WOF Ships;; My Opinion

Because hey, gotta keep the pattern going.
I've seen a lot of books dedicated to Wings Of Fire shipping opinions, so I thought I'd do something similar in my own big book of Sirocco garbage.
If you'd like to see my opinion on a ship (preferably canon), please feel free to comment below and I'll add it!
They will be arranged in order of favourite (top) to least favourite (bottom), with a rating out of 10 for each ship.
Enjoy the mini vent stream up ahead!
- Siri Mom


BLACIER;; LesbianWings, assemble.
Lesbians, lesbians, lesbians. Blaze and Glacier are and always will be one of my favourite WoF ships. The way Glacier protects her SandWing ally in the war, even offering her a palace within the kingdom... then has to let her go for what may be the last time, directly into Blister's talons.
Note the wing brush as they part.
It is every queen's duty to provide herself with at least one heir of her own, so it seems - as was proven with Scarlet in EP. No husband there, from what I can see. Additionally, I'd like to note Coral's frantic desperation to keep at least one daughter alive - it seems to be a trend among the queens. This could explain Glacier's own daughters (she's mentioned to be on a hunt with them in WT) - her husband may be deceased or estranged.
Two lesbian queens defying the Pyrrhian norm. Hey, I'm the queen of unpopular opinions.
I don't believe the books have addressed Blaze's current whereabouts, but I'm hoping she remains in her icy palace alongside her IceWing ally. Their personalities work very well together, and I would love to see a side novella about them.
10/10 - give me lesbian queens or give me death.

UMBLI;; Two smol gays.
Without any shadow of a doubt, Umber and Qibli will forever be my Wings Of Fire otp. There's a lot of dispute as to whether Umber actually does like Qibli - I read the part in which Moon discovers his interest about five times just to check my eyes weren't deceiving me - but here, I will pose this question:
If Umber were thinking those thoughts about - uh, let's make it Carnelian - would we still be questioning as to whether it's a crush?
I am seriously hoping this becomes canon - we need more gays, yo! It's wonderful that Tui has been inclusive of this little child, and I hope she will continue to do so by making Umbli canon.

VERMOLDER;; @ Tui, I'm counting on you.
Bonding over scavengers, heh.
This will always be a personal favourite of mine, even if Palm does make a sudden reappearance (anyone else think that was her in Prisoners?).
I love the idea of those two joining up as an attempt to bridge the gap between SandWings and SkyWings; it would create a nice little theme in the books, especially with all the controversy of the tribes (I can imagine some tribes, like the IceWings, would be completely intolerant of it, whereas other tribes, such as the SandWings and MudWings, would would wholeheartedly support it; also, RainWings wouldn't give two tail flicks). Also, they're minor characters - and while it's nice to have a LGBT+ main character, a heteronormative background cast makes them seem odd and out of place. Having two homosexual minor protagonists would balance the universe out pretty nicely.
10/10 because equality, yo.

ORCHIDGROVE;; Come on, how could anyone not be trash for these two?
Let's face it: they're the cutest of the cute. His dedication and her wild hope merge beautifully throughout the series, creating a memorable pair well-deserving of all the fanart and fics.
I'd offer my soul for a side book about these two - or their dragonets.
10/10 for the cuteness.

COOKED SUSHI;; Problematic innocence.
I'll admit it's one of my less-considered ships in WoF, but I will always have a soft spot for Flame and Squid. I'm hoping that their paths cross again sometime soon - it would be interesting to see their character development. From the glimpses of Flame's mind in MR, and Squid's dramatic (but sadly, brief) entrance in WT, they both seem to have changed in their own way: Flame is perhaps more remorseful, and needs someone to bring the smile back to his snout. Squid, while as whiny as ever, will hopefully have learned a thing or two from Riptide. Their personalities complement one another beautifully - they're like the little Bambi and Ronno of Pyrrhia.
... Even if love means "hate marginally less than other dragons" for Flame.
9/10, mostly because of Flame's prickly emotions and Squid's petulance, which could clash from time to time.

STARSPEAKER;; Sunnyflighters, don't shoot me.
Why does this ship get so much hate?
I'll admit I was skeptical about them as a couple at first. But over the years, I've slowly warmed up to them; they're two different breeds of eccentric, with excellently complimentary personalities. Fatespeaker is the optimistic, excited one, and a bit of a featherhead at that - Starflight is the quieter, more logical one, and would act as a tone-down to her enthusiasm. Fatespeaker isn't nearly as independent as Sunny; I think having Starflight to look after would provide her with a good cornerstone for character growth. They would both benefit from the other, whereas Sunny would probably find herself tied down by Starflight's constant nervous yammering.
Overall, I'll give it an 8/10; I'm not entirely passionate about it just yet.

SUNNYFLIGHT;; Team Starspeaker, don't shoot me either.
Is it a problem that I ship the two most rivalled ships? Probably.
Sunnyflight had a space on my heart from the moment I realised what Starflight was up to. Especially in TLH, his love for Sunny was adorable - and broke my heart in TDS.
However, while I'll always have a special place for this ship, I love the idea of aro/ace!Sunny. I also think the idea of Starflight moving on to Fatespeaker - a better choice for him, overall, since she seems to reciprocate the romance - would provide a valuable lesson to readers.
Your first love is not your only love.
Fatespeaker needs someone in her life; Sunny, it seems, does not. She's always had Clay to lean on and Tsunami to defend her. Glory to learn from and Starflight to tease (especially when acting out the beginning of the War). Fatespeaker, on the other hand, has had nobody: Ochre was never a bigwings, and Viper would just as soon stab her as look at her. Flame's vile temper would have driven her away. The only member of her group who seems remotely nice to her is Squid - and even he seems to think her odd.
She's desperate for friends, and needs the security Starflight can bring her; more so than Starflight needs Sunny. I'm incredibly proud of his character development, even though Sunnyflight will always be special to me.
7.5/10 for life lessons, heh. Only narrowly beaten by Starspeaker.

I used to ship this a lot more than I do now. I guess I've gone off the idea of heteronormativity; because, let's face it, Pyrrhia could use more homo.
I think Qibli would be good for Moon - at least, far more so than Winter. I love his personality - I can relate to him incredibly well, although he's easily more confident than I am. I particularly loved Moon's description of his mind: like a river.
7.5/10, just because Umbli. Still better than Wintermoon, though.

DEATHNESS;; Another of my sins.
Did anyone else here notice how heavily Greatness procrastinated punishing Deathbringer for his betrayal of the tribe?
Several times in the story, Deathbringer is referred to as "Greatness' pet" - and I'm shameless to say that this has resulted in a number of sinful headcanons. She's the wrong dragon for her job, and she knows it - surely she must have found some confidant?
Somehow, I can't see her crying in Morrowseer's shoulder over how she wishes she weren't a prisoner.
Distressed and unable to escape her fate - or so it seems. She turns to her chief assassin for comfort; and this in turn drives him to a level desperation. Determined to end the war and save her, Deathbringer sets out on a mission to save her from her fate:
And thus, seduces the RainWing queen-to-be. Negotiates a deal which protects the tribes, and allows Greatness to live as a regular citizen.
They'll never be together, but he's saved her. And that, if nothing else, is enough.
Now come, children, and cry with me over my ships.
7/10 for plot inconsistencies and tears.

TURTLEJOU;; Fluffy beans.
It started out smol, then became tol.
He's so quite and unmotivated, while she's a little ball of sunbeams and dragonflies. I love how well their personalities fit together - they're one of the few canon(ish) ships I enjoy.
... also, I may or may not have fanfiction on my computer.
7/10; it's still a budding romance, but I could easily see this.

MOONJOU;; Flower crown cuties.
Yay, more gays. I saw a fanart of this awhile ago on Tumblr, and it inspired me to conjure up several rather brief headcanons.
Refer to the page in which Kinkajou hugs Moon with rainbow wings; gay rights, children.
This would be a lot higher up on the list were it not for my unfortunate Turtlejou feels. I still adore their platonic friendship, though; 'Jou is the perfect half for Moon, and would develop her a lot. However, I feel that Moon needs someone more patient, and perhaps a tad less boisterous.
Protect the anxious child. That is, anyone but Winter.
6/10 for platonicality (what in the name of the moons is the noun form of platonic?).

WESTRUNE;; Aside from the fact that two-thirds are dead.
In case you were confused by the name, I'm talking polyamorous!Webs, Kestrel and Dune. Webs, Kestrel, Dune - Westrel, Kestrune; combine them all, kinda thing.
The polyamorous community (if I may call it such) has almost no representation in the literary world; further, I feel like these three would make a good couple. Kestrel would be the angry mom who keeps the boys in line and acts like she hates them, but secretly adores them. Webs would be the peaceful one who tries his best to look after both, and gets incredibly shy and blushy but loves cuddles. Dune would be the military dad who makes protecting (and, in Kestrel's case, managing) the other two his personal role.
All three of them would be absolutely terrified of Morrowseer; their arguments would possibly affect the dragons, whom they'd possibly all despise but still try to care for as best they could.
7/10, overall, since two of them still have a significant other or child somewhere alive in the world.

PERTLE;; "Turtle." "Moose."
Their introduction was the cutest!
Of all the dragons to wander Pyrrhia, I definitely didn't expect to see those two winding up alone together. For the entire duration of their journey to Possibility, I found their interactions charming; fish-throwing and name-calling and lectures on stealth and sharing information. Sneaky peaky failed spying on the teachers at Jade Mountain, and eventual acceptance into the group.
I'd definitely ship this more if it weren't for the value of a platonic friendship; I feel that Peril needs someone to care for in her life, without the pressure of a romance. They work surprisingly well, in that sense - he seems patient enough to tolerate her, and their original situations are, in a way, strangely similar.
Gonna give this a 6/10, right next to Clayril.

CLAYRIL;; Just give the Yandere what she wants before she murders someone.
I am eternally regretting using that anime term, but it suits Peril excellently -
When I first read the books, I was 100% certain that Clay and Tsunami would become a couple. So when Peril came, my initial reaction was somewhat along the lines of, "KILL THE IMPOSTER."
... So, not a very positive outlook.
When I read Escaping Peril, my opinion underwent a major change. To be perfectly honest, I expected a Gloryesque angst novel. Instead, I got a well-thought, realistic representation of what it would be like for a dragon in her position.
I also loved her feelings for Clay; personally, it's the most realistic crush I've ever seen in a book. Several of her little quirks (illogical daydreaming, long periods of eye contact, constant wondering) I could relate to perfectly; for that reason, I'd love for her and Clay to get together.
However, I don't feel that Clay is entirely as committed as she is; he seemed completely oblivious of her feelings, and definitely didn't develop anything prominent of his own. We are shown little of his intentions in Moon Rising and Escaping Peril, other than that he is the only one in the academy genuinely happy to see her. If he were to deny her love, she would go through a huge spout of character development - and that is something I would love to see.
6/10, for interest's sake.

SQUIDNAMI;; No, not Whirlnami.
Guilty guilty guilty pleasure over here.
Not to be confused with Whirlnami - that's happened a couple of times, especially with my fanart - so I just thought I'd clarify: I'm talking about Squid and Tsunami.
This was a favourite of mine when I first came to know Squid - me being the heteronormative child I used to be. I still like the idea of these two, although far less than I used to; expect a one-shot sometime.
5/10 - as I said, I've gone off this a significant amount in the past two years.

RIPNAMI;; Tsunami, running down to the riptide, taken away to the dark side.
Another of my 50/50s, although I know it's a hugely popular ship with the fandom.
When I first met Riptide in TLH, I was absolutely certain he'd been set up as a boyfriend for Tsunami. Mind you, at the time I was an avid Claynami shipper, so I never really got into it - and even today, I don't really like it.
Webs, Kestrel and Dune are like a polyamorous set of parents to the dragonets. Thus, if we use that logic, Riptide's relation to Webs makes him in the very least a technical half-brother; not something I'd like to see Tsunami with. His personality was very flat in the books - he was your typical main character. Kind, brave, perhaps a bit sassy, law-abiding. The only depth we actually see in him is his father.
He just seems too dull for Tsunami - he has no major characteristics to compliment hers. I headcanon them more as close friends, to be perfectly honest.
5/10 - little to no depth, though I'm pretty sure this can already be considered canon.

GLORYBRINGER;; Why does this ship have so many fanmade lovechildren?
Disliking popular ships is my greatest talent, it seems. And popular characters - I seriously. Hate. Glory. Not sure if I'm the only one here, but to me she seems the biggest Mary Sue:
Hello, and go away - I'm antisocial and hate being touched. My name is Glory, and I'm not meant to be in the prophecy. Angst, angst; I'll act like I don't care, but it still hurts. I'm a hollow, shattered mess inside. Maybe it's because of all the times my "parents" have hit me and attacked me. Dear moons, I'm beautiful - but I don't care about anyone. I'll fight everybody, and win, too - since I'm also exceptionally smart, despite being sun-deprived and thus not fully-developed as a RainWing. Oh, look! I'm also the queen of my tribe! By blood, and achievement! The whole tribe loves me now.
And somehow, among all this, I'm morally righteous enough not to demand Icicle's life from her. Enough so that Queen Glacier would even point that out.

... and so forth.
Deathbringer too seriously needs some flaws - and by flaws, I don't mean sarcasm or developing crushes on hated tribes. I also don't see where his instant devotion to Glory came from: he, like all NightWings, will have been trained from birth to despise IceWings. When he first met her, she was disguised as an Ice dragon - so what would have caused him to approach her?
He seemed to forget his tribe awfully quickly after he met her - then, this may be an aspect of his character. Even so, I'll put it into context:
You have the choice of marrying someone you've known for roundabouts a month - and barely spoken to - if you agree to leave your home country and family, and be considered an exile. What would you choose?
Yes, according to Deathbringer.
The only dragons I've actually seen disliking Glory - other than the antagonists (y'know; Blister, Morrowseer, Queen Scarlet, the five original RainWing queens and the NightWing tribe in general) - are the guardians (Webs, Dune and Kestrel), Liana the RainWing and Peril.
The first one I can immediately draw a line through - the guardians seemed to despise all five of the dragonets, except maybe Sunny.
As for Peril? Well, other dragons in general don't seem to be her forte. She views Glory as a threat to her relationship (or desired relationship) with Clay.
Thus, in reality, the only dragon who has ever inexplicably disliked her is Liana - a minor character.
Another question for all the shippers: LOVECHILDREN. It seems that everyone seems obsessed with creating a mind-reading/future-seeing Glorybringer child (usually a daughter) - with an appearance resembling a cheap copy of JereduLevenin's character Starwind. A RainWing with starry scales and NightWing powers. Ah, yes - who could say no?
Let's give this a 3/10. Fans, please don't flame me - they just seem way too predictable a couple.

Unpopular opinion warning, but no no no no no. That's a mega-huge no with me.
I'm not sure what happened in Winter Turning, but nothing in Moon Rising gave any indication that Moon liked Winter in any way. Other than noting from Kinkajou's mind that he was handsome, she was in fact afraid of him - he bullied her, snapped at her, criticised her and her tribe multiple times and overall behaved like a huge bag of scat. Even in WT, he was deliberately hostile towards her when around their friends - and frankly, if someone pushed me around in front of my friends, then tried to hold hands and downright seduce me when we were alone, I'd probably be a tad creeped out.
"Your mind is better than a lot of other dragons." Where exactly did this come from? The only mind I remember Moon clearly noticing and being impressed by was Qibli's, whereas Winter is described as "ice and mirrors", with a nice dash of insecurity to match.
I have no doubt that, in the books to come, Wintermoon will become canon - cue the happy cheers and tired background sighs. To me, though, it seems forced and at times downright annoying.
1/10, the 1 being because it's almost certainly going to become canon.

SMUNNY;; Uhm...?
I've seen a whole heap of people shipping Sunny and Smolder - and, while I guess it would be an interesting concept, I seriously. Do not. Agree.
Smolder is at least four times Sunny's age. She's seven; the War had been going for twenty years by this point, and he was an adult before it began. Thus, Sunny and Smolder would be downright pedophilic, since he's technically old enough to be her father.
0/10 because CREEPINESS.

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