Chapter 18

"You twat."

"I-I'm sorry."

Louis folded his arms and turned away from the laughing boys.

"I can't believe you, Niall. Out of all the boys here, I thought at least you would know!" Louis muttered.

Niall choked on laughter, trying to look sorry. "I-I'm sorry Lou."

Louis turned towards the boy, and glared. "Go buy me a new cupcake."

Niall instantly nodded, and walked to the cashier. He waited in line; behind a mother with 2 kids. They were clinging on to her, and shouting out things they wanted. The mother looked stressed, and tired.

"That will be $17.20." The cashier spoke.

Niall watched the mother nod, and pull out her wallet. He watched her face fall, and she looked ready to cry. "I-I seem to be a little short. Could you put back-"

Niall cut her off by placing money on the counter. The mother turned towards Niall; shocked.

"I-I" Niall shook her head at the woman, and gave her a smile. "Keep the change, ma'am."

The woman gave Niall a warm smile, and even cried a little. "Thank you so much, young man. I'm Brandy." She out stretched her hand, and Niall shook it with ease.

"Niall." He replied. The woman turned back around, and collected her food, along with the change before walking off to a table in the back with her kids. Niall stepped up to the counter, and ordered another chocolate cupcake. He had eaten Lou's while he was in the bathroom, but he didn't mean too. Okay, yes he had, but he didn't think Louis would notice.

Niall gave the cashier the money, and even put money in the tip jar, and walked back over to his friends. Harry, and he had just got back from their little date, and they instantly met the boys at the café. They were all pleased to know they were back together.

"Here you go, Lou." Niall handed over the cupcake, not without swiping his finger on the icing, and smiled sheepishly as he licked it off his finger.

Louis snatched it out of his hand, "You better not do it again."

Niall choked on his laughter, again, but nodded anyways. He knew there would be a next time, but he didn't say anything. Louis ate his cupcake in bliss, and sighed at how good it was.

"That was a nice thing you did over there, Ni." Liam commented. Niall shrugged, but sent him a smile.

"I was just helping, is all."

"Well it was sweet." Zayn spoke up. He had been awfully quiet, and he suspected him and Liam had gotten into a fight. They were acting distance towards each other, and avoiding each other. Niall prayed they made up, and stayed together.

"What did I miss?" Harry asked, coming back from the bathroom.

"Niall stole my cupcake." Louis muttered, and shot Niall another glare.

"Niall gave money to a poor woman with children." Liam said at the same time as Louis.

Harry chuckled, and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. "Good job, babe, and that is sweet of you."

Louis grabbed the wrapper from his cupcake and threw it at Harry's face. "Score!" He shouted, making people turn around to look at him.

He smiled, and waved at a man in his late forties who just grunted and turned back to his newspaper.

"You're unbelievable." Harry grunted, and wiped the crumbs off his face and shirt.

"But you love me." Louis winked. Harry rolled his eyes, shaking his head, but he held a smile on his face nonetheless.


Harry gave his boyfriend a kiss from the passenger seat as they were parked in front of Harry's house. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Harry questioned.

Niall nodded, and gave him another kiss, lasting longer then the first one. "Bye, babe." Niall whispered on his lips. Harry waved and made his way out and practically skipped to his door. He was excited to tell his mum and Rob all about his evening with Niall. He knew they would be excited to hear about it.

Instead, he found his mum crying as Rob yelled in her face. He stood shocked in the doorway, before quickly recovering and stepping between his mother, and Rob.

"What's going on?" He asked when Rob stopped yelling. Rob's face went red, and he turned away from Harry and focused his gaze on the wall. He turned towards his mum, and pulled her in a hug.

"What's going on?" He questioned again. Anne turned towards her husband, "Why don't you tell him, Robert?"

Rob grunted, and finally turned towards them. "Harry, I am only saying this for your own well being... I don't want you seeing Niall, anymore."

Harry laughed awkwardly, and turned towards his mother. "Is he joking?" When his mother shook her head, he turned back to his step father.

"You can't tell me what to do." Harry spoke calmly. Rob sighed. "As long as you are living under my roof, and I am married to your mother then yes I can."

"You're not my father. We aren't blood related; you married my mum, not me. I can see whoever I want." He was trying to stay calm. Rob was pushing it, though.

"Harry, I will not allow you to see that boy anymore. It is his fault you were hurt! You could have been killed!"

"I don't care what you think! He is MY boyfriend! It was NOT his fault!" He burst out. His hands started shaking, and he turned towards his mother. "I'm staying with Louis for a few days." He spoke fast, wanting to get out of here.

"No, you are not allowed to leave!" Rob quickly got up to stand in his way.

Harry pushed past him, "You are not my father." He hissed, and walked to his room. He pulled out a duffle back and started packing his clothes. His mother walked in a few moments later, and closed the door behind her.

"If you're here to tell me not to leave, then I'm sorry. I'm still leaving; I do not want to be around him right now." He said without turning towards her. He continued packing.

He heard his mother sigh, "I didn't come up here to tell you that. I came to say, be safe." Harry turned towards his mother in surprise. "You know I love Niall, I would never keep you away from him."

Harry walked up to his mother, and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I love you." He whispered into her hair. His mother sighed in relief, and hugged him back. "I love you, love." She whispered.

"Do you want me to drop you off at Louis'?" Anne asked. Harry quickly nodded, and fished out his phone. He sent Louis a quick text saying he was coming over for a few days.

Louis replied back with, "Okay."

Harry finished packing, and followed his mum out to the car. Rob was sat in the living watching football, and paid no mind to the two leaving.


"Want to tell me what happened?" Louis questioned, sitting beside Harry on the sofa. Harry let out a sigh, then groaned. He was getting angry just thinking about it.

"Rob is trying to keep me away from Niall." Harry grunted.

Louis' shocked face said he couldn't believe it either. "What, why?"

"He thinks its Niall's fault I was in the hospital...You don't blame him, do you?" Harry whispered the last part. He hoped his best mates didn't blame his boyfriend.

Louis quickly shook his head, "None of us do, Harry. We know for a fact Niall had nothing to do with you getting hurt. You were just trying to help, right?" Harry nodded. "It's not like Niall asked you to run into the knife. He was getting hurt, you saw, so you helped."

"Exactly..." Harry sighed, and leaned back into the sofa with his eyes closed. "Don't worry, things will be fine." Louis patted his knee.

They sat in silence for awhile- 10 minutes- until Harry looked over and seen Louis texting away on his cell phone, with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Who are you texting?" Harry asked, making Louis shriek and jump. "Such a girly shriek you got going on." Harry joked.

Louis glared at him, "That was a manly shriek, thank you." Harry smirked at him, and rolled his eyes. "I am texting a girl."

"A girl?" Harry repeated.

"Yes, a girl. I just said that."

"What's her name?"

"I'm not saying, you geese. We aren't even dating yet."

"Why does that matter? And did you just call me geese? I am not a bird." Harry frowned. Louis sniggered, and shrugged.

"Maybe I did, and because I don't want you guys knowing about her if we don't start dating. I have a date with her this weekend. I am taking her to the movies."

"Just the movies? Typical date." Harry chuckled.

"Oh, and your date with Niall was even better?" Louis questioned. Harry quickly nodded, "Actually yes, it was. He took me paint balling."

Louis muttered something, typing something on his phone before replying to Harry. "Well you are a dude. I can't take a girl paint balling."

"Ask her what she would want to do, Lou. Movies is not the best first date thing. You could always take her ice skating, or to a musicals. Girls love musicals, right?"

Louis sighed in defeat. "You're right, thanks mate."

Harry smiled, and patted Louis's shoulder in comfort. "Just helping, man."


What do you guys think is the perfect first date? This is more of a filler, with the side of drama, but nothing to much.

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