!!!" The emotions cheered inside of the headquarters as Joy hugged (Y/N) tightly and kissed her softly.
"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! LOOK AT MY BEST GIRL GO!!!" Dad cheered, shaking a random man.
Spectator announces, "The Foghorns win the championships!"
They pile on Riley as a hot pink memory mixed with some golden rolls in. The team exits the rink as the three besties are celebrating until a tall woman walks to them, catching their attention.
[OMG THERE IS TWO PEOPLE SIGNING IN THE BACKGROUND!!! I love when they use signing in movies...]
"Hey girls. Congratulations on your win." The woman told them.
(Y/N) gasps and shakes Joy, "That's the high school coach!" (Y/N), Joy and Disgust are excited.
"What a game! That last play? Whoo! The three of you were impressive." The coach smiled.
Riley seemed happy, "Thanks Coach Roberts."
Coach Roberts looked at them, "Look, it's last minute, but every year, I do a 3 day skills camp. I invite all the best players in the area. I love for you girls to come." She handed them a flier.
"Are we in a dream right now?" Fear asks, "Please can somebody pinch me?" Anger punches Fear in the arm, "Definitely awake."
Joy smiled, "If we impress the coach, she'll put the 3 of us on the team next year."
"That'll be nice!" (Y/N) smiled, "We won't be alone...which is good." She rubs her arm nervously.
"What was that, Dove?" Joy asked, not even looking at her.
(Y/N) sighed, "Nothing...don't worry about me." She grabs some Fire Hawks PomPoms, "GO FIRE HAWKS!" She forces a chuckle.
Anger pulls out a Fire Hawks team hat and places it on his head, "Ooh, the Fire Hawks. Finally a team I can get behind."
"What do ya say?" The three girls quickly agree as they all squeal, the emotions watching from the screen, "Great. We'll see you tomorrow." She walks off.
Riley, Bree and Grace are excited.
Transitions over back to the house, as Riley was in her room, getting some stuff ready for camp the very next day.
"What a big day." Mom walks in, with Dad behind her, both smiling.
Mr. Andersen smiled, "Ha! You are such an all star. Oh you're gonna knock the coach's skates off. Hockey scholarship, here we come."
"Dad, stop! It's just a hockey camp. I mean who knows what'll happen." Riley shrugs with an excited smile but slowly it fades away.
Then the memory of Riley getting a penalty shows up as Sadness looked sad, "Oooh."
"That penalty almost lost us the game today." Riley explains, "What if I get to camp and I screw it up?"
Mr. Andersen puts his hand on Riley's shoulder, "Hey, don't talk like that."
"Yeah. You did great today honey." Mrs. Andersen agreed.
"Exactly! Mom gets it." Joy crossed his arms.
"Parents usually always get it." (Y/N) smiled, "Except...when they don't." (Y/N) rubs her face.
"Yeah, I guess." Riley shrugs again.
"We are so proud of you." Mrs. Andersen smiled.
"Night monkey." Mr. Andersen did the little monkey thing.
"All right, all right. Sleep tight honey." Mrs. Anderson closed the door as Riley slowly fell asleep.
"Oh, Riley's so hard on herself." Sadness sighed.
"But, we can make everything easier. Behold! My Super High Tech Riley Protection System." The spring comes off as Joy uses a little puller to pull down the spring, "Don't look it's fine. This is for all those memories that belong in the back of the mind. Like this penalty one." He picked it up, "It's weighing on her so let's lighten the load. A one-way expressway to 'We're not gonna think about that right now'. Whoo!" He placed it in the machine and pulled as it shot up into a tube.
"Wow!???" Fear nods as Anger agrees.
"That's pretty impressive." Disgust smiled.
"You take such good care of Riley." Sadness smiled sadly.
(Y/N) on the other hand was looking out the headquarters window, watching the memory fly off.
"Joy...Maybe we shouldn't–"
"Thanks, I try. Okay, let's do a sweep." Joy smiled happily as (Y/N) turned back to the window, silent as a mouse.
Disgust takes one off the shelf, "Oh. Here's one where she waved at a guy who was actually waving at a girl behind her." She cringes as Joy takes it.
Joy cringed as well, "Oh, that was so bad. Good choice."
Anger then took one, "Oh, Here's when she forgot that girl's name."
"Oh yeah. That was super awkward." Joy nods.
Disgust tilts her head to the side, "What was her name?"
"I don't know. Janet or something?" Joy shrugs and walks to the machine, "Whatever. Let's just get rid of them. We keep the best and..." Joy placed all the unwanted memories into the shoot and pulled down the machine as they are tossed, "...toss the rest! Whoo! Nice work everyone. Alright Anger, the rest of these babies can go to Long Term." Anger pushes the button, sending the memories to Long Term, "Okay, let's get some shut eye. Big day tomorrow." Joy takes a few memories and looks at (Y/N), "Hey (Y/N)! You ready?" He asked, seeming slightly worried.
"...Maybe...another day. I'll deal with Dream Detail." (Y/N) slowly walked past Joy, which surprised him, as she walked to the console and looked at the screen.
Sadness walked up to Joy, snapping him out of his funk, "Joy, are you taking that where I think you're taking that?"
"Wanna come this time?" Joy smiled.
"Yes. I, I mean no." Sadness pauses, "I, oh no. I, I, I really shouldn't."
"Ya know, You're the only one who hasn't been to the Belief System." Joy opened an elevator.
Sadness nods, "Yeah, its just that it's new, and I know how important it is, and I don't wanna mess it up or break it or burn it to the ground or anything."
"Sadness, you won't hurt it, I promise. Have I ever steered you wrong before?" Joy smiled happily.
"Yeah." Sadness quickly says, "Many times."
"Come on. Where I go, you go." Joy holds Sadness' hand as they both smile at each other.
They go down the elevator as once they reach the bottom, they see a pool filled with memories of happy memories and love memories. Joy walked out first, holding the memories.
"Oh my goodness." Sadness walked out after, seeing the strings connected to the memories in the pool.
Joy puts the memories in as a memory forms a string of belief
"Whoa." Sadness' eyes sparkle.
Joy plunks a string.
"Mom and Dad are proud of me." Riley's belief said.
Joy smiled, "An oldie, but a goodie." Joy plunks one of the other strings, a pink string.
"I'm kind." The belief now said.
"Aw, That's nice." Sadness decides to plunk one for herself.
"I'm strong. I'm brave. I'm a really good friend." The belief states.
Joy places the memory of Riley and her friends winning the championship in the water and creates a string of belief.
"I'm a winner." The new belief states.
"And all those beliefs come together to make our Riley." Joy explained to Sadness.
"I'm a good person." The voice was of Riley and one other.
Down below, somewhere no one knew of. Two emotions were playing cards, while one lodged around, the other was on their computer, quickly typing away as it was too dark to tell their colors. Yet a loud red alarm suddenly went off as the one on the computer quickly rushed up to it with a wide smile on her orange face.
They're coming.
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