4- Allies

"UA and their privileges," huffed the puffed-cheeked adolescent, as she passed by a television in display in front of a shop, her hand comfortably resting atop the strap of her bag. "If it weren't for the school name, they wouldn't be popular. And their privileges are truly too high for an average student to have, I mean— they were televised for existing and passing an exam." She complained to her dark haired companion, as they browsed shop to shop to find an appropriate place to do their two-person project.

"Come on, Miu," a boy clad in Ketsubutsu Academy uniform tried to cheer his bitter friend with a teasing tone, putting an arm across the girl's shoulder before pulling her close to his body. The girl, flushed in red, was stiffer than a stick, but her friend didn't even notice. One will tell, or maybe tease her for it, but she is just too uncomfortable with touches and gestures like that. "There's no need to be bitter. UA or not, we're going to crush them!"

"Oh yeah?" Miu tried to find motivation in his statement, but alas. "No one is going to trust heroes that graduated from any school other than UA. Notice that every heroes from UA are always popular and get free publicity. While non-UA graduates are often underrated and underappreciated." Miu sighs, before removing the raven haired male's off her shoulder.

"The only known hero that isn't from UA is Hawks. UA graduates like Endeavour, All Might, etcetera, are having screen time in every single news! It's like the world revolves around them UA heroes!" She exclaimed, often glancing at her companion as they tread forward to their desired destination. "Like, Yo, you know that, right?" She tries to finds reassurance from Shindo Yo, her best friend since the first day of school in her High School. He nods to reassure her to continue.

UA word count: Seven. He mentally chuckles at his list.

"Heroes that aren't from UA are often underappreciated and unpopular like aghh— you get where I am going at, right?" Miu ranted, frustrated that she can't express her ideals as freely as she can from the lack of better terms to use.

"I get what you're saying," says Yo. "I guess you're right. That's why—" he lightly taps his temple. "We must outsmart them. Let's show that us non-UA peeps are capable as they are." He smirks at her.

"Yeah, another reason why we should study for the upcoming exams and do our projects." Miu sighs in frustration, listing the things she would do. The mere thought of reviewing for the upcoming exams were already making her head spin with nausea. "This is bullshit, I hate it, but I really have no choice but to study, do I?" She kicked the pebble off the way, in a sense she was done.

"I thought you'd never learn." Yo smirks, which irked Miu.

"If you got something to say, say it to my face, tell me I'm an idiot. Don't be a condescending jerk, and think that I'm dumb enough to not understand that." Miu turned to glare at the male, in which he only chuckled at her.

"My, aren't you in a jolly mood today, Miu. Are you on your time of the month again?" Miu can only sigh apologetically.

"Sorry about that... I'm just frustrated in my domestic environment isn't that great—" Both of the pair of friends stopped in front of a coffee shop, before entering. "— it's been stressful in my house lately. Sorry if I pour my anger out on you." She places her bag on her side of the table, before seating on one of the cushioned seat next to the window, watching Yo setting his bag on his seat, just across Miu.

"I understand what you're going through. You'll get through it. I know you would," Yo said. "Blueberry fruit tea?" Yo asks, as he eyes the girl with a questioning gaze.  Of course he'd know what she wanted to order, she's been ordering the same thing whenever they came to this one specific shop... Which is everyday.

Miu just pouts, shamelessly leaning her head on the table with a sigh and only nodded at him. He smirks in amusement and rolled his eyes, before proceeding to order their beverages.

There were a few people in the café, which was a relief. It was extremely rare for the said cafe to be barren, and it was difficult to find a seat. Not that she she was thankful that the café is losing costumers, she's just glad that she doesn't have to pile herself among costumers and bump into them just to get out of the cafe. To think about it, it was her first time to breathe deeply into the cafe without gagging at the scent of the lack of deodorant... Let's just say, she wouldn't even dare to breathe there.

And while waiting, Miu can't help but to just close her eyes and listen to the atmosphere of the cafe. It wasn't quiet, but the noises seems to drown out at the back of her mind. Everything seems to feel light and she found herself drifting off. She trusts Yo that he wouldn't leave her in the cafe, asleep and alone. The worst thing he might do was to take embarrassing pictures of her while sleeping, but she trusted him nontheless, so she tried to take a nap... Until she heard the new headlines coming from the Television.

"UA Academy was ambushed by a group of villains that called themselves the League of Villains a few days ago. The alleged leader of this league, identified as Shigaraki Tomura, attacked UA's 1-A students while in the USJ building, and lost," The reporter said. "Numerous thugs were arrested, including a nameless creature called a 'Nomu' and an alleged close companion of Shigaraki, L/N Y/N—"

At this time, Miu has her head up to glance up at the television. She had her brow raised as she watched the footage displayed by the TV, and watched intently.

"Didn't that happened yesterday?" It was then the moment Miu took notice that her male companion returned when she heard his voice. She just shrugged her shoulders, having to intention to answer his question properly until she's satisfied.

"— and just this evening, the police crew discovered that this L/N is behind numerous unsolved murders of thugs having the same deaths— clean decapitation of heads. They only discovered this and arrested L/N for several cases of man slaughter, robbery, and being affiliated with the League of Villains. They were given a life sentence, with no chance of parole." Miu leaned closer. "The police crew tried questioning L/N, but they never answered. They were seemingly catatonic and unresponsive."

I wonder what's Himura's going to do this night. She sarcastically thought.

Kiyomi Miu, fifteen years old, a hero in training under Ketsubutsu Academy's name. The youngest adopted daughter of Kiyomi Orochi, and a sister of Kiyomi Himura.

The Kiyomi family had always been affiliated with All For One for all Miu can remember. She can vividly remember Orochi sporadically visiting this All For One for occasional meetings, that she and Himura needed to stay home. She can picture that one moment of their lives when Orochi was meeting up with All For One, that he let Himura accompany him. And after that, Himura began her villain career of killing witnesses. She served as an Assassin for All For One, but that's what Miu knew.

The occasional visits from L/N Y/N at their humble abode was also fully welcomed by the Kiyomi family and there are a lot of times she actually talked to Y/N face to face. They were actually quite the chatty figure and Miu actually enjoyed their company. There are a lot of times she trained under Y/N. Their fighting style and abilities was something to kill for and with Himura's assistance, Miu was trained. To return the favour, Miu taught Y/N how to cook. They're still sloppy but they're learning. They're close and all, but somehow they're still not letting her join the League of Villain.

Himura and her father kept a lot of things away from Miu, that includes their connection with All For One. But Orochi insisted that someday, she'll be entrusted with the knowledge they have regarding the League of Villains and All For One.

"Hey—" a mere finger snap in front of her face made her mind be bound back to reality. She glances at Yo with a confused visage. "—You've been staring at nothing for the past few minutes. Are you okay?" There was concern in his tone.

Given that she was anemic, over using her quirk, with her barely sleeping... I guess it was safe to say that she had a very reasonable explanation to why she can't think straight... Not that she's straight anyways, but that's not the case. She really can't get him frazzled with her state. If she did, surely he will hog all the work and will refuse to give her something to do because of her mild inconvenience.

She can only nod her head at him in response.

"Okay, well—" Yo got his bag in front of him and opening it, revealing a laptop and a few arts and crafts materials. "Let's get started with our projects!"

Miu, with pursued lips, gathered the necessary materials from her bag and setting them on the table, still in her thoughts despite being physically active.

She doesn't know why she bothered, but she always thought that being the youngest daughter sucked. Her older sister's a badass villain, who's friends with the infamous criminal, while she's stuck in an unwanted position in the Hero's course in her school that she didn't wanted to attend in the first place. She intended to be in the regular classes of Ketsubutsu, but her grades were too high to be in the regular course, so she was put in the Hero's course despite her pleas. Her father insisted it can be efficient for spying, but there was a certain wary look in his eyes, as if they don't trust her. I mean, they never tell her their agendas as villains and when she approached them about it, they'll immediately change the topic.

She's an impatient girl. She doesn't like to wait. But what do they do? They bop her nose, and with a cooing voice, they'll tell her to be patient and wait... They treat her like a child. She's grown up and she's desperate for her family to stop treating her like a child and tell her all about the league of villains, about All for one, about their business as villains. She isn't the cute girl they needed to aide all the time. As far as she knows, she's far more capable to be an efficient member of the league. She can heal, she can kill. She can do anything. But alas, they will seemingly never listen to the little girl of the family...

She loves them, with all of her heart, don't get her wrong. It's just that they needed to stop treating her like a child. She's grown up, they often remind her that, but at the same time they still want to check up on her every night and tuck her into sleep. She appreciates that even though they're busy they still find time to spend time with her, as she saw numerous kids with absent parents and guardians who never spent time with them. She loves her family so much, she's willing to protect them. But the problem is, they won't let her because all they see is a helpless girl who can't handle herself.

She went on doing their project that afternoon, with Yo tending to typing on the computer, while Miu writes the drafts of their ideas for the upcoming school's foundation day. As the top one and two of the Hero course of their section, both Yo and Miu were required to submit ideas for the upcoming festival. She had to ask: why her and Yo? They've got a busy schedule preparing for exams and making projects and training their quirks, and they just had to give them things like that?

All she can do was to bite her inner cheek, as she writes down her ideas on a piece of paper, while Yo typed away on his laptop. This went on for an hour, until Yo shuts his laptop and taps the girl's shoulder.

"The shop's closing. Let's continue this at my place." Yo helped the Miu gather her things and out it in her bag.

"Can we just do this tomorrow? My wrist is tired from all that writing," she whined, holding her dominant wrist to her chest with a wince.

"I'll help you with it," Yo pats Miu by her shoulder, whilst putting his bag's strap by his shoulder. "My work's almost finished. Just a few more typing and I'm done, then I can help you."

"Are you sure you're not tired? We've been doing this crap since yesterday and you told me that you stayed up late tending to all this," Miu asked with concern, shrugging her heavy back pack with a wince, rolling her shoulder to feel it.

"My head's feeling funny, but don't mind me—" Miu steps forward and places her index and middle finger on the boy's right temple, interrupting his statement. His previously wincing face was then replaced with a relieved expression when Miu finished her business. "Thanks, I needed that." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Does it still hurt?" Miu asked, tilting her head to the side, like a concerned mother asking her son. Well, in others eyes, a concerned wife to her husband.

She can't clearly remember how exactly she met Shindo Yo. It was probably before the entrance exam in Ketsubutsu Academy, when they were testing quirks. They were the only two left by the lobby, while the other batch of student were entered in a facility to test quirks, when Miu collided on the floor courtesy of Yo. Yo apologized profusely when he bumped onto Miu. And in exchange, he helped her pass the exam in the Hero course, much to her dismay, but she's grateful about the help he gave her... A part of her is glad that he helped her enter the Hero course when she realised it can be efficient. Now... She's been a caring friend towards Yo.

Too caring as a 'friend' in other's sight. She's taken a few harassment from student who seems to take a huge liking to Yo, but she didn't mind them one bit. His heart isn't her intention. The longer she's been in the hero course, the more she wanted to be one. But she can't disobey her roots, can she? She knows her roots, Himura killed their biological mother once she had her quirk to escape her madness and wound up with Orochi, a freelance villain, but mostly affiliated with All For One. She was torn, but I guess now's not the time to decide about that. After all, she was still not told about the world of villainy by her own family yet.

"Nah, I'm okay now. Now come on, let's finish this." Yo encouraged, whilst waiting for Miu to pack her things. Miu sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose, whilst adjusting the strap of her bag.

And when she was about to leave, she came to halt when an emergency news report blared from the television. She turned her head to the direction of the television, as well as the other costumers of the shop.

"Hmm? Something wrong?" Yo asked, before glancing to where Miu was busily staring at.

"This is Akise Ayane from Channel 26! Please return to your houses, lock your doors and windows, for a lethal villains escaped from the facility they were locked in! I repeat, lock all your doors and windows, all villains from the Coruscant Asylum has escaped! One of the fugitives that escaped was the recently captured L/N Y/N, a dangerously unstable villain affiliated with Shigaraki Tomura."

Himura Miu

Quirk: Antibiosis; she can absorb and kill excess microorganisms from any living beings by simply touching them.

Suffice to say, that she belongs in a medical team, but her quirk can be deadly if used lethally. Too much absorption of microorganisms from our bodily system can kill our immunity system and weaken our body.

Note, if quirk is used too much, the microorganism that she decided to store in her body might cause her fevers

When they arrived in the Shindo residence, the matriarch and patriarch were not there. They have the house to their selves and they chose to finish their projects. And since Yo heard the emergency new report, both of them agreed to call Miu's father to pick her up. And if he didn't pick her up, both of them agreed that Miu can sleep in his room while he sleeps on the couch. As much as she insists to contradict his statement, he was as stubborn as her. And in the end, exhausted from bickering, she finally seconds his idea for her to sleep in his room while he stays on the couch if her dad didn't come to pick her up.

And just this morning, Miu can hear Himura mumbling about L/N in prison and her recent interest about visiting Coruscant Asylum, where L/N was locked in. Miu spent the whole evening, absentmindedly thinking about what Himura might be up to for tonight.

Yep, I was right. Himura busted them out.

And, she was more than correct. She sometimes hates it when she's correct. She was correct that Himura must've busted L/N out, she was correct that her father won't pick her up. And sighing in frustration was the most appropriate thing she can do besides killing everyone in sight.

"Dad didn't pick up." Miu hung up, before pocketing her phone. She sighed, before patting Yo's head as he somehow decided to take a nap while he rests his head on her lap. Maybe it wasn't a nap, because he was fast asleep. She can't blame him, they're both exhausted. She really can't afford to disturb his sleep, she won't forgive herself if she does. "I guess we're both sleeping on the couch." She sighs, gently and smoothly running her fingers through the male's ebony hair.

As she sat by silence, she can't help but to think... After the failure of the USJ, she deduced that their goal was to kill All Might... Which it failed. They lost a lot of asset as well. Maybe the plan was rushed, maybe the plan didn't go as well as they thought. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that they failed. And the time will come, where they'll be desperate to have other members in the league...

Dad, Himura... League of Villains... All For One. L/N Y/N... Shigaraki Tomura... I'll be looking forward to work with all of you once you decide to recruit me. I just need a little more time; the time where you'd be more desperate for more people. I'll come, just you wait. I'll be a spy for the League. I'll be useful.

Three leaders of different groups and Orochi gathered on a circular table, sitting in silence as they attempted to start the meeting with thrill. Orochi was having none of it, knowing that they were gathered there to kill him. He can basically sense their real intent with his quirk.

Make amendments my ass.

"Gentlemen, how about a game of Russian roulette?" Said the man across Orochi. "A test of bravery for wild young men such as us." Orochi can only agree to play this stupid game, as he subtlety gave the others an eye roll to signify his irritation.

As much as he wanted to go home, he needed to settle some amendments with people who had wronged him. Having no choice, he obliged as he leaned forward in interest as the man across him loaded the gun with a single bullet. The men around him whistled in interest.

One bullet, five chances. A string of luck, or an unfortunate end.

Orochi wasn't really the one who takes such risk unless it is calculated. But if it's the last resort, then he had no choice but to comply. This was a mere game, meant to be played for the sake of entertainment. But if they're really that desperate to kill him, they should've just killed him instead of making him participate in this God awful game. He sighs, as he watched the quote-end-quote 'leader' load the gun with quote-end-quote 'one' bullet.
They really had to act oblivious by putting more than one bullet in the gun.

"I'll go first," one of the leader of the other group said, as he raised his right hand. This one was obviously not part of the talk, not taking part of killing Orochi. The said man took the gun with ease, pointed it to his temple, his slender finger hooking on the trigger. His sense of being oblivious to this mess to kill Orochi was proven right when his eyes widened for a split second, before crashing.

Blood scattered on Orochi, as the gun holder crashed into the table with a heavy thud. Other leaders feigned in ignorance and terror as the other one was dead. Orochi flicks the blood off his cheek, leaving a faint trail of red on his pale cheek.

"W-well, that-that was unexpected, t-to sat the least," one of them nervously chuckled. "Should we finish the game or—"

"Why? Are you afraid? I thought this was a test of bravery?" Orochi mocked, leaning forward with a dark glint in his eyes. The opposing man reddens, as he nods. "I'll go next," he held his arm out, reaching for the revolver from the corpse of his former colleague. Firmly, Orochi grasps the cold metal to his temple, slender finger playing with the trigger as his living colleagues watched in anticipation... As if they were impatient.

They waited for him to die and they can't wait for it... Why? Maybe because Orochi found out their deepest, darkest secret that can ruin their names. And to silence him, he needed to die. But he just has one question... Why not just make it fast? No more silly dallying, and just shot him square in the face, but they couldn't do that.

In the end... Orochi wins once again.

Swiftly, Orochi points the gun to one of them and pulled the trigger, straight the head. One was too mortified to react, when Orochi took him out next. Silence filled the room, as Orochi disrupted it by sighing as he pulled the latex gloves off his hands and pocketing them.

I guess this is what would happen if he dealt with first timers who thought that they're smart. Hell, even drug deals were messy. And there he thought that this will be a more decent work given that they looked professional, but he guessed wrong.

The silence was draining his sense of company, when his phone rang. He reached into his pocket for his phone when it rang. As it rang, he sets his feet up on the table, as he leaned backwards to his chair, his arms set on the back of the couch, dangling freely as the scent of nauseating copper filled the room. He stares at his phone, seeing the caller's ID on the screen, as well as their photo.

The way he smiled showed how close he is the this calling character. His smile was warm and soft, but his eyes almost brimmed with tears. Maybe it was sorrow, maybe it was joy.

"Heh," a low chuckle erupted from the depths of his velvet vocals, as he slicked his hair back with his fingers. "Never thought you'd call me this late..."

On the caller's photo, was his young daughter. A stolen shot of her subtlety smiling intently whilst she stared at the crimson rose between her fingertips, her skin basked in the golden rays of the setting sun. He remembers taking the said picture last summer vacation. He can never get a proper shot of his youngest adopted daughter, but when she wasn't looking, he took a shot. He planned to take a lot of them. It was then that moment when he remembered he didn't turned the shutter noise and she found out he took a picture of her. To say the least, he didn't get to take more pictures of her.

He sighs, just watching the 'call' icon bounce gently on his phone. He knows he can't answer the call, there might be people watching. And talking to his Achilles Heel while he's working wouldn't do him good. He can only give his phone a sheepish smile, when his youngest daughter finally hung up. And when she did, he was left with the lock screen he set.

It was a groupie of them during Himura's promotion in her works, when the higher ranked officials take notice of her works, after the celebration. It was a happy moment of success being celebrated by the family of three and a family friend that they considered as their family.

Too bad he needed the photo cropped to cut a certain L/N Y/N off the picture.  Because we all know what happens if one see L/N in his wallpaper. Even the association with the League of Villains, with All For One can land in him prison, as well as his daughter Himura. They aren't officially members of the league, but they are affiliated with All For One.

He's been affiliated with him for as long as he can remember. Orochi was merely an orphan in the streets, abandoned by his parental figure and he was just there, laying around the streets until he was found by him. Then the next thing he knew, he grew up and became a con man, occasional drug dealer, an assassin for All For One. All For One wasn't a proper father figure for him, but he was all he had and he isn't ungrateful for what he had done to him...

Until one day, All For tasked him to do something for him, telling him that it was a special mission for him. Orochi twenty seven years old at that time, was thrilled to be given a special mission. He assumed something big, was he going to kill the Prime Minister? Kidnap students from UA? Perhaps lend him a quirk to defeat the current holder of One For All?

And when he was given the task...
He was confused, for he was asked to adopt and raise two kids from the orphanage. The specific seven year old Himura and three year old Miu.
Afraid to question All For One, he did it.

The thought of having children didn't cross him mind, until that moment. He was a handsome bachelor that people swooned for and was ready to have their body for him, but he brushed them off. Though he kept a flirtatious façade, the boy was naturally charming.

He was reluctant and quite frankly, has no experience with handling children... Unless they needed to sleep permanently, then he has no problem doing so.

And was then he realized why he was tasked to adopt this children... He found out that like every single protégé that All For had, they shared a similar past, whether that's parental abandonment at a young age, an abusive past, accidentally killing someone dear to them when their quirks activated... He found out that the eldest daughter, Himura, faced daily abuse from their mother and accidentally killed her biological mother.

He went from a careless foster parent whose only task is to raise and train weapons for All For One — to an actual caring and genuine father they needed. He can't bear to see them grow up like him, having no idea how growing up without a parental figure to look up to. He didn't considered All For One as a father, but as a mentor. But it's not like he's ungrateful for what All For One has done for him, in truth he is actually willing to risk his life for him and want to dedicate his loyalty to him.

He sighs, before standing from his seat, unceremoniously stepping on the bodies as he walked towards the exit and his hands deep in his pockets for his handkerchief before wiping the blood from his face and tried to pat the blood off his favourite black jacket, whilst walking to his vehicle.

And just when he started to drive, he switched the radio to listen to the news and out of convenience and perfect timing, a news report of L/N's escape was being broadcasted.

So that's what Himura's been up to.

He can only sarcastically think, while he drove. Y/N's a great kid, he's baby-sat them before while All For One was busy training his new protégé Tomura. They'll always be welcome in their humble abode whenever they like, but he hope that there'll be a time that they won't need to creep in the house from the second floor window in Himura's room.

He saw them grow up under All For One, but he's proud to say that it was him who mostly taught them everything he knew. Quick deductions, house chores, academics, combat, interrogation, blackmail, survival, language, he taught them all he knew without All For One's knowledge, due to the fact that he only focused on molding Tomura to be his perfect protégé.

Knowing Y/N, they might climb through the window tomorrow to visit the girls.

So side characters will help me elaborate backstories and subplots and inconveniences, I hope you don't mind >~<

These are some OC of mine and I really wanna know what you think of them :3

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