Insatiable [boyxboy]
Mitch Hewer as Wyatt-------->
"I can't do this anymore because I don't want to"
Do you believe that ten words can make what you thought was perfect and flawless into heart breaking and miserable. Well it’s possible, as horrible as that is. It wasn't just the words that tore my heart out but the fact that they came from the love of my life, the person I would sell my soul for. The person I would take a damn bullet for, a train, a truck anything! I'd die for them. And here he was breaking me into a million pieces, in my FRONT YARD no less!
"W-what?" I cringed at how pathetic I sounded. His beautiful face was blank as he looked at me with the green eyes I fell in love with so long ago.
"I just it's time we explore out horizons" that sexy smooth voice breaking me even more.
"I don't want to explore my damn horizons! I thought you told me you wanted to be with me? Forever!" he shrugged.
"Well you know Wyatt not everything lasts forever" he stuffed his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone. God, that damn phone! I just wanted to snatch it, throw it in the street and laugh like a maniac when someone ran over it.
"You said you love me Derek" dammit now the tears were coming. He sighed,
"Look don't...cry. You know I don't like seeing you cry" he said averting his eyes.
"What do you expect me to do, laugh!" I yelled at him. Come on Wyatt you have to get a hold of yourself.... No I can't! I was at the start of a break down, ready to flush my dignity down the toilet.
"There's someone out there for you, you just got to look"
"You’re really doing this? What did I do?" I cried softly.
"Nothing" he shrugged.
I scoffed at his vague explanation.
"Come on Wyatt don't do this to me" he said looking back down at his phone. The f**king jerk! He didn't even have the decency to rip my heart out respectfully. What was so damn important on his phone?
‘There was someone else.’
"Who is it Derek?" I asked him keeping my rage and anguish from my voice the best I could. He looked up at me his face still blank. He was always good at that, keeping his emotions undetected.
"There is no one."
"Like hell!"
"Wyatt we’re done alright. Goodbye." He spun on his heels, hopped in his jeep and took off.
I was frozen, stuck in the front yard as dark clouds came in letting all the tears I couldn't to soak the ground. Let all the pain and hurt I felt show. How could he do this to me? You don't tell someone that you told, you love them then crush them to pieces. I came out of the closet for him I've been humiliated, beaten, thrown in dumpster for that man. I guess none of that meant a damn to him.
The rain was coming hard and soaking me from head to toe. Droplets were falling from the fringe of hair in my face mixing with my tears. Was this really happening to me? Was it really over?
"WYATT!" I heard my dad yell at me from the drive way, he slammed his car door closed and ran towards me.
"What the hell do you think you’re doing?!" he exclaimed over the loud pounding of rain. I didn't answer though; I was still staring at the spot he was standing who know how long ago.
"Wyatt?" he said much softer. He ducked his head down so he was in my view. "Are you...crying?" I guess I answered as my body began to shake with sobs and I threw myself in his arms. He was a bit hesitant at first but wrapped his arms around me.
My dad was tall; around six foot three towering over my five foot five easily. He was well built for a guy working behind a desk all day of an advertisement agency. We haven't had the best father son relationship, but he was still my daddy and I needed him!
"Come one lets go inside" he said guiding me in the house; throwing his wet briefcase to the side of the door before pulling me through the living room to the kitchen. I felt like I was on auto pilot as he walked me to one of the booths surrounding the island. I sat and stared at the white surface of the island as my dad disappeared.
This was a dream. Yep this was a really bad dream and I'm going to wake up any moment. I shut my eyes then snapped them open... nothing, let me try again. I shut them but just banged my head on the counter with a grunt.
"Hey" I jumped at the warning sound in my dad's voice. "Alright tell me what this is all about" he said placing a towel on my shoulders. I bit my lip shaking my head refusing to let the tears to fall. I watched him lean back against the sink, his arms crossed and giving me 'bullshit' look. His brown eyes never straying from my face.
"Why were you just standing outside in the rain" he pushed. I sighed dropping my head back on the island.
"Derek b-broke u-up!" I burst in tears again. This was just embarrassing, crying to my dad about boy problems.
"Oh" I heard the uneasy tone in his voice. This was a sore subject for us and not the best background. Sniffling I looked up to see him shift uncomfortable. His eye were now anywhere but me. I sighed.
"Yeah, I'm going to bed" I said hopping from the stool and walked down the hall to my room. I didn't expect my dad to call me back since it would only be an awkward conversation that would go nowhere. My dad wasn't the best at understanding my sexuality. It always ended up like how it just did now: nowhere. I trudged into my room kicking off my shoes, dropping the towel and my wet clothes on the floor and climbed uncaringly into the nice warm bed; naked. I was chilled to the bone so I pulled the covers up to my chin.
I buried my face into my pillow and let it out. I was heartbroken and pissed all at the same time. I don't know what to think, my body couldn't function right without him. He was my air my joy and he left me to die of loneliness.
Why, what did I do?
(*Two Weeks Later*)
This is not how I planned on spending my summer vacation; in bed with a mountain of tissues surrounding me, a full collection of sappy black and white movies I found in the back of the closet in the living room and depressing music playing in the background. And what made it worse was as much as I tried 'his' face kept coming in and invading my thoughts. Everything reminded me of him. When I looked at my walls it reminded me of his sandy brown hair. I had shut the curtains in the whole house because the trees and grass reminded me of his beautiful vibrant greens eyes. Meaning I haven't went outside since... that day. Cringe.
My dad's getting frustrated with me making me go outside but I refuse to torture myself with anymore remembrances of him! I had tore off every picture of him of us off my wall making them look barren.
I've got to change that damn color!
*knock, knock*
I was currently under my covers blocking out my walls.
"Wyatt?" my dad's voice was careful and soft. I didn't budge but I heard his heavy footsteps walking closer to the bed.
"Dammit" he muttered to himself.
"You can't hole yourself up in your room for the rest of your life Wyatt" he told me sternly. Scoffing I tightened my hold on the blankets.
"Watch me" I muffled. Growling he yanked the blankets out of my apparently weak grip.
"Get your ass out of this bed and go hang out with your friends or something!" he told me jerking me off the bed to my feet and walked over to my closet. He took a shirt and jeans off the hanger and threw it in my face.
"Now get dressed" he ordered. I glared at him.
"Excuse me! I can't go out there" I huffed dropping the clothes on the floor and climbing back in bed. His lips drew in a thin line and he rolled his eyes.
"It's just a break up you'll find other... 'people' out there" I smirked dryly. Shaking my head I pulled my covers back over me.
"Guys dad, is that the word you’re looking for" I filled in for him sarcastically. That’ll get rid of him. I heard him grunt right before the door slammed. My body sunk further into my mattress as my eyes stared at the light brown color of my walls.
I think I'm going to paint them... red.
"What the frick at you doing?" a voice sounded in my dead quiet room. Turning over I saw my best friend Adam standing in the entrance of my room. Sighing I turned back and sighed.
"Dude I've been calling you over and over again-what happened to your room?" he said all together. I didn't answer causing him to sigh. Soon my bed dipped as he crawled under the covers with me and wrapped his arm around me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked softly. My lower lip quivered and the tears resurfaced as I let out a shaky whimper. I spun around and buried my face in his chest.
"A-A-Adam" I cried.
"Aww, stop Wyatt, don't cry" this is why I love him. Every time I'm miserable he's always been able to comfort me better than anyone, he can take the pain away, well sometimes. But I doubt that he'll be able to do it this time.
"I’m here, shhh" he cooed which only made me cry harder, my sobs filling the room were deafening. I hate this, I hate feeling so weak because of a break up. It was pathetic!
"You know what, were going out. Rich is having a party tonight and you’re going." He told me getting out of the covers and dragging me with him, I groaned.
"Adam I'm not in the mood for parties or fun for that matter. I just want to wallow in my self-pity" I whined. Rolling his eyes he pulled me into my bathroom.
"Why are you here anyway?" I asked dully. Adam was turning the shower nobs on.
"Your dad called me to come kidnap you," he looked up at me real quick. "And you know that's saying something when you dad calls 'me'." Once finished with the water he helped strip me.
My dad called him? Wow that was something. My dad has never really like Adam much since both he and I were gay. He was always worried we were getting it on when we were alone together, but that was impossible because I met Adam way after I was going out with Derek. I would never have cheated on him.
I was now in my birthday suit as Adam scrunched up his face as he grabbed my dirty clothes.
"Yeah it was time for a serious shower man, this is just ridiculous." He said flung them in the hamper with a face of disgust. I just stood there. I wasn't shy around him so me being naked wasn't a big deal. Sighing Adam grabbed my face and forced me to meet his brown eyed gaze.
“Hurry, were leaving in an hour" then gave me his usual kiss on the lips and left. I just stood there frowning. I didn't want to go!!!
"Get in the damn shower!" he yelled minutes later. This guy knows me to well I thought as I finally but let's not forget reluctantly hopped in.
When I was dried off I walked out to find my clothes already picked out and Adam on my laptop chilling on my bed. The clothes weren't anything special just a pair of black skinny jeans and white fruit of the loom t-shirt. Once I had that on I slipped on the checkered vans that were at the end of the bed.
"Ready? It's already nine thirty" he complained setting my laptop on my side dresser and hopped of the bed. I nodded mutely.
"Good, now go comb your hair" he said. I walked back it the bathroom and wiped the misty mirror off getting a blurry reflection of myself. My usually tan skin was pale, my bleach blonde hair had grown past my ears and my bangs were practically in my eyes now. And my gray, blue eyes were red from crying all the time with dark circles under them. I was a mess.
A sad, miserable, pathetic mess.
I yanked the comb through my wet tangled hair before meeting Adam in the living room.
"Oh, were taking your car because I walked here" I shrugged uncaringly. "Come on" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.
"We’re leaving Mr. Evans!" he yelled behind us and closed the door. Luckily I had snagged the keys off the hook before he closed my hand in the door. Glaring at him I pushed him down the steps.
"Jerk" I muttered. Chuckling he threw his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the garage. Adam was four inches taller than me, like everyone. I'm just a squirt to the whole damn population. He had dark brown long shoulder length curly hair which he liked to cover up with beanies and hats; lean frame and a cute boyish face. He had to be the funniest person I have ever known along with the nicest.
We met in middle school, eighth grade; he was the first gay guy I had ever met besides Derek who was out and proud. I looked up to him for that and he befriended me in an instant.
"Are you ready?" he asked me with a big smile. I couldn't quite put a smile on my face so I just nodded. I opened my garage and slowly my dad's car came into view. It was a sliver lesxus GS. My dad's job paid pretty great but he won't get me my own car.
We got in and pulled out to Bret's house.
"Here are the rules," I said looking over at him.
"When I want to leave it's either you come with me or you’re getting your own ride home" he nodded.
"I got it man, whenever you’re ready to leave I'll be right behind you but you got to enjoy yourself ok" he told me. I rolled my eyes. "Yes Adam I will" he answered for me in a high pitch voice. I scowled at him before socking him in the arm. He gave a mocking grimace and grabbed his arm dramatically.
"And no getting drunk, you can have a drink or two but I'm not going to be taking care of your wasted ass all night this time" I chided. He nodded reluctantly. It was quiet after that and I frowned at the radio as I tried to figure out what the hell my dad had on it.
"What it this crap!" Adam whined before flipping the station that was better than whatever the hell was on there. We arrived at the house and it was packed, I mean I had to park on the next block to get a parking spot. The music was blasting, while I cringed at the attack on my ear drums Adam was nodding his head with a huge grin on his face.
"I'm ready to get my party on" he yelled over the music. I shook my head chuckling.
"Then go I'll be around." He looked hesitant but I pushed him into the dancing crowd and he was quickly swallowed up by the big group. With a heavy heart I went to the couch and sat down. This is going to be a long night.
I was feeling awkward the whole time I sat there while a couple were swapping sip mere inches from me. Hetero make outs are so gross! I scooted a bit more away from them just to be super close to another couple.
That's it! I shot to my feet and walked away from the disgusting scene. I had a few offers to dance from some girls but I wasn't in the mood to dance. I wasn't even in the mood to BE HERE! I spotted Adam a couple of time with some guy as they grinded on each other. I wandered in the kitchen and grabbed a coke from the fridge and hopped up on the counter sipping on it.
I should be enjoying myself right now; I should be grinding on some random guy right now. Drinking up the nasty beer just because it’s there but no, I can't seem to get up the energy to even smile. And the sad part about this is I didn't want to enjoy myself, I didn't want to have fun or move on. Derek still has his hooks in me so deep that I was accumulating scars now. Ugly gruesome scars from each one he was ripping out, and now I was hanging on my last one. Could I possible get him back? Would he take me back? I feel so pathetic but I was so lost without him, so incomplete.
"Hey you there?" a deep voice yanked me from my thoughts as a hand waved in my face. Blinking I looked up from my soda can that was in my lap to see a tall guy with short brown hair. He had an amused expression.
"Where were you?" he chuckled softly as he watched me with his soft brown eyes. Frowning I tilted my head.
"What?" I asked feeling stupid.
"I was asking why you were sitting in here all alone and not out there" he asked leaning up on the counter next to me. I shifted.
"Um... I- I don't know. Just not feeling it I guess" I muttered to him shifting my eyes back to my can in my lap.
"Well if you want you can hang with me, I can keep you company" he offered. Swallowing I looked back at him. Even though I was sitting on the counter he was still eye level. Damn tall people! I tried to put on a reassuring smile but I think I just ended up making it look like a grimace.
"I'm fine" I told him as he frowned at me. I jumped down and walked away. I know it was rude he was just being nice but I just wanted to be left with my thoughts. I was so glad he didn't follow me as I made my way back in to the living room where everyone was dance. There was an annoying high pitch techno song blasting from the speakers and I was starting to get a headache.
I pulled out my phone to see it was almost about midnight. I think it's a good time to leave. I was now on a mission to find Adam; waving through the sweaty bodies as I searched forever. I was about to give up when I saw his blue beanie and made a bee line straight to him. Once I reached him I placed my hand on his shoulder and turned him towards me. I inclined my head towards the door and he nodded understanding.
"This party was the SHIT!" he yelled in my ear. I didn't answer I just wanted to go. We were a few feet from the door when I was bumped into almost causing me to crash on the floor.
"What the-" I snapped my head up to see the most heart wrenching scene ever.
There was Derek with some other blonde guy hugged up to him. The guy glared at me.
"Excuse you dumbass" he sassed at me. I was frozen. I couldn't do anything but stare at Derek as he looked like he was surprised and amazed to see that I was even out of my house.
He lied, there was someone else.
"Wyatt?" he said my name and I broke. My eyes filled with unshed tears and my heart dropped to my toes as the last hook he had in me was ripped out roughly and I bled out. I stumbled back from them desperate to get away. The pounding music was booming in my ears and even though it was hot in here I felt like I was dunked in ice cold water.
I was never going to get him back; he didn't want me anymore duh. What was I thinking? We were really over. The boy I fell in love with in the fifth grade. The one who told me it was ok to be myself was really gone. A sob escaped my lips as I stumbled back more.
"Wyatt" this time it was Adam who tried to reach for me but I bumped into someone else behind me but paid no attention to them as the person held me up so I wouldn't fall.
"Wow dude you ok" the smooth male voice said from behind me but I was too frantic to find an escape. The tears were streaming down my face now as I yanked myself from the guys hold and ran out the door ignoring Adam's calls.
He was a liar, he said he would never lie to me but he did. He said he would never hurt me but he has, he has in the most painful and unbearable way.
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