3- Youth

The playground during a rainy day seems to be more pleasant than a sunny day.

Kids were out of sight, they were probably home with their families, happy together.

The rainy storm cloud hovered to cover the bright sun. Every trace of the bright blue sky was lined with grey clouds, threatening to pour all of their tears.

It's okay to break down, sometimes. It's not okay to keep it all in, until you decide to erupt in sheer rage, destroying everything in they come across.

The light raindrops poured, as people rushed to seek shelter from the downpour.

You, however, stayed. You stubbornly remained seated on the swing, as rain began to soak you.

It didn't matter. No one would get mad at you anyways. It's not like they care anyways.

The blood stains from yesterday can't seem to be washed off by rain itself, but you can't be bothered to wipe it off. No one cares anyways. Even if people cares, they don't even bother to help. Their pity can't help you, so why bother?

You have all the free time of the world, but you don't know how to spend them. You're just wallowing in your seat, thinking about what you have done, as you swayed back and forth in the swing you were seated on.

Your twin sister died when you were two. Your twin sister died because of you when you were two.

It was a freak accident, when you accidentally bumped into her by the staircase. She fell, breaking her neck on her way down.

An accident that could have been prevented if your mother was watching you instead of wallowing in her misery about the possibilities of divorce with your father and the lost of her eldest daughter, your older sister.

A once happy family of five... Slowly deteriorating into a toxicity.

It all started in the night before your second birthday, when your older sister woke you up from your slumber, a big bag strapped onto her shoulder.

You and your twin Saki were woken up by the night before your birthday by your fourteen years old sister, Mira.

You couldn't understand why she carried a bag, and why she was dressed like she's going away, to take a vacation.

You wished you could've join her to escape this hell.

Happy birthday was the last thing you heard from her. That kind soul, she left the house before anyone knew it.

You can't blame her, the family situation was getting worst and worst. Although, you couldn't understand back then. You were bitter back then.

The family situation got worst. Mother was crying, father was drinking, they were always fighting.

A seemingly bright future's light slowly grew fainter and fainter throughout the years.

And one day, your mother ran away with another man. Never to be found again. And you were left with your father.

He struggled raising you properly, when he gave up as well. He started pampering himself instead of taking care of you.

You starved, you were neglected. He would often take out all his anger on you.

A viscous cycle of abuse, regret, repentance.

And then he snapped. He decided to get you off his ruined life permanently, convinced that to stop your suffering, you should die.

He took you in to the woods. He planned a walk between you, a child and father bonding... And he expected to be the only one who will get out alive. It's quite the opposite, actually.

And now you're here. It's only been a few days.

Strangers would glance towards your way, a look of sympathy in their eyes as they see you walk alone in the midst of the cold, summer night. But none of them helped. None of them bothered.

They claimed that heroes would come to rescue you. And you say, "Bitch where?"

You learned a lot of colourful words from your daddy. He's such a potty mouth, and to think that he kissed your mom with that mouth. Ewww.

But now they're gone. You have no idea where your sister had gone, and you no longer cared about your mother who promised not to abandon you, not to neglect you. She promised to make you happy no matter what, be the perfect mother for you.

But where's she now? Probably enjoying her life with her new rich husband and probably her new kids.

While you're here, succumbing into your own world. A world without them.

Then there was this man who embraced you out of nowhere.

That one rainy afternoon, he found you.

Father found you, who offered you an umbrella to serve as a temporary shade from the rain, he lend your small, trembling body his coat. He offered you food to feed your malnourished body, a place to stay in.

You find yourself attaching yourself to him. A person who truly cared about you, who truly protected you from the chaos of the world.

All for one.

He taught you everything you know now. How the villains were nothing but a scum to be eliminated, how the world was too infatuated at the fact that they no longer need to lock their doors because of them... Those poor, naïve souls.

You found yourself saving the world at this side of the cult.

Heroes deserves to burn. They strive not to save people, they strive to be worshipped, to be the top of the world.

All Might, symbol of "peace", the world's number one, was the biggest lie you've ever heard.

You have no idea why you idolised him back then.

He saves people for the sake of being televised, being praised, being worshipped, being loved.

Endeavour, world's second hero, who's only a hero to be the top, always trying to beat All Might.

The world needs to wake up.

They want justice, they want peace. Yet these heroes can commit prejudices themselves without being judged by them.

The world is truly disgusting. Heroes needs to be disintegrated, fast. And that's why All For kept you, to be his protégé.

He saw a potential in the helpless little child he saw sitting alone by the park. And he took them. Just like that.

A bright future was ahead of them. He will make sure that through them, he can commit his dirty works.

There was no need to train you. You were finally emotionally drained when he found you. A complicated mess, that's what you were. Complex, but was easily managed. Perfect for his liking.

A few months later...

For what seemed like an eternity, you fiddled with your fingers, seeing it was something attention jerking thing for you at this moment.

Master wasn't home, yet.

He said he'll be back soon.

He said he won't take too long.

Yet, here he is. No where to be seen. And he didn't even leave you anything to play with. There's just all these computer you don't even know how to operate. If only you can, you'll operate them. Maybe play some game in it. But you knew far too well not to touch his belongings without asking and gaining his permission. You don't want to upset him.

You shifted to the side of your bed, no longer finding the satisfaction in fiddling with your fingers.

You let your mind wander, but you were just too bored to think about anything else. To bored, and too lazy to do anything. What's left to do, but to just stay in your bed.

You never imagined your life heading towards this path. Funny how life works. Life is a fickle thing, isn't it? Surely.

You always thought you'll be trapped in your father's home (you call it prison), as he ripped your confidence, your dreams, your esteem. The person who needs to accept you for who you are doesn't seem to like you very much. Oh there was no point in hiding, you know far too well that he doesn't want to associate himself with you, an illegitimate child of a whore.

As you watch kids cheerfully playing with their parents, you can't help but to turn green in envy as your father never bothered to spare a glance towards your direction. He saw you as an abomination of society more than anything else. He often told you that you're worth was less than a salt's. After your mother left with another man, your father was stuck with an income sucker (that'd be you).

You just wanted to be accepted by him. You just want to make him proud. But nope. He always insisted that even a villain wouldn't want you.

Growing up, you witnessed him do a lot of things a person wouldn't do. He would go home with a lady friend every night, only for them not to wake up again. The sight of murder was a huge norm for you, but you haven't realized that back then.

He would hit them, abuse them, kill them, only to make love with them again before disposing them.

And the day came, when he finally had enough. And when you finally had enough.

You knew there was something suspicious when your father was smiling at you. As much as you wanted that, there was something strange. He offered to take you out to the carnival, that day. And who couldn't say no? A kid would kill to be there. At least you would.

You knew there was something suspicious when he drove pass the carnival. But he insisted you were getting the car filled up, so you sat still.

When the car finally stopped, it wasn't in front a gas station, but a forest. You were confused, so you asked again... He decided he wanted to take a walk with you, his one and only child. At least, what's left of his children.

You were looking around, with your back turned against him. And when you looked up, you saw him holding a rock above your head. Before you can react, he struck you down. It was enough to cause you pain, but not enough to kill you. He struck you with the rock, again and again, and again but he can't seem to kill you.

You screamed, you cried in agony for help, but none came. For what seems like an eternity, you felt the brush of death as your head was bashed in.

The next things you know, his head was no longer connected to his neck, his arms as well, and his ankles, glowing red strings sprung out of your fingertips, blood was everywhere... You can't tell whose blood is whose, but it didn't mattered.

You killed your father by accident.
Yet you felt no remorse whatsoever. Just an intense feeling burning in your chest. Relief. You were relieve and freed from his bounds.

That's when your Master All for One found you. Walking alone in the middle of a rainy night, in the playground, gullible and young.

It's been a few months after he found you. Maybe five or four months, you weren't counting.

Moments like this makes you think that you'll be alone again. Master insisted that he will be back, but you just feel like he'll return with a sharp rock and kill you right there and then.

You trust him, he's the only one you trust... But you can't help but to think of that. That one day he'll return home, that he had enough, and decides to kill you.

You sat up from your bed, as you picked up the doll by your desk. You pinched its string around its neck, as it dangled and spun around with your thumb and index finger.

It was a reward you received from Master after he tested you. He asked you what you wanted to do to your past.

You answered that you want to kill your mother, and you wouldn't even feel remorse.

You were perfect, he said. A perfect protégé, he gave the doll to you as a reward.

The unmistakable appearance immediately reminded you of your father. The same dark/light h/c hair, the dark/light button eyes, the skin colour, the attire...

Master told you to cling to your past, to remember your roots, to know what you fought for, and why you fight.

He told you that someday he'll implement something to remind you of how you came to be. And honestly, you can't wait to know what he is arranging for you.

But for now, you have the doll. The small reminder of your past you keep by your bedside table, and often carried it around in your pants' back pockets.

The door creaks from downstairs, as you heard a voice speak. Like an excited puppy, you ran down to meet your master. As you made your way down, you halted by the stairs.

Master seems to have a visitor. A kid your age! You finally have a playmate!
Kids around your past neighborhood often brushed you off. To be honest, you don't even know if they know you. You barely got out of your house anyways.

With your excitement being restored, you raced down to greet Master and the boy.

"Master! I'm glad you're home!" You greeted, bouncing on your heels.

"Ah, Y/N, thank you." He says to you, before he turned to the boy hiding behind him. "Shimura Tenko, this is L/N Y/N. They were also like you... Special, with a potential. An unfortunate soul that was simply ignored by society and a hero."

"Can I play with him, Master? Please???" You pleaded. You bent to your side to take a peak at the boy hiding behind your master. "Can I play with you? Can I? Can I? I'll play nice!"

"It's better is he should rest first, Y/N," Master spoke up, as you pouted in disappointment. "He had came a long way."

Your head rose up, nodding upon understanding what he meant. You can't blame him, you always loved sleeping and not getting enough sleep can sometimes get you sick.

"Oh, oh well." You sighed. "He can sleep with me! There aren't any more rooms! He can sleep in mine!" You offered.

"What do you think, Tenki?" You smiled at him, bending on your side yet again to take a look at the timid young boy. "Or is it Tenko? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm bad with names." You giggled.

"You can go ahead and sleep with them, Tenko." Master spoke reassuringly. "There is no need to be afraid." He pats Tenko's head.

Tenko, the boy, was hesitant. He glanced at Master, then at you. You were grinning to widely, it scared him. But it was a smile that always looked beautiful on you, as it was always imprinted in Tomura's mind till the present day.

Hesitantly, Tenko approaches you.

You squealed, about to give the smaller boy an embrace, when Master immediately scolded you, causing you to back away.

"Do be careful around him, Y/N. If your aren't careful enough, he might reduce you to ash," your eyes sparkled in amusement. "Try not to touch them with five fingers, Tenko."

"Wow! That's your quirk?" Your eyes glittered in joy. "Can I at least hold your wrist then? Technically you're not holding me, 'coz I'll be the one holding you!"

Without waiting for a responses you immediately grabbed his wrist. He was shaking in fear, as he looked away. He expected you to scream in agony as you wither in his skin... But you didn't. He looked up at you, shocked and amazed.

"See? Nothing happened!" You embraced the boy, bending your knees to actually reach his height. "I'll be the best friend you'll ever have! We'll be together forever and ever and ever and ever and ever! Partners in crime!"

He was afraid to embrace you back, but he melts into your embrace... Not too much, he still fears he'll accidentally killed you.

You were his new found joy. You were the first person who ever touched him without hesitation... Well, you were technically second, since Master embraced him as well.

It felt weird to be hugged by another person who isn't his relative, but strangely enough, he yearned for it. It feels... Homely. It reminded him that he's never going to be alone. Like you said, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. No matter what happens.


A few weeks later...

"Ten-chaaaan," you dragged, as you leaned your head on the boy's shoulder, who was yet to learn that you are always wanting to touch people and he was constantly trying to get away from you as soon as possible to avoid disintegrating you.
As far as you know, you're being careful. "Ten-chan," you poked his cheek, cheekily grinning as you do so.

"W-what is it?" He asked, keeping his distance from you.

Why? Were you that scary that he keeps moving away from you? You pouted, as you scooted near him, before leaning your body unto his, putting your head on his shoulder. He was quite small, but you wanted to do something like this, like how you see those pairs of people walking around. To you, it looked cute and you wanted to do it with him because he is cute.

"You should stop scratching your face." You puffed your cheeks, grabbing his wrist to prevent him from scratching it.

The boy glances at you, shocked.

"If you scratch it, that would only get itchy again." You warned, as you fetched the itching cream from your first aid kit under your bed, applying it around his cheek, under his eyes and all around his eyes, but went on with the operation cautiously. Giggling in satisfaction, you kissed the boy's cheek before putting the things you used back to where it came from.

Tenko reddened, as he looked at you weirdly. You, an innocent lovesick child, just stared back at him.

Just two six years old being cute blooming couples.

To be honest, you miss the old times. The times where it was less difficult to reduce Tenko — Tomura— in a puddle like a candle being reduced to melted wax because of a small flame agonizingly burning with your love and support... Until All For One got to him and forced you to hold several emotional leverage over him without you knowing.

You were manipulated into doing Master's dirty deeds in a form of molding Tomura Shigaraki's psyche, without you knowing it was a form of manipulation that forced Tomura to be the person he is...

This heartless demon that's your little angel, little cinnamon roll.

For ages, both Y/N and Tomura lived under the same roof with their Master All For One, having nowhere else to go after society turned their backs away from them, after they pretended not to hear their agonizing pleas, after pretending that help will soon come to the rescue.

Y/N was an abandoned orphan much like Tomura and was also kept by All For One.

Two sides of a coin, facing the world together, watching each others backs. One was insane, and one was more insane. Go figure who's who.

Have you had a good guess?

Ding, ding, ding!

That would be Y/N, crazy to love someone like Tomura.

The fact that you were in love with him since meeting him at the age of five till now was shocking for Tomura, seeing that you were the type to squeal about attractive people. He comes no where as near as them.

But he grew up with you, he knew that he you're practically catatonic without him— he speaks from experience.

Anyways, back at the topic at hand...

The relationship just feels... Dull for your liking.

You want to keep this relationship going, but it was Tomura who doesn't seem to reciprocate your love anymore.

Your greetings for him was always sweet, but he doesn't seem to acknowledge your presence. Your kisses for him seems like nothing but to ignore. Your proclamation of love for him seems like nothing more than an annoying statement, unnecessary and irrelevant.

Maybe he grew bored of you, maybe he found someone better, useful. Maybe he got tired of you and decided to replace you.

Maybe you were too clingy. Maybe you were too annoying. Maybe you were too loud. Maybe you were too irritating. Maybe you were too useless. Maybe you were just a sacrificial expendables that can always be replaced with a better one.

(First of all, you're precious and you're not anything above ^ that statement... You. Are. Extremely. Worth it :))

Your heart practically aches at the thought of him leaving you. Leaving you for someone new.

And so you took it upon yourself to plan something for him.

Tomura's perspective; the present

He was... Extremely unsure.

He doesn't know whether it's his insecurity speaking, or it was really his instincts... You deserved better, scum like him would be better off to rot within the depths of the hole he dug and buried himself into.

He doesn't deserve your love, you deserved better. And he doesn't understand how someone like you wouldn't be the leader of the league instead of him. He was too impulsive, he was too reckless, he acts before he thinks... But you, even if you aren't stable, you were sure as smart as hell.

He doesn't understand why you aren't upset with him when All For One accepted him as the leader of the association. He was upset that you seem to love him more even after taking your place.

It was his fault why you were probably hurting inside and all he needed to do was to express your love like how you expressed yours... But he can't seem to do that... He doesn't know how to do that.

Another reason why you would make the great leader, you were capable of understanding. You were capable of freely expressing yourself despite all the hate you get from your environment. You were mature, he wasn't. You were more suited to be the leader, he repeats to himself over and over.

He sat by the counter, tipping the glass back and fourth within his hands, watching the liquid inside of it swirl. It was funny to think that you were as submissive as a liquid in a glass... Easily manipulated into doing his bidding. He had that in the end of of fingers and he feels guilty for exploiting his power over you so much.

He sighs, before gulping down the drink and setting the glass down. 


The leader glanced at you, as if to ask what was it you needed from him. You grinned at how easy it has become to read him. You placed your hand around his wrist, before pulling the glass of a newly poured alcohol away from him.

"Instead of drowning yourself in deadly activities, how about if we cook?" You asked, placing the glass far from the boy's reach. He just looked at you, confused.

"It's three AM—"

"Shhh," you put a finger on his lips. He sighed in exasperation, knowing you would never shut up until you get what you want. "Every time is cooking time. Now come on!" You pulled him off the stool to cook meals with him.

Come to think of it, you never saw him being taught by Master how to cook. So maybe, this will be a great opportunity to teach him how to. Besides, you know the boy often relies on instant noodles if Kurogiri won't cook.

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