5- Relationships
He who hides behind a monitor silently oversees the moment in front of him. He can never grasp the thought of the young boy with unresolved and exploited trauma he trained from a young age be unrecognisably soft around the other young child he raised to be the perfect servant for the other child.
All For One trained Shigaraki Tomura to use his negative emotions to power his strength through blind rage. He taught him to find any source of anger he can pull his power from, to boost his quirk. Let the negative emotions flood his senses and let it flow through him. He trained him for so long, but the moment you'd be in his presence he'd be head over heels for you.
It was subtle, but not subtle enough for him not to notice. He sees the hurt in his eyes whenever Tomura pushes you away. He sees the yearning in his eyes, the regret, the love. A feeling he never bothered to teach Tomura, but here you were playing Cupid and stabbing him with an arrow before stabbing yourself. Strange analogy, but it was true.
Oddly enough, your relationship was healthy. Not quite, but he can see it working out at some points. All for one would do anything to break you apart, but he has something in mind for a long time.
He watched the couple seated by the bar. He sees the familiar ticks in Tomura's mannerisms as he watched Y/N talk about the recent events about the in coming UA Sports Festival. He was perfectly casual, calm and collected.
From an eye of an outsider who knows Tomura Shigaraki, most wanted villain, and would see him acting perfectly casual would be absolutely perplexed. Dumbfounded even.
He saw how the couple- mostly Y/N try to paint their relationship as normal, struggle to deal with each other, fight and make up. There was certainly a bond between the pair. He knew it the day he brought Tomura home.
He disapproves of it. He thought Tomura would be the loyal one and decide to break the relationship when he started feeling feelings that he shouldn't have. It was the only act of rebellion he has done against All For One and god does it feel like betrayal. But it can't be helped.
He knew he can't break the relationship apart, he already tried to. It was messy and obviously did not worked, much to his chagrin.
He was the lonely spectacle from the screen, watching the couple just talking. Like a normal couple. Nothing too spectacular, really, it was just the two of them rewatching the UA Sport's Festival by a screen.
All For One sighs, leaning his back on his chair. He made sure his audio receptor was muted, just to be certain the pair wouldn't hear what he had to say. Once he was satisfied, he turned to the Doctor.
"Y/N had such powerful potential to be a great leader for the League. They committed homicide against their immediate family member out of defense and never looked back. I thought it meant something..." He laments to Doctor Ujiko. "... until I brought Tomura and introduced them to each other, I noticed they began acting unusually soft and sweet... Sickly sweet, the one where you'd think it would be too good to be true. Then and there I though they were only building up a façade. But the longer it lasted, the more I noticed it was no façade. It subverted my expectations, to say the least."
"I suppose," The doctor stood beside his Master, watching the monitor alongside him. "They are truly filled with surprises."
"Indeed," All For One agreed. "Y/N had no regards towards their actions, I have told them to kill a man, and they had him beheaded at a drop of a hat. The perfect choice to train and educate to destroy the world.
He watches Y/N smile softly as they ran their hand through Tomura's hair. All the softness was in their their touch, the touch Tomura longed for but denied. He only needed someone persistent enough to stay close with him, to love him, to keep him safe and comforted. They nuzzle their cheek on Tomura's scarred neck, smiling intently, at ease. They were always contented with his contact. The mere feeling of his skin soothes them.
"Tomura?" They called, their finger idly playing with his hair. "Darling? My love? Sweetheart? Doll? Dearest player one? My ever loving sweet little marshmallow fluff?"
"What is it?" Tomura snapped in irritation. Something about it made Y/N smile. It was probably the stubborness they find amusing.
"I love you~" Tomura visibly stiffens, prompting them to burst into giggles. "Come on, say it back. I know you love me~" they poke him by the cheek.
"Argh, shut up!" Tomura snaps from your teasing, but you giggled nontheless. He soon leans back to your embrace and sighs in defeat. His face wasn't visible, but All For One was sure he was wincing out of denial. He knows what he feels about you. "I feel the same way." he sounded as if it was wrong to say it, as if it was damaging his pride. You didn't mind, he's just being a big tsundere after all.
All For One turned away from the monitor for a moment and sighs. He wasn't angry, just disappointed. He really can't do anything about it, now can he?
"I was considering to train them both to be perfect leaders and make them fight for the throne, but alas..." All For One watched you plant a kiss on Tomura's head, childishly giggling before wrapping your arms around his neck from behind. "... Their desire for romantic companionship with Tomura got ahead of them."
Although your deep infatuation with Tomura was a great distraction, you were a perfect fit for an obedient servant to serve Tomura. He always had you dangling by his fingertips and you were willing to give him everything under the sun. All for One found himself letting them be, it can't be helped, truly.
Instead of training you, he entrusted you to one of his henchman. A certain Orochi Kiyomi trained you well, but instead of training you to be a steadfast servant, you were trained to have your own rebellious streak.
Oh he will admit, you were trained well. Combat-wise and intellect-wise. A perfect weapon for Tomura to use... But there's only one thing Orochi Kiyomi taught you. He taught you morals, limits, boundaries. He turned you somewhat soft. It was vague, but All For One can feel it lingering in your mind. It was the reluctance to ruin the innocent's, the fuel of your rebellious tendancies.
Ah yes, Orochi Kiyomi. One of the men whom he helped and resurrected from the ashes of the damned, the abandoned, the outcast of society. A young boy who had no knowledge about his family who attempted to seek help from others only to be casted aside. Poor boy was oblivious his parents never wanted him. All For One kept him, trained him to be an assassin for him and tasked him to raise two orphans when he grew older. All For One truly loves corrupting lost orphans to corrupt the world.
The orphans, particularly the eldest, killed their mother. He does not know whether it's accidental nor intentional, all he knew their quirk was valuable and if he tasked Orochi to corrupt her in the right way, she will be yet another one of his loyal follower.
But like how he trained (more like raised) Y/N, Himura Kiyomi was loyal, never shied away from bloodshed, an excellent combatant, intellectual strategist, great actor, is soft. He is disappointed, but it can't be helped. Orochi succeeded raising weapons that has a mind in its own. Oh, scratch that. He raised children who kills, not mindless weapons.
Orochi Kiyomi raised you more than All For One did. You were raised well. You were able to master deduction, acting, reading body language, codes, numerous fighting styles, a proper leader... Greater than Shigaraki Tomura can ever be, but meek, tamed.
Oh... Scratch that. There was nothing tamed about you. You are patient, impatient. Calm and composed, explosive and extreme. Sane, insane. You were stable and unstable in a way. He always knew you've put façades for myriads of occasions, he can no longer tell which ones are real. He never really knew you too well, despite training you for a short bit of time he thought he'd grasp your full personality. Never has he ever been baffled and dumbfounded by their personality, but he has never been confused and amazed at how you were difficult to read. He applauds you for it.
"By this, they're slowly affecting Tomura." All For One concludes with a thoughtful sigh.
"What do you intend to do about it, master?" Asks Doctor Ujiko, peering from his goggles.
There was a long pause. The doctor knew far too well not to disturb the silence for a long while, not wanting to bother the master. The pause was simply short, but it does linger as if it lasted for hours, before it was broken by a low chuckle emitting from the charismatic mastermind.
"Perhaps their flaws can come into play."
His focus was distinctly pointed at the screen, monitoring the couple going out and about their thoughts and discussing about UA students' quirks. Though his focus was solely directed at Y/N.
Doctor Ujiko merely nodded, before returning to his devices to assess the development of the creature of the night. He'll just have to wait to what All For One had in mind for Y/N. He peers over the monitor one last time, to see Y/N telling Tomura they have places to go, before glancing away to work with his masterpieces.
Himura have always found herself in a rock and a hard place. All she can was to accept, adapt, and take an advantage of her situations. She never shied away from bloodshed, she was more than satisfied to have the tip of a blade in a persistent enemy. Himura would do that, she wouldn't have a problem with that. If only killing someone popular without a trail wouldn't be so damn difficult, she would have stuck the tip of her high heels at the back of his throat and let it stick out. It's more satisfying than using her quirk to pull his whole damn circulatory system. But she was dealing with a different breed of a simp. Rich, handsome, famous... In need of another concubine to join his harem.
It was not everyday she had to deal with a stubborn suitor who refused to fuck off, oh no. She had dealt with suitors before, they were persistent, but they sure know when to take a rejection. She actually still has a healthy relationship with them as acquaintances. He was extremely stubborn, he'd leave flowers and gifts on her office table despite her refusal. He somehow got a hand of her daily schedule as a journalist, from major events that needed her there, crime scenes, and would even find him in the cafe where she frequented. It wasn't just any cafe. It was a place disguised as a cafe to organize highly classified, highly illegal activities. It was a cafe located near the outskirts of towns, a little corner no one would think of going.
And here she thought she was doing a great job of being highly discreet, once again she proved herself to be a failure outmatched by her father. He must be disappointed after her raised her to be a great weapon, a flawless design, only to have this sloppy amateur who can't even deal with a single stalker with an intent to get himself in her skirt.
"Got yourself a little follower, eh kid?" Giran jests, leaning across the booth, his pink eyes peeking out of his dark tinted glasses. He's a huge tease and she would usually fire back with a witty remark, but she was more unnerved by the unwanted follower that somehow found her in her discreet meeting place. She merely narrowed her eyes at the middle aged man, her lips tightly sealed. The guy was simply a few booth away from them, his gaze intently and desperate for her to stare back. He probably thinks she's on a date with a middle aged man, namely Giran. "Wouldn't question it, Orochi raised a fine young woman. The guy has the best skin care routine, looks like in his late twenties despite being older than me. Maybe you should ask him about his secrets for little ol' me--"
"Not now, old man," The young journalist spoke through gritted teeth, lowering her head as if she can simply disappear from his sight like that. "I need you to get rid of him, ASAP. Then we'll talk about business."
A waitress walked over their table, blonde hair and blue eyes, undeniably pretty, with a tray of an elegant treat, no doubt expensive, and puts it on the table in front of her. She knew the girl, she knew almost every one involved in the underground meeting place disguised as a cafe. She may or may not have a fling with her before, but that doesn't matter. Himura, stunned for a second and glances at Giran, who simply shrugged as he took a sip from his coffee brimmed with cream. She puts two and two together and deduced by his expression that he didn't ordered it for her. She turns back to the waitress, Rika, with a sheepish smile. "I'm afraid you have the wrong table, miss. We didn't order this."
"Nah, pretty boy over there wants to give you that," the young waitress points over her shoulder with her perfectly and sharply manicured thumb nail. "He also wanna give you this. Gotta say, the boy's too cheesy for my liking." Himura grasps the letter with no care whatsoever and simply placed it on the table. The journalist/undercover villain nods, before biting her bottom lip and curling her finger in a 'Come hither' motion towards the young waitress. The blonde woman bends down to Himura, craning her neck near her lips.
Giran can't hear what Himura told to the waitress, but she certainly looked flustered after what she had to say and walked off with her face completely unnaturally discoloured with red. Himura simply smirks, leaning on her seat and pushes the unwanted treat aside.
"You really need to tell me your secret of how to pick up girls, is it the red lipstick you always wear?" The broker leans away with a slight pout, pushing his sunglasses on his nose. "You really are Orochi's kid."
"Oh shut up, old man, I'm barely in his level." Himura rolls her eyes, taking a sip from her coffee. It was sickeningly sweet, but that's how she likes them. It was more like sugar and cream with a tinge of coffee. The barista certainly knows her taste too well. "I got her to deal with him. Nothing like a sweet old cyanide. It's unsatisfying, but at least he'll be outta my hair. I already paid Rika to get rid of him."
"Aww, but I thought you finally find someone who tolerates you."
"Whatever old man, let's get down to business." Himura disregard his remark and simply puts her elbow by the table and rests her chin atop her palm. "What did All For One ordered this time?"
Giran gave out an amused chuckle. "Thought you'd never ask," her eyes dart back to the person who kept following her, seeing him receive an order from Rika. She sees her point towards her direction with her thumb over her shoulder, causing him to to look at her. Himura simply winks and blows a kiss towards his direction, before directing her gaze back at the broker. "You see---"
There was aloud thud heard from a few booths away, but no one seems to acknowledges it, but it did took Giran's attention. He sighs, turning over his shoulder for moment to spot a fellow with a foaming mouth, before sighing in disappointment. "Young people these days... Can't even silently drop dead to avoid disrupting people,"- he shakes his head, before shifting his attention back to the young assassin. "But anyways, boss AFO's order will arrive in a few days. By a port, near the abandoned lighthouse in Naboo district."
"What did the big man ordered anyways?" She asks, staring at him from the rim of her cup as she sips from her hot drink. "It's not classified, right?"
"Unfortunately for you, it is classified--" Himura's brow furrowed. "--and fortunately for you, I also have no idea what he ordered. All he made me do was to connect him to an illegal and anonymous shipping cargo and that's what I got him. It's not really professional to question clients, deary."
"Got it. All I do is to pick it up and deliver it to him, right?"
"Not quite," Himura was stunned for a moment, but lets him continue. "The big man told me to let a certain Y/N to pick it up with you. I think the big guy will be telling them what to do. Great kid, haven't seen them for awhile. How did they managed to escape?"
"Another story for another time, old man," Himura remarks, before finishing her drink. "When's the exact date?"
"Maybe tomorrow, or the day tomorrow."
Himura nods, noting the new information, before sighing. "A'ight old man, I'll go ahead, I have journalist duties to attend to." She takes out a hefty amounts of currency from her purse and sets it by the table to tip Rika, before placing her purse in her handbag. Rika would be getting rid of the evidence for her, she's quite the genius in terms of leaving no evidence. "I'll be going. Take care of yourself, Giran." She walks off, making a beeline to her car.
"Take care, Red."
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