Insaitable Love (B)
Sorry for extending but i am writoholic when i dive into my love i forget everything. I never imagined to reach so far but now i have so not leaving it in the mid... Lets see if she can save her love if he can be her strength like always...Thanks a lot for the love and support you lovelies give me. I am happy all of you liked this story and also the concept. I loved the way you all interacted and commented the wish for a happy ending. Sometimes its happy doesn't mean it ends just happy is enough.
Forgive me for the grammarical error i drafted it on tour from my phone. I will edit sometime.. I hope you all like the end.
This one is for you praveenakartha smilie124 Limerence_123
My lovelies i missed you all and sorry for late updates. even sorry as i was unable to reply individual comment Simisaju arohipriya1298 ektakhan19 puja262 ShaVarJat MousumiKar kojagorimalik Sravs64 CylenDante @neeti1 kh123angela ankitagaude
Thanks for your votes and lovely comments muskanqadri uzmasheem shanaya777 bhuvvvi sreeveda your lovely words makes me feel blessed. also all the lovely people who added my stories to their reading list. Thanks a tons for the love you showered upon the TS.
last Episode : laksh confronts swara and also tells her how much sanskar loves her. Saahils truth is out infront of swara. Swara's outburst her POV her walk down the memory lane. Her determination to be with her husband.
Swara was seeing the laptop tons of recordings millions of photos and never ending memories that sanskar had stored in varied hard disks. She was shattered unable to even gather pieces of herself which were now in varied times of her spent with sanskar. She was such a fool who saw him like a villain when he was always her hero. Who loved her with heart and soul.
He accepted the way she was but she wanted him to love her the way she wished. Rather she was in fairytale love and he was in true love. Right now she was experiencing the love which she craved answers to her every question was there right there in that diary.
Diary entry:
Hey jonaki why do you love to fight with me so much? I wish to tell you how much i love you but i am afraid you would even break our friendship.
College days are boring i miss seein you in the mornings.
Dairy entry:
I wish you would never read the end of the book "Till death do us apart". Therefore i snatched it i even tore the end pages because i saw you worriedly engrossed in it. I feared death of the male lead will stream out those tears from your eyes. I know i sound like a fool but i know when i teased you would never read that end.
Don't worry its just a story i would not leave you in mid to suffer unless" death do us apart."
Tears sprang in her dry eye's. What all she had missed so far? How can someone love so selflessly?
As sun was setting making way for darkness which was ready to engulf the brightness. Ragini and kavita were in ghosh mansion's temple lighting diya. Khushi and Shruti were in bose mansion's kitchen preparing food to be taken for everyone in hospital.
Khushi sent kids to her parents house so they are not affected by the scenario in the house.
Diary entry:
Shekhar uncle is so much worried for your safety. I agree he is doing mistake by tieing you up. You need wings to fly but out of fear he is caging you. Trust me i will settle everything once i am back. I can't tell you the pain i feel when i hear your sobs on the phone. I wish to steal all the tears from your eyes. I felt happy when you smiled at my insistence and even agreed to give chance for the marriage proposal laid by your family.
Diary entry:
Maa shomi maa both had asked me about my feelings towards you. They wished i made you mine. My heart fluttered i wished to say yes but alas, i can't you are an angel meant for some greek god not for an orphan like me. I would be your shadow forever.
Diary entry:
I know i have wronged you but i did it for your safety please trust me once. I can't see that hate and pain in your eyes. Your captain loves you forever.
Diary entry:
Its been an year to our marriage and i am away sailing. How i wished to make everyday special for you but I can't. Once i am back i will
Diary entry:
I loved to tease you while i always know you oogle on me while i swim. Frankly speaking i love the way you stare at me. You are bound to do blunders therefore i purposely allowed you to dash into dad today. You blushed darling when he caught your tatic. I so love it.
Diary entry:
You are testing my patience while i made you wear saree today. My heart said to pull you close and cage your soft body in my arms.I wished to capture your soft petals suck them smoothly. As I promised i would give you time till your ready to take our relationship to next level. Your closed eyes were meant as a signal but girlie you are still not ready i will wait for you.
Swara sat in room alone,gloomy entangled in memories. She was longing to meet him . She kept on staring at his pics few recordings which had him singing. A sad smile played on her lips listening to his efforts and love.
A page in his dairy had made her cry in buckets...while his song was playing on the Bluetooth attached in her ears.
" Kaun mera ,
mera kya tu laga,
kyu tu bandhe ,
man ke man se dhaage,
Bas chale na mera kyun tere aage"
She was listening song in his husky perfect male voice recorded. While pages of dairy allowed her to peep in deeper.
Diary entry :
Sorry i again failed you. I wished to hold you back but i am tied your safety is my priority. Once your back completing your study i would never allow you away from me. You are away but this distance is mere a means which would bond us more stronger. Be like Jonaki always i am there for you.
Dairy entry
How i hope you were here with me; Jaan? it was striked she knew it was meant for her. Its good you are not i know you won't be able to see me being humiliated. I can't even think people bad mouthing about you.
I am court martialed i feel like someone ripped of my skin. My complete being is in pain. Torn tattered and bleeding. Hey, love you are not the reason of same i know you are innocent i will prove it.
Song played further to next stanza which had her heart pulled out his painful voice
Dhoond hi loge mujhe tum har jagah ab to
Mujhko khabar hai
Ho gaya hun tera jab se Main hawa mein hoon
Tera asar hai
Tere paas hoon, ehsaas mein, main yaad mein teri
Tera thikana ban gaya ab saans mein meri
She could see him smiling looking at her though the auditorium was full with people still his face only had the power to calm her racing heart. She read how much he wished to confess his love but stepped back thinking he was not the one meant for her. He kept on thinking himself imperfect for her but the day she left him alone.
"He realised he may be imperfect not so good creation of God but he was nothing without her."
The song changed to a even beautiful one whose words made her mesmerised with his voice.
Baby come stand by my side
Come and be my guide in life
I'll be what you want me to be
Give all my love and whole of my life....
Soniyo oh soniyo...
Tears were glistening in her eyes while a smile played on her lips. This one was her favourite and she had hymmed it with her guitar in one of the parties.
She remembered asking her for whom she sang and looking at her dumb husband she no chalantly replied "None just i liked it i sang it"
While he said " How i hope you sing something for me someday"
She read his struggles, fight, how much he craved for her while on hospital bed wounded. He had been alone though many supported him and he was thankful to one and all in his life. No one can take her place in his life.
Tujhe dekhta hu toh sochta hu bas yahin..
Tum jo mera saath do saare gum bhulake,
Jeelu muskura ke zindagi
One thing now caught her mind was he wanted her near when he was in pain. She didn't make it then being in her illusionary world. He was again in pain she at any cost would be with him. Even if it costs her life.
Tu dede mera saath,
Thamle haath chahe jo bhi ho baat,
Tu bas dede mera saath.
Ragini had come in her room sometime back and offered her help to go from here as she can't see her in pain. To which she had smiled and said
" I don't wish to run its time to face.
Can you help me meet sanskar?"
Raahon mein tanha hu saath le chal yun,
Sang tere safar pura karu,
Ragini was dumfound and can't answer because she knew how much the elders loved sanskar. No one would allow her to meet him. Laksh had become over protective about his brother.
Tum bano saaya mera,
tu hain mere pyaas ,
Rehna tu pass har ghadi...
Determined swara was thinking a way out .
Landline in her room rang blurring the silence.She picked it up thinking it might be someone from hospital. She might receive news of sanskar being fine. The voice at other end made her numb....
Saahil : Where are you princess? I am missing you
Swara: Saaaahhhiilll
Saahil : see you recognised my voice i thought you won't ... Awww You love me so much...
Swara : Stop faking are freaking Aa*****e
Saahil: ( serious tone) Its good you know everything so, ( shamelessly mocking)lets not swirl it.
I am the culprit of everyone around as you know it now... The real bad evil devil. Are you scared? Don't be
See i am hurt.
I enjoyed time with you and kavita I know you both also loved being with me.
Swara was feeling disgusting she controlled her temper.
I really loved your smell ohh but you didn't allow me to savour you. Nevertheless lets make a fair deal you give me yourself and i grant you few lives like a genie.
Swara: Don't pretend to be God you are not worth living what lives can you grant.
Saahil: Hold on lioness at least for the person who is fighting for his breath.
Swaras breath hitched thinking about Sanskar.
Swara: I would bury you alive even if you touch his shadow.
A box dropped into her room through the window pane. She lifted it with shaking hand. She received a pen drive in it. She immediately plugged into the laptop she was shivering with fear when she saw saahil in his limousine with his armed mens in hospital parking. He had also sent her the video of sanskar been taken in that hospital.
She again lifted the receiver which she had dropped in hassel.
Saahil : Ohh the kitten got scared..You have to go back to canada no matter what tommorrow. Your family must be under the impression that you are least concerned about anyone. One more thing dare you open your mouth infront of anyone. Its just a matter of tonight.
Sanskar knows everything and was handling my case so its good he is out of my way but not completely. I am just few steps away from him.
Swara : Dont harm him i will do whatever you want.
Saahil ( laughing): You can't do anything its time for you to go in rehabilitation or die but in canada i want your family to keep on blaming you for sanskars demise.
I don't care of the fishes like you what matters is the alligator Mr Sanskar Ghosh he has to die and i will make sure he will by tonight no one could stop me. Tommorrow we both would be in canada.
Swara: Please don't harm him.
Saahil: Sorry genie can't grant this wish. I had heard wife's of indian soldiers are like warriors. afsos I can't see one.
He has evidences against me he has to die or else he won't let me live in peace.
You be ready to get back to Canada once I clear everything here. Till then stay where you are. If you act smart you will be shot down for sure so don't even think to step out.
No use of informing anyone from the family they are all stuck no one would come to your rescue.
I know you may not care for your life but at least think about the life and respect of your family. If you deny coming with me I will start the countdown with your dear ones.
After sanskar my first target would be that little baby girl swarini...
Swara: saahil , swarini is just a small baby she is like Elli please don't harm her.
Saahil: As you say beautiful. She's indeed beautiful just 3 years right I can see that( he said looking at the ipad in his hand which was showing him moment of swarini playing with elli and dan who were at khushi's maternal house. His men were already there to get the kids.) I want you in hospital with family for sanskars funeral my men will get you Elli and dan to me.
Swara: Elli and Dan are solely kavita di's kids. You have no right on them.
Saahil: shhh lower your voice I hate people raising voice on me. Remember your each mistake would cost you one life.So now go to sleep till you get news of sanskars demise.
Swara: (loud but choked voice) saahil
Saahil: Aaaa aa don't do mistake of messing with me or else I won't give peaceful death to your lover boy. You keep silent and do as I say.Keep the phone i sent always around.
Bye beautiful take care love.
Her eyes fell on the box she dropped after getting pendrive.She removed cotton stuffed into it and got a phone.
She placed it below her bed.
By then saahils phone was disconnected.....
At saahils side.
He was looking at the locations varied numbers indicated.They were of people close to sanskar. He was happy seeing it in different locations trackers of his men adjacent to them.
Whats the need of keeping her alive just shoot her? Said a person dressed in kurta jeans with jacket sitting by his side.
I would have but we need her as her body had cased proofs against us. If she dies they might get the chip in her body that Jenny hided to reach it to sanskar.
She is a strong evidence against me. She can be used as weapon of destructions because she knows everything as she was handling my business in my absence thinking it as legal.
I got the information as i let Dr vishwanathan talk to sanskar from Germany. He thought he was giving information secretly that we have targeted swara but it was a planned call. He was the one who had planted that chip in her body.
I came to know therefore decided to cancel the plan to kill her. I couldn't reach jack luckily sanskar saved her.
We will take her back and kill her or worst keep her alive and savour her.
She will help in destroying her own family and there respect. We would first retrieve the chip from her body how i wish to dug knife and tear open her smooth skin.
I always wished to hear her scream in pain it would be sexy to hear her moan. That bloody sanskar saved her now no one will come between me and her . I wish to pierce knife into that proud intelligence officer who foiled the plan of blasts we had hatched. Now , his love will repay for his mistakes.
What if she decides to stand against you? His partner in crime said with matter of fact.
Saahil : She can't I know her well she doesn't have that much courage. She can be used she is emotional fool and weak to do anything. She was different six years back strong headed , master mind, I wished to use her in business i used to an extent but not completely.I changed her to a timid rabbit.
Moreover she hates sanskar for reasons which is just her illusions she is very stubborn. I have heard he loves her a lot.
Leave all that, has all the strong walls of Mr Ghosh moved.
"Yes sir" said the man in black.
Well then tonight would be his last day. Tommorrow at strike of dawn while family mourns on sanskars funeral she will be with me at airport. We can't stay here more then 12 hours it would be dangerous.
Her family will hate her forever and also blame his death on her.
What if we are not able to kill him before dawn? Said the men in kurta and jeans.
Saahil (smiling): Our men would enter his house and get the proofs moreover turn his complete family into heap of dead bodies. I know sanskar ghosh would die with this pain only and we would have the proofs forever. That complete family is threat to our business we will swipe them off today or tommorrow.
The mafia conference after two days. Its just to mislead the gang of intelligent officer let them wait for 48 hours while we will be in Canada within 12 hours finishing our work.
We would have to finish our work before dawn get the men inside hospital and acquire it completely. Replace staff with all our men.
No one should be suspicious do it very silently.
Spread the rumour that minister is on target so they secure him in that case it would be easy to target sanskar.
Minister is in same hospital but different wing it might be difficult to kill sanskar. Said one of his reliable sitting across.
Saahil : It won't be just the matter we reach him. Minister can be used as per the convenience to put things on high alert while we fly away. We have battalion of men, no one mind no on should know our involvement as no one knows about our arrival. No firing or alerting just enter his room and shoot.
Sanskar would be easy target in absence of his walls shaken and he being already injured. I wish to see him in dire pain scream his wits. I will record and break swara every moment making her the reason of his destruction.
A wicked smirk adorned his face thinking about his victorious plan.
As swara was trying to register the information kavita,khushi with ragini and hari da entered the room. Swara didn't know how to react.
Swara : I am going
Everyone in chorus :Where?
Swara : Hospital.
Khushi : Already everyone is angry please don't do this.
Ragini : Di, your life is in danger don't invite more troubles.
Swara : Just once its important i promise i won't create any more issues.
She went on her knees joining hands she pleaded with them her head was bowed low.
"Its about his life trust me once " I ask forgiveness from all of you I have hurt you all in some or other way .If possible forgive me.
Everyone had tears seeing her state. Its true she was wrong but even she stayed away from the family. She loves him and no one can deny this truth. Everyone was in thoughts they knew even if they forgive her there hubby's would never.
Shruti entered when swara gave her heartfelt confession.
Shruti: Only captain has the right to forgive you.
She said holding her hand making her stand.
Ragini made her sit on bed wiping her tears.
Ragini: we all know he will forgive you.
Khushi was feeling pained seeing her bestie in pain.
Khushi: He may not
Everybody turned towards her throwing daggers. Swara felt ting in her heart at her sentence.
I mean he never blame her neither he ever thinks she hurt him. He only loves her. So, he would accept her no sorry required just a kiss will do.
She mischievously winked changing the atmosphere.
Ragini: Hawww bhabi you have become so shameless.
Khushi (signing at swara): I got my confidence back as my partner in crime is back.
Kavita was observing swara's expression and her fidgeting. She observed her being clumsy sweat was dripping from her forehead. All the ladies left out so they can talk to their respective husband for help.
Kavita came and sat near swara and took her hand in hers.
kavita : Is he blackmailing you?
Swara was looking at her shocked then placing her head on her shoulder she started crying vigorously.
Kavita side hugged her and rubbed her arms consoling her.
Kavita : I know that man he can do anything to achieve his target. Bhai, is in danger and i don't know whether you can fight that devil or not but i know you can be his strength. I trust you even if you couldn't save him i would be happy that you tried. Don't quit.
Hari da was standing and looking at swara from long time. Sanskar was always like a son to him so swara was like a DIL. He has worked with sanskar as a team. Though he hated sanskar at first because being a junior he had got senior position but with time he had proved his worth. Right now helping swara was like staking his job and reputation he had taken his decision.
Hari : I will help you reach the hospital.
Swara's eyes shone with gratitude.
Hari : I would be going I will take you along.
Ragini came running into the room.
Ragini : Maa and bhai urgently had to go to delhi for an urgent cabinet meeting.
Khushi : Laksh is also going to headquarters in sometime. He will be back tommorrow morning.
Kavita : Trinetra maa is also going to delhi with baba for the cabinet meeting.
Swara: Why would maa go for cabinet meeting,?
Kavita: I mean baba is going for cabinet meeting and maa is going for some urgent meeting with media house . As news of bhai can fail there mission so it is to be kept secret. He has evidences against saahil.
Shruti : Ranjan is on ministers duty in same hospital but different wings. He won't be near sanskar.
Swara : Leaving sanskar how can they go? His life is in danger. Its all planned for sure
Hari : I think its a trap a big plan is been hatched.
Swara : (looking at the ladies in front): Did i get permission from my brothers or devarji to meet sanskar
In chorus : NO
Swara sighed at her failure. She saw someone was listening to their talks .
Swara: ( faking)I tried from my end now at least no one will call me selfish.
Khushi: Swara you have to understand them they are not wrong.
Swara: Neither are they right it's better I stay silently and go back to Canada. Here people are least considerate about feelings. Whom I am expecting the ones who never tried to understand others in their egoistic pride.
Ragini was about to say something but kavita spoke in between.
Kavita : I think swara needs rest. We will talk on this topic later.
Ragini: How can she talk like that? She is really selfish.
Kavita: Ragini please we will fight later.
Everyone left the room kavita looked around and closing the door came inside they were talking very softly now.
Swara(fearful voice) : His men are in the house. They might harm you all if i take some wrong step.
Kavita: 😢 stop crying how would you take care of bhai if you break like this.
Swara: That bloody saahil expects me to sleep when sanskars life is in danger.
Kavita :Then sleep
Swara shocked and confused was looking at kavita
Kavita: I mean we will pretend you are sleeping in the room I will be here so no one gets suspicious.
Hari : I can reach swara to hospital but how will she reach sanskars room. There is tight security around sanskar. I am sure by now saahil must have started making plans to reach sanskar.
They were thinking when hari da spoke
Hari : One person can do it for us
Kavi and swara : Who?
Hari : Dr Nimesh Awasthi
Kavita's eyes widened with shock at the address of that name.
Kavita: Why would he do it hari da? we all know how much he is attached to the family specially bhai.They have been family friends more then our family doctor.
Do you think papa won't have informed him about swara?
Swara : Is this the same nimesh from Delhi university who was completing his studies in kolkata?
Kavita : Yes, actually he was my classmate. We are childhood friends as uncle was dad's friend more then being our family doctor in Delhi. He got his doctorate in kolkata and then settled here.
Hari da : i know but he will surely do if you say kavita beta.
Swara was looking at hari da and kavita.
Kavita : But hari da
Swara : Please di do as favour on me... help me try once.
Kavita called nimesh and the name was saved in her mobile as "khatta nimbu"(sour lemon) .
Swara smiled and remembered she saving sanskars number as "sadiyal captain"(rotten captain). She never changed even after his pleas.
There was some equation between them. Swara had sensed it from their conversation the ease with which she convinced him.
Kavita very softly and respectfully spoke to him and he agreed to help them on the pretext of kavita's request.
Kavita : Kaam ho gaya
Swara : He loves you.
Kavita looked at her with a unknown expression.
Kavita : He confessed his feelings few days back but i denied. Its difficult i don't wish to spoil his life.
She was speaking to swara without looking at her.
Swara : If it's because of Elli and dan then trust me I will look after them.
Kavita : No swara, he loves them a lot. He was my doctor when i was in rehab he took care of them in my absence with others. They are very close to him he wishes to adopt them.Infact he also spoke to uncle about it and he agreed. Its just I don't wish to spoil his life.
Her eyes shone while talking about him but dripped on the last line.
Swara : Me being in captains life is spoiling his life.
Kavita : what rubbish you are saying? You both love each other . Give chance to your life swara its not as bad as you have seen through.
Swara : Here you go di, give a chance to your life... Open your arms and embrace it a person who is ready to put his life in a ditch just for your words.
Kavita was looking at her confused.
Swara: Everyone knows how bad it is to mess with ghosh and bose still he is doing it.
Kavita : I will think .... you go now fast...
Swara changed into jeans and T-shirt pulling up a hoodie covering her face. Her eyes were covered under big glares. She wore sneakers tieing it tight she knew it's going to be a long night.
She also carried one of sanskars hard disk which she wished to keep with herself it held proof against saahil. Also her iPod was filled with his song recordings.
Kavita made swara escape through the window with hari da. Before leaving kavita gave her phone with private number.
Kavita: This is bhai's official phone no one can trace its number or location you will need this.
Swara gave her the phone sent by saahil. As he might be tracking her location .
Kavita: I will not let him know you are not here.
Swara: Thanks di for everything
kavita : hari da take care of her and sanskar
Hari : I will
Hari da very tactfully got car to the gate in backyard but swara stepped in to it at a distance.
On reaching hospital she knew she won't be allowed even near sanskar. She decided to climb through the pipe into his room they informed the same to nimesh who denied as it was pretty high exactly on 2nd floor with two lower floors in basement reserved for parking where saahil was waiting.
Seeing no other way out he agreed to be in sanskars room. Hari da dropped her on the 1st floor parking podium.
While hari left for CCTV room saying he will handle shekhar take over the control asking him to take some rest.
She ran towards it's window and dropped out her fate she landed with a sound which alerted security. She was chased though they weren't able to see her.
Swara huffing puffing reached behind the building as she had breached the security to reach behind the hospital compound. Her eyes widened seeing the height to which she had to climb.
She gulped the saliva looking at the sewage pipe which was wet due to water dripping.
Swara : yuksss..she was making weired faces but there was no backing now...
Haaye, I never knew sapne itne mehenge hote hain. ( I never knew dreams are so costly). I wish I can save you.
How i had dreamt of you climbing into my balcony filmy style and proposing me. We romancing under the moonlit sky i would lie on your chest and stare the stars and here i am tasting my own dream it's tough but i will do it.
It took her scratches, bruises and several attempts to climb the pipe. Further hopping on the pelemts outside the building chanting mantras out of fear. Her jacket had got torn as it got stuck in a nail.
She removed the jacket and tied it around the waist.
Luckily she wore her sneakers which provided little comfort to her feet. She smiled to herself looking at the clothes that her husband got for her. Perfect size perfect colour, everything was as per her choice.
Her face was mud stained. On one of the floor her eyes met with horrible scene she saw one of saahils trusted men killing a ward boy and changing into his clothes. Her heart settled in pit of her stomach.
She finally reached the desired window she was exhausted her dress was dirty. Nimesh called hari da who gave him clear sign.Before she knocked nimesh opened the window He helped her come inside as her feets touched the ICU floor a whisper reached her eardrums.
"Jonaki"... It was unclear just as a painful groan between the sound of machines he was attached to. She heard it her eyes started watering hearing the pain in his voice. His eyes were closed still he sensed her arrival.
As smell of medicine hit her nostrils.
She at once rushed into the washroom and puked. She was drained she came out covering her face which was tired. She kept on having that nauseous feeling erupting.
She looked at a pale figure wrapped under a comforter .
He was awake his eyes were locked into hers. She was so lost in him that she forgot the surrounding.
Nimesh gave her a medicine to supress the nauseatic feeling and make her comfortable with the fragrance around.
She looked surprised.
Nimesh: captain told me you are allergic to smell of medicine
She popped it with a glass of water
Swara: He knew I was coming?
Dr Nimesh: Nope. He told when you were puking your life out.
Swara: How is he?
Nimesh: I won't give any hopes we have stopped his bleeding with much difficulty. He is under observation if everything is in control for next 48 hours he has to undergo one more surgery . Bullet has missed the heart but torn major artery. A bullet is stuck on crucial nerve if we remove it would lead to severe heamorrhaging therefore we are taking our chances.
Still chances of survival are not there it's just hope. He appears as he has lost the wish to live.
No stress mental or physical, emotional set backs , no abnormal bleeding s are the check points. He is under heavy medicine effect so would be awake on and off. His pain is too much he has lost lot of blood.
Many times he might talk weired or hallucinate because of medicine.
Nimesh left the room telling the guards not to allow anyone inside.
Swara rushed to his side he was weak even to hold his eyelids open. As he opened his mouth she silenced him keeping finger on his lips.
Swara: I would be around even if you deny i am not running away.
Sanskar: I...
Swara smiled as he thought he was hallucinating her.
Swara: She gently pressed her lips on his palms holding it in her grip while her tears wetted his hands making him believe she was there sitting right next to him.
Swara: I am reality all yours sitting here.
That moment when her innocent eyes were locked in his which was dripping care and love for her. Song on her bluetooth made the environment sentimental for both.
Dekha hazaron dafa aapko
Phir beqarari kaisi hai
Sambhale sambhalta nahi ye dil
Kuch aap mein baat aisi hai
He smiled at her innocent talks.
She took his palms gently entwining their fingers and kissed his knuckles holding it on her cheeks. Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.
She can't loose a single moment to make him feel wanted, alive. She wanted to convey him she loves him and would always be there for him.
She can't refrain from the lyrics further ringing in her ears . She very lovingly hymed it near his ears while his eyes were dripping happiness his heart felt. He had longed for this every moment he had dreamt of this moment. She lovingly wiped it with her palms. While her eyes were pouring the love she had hided in her heart for long.
Lekar ijazat ab aap se
Saansein ye aati jaati hain
Dhoondhe se milte nahi hain hum
Bas aap hi aap baaki hain
He gently with much difficulty reached his fingers in her grip on her face to the tears on her cheek.
Swara: I am sorry. I am very bad I always hurt you, troubled you moreover I betrayed you. I failed to understand you. I am a bad friend worst wife still you love me so much.
She sat on the table while her hands were still holding his firmly. He with difficult pressed his fingers on her palms in assurance.
Sanskar : You.u a...r..e ...s..t..r..o..n..g..m..y.l..o..v..e... innocent...a.n.d...t..r..u..e.. ahhh
He screamed in pain as his muscles tauted while spilling the words out of his mouth. She immediately stood up and holding his hand pressed her lips on his forhead. Her tears fell on his face.
It took him complete energy in his body to put these words out of his mouth she felt piercing of knife in her heart seeing him in so much pain.
Swara: Please don't talk it will pain. I love you...I hate you for never claiming me i will punish you but you need to get well for that...i always wished you would love me you did but never expressed i am idiot dad says right i should have understood you but i always took easier way out. I am the reason you are in this condition.
Sanskar smiled seeing her care. But he felt pain seeing her breaking he tightened grip on her hand to stop her from blaming herself.
She raised her eyes and saw pain in his eyes. She knew he would be troubled more seeing her in pain so she calmly smiled.
Swara : Sorry..
Sanskar : go home your life is at risk.
Swara childishly wiping her tears.
Swara: I am not going anywhere till you get fine.
He was too weak to fight or deny but he felt her eyes speaking something he wasn't able to decipher. Some kind of pain or fear.
Sanskar : Is
He had to take pauses in words due to pain he was experiencing. He knew there was something swara was hiding her eyes told him. Her torn and shabby clothes were making him worried for her.
Sanskar : i..
He took a long breath which escaped as a painful moan
Swara: Shh everything is fine. Just family is angry with me so as usual i had to take trouble route. You get well soon then you can fight for me. I wish to stay back with you.
I missed you fighting for me.You Will fight for me na.
She asked innocently hiding the truth he nodded positive while his eyes gave up. He drifted into darkness which engulfed the complete surrounding.
Swara's tears were not stopping she kept on crying. She at last composed herself making her heart and mind understand she had to save him.She very gently adjusted his bedsheets. She was caressing his hairs lovingly. She called nimesh and he was in the room in no time.
Swara: We need to shift him from here.
Nimesh :You must be joking lady.
Swara: I am serious you need to help me.
Nimesh: On kavitas request i participated in your madness and helped you meet him.
Have you seen his condition he is alive on machines mercy right now we cannot disconnect the ventilator other machines are supporting his life he will die on the spot if we remove them.
Swara was controlling her anger when he so casually said about his death.
Swara: Can we shift him from here with machine?
Nimesh : shift where he can't be taken outside the hospital.
Swara.: I know that but some safe place within the premises.
Nimesh: It would be difficult we might cause him pain his stitches are fresh. Any moment will lead to terrible pain it might open the sutures and complicate his condition.
Swara: (eyeing sanskar) : I know but saahils men have already entered the building. They would sooner or later harm him. Please help me shift him its about his life.
Nimesh: We would inform Laksh,arnab,ranjan or kaku(DP) ,kaki (trinetra).
Swara: None of them are in place except ranjan but he is surrounded by saahils men our one wrong move and we will loose sanskar.
Nimesh: We can shift him to mortuary
Swara was all set to burst when he spoke
I mean a new morgue is made near the exit of 1st floor just next to it there are new cabins in making for emregency department. It has electric connections as well as AC also has a backdoor which opens in the runway.
Swara was jotting the building plan in her mind that nimesh showed her in his mobile.
Nimesh : "Issue is how we will move him from here"
Swara : I've a plan but we would need few of trusted people you help whereever medical aid is needed.
Finally after an hour of dodging the guards by keeping them engaged in a random family fight which was created by a ward boy with a family. Nimesh and swara were successful in getting sanskar on first floor.
She also got help from sanskars team of officer as hari da spoke to them. They were ready to do anything to support their senior.
It was difficult as sanskar flinched in severe pain at instance when he was moved from the bed. Swara was feeling guilty for giving so much pain to him.
He started sweating profusely but finally they reached the room and all the connections were made. Nimesh was checking and monitoring sanskar condition.
Swara was looking at the space horrified to which nisha the head nurse smiled and said corpse are unharmful and trustable unlike humans.
Still swara was scared to which nimesh informed the morgue is currently empty as its newly made . Swara sighed and entered the next room which was empty with few fittings where sanskar was shifted. A black blind fold was put shielding the view into room.
They switched off all the lights monitor was kept covered so lights dont reflect in room. Still slight beeping of monitors could be heard which was masked with sound of wood works goin on the floor. Board on the door said closed for renovation. They created mess outside the room to show work is been done there.
Team of sanskars subordinate and junior helped her getting connected to parallel number to all the family.
Swara got her brothers in conference call who insisted on informing laksh. Laksh was furious knowing swara was in hospital he even scolded her for moving sanskar without informing anyone.
There were also senior members on line who were all furious knowing what swara did.
Trinetra: I swear if anything happens to my son i won't spare you. Enough of the pain you gave him
There was verbal argument and swara was targeted again and again by laksh. Finding no way out he agreed but he warned her to leave his brother forever. To which she smiled and said
" I will if he says the same" This sentence silenced everyone.
Seniors were kept out as Dp, shomi and trinetra left the conversation being enraged on swara for her stupidity.
They were discussing while nimesh and his team of trustables were attending sanskar.
We don't agree the young males said in chorus.
Swara : This is the only way.
Arnab : what would we tell sanskar?
Swara : Nothing ...
Ranjan : Nothing.. is that even possible? Captain will go mad swara you are planning to commit suicide i am not in your plan.
Swara : Please bhai its better then staking all the life.You all tell sanskar i went to canada for work purpose and would be back in few days.
Laksh: I think she is right guys.
Arnab: Shut up laksh she is fool don't prove yourself one. There are some code of conduct you have to follow. You need permissions which you can't get before morning what if he kills her before you reach.
Swara : Nothing at such would happen bhai. I would barter time for sure.
Laksh trust me i would shield sanskar with my life but once i leave please make sure no one follows me keep him safe.
Laksh : Hmm
Arnab threw the phone pulling his hair. Ranjan was blankly staring at his phone while his subordinates called him. Laksh was pacing in the headquarter like a wounded line who was caged.
Right now every one was tied up in their place and it was indeed going to be a long night. Swara was sitting beside sanskar and staring him. She was lost looking at his pale face the purity of his heart gleamed on his face. All the time she just kept staring at sanskar she saw the time ticking off and knew this were the final moments with him.
She couldn't hold her emotions thinking sanskar is sleeping she confessed her heart out.
Swara: I love you i always did. Trust me i was blind in my anger. How i wished i could hug you and tell you everything. The night we consummated our marriage was the most beautiful night of my life. Sleeping in your arm is my dream i wish to have that peaceful sleep at least once in lifetime. I think that is not possible.
I was a fool who kept on waiting for the right time. Saahil said rightly i am fickle minded due to which he could play with my emotions trust me i didn't betrayed you. I know if you would have been awake you won't allow me to take this step. I have to do it i will kill saahil this will finish this chapter forever. I was the one because of whom this problems occured i will clear it. You have to live your life i would live within you.
I know this plan is on cost of my life i am wrong because i am again betraying you.
I have told everyone not to inform you till you get well.
Sanskar ... See i called your name you always wished me to call this right. I will be right back sanskar.
She saw some blood stains on his sheet she pulled it just to find him bleeding she was alarmed.
She called for nimesh he checked sanskar and panicked. We are loosing him team we need to get him to OT fast.
Please try to wake him and keep him awake if possible. Sanskar was going cold swara and others were rubbing his hands and palms. Swara receives a call in mean time.
Hari : (panicked on phone ): Swara, Saahil entered sanskars room he shot on empty bed he knows it was not sanskar. He and his men are searching him everywhere.
Swara : Ok thanks for informing.
nimesh: Swara he is completely unstable i think i won't be able to save him.
Swara: You have to save him. Please its just the start of life don't let it end.
One of sanskars officer." Saahils men are here? We need to act quickly...
Sanskar was trying to call out for swara she went near him holding his hand in her grip she kept her ears near his lips as he had slipped the oxgen mask.
Sanskar : You are not risking your life.
Swara : Please sanskar everything is set i will come back.
Sanskar : Swear on my life.
Swara : (shocked):Sanskar
Sanskar : Please(it was a painful urge swara nodded.) I want to be with you
Swara: You are always with me. You love me you reside in my soul. Just get well for me your jonaki will wait for you.
Sanskar: I am coming with you?
Now it was nimesh who was ready to go in coma hearing this romeos mad talks. He was suffering still ready to go to save her horrible was a small word right now seeing his expression.
Swara held nimesh's hand and signed him something. He nodded and silently kept on doing some work. Sanskar was struggling out of pain. Swara at once stabilised his head and captured his lips softly sucking it making him feel herself.
Sanskar was trying hard but his senses went numb he felt as if he was moved. He couldn't understand anything and saw things moving at fast pace he felt a sudden sharp shooting pain travelling in his body.
She saw kavita calling her.
Kavita:( crying) swara, saahil knows you are not here. His men have kidnap kids they are with him.
Swara at once wiped the tears saying to herself" its time for action"
She spoke something to sanskars team.she screamed at an instance while one of saahils men injured her. She rushed out and taking ambulance fled from place.
Swara: No one follows me i will keep him safe.
She was driving the ambulance while saahils men followed her.She was loud and clear for his men to be heard.
She informed saahil that she will come with sanskar on the airport. As she stepped into the runway where his chartered plane stood. The pitch dark place illuminated with saahil clapping for her action pact stupidity.
Saahil stood there with his trusted army. Swara stood alone infront of him. His men checked the ambulance.
One of his men said '" She fooled us he is not there in the ambulance"
Swara smirked looking at saahil who now had held her hairs in his fist looking dangerously in her eyes.
She smiled thinking how she fooled them. How the team hided sanskar there not moving him from hospital but made his men believe that swara had taken him out in ambulance.
He harshly slapped her making slide on the ground. She was still smiling like a fool. His men bought the kids which vanished her smile making saahil smirk.
He signed one of his men to get swara in the plane.
Now swara and saahil were alone as he was touching her and smirking evilly. She was tied and wriggling but can't let herself loose. He took a dagger and gently traced on her body.
Finally reaching her shoulder he dug it making her scream causing fresh blood smear her clothes. Soon his expression turned into angry one as he tore her t shirt at shoulder he saw it was already wounded with fresh blood and flesh.
Swara: (dramatically playing) : What are you searching? Chip
Saahil harshly holding her face in his palms and pressing her wound making her flinch in pain.
Saahil: Where is the chip?
Swara: At its right place?
Saahil: How dare you cheat me?
Swara: Like you cheated me and di.
Saahil: Oh so the kitten is acting lioness.
Swara : Wife of every Indian soldier is lioness a warrior within because for civilians she sends her life to fight accepting the pain.
Saahil again slapped her.
Saahil: I think you don't want the kids alive. He said clasping her head on the window showing his men pointing guns at the kids who were scared and crying.
She smiled admist tear seeing those innocent scared faces.They were the bravest standing admist so many armed men.
Swara (scared ): Don't harm them i can give you the chip and also the hard disk which has proofs against you.
Saahil smirked knowing he was able to turn the table.
Swara: There is a bag in ambulance tell your men to get it.
Saahil signed his men.
Saahil: Any last wish?
Swara: As you are getting everything you won't be proven guilty. I am giving you life it's celebration time for you. I just wish you don't harm my family leave the kids.
Saahil: You are absolutely right its time to celebrate saying this he asked his men to untie her. Then one of female attendant got him drinks.
He smirked looking at swara who was harshly pushed near his glass table. She was bleeding from the cut on her forehead. Also her t shirt was torn blood stained with wound on her shoulder.
He was smiling like a devil pouring alcohol on her fresh wound. Swara just closed her eyes thinking about sanskars pain pressing her lips against each other. She didn't allow herself to scream or shout which got saahil more angry.
It had been an hour saahil's men had held swara captive while saahil laid there unconscious.
Swara (in mind closed eyes) : I could have poisoned you but that would have foiled the plan so this time i got by mixing the pills in your drinks Mr Saahil...
Suddenly she looked at her phone which beeped. Opening her eyes she smirked at saahil who was by now dizzy but awake his men caught hold of her making her kneel. While there cold guns touched her temple.
Swara: You wanted to see a warrior wife of a soldier right. Take your tab and go ahead.
Saahil was puzzled but looking at his tab he felt his whole world crashing. Complete news was flooded with his crime reports. Sanskars team was giving interview on behalf of sanskar stating how sanskar had unfolded this crime racket.
Saahil angrily broke everything around few pieces of glass also hit swara but she didn't move she was just smiling making him more angry.
He got call from one of his men who informed as they entered the Bose and ghosh house to capture the girls there. They were opened fire by the guards as if they were waiting for this chance he somehow fled but i moment saahil heard gunshot and phone just beeped.
He warned her saying he will kill the kids and asked his men to get them. As all the men went out it was only swara and him in the flight.
She comfortably sat on the sofa crossing her legs looking at a baffled saahil who knew he had lost the game was looking for last retort. He rushed to cockpit just to find the pilot and co pilot shot down. Attendants were all killed. He opened fired in rage unknown there was no one in the flight except him and swara.
Firing was going on from outside as flight was encircled by officers it was going to be dawn a new dawn. One of his loyals held swara inside. Saahil came in plane all set to kill swara. She was standing in front of him ready to die she knew this was the end.
She closed her eyes and remembered telling her brothers the plan. How she had taken the team and her brothers in confidence . How ranjan and arnab denied knowing the risk it involved but she made them believe she will keep herself safe. She knew she was playing with fire and will burn with it.
When saahils man injured her she saw the chip under her sutured skin which was carefully removed by nimesh.
She handed over the chip and hard disk to hari da to reach it to Laksh?
How she asked trinetra to live telecast the news of sanskars team?
She also recorded her statement against saahil.
Her brother arnab with help of her mother shomi had took Canadian government in confidence and raided saahils illegal businesses shutting it down.
She made Ranjan take permission from his senior on pretext of keeping his name undisclosed in case of compliance for sanskar s security. Also the ladies were secretively moved from the house replacing with armed forces.
She took help of her father in law to take help from the local goons to get information of saahils illegal businesses under name of orphanges and names of politicians involved in it in India.
She had also spoken to her father asking forgiveness and told him the exact plan. As she needed his contacts in politics to get the permission for raids and issuance of arrest warrants for the big shots.
Saahil was completely finished. His pride was smashed into the very own motherland which he wished to spoil that to by a women. She had made herself a bait and took time fooling him so the force could work there way out.
Swara opened her eyes and said to the devil in front of her.
Swara: You have seen the love of an indian wife in form of kavita di. Whom you kept troubling still she loved you. you saw friendship and extent we can go to safeguard the person we owe when i was with you. Now face the wrath. You tried to harm the person I love, you stained his pride. I might have left you if you have hurted me but you touched sanskar no you have no rights to live. You were the one who made me steal those papers 6 years back.
Saahil evilly smiled and holding her from neck pointed his gun on her head.
Saahil: You don't know me. Game is still on i will take you as shield and fled off i know no one will risk your life. You are not just a civilian but daughter to a politician sister to officers and wife to highest rank official. Then with help of local politician i will be back in business.
Swara smiled at his unworthy talks and tall claims.
Swara : ( laughing) Do you think you will go alive from here.. tsk tsk tsk never, even if it means i die with you. You hurt sanskar how can i leave you. You had the thought of harming my family. I will turn you into ashes. Saying this she showed him the timer bomb in the bag which his men got thinking it having proofs.
It was ticking increasing his heartbeat.
She remembered how everyone was against this decision of hers because they were scared of this scenario and finally their fears were coming true.
Officers were still fighting outside while she was inside and the final countdown was ticking.
Saahil pointed gun at her.
Saahil: If this is the end lets start with your death. I don't want to leave even a single person chance that you survive.
Swara was now completely drained and exhausted due to bleeding. She was not able to hold the weired feeling blood aroma was creating in her. She was now seeing only red colour around and blood was making her vulnerable. He was surely going to shoot her and blast would finish everything.
She was happy she could save sanskar and her family. She was unable to keep her promise. She was leaving him forever but with prayers for his long and happy life.
She closed her eyes thinking about her family her moments with them. Finally the face of the person whom she promised her safe return made tears roll down her eyes. She mouthed a gentle " sorry" while her mind flinched at the sound of the gunshot. A drop of blood slipped on her neck.
Everything went silent.There were piles of body outside the plane blood everywhere. Away from the scene outside kids sat in police jeeps while few officers cajoled them. Swarini was crying while Elli and Dan went silent seeing there fathers dreadful face.
As the jeep left from the place few officers saw the time. As all had set the timer in there watch. They all moved away and laid flat on the run way when the plane blasted. Laksh and Ranjan had reached the spot.
On enquiring they got to know swara didn't turn out. She was inside when the plane blasted.
Laksh felt guilty he had fought with her and told her to go away from his brothers life. This was not what he meant.what would he reply her family, his brother?
Silence engulfed everything around.
In hospital:
Nimesh : Where is swara?
Arnab, laksh,ranjan stood dumb found unable to answer him.
Nimesh: He is continuously asking for her.
Laksh: Isn't di with him?
Nimesh: She is there but he wants to talk to swara.
Ranjan: Tell him he can meet her in sometime.
Nimesh: How can i lie to a small kid?
Laksh: I will go and talk to him.
Laksh entered the room and saw three kids sitting with their cute pout. Elli, Dan and swarini who was now squealing seeing her chichi thats what she calls laksh.
They were scared trying to come with terms. There little brain was trying to cope with the bloodshed and sounds of firing they heard.
Laksh took her in his arms and sat beside Dan who wanted to meet swara because he saw saahils men taking her. Elli and dan also saw her being assaulted by him. When she smiled back at them bleeding wounded from the window of plane.
Laksh: She will come please have your food. Then i will give you chocolates please it's your mamus (uncle) request.
Dan: I don't want chocolate. Just tell she is fine.
Nimesh : Yes, she is give her sometime she will come to meet you all.
He said coming near to bed while elli and dan went and hugged him tight. Kavita had tears in her eyes swara's words echoed in her ears. " Give a chance to life di" Kavita had made her decision to move ahead in life.
Kids were scared and recuperating his words somewhere sounded truthful to them. They had there food tugging on to there mothers.
Arnab stood with laksh outside the morgue.
Arnab : You should rejoice my sister completed your wish.
Laksh : Shut up don't talk rubbish i blurted those words in anger. I was concerned for bhai then. I never wished for the same from the heart.
Arnab : Really you became so heartless now be ready to answer your brother when he asks about her.
Ranjan entered the scene silencing them.
Ranjan : Stop blantering guys she is dead and instead of thinking how to inform the family and sanskar you both are fighting amongst yourself.
Arnab : Lucky come lets announce a party .
Lucky held his collar
Lucky :Stop it arnab i am also hurt. I am sorry for sayin all this to her this guilt is eating me up. Have you thought how bhai would survive knowing about her death
Arnab was now broken he started crying while laksh hugged him Ranjan also supported him.
Sanskar was lying still lifeless and pale. machines around made the environment scary. He was conscious water dripped as some dam had broken. Nimesh entered with phone in his hand.
Nimesh put the phone on speaker turning off few machines so the lines don't interrupt due to magnetic radiation.
Nimesh : Hari Da on line.
Sanskar : Hello d..a ... H...ow .. is ?
Hari Da : She is fine from the time she is awake she is just asking for you. I think you need to talk to her once.
Sanskar : Hmm
Hari entered into a room where a girl sat with the support of head board. Her neck was covered with cervical collar supporting her neck. Her arms were in sling tied along the chest. Face had severe bruises there was a bandage on her forehead.
She opened her eyes as she heard the click of door . The person sitting next to her helped her to sit a little straight adjusting pillow behind her. The person was shomi her mother.
Hari : he is on line.
A smile crept on her lips which immediately vanished replaced by tear filled eyes.
Shomi and hari left the room putting phone on speaker near her so she doesn't have to move her neck to hold the phone.
Nimesh : Hello swara
Swara : Hi nimesh, How is sanskar?
Nimesh : Not so good but still we are trying our best.
Swara ( worried ) : Please tell him to talk to me.
Nimesh : Swara , you know he is angry and too much stress is not good for him. He can hardly talk. Yes, tommorrow we will be going for next round of surgery.
Swara : Nimesh, Please give the phone to him.
Nimesh stood near him with phone on speaker.
Swara : Sanskar please just once i want to meet you. I know you are angry on me i was stupid to take that risk. I am sorry please don't ignore me its been two days 48 hours just speak to me i want to listen to your voice.
Sanskar didn't utter a single word he just kept listening to her blabbering. This had been a routine for last two days from the time she opened her eyes.
Swara : If you don't talk to me you will see me dead.
Sanskar : Jonaki, stop emotional blackmail.
Swara : At last you spoke to me.
Sanskar : Take it as your punishment for doing stupidity you can't meet me and stay where you are under security.
Swara : Sanskar please just once listen to me once.
her tears once again betrayed her
Phone was disconnected.
The scenario came in her mind that moment when she reminisced about him and was ready to die.
The gunshot but there was not one but two gunshots which was heard. Hari Da who had entered the plane from the cockpit as sanskar had requested him to go behind her. He had requested shekhar to take care of swara and keep her safe he agreed.
Hari shot seeing saahil about to shoot swara saahil missed his shot which tore her skin at the edge of the neck. Blood dripped and with the intensity of injuries her body had and pain swara fell on the nearby table. She went unconcious at the very moment. Her neck bones cracked due the intensity of fall on table rims. Saahil died on the spot hari carrying swara in his arms came out from the cargo way before the blast took place. He got her admitted without informing anyone to keep her safe as told by sanskar.
Sanskar heard swara's all stupid talks and knew she goes insane in anger so he entrusted hari da for her safety and he was right. Sanskar was angry on swara so he didn't even allow her to hear his voice .
shekhar sat on a stool next to swara's bed caressing her hairs lovingly.
Swara : Baba he is very angry.
Shekhar : Pakhi, we get angry with the person we love the most. Give him sometime he will be normal after all he loves you a lot .
Shomi : He has the right swara after the stupidity you did.
Swara : I agree maa but i want to see him tomorrow is his surgery. Just once maa (she whined like a baby)
Shomi agreed to let swara meet sanskar... Swara was sure she will make him agree by hook or crook.
In hospital :
Nimesh : Why are you troubling her sanskar? When you yourself are dying to meet her see her safe.
Kavita : haan bhai and also those 3 emotional fools your dearest little lucky and best friends. Sanskar lucky is vulnerable blaming himself for whatever rumour is spread. Arnab is making him feel more guilty.
Sanskar : We would disclose the truth in few days don't worry. I wish to make sure everything is clear i can't risk swara's life therefore her death is rumoured. She is kept away from here.
Sanskar : For your question nimesh. I can't if i tell her she would be here the next moment and right now she needs rest. i don't want her to risk her health and sit beside me. Secondly the matter is still not closed few arrests are still remaining she is the prime witness so she needs to be kept secured therefore we need to continue.
Just few days swara then you will be here right in my arms. My love for you is insaitable so is yours so soon we will be together.
Guys if you wish an epilogue do let me know... I will be happy to give one in few days... ;)
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