Chapter 39: The Second Wave

Once Monday classes ended, Emily paced to the Armstrong's home. She needed to tell Axel. It was time. After her mother forced the marriage, she recognized her time was limited. Next year, the day after graduation, the wedding would happen. But not if she could help it. Aiden was her true love, and she was determined to never let that go. One last thread needed to be sown, and that was telling Axel to break off the plan. There was no possible way she could break Aiden's heart.

Their house coming into sight, she jogged up the driveway, hopping up the steps. Without hesitation, she knocked on the maroon painted door, ringing the doorbell once for safe measure.

Thirty seconds later, the door swung open, revealing Mrs. Armstrong. Little beads of sweat glistened on her brow, her chestnut hair pulled into a messy ponytail. She was holding a duster in her right hand, a baggy old football shirt coating her upper body, leading down to gray sweatpants. A look of surprise slipped across her face as she noticed who was at the doorway.

"Oh, hello dear," her lips drew a genuine smile, before gazing around outside. "Where're the boys?" she asked.

Emily's mouth formed a little O.

"Axel's not here?"

The Armstrong's mother, Helen, frowned a little at her question.

"Uh... well, if he's not with you, he should be home soon. Football practice isn't today," she hummed. They stood awkwardly for a minute. "Oh, come in, dear. I apologize for my rudeness."

Emily's eyes widened at the abrupt noise interrupting the uncomfortable silence. She rushed in as Helen's hand waved her urgently to come inside. It was getting rather dark outside, the skies preparing for a dreadful storm.

"Oh no, it's fine. Do you mind if I wait for him?"

Helen nodded, walking her to the couch.

"Be my guest. If you don't mind, I'll be cleaning in the other room. Do you need water?"

Emily sat down, the leather causing her to slip a little. She decided to wear blue jeans today, pairing with a plain white t-shirt. Her theory remained that skin contact was seemingly the only way to not slide on these couches. Mmm, skin contact on this couch... with Aiden. Images flashed through her mind of all the ways they could have fun on this couch. She gulped, is this how my imagination works after sex? She had to admit, she liked it. Glancing up, she saw Helen gazing at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"A... um... no, no water. Thank you."

Helen stared at her one last time before nodding and walking away.

"Honey, I'm home!"

A voice called from the garage door entrance.

Mr. Armstrong set his briefcase on a chair, striding over to his wife and scooping her in his arms. Her sparkling eyes gleamed up at her husband. They met in a brief but perfect kiss, Mr. Armstrong making a loud popping sound with his mouth for playful emphasis when they broke away. Mrs. Armstrong laughed, holding his biceps. Emily watched them in awe. They were so happy together. Now she knew where Aiden got his jokester personality.

He ran a hand gingerly through her hair, gazing into her eyes.

"You know, since the kids aren't home, maybe we could-"

"Darling, we have a guest," she stopped him, nodding her head toward the couch.

Mr. Armstrong turned to see who was there. Noticing it was Emily, he let go of his wife, grabbing her hand and walking to the couch.

"Hey Emily, here to see Aiden?" he asked, thinking he was caught up with who she was dating now.

"N-No, Mr. Armstrong. I'm actually here to see Axel."

"Ah," he stuttered. "And please, call me David. Mr. Armstrong sounds so old," he laughed and scratched the back of his neck, trying to sound like the cool dad.

"Right, David."

He smiled kindly before looking back to his wife.

"I think there's some dust in our bedroom. How 'bout you go and I'll meet you there," he whispered to her, smacking her butt and winking as she jumped at the contact, prancing away and giggling under her breath. Emily looked quickly toward the window, attempting to avoid the humility if they noticed her listening to their conversation.

"It was nice to see you again, Emily," David directed to her.

Emily looked up to say the same to him, but her voice caught short as she watched his hungry eyes already on his wife, who was opening the bedroom door and squeezing inside. His strides were quick as he made his way to where his prey resided in their little game of cat and mouse.

Emily watched him confidently swing the door open and glide inside, closing the door just as swiftly. She smiled, laying the back of her head against the couch. She really hoped she and Aiden held that fire as they aged together. The thought brought fluttering excitement to her belly.

She wasn't left alone with her thoughts for long; however, as Axel walked through the front door. She turned her head at the sound, her eyes lighting as she hopped up, ready to tell him the truth.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" he asked, setting his bag on the floor and walking to her.

She was shocked as he stood so close to her and she felt nothing. Even with him dressed in a football team sweatshirt and faded jeans, which weeks ago she would have fawned over the idea of wearing herself to inhale his scent, she wasn't interested anymore. Note to self... cure for losing feelings for an Axel: get an Aiden.

"Um, there's something I have to tell you." she rushed out.

"Okay. What is it?" he nodded, crossing his arms in wait for her reply.

She cleared her throat, questions passing her on how he might react.

"I-I don't think we should do this plan anymore," she let out, releasing a big exhale of relief as she finally admitted it.

He fell back a little in his step.

"What're you talking about?"

She sighed, a bit anxious that she would now have to answer his questions concerning the matter.

"I can't break his heart, Axel. He didn't do anything wrong. He didn't even know that Penelope was-"

A door opened and in a flash, the whole world spun. Emily gasped as Axel grasped her hips tightly, pulling her quickly into a kiss. She wriggled against him as he held her head to his, opening her mouth and sticking his tongue down her throat. She choked, her eyes watering from the pain. She barely heard the loud rustling in the back as Axel was pulled away from her. He fell on the ground, his eyes widening to saucers in front of Emily before being covered from her sight by a tall, angry figure.

As tears streamed down her cheeks, sliding into her coughing mouth, she saw Aiden standing above his brother. One hand was fisting Axel's shirt as he held him halfway in the air, the other furiously pounding into his brother's face. Axel wheezed in between hits, reaching up to try blocking the punches.

"Aiden, stop!" Emily screamed, grabbing his arm as it swung to leave a bruise on Axel's left eye. As he pulled back tightly to strike another blow, she lost her grip and fell backwards onto the couch.

Aiden was a machine, determined to kill his brother for forcing his girl. He only saw red. Blood splashed onto his leather biking jacket and white shirt as he broke Axel's nose. Faint screaming sounded in the background and he shook his head, hearing Emily's voice and coming out of his murderous haze. He released Axel, letting his body drop to the floor, and swiveled to his girl.

She was spread out against the couch, blood slightly splattered across her shirt in a crimson stain. He rushed to her, pulling her up and wiping her tears away with his calloused and bloody hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" he whispered loudly in a rush.

Tears wouldn't stop flowing from her eyes.

"I'm fine."

He grabbed her face, placing hundreds of kisses on her forehead. Pulling her close, he held her as he whispered sweet, protective words in her ear.

"What happened?" he asked as soon as her tears stopped. Her mouth still felt invaded and she had the urge to vigorously brush her teeth.

Laughter erupted behind them, and they turned to see Axel choking out laughs in his own pool of blood.

"I-" he sat up, groaning. He spit blood into the puddle around him, looking up at them with a grin and a devious glint in his wicked eye, one closed shut and a nasty bruise forming in its place. "I can tell you what happened... what's been happening."

Aiden broke one arm away from their hug to look at Axel, the other still wrapped securely around Emily's waist.

"I think I'd have trouble listening to you now, especially without coming back over there to beat you more," Aiden said between grit teeth.

"She's been lying to you since the beginning, Aiden. She made this plan to break your heart after she seduced you into loving again. She hates you. This whole time she's been faking this romance so that she could break your heart. I was just trying to stop her when she jumped me," he exclaimed, beginning casual and ending defensively.

"What?" Aiden shook his head, breaking away from Emily and staring down at her, innocent brown eyes filled with shock and confusion.

"That's not true... I mean... well, some is... but-"

"What?" he repeated, his gaze quickly transforming to distrust, then plummeting to heartbreak.

"No, no!" she rushed, fear coursing through her blood as she reached for him, clinging to his arm. She couldn't lose him. "Please, listen to me. It's not what it sounds like."

He snatched his arm away from her, her nails digging into his skin as they slid apart.

"What is it then?! I trusted you... I loved you... I thought you were different, but you turn out to be like all the other girls. Out of everyone, I never thought you would use me too. You even gave up your virginity, for what, this little game?" his eyes watered and he looked away before shooting his eyes back to her with the most brutally hard stare, a tear leaking down his face, carrying all the emotions flipping through his heart in the last minute.

"No, please don't think-"

"Well congratulations, you won." he sniffed, turning around and striding away toward the stairs, holding his bruised and bloodied knuckles.

Her heart chipped further as she heard him whisper 'idiot' to himself. An idiot for loving her.

She ran after him, her vision clouding around her as she only focused on him.

"Aiden, wait! Please!" She grabbed his bicep to pull him around.

He turned the side of his face to look at her. She saw tears rolling down his faintly reddening cheeks.

"Leave me alone," he growled.

She drew back, releasing her grip as she was struck with fear. His rage emitted in waves, coursing through his broken brown irises.

Stepping back, she watched him trudge up the stairs. Her heart soared and she inhaled as he looked down once more, hoping he would change his mind and let her admit everything herself.

"Fuck you."

His voice remained grim, his eyes dark. She gasped, her heart crumbling as she fell to the floor. He walked away. She didn't have to watch, though. She felt the bond snapping, his presence drawing further from her.

She heard another gasp in the living room.

"What happened here?" Helen cried, rushing to her son and tying the ends of her mint robe.

"Emily?" David asked in astonishment, seeing her on her knees at the bottom of the stairs, tears streaming across her lips. Her head whipped to him, and he let out a gasp of his own at the broken innocence in her eyes. She sniffed, wearily standing up.

"I'll let myself out," she whispered, gazing up the empty staircase before dropping her head and walking towards the door.

Opening the front door, she stepped outside, the clouds swirling around her in dark tendrils. She closed the gate to the Armstrong's lives before David could offer her a ride home. Rushing down the stairs and away from the driveway, she ran home.

The clouds twisted in knots, reflecting the emotional turmoil in her gut. Her heart racing and veins pulsing, she slowed to a fast walk, shrugging her arms across her body for comfort. A cool breeze chilled through her bones, and the sky opened. A deep, pouring rain splashed against the ground, quickly coating her skin and washing away Axel's blood from her white shirt.

Making it to her house with a sniffling nose and rain water thoroughly mixing with her tears, she ignored flipping on the lights as she passed by the cold paintings matching her chilled appearance. Leaving small puddles beneath her feet, she strode toward the shower, peeling off her clothes and slipping inside. As the warm water hit her delicate skin, she slumped to the ground, allowing the clear liquid to splash her face as she drowned herself in choking tears. Black dots coated her vision and she looked down, holding her face in her hands as she gasped in a big, ugly cry. She let herself become numb, her heart breaking with every breath.

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