One Shot: Innocent.

The title might be edited later (as might the story)


The scene was quite unrealistic. The most infamous mafia boss of London was sitting at his desk, his gaze locked with a pair of blue eyes, and the owner of those eyes sat on the former man's lap. Harry was whispering sweet nothings into the smaller boy's ear while petting his hair, and Louis giggled, batting his eyelashes up. Now, normally no one would have any business with what the two of them were doing, but at that very moment there was a man kneeling on the carpet before Harry's desk. The man on the ground didn't dare to look up when he first walked in, but when you see that the 'oh so feared monster' is wooing a boy that could as well be a fairy; fear starts to be a concept of the past.

"Excuse me, can I speak?" The man asked, his voice just above a whisper, but still loud enough to be heard by the two sitting before him.

As a reaction Harry fleetingly looked over to the man he had forgotten. It annoyed him that people didn't understand the word 'patience' anymore. It's quite sad because that lack of knowledge might very well cost one's life.

"Of course, my dear Eden," The mafioso purred.

Although the action might hint at Harry being in a good mood, his captains, that were in the room too, felt chills running down their spine and if they could they would get a cloak to protect them against the cold they suddenly felt.

"If I may," Eden began, oblivious to the men's actions behind him, "I would like to beg for your understanding, sir. I know that I promised to have the money by today, but my child got sick and I needed to pay the hospital bills for them. Can you please find it in you to give me a few more weeks?"

Louis' eyes widened at the obviously fake story, "Is your child alright?" Normally, if one of the other men would've asked that, it was bound to be sarcasm, but the blue-eyed boy was genuinely concerned for the made-up child in the made-up sob story. Louis turned his head to Harry and the older man cooed at the sight of his tiny boy's glazed over eyes, "Harry, can you help the mister? He wanted to save his child. I- I don't want any children to be hurt because their parents had to choose a debt instead of them, so, please, Hazza?"

"Of course, baby," Harry pushed a strand of feathery brown hair back behind Louis' ear before he kissed the latter's cheek, "I'll help the mister, but only if you promise to not listen to the conversation from now on." The man smiled sweetly, handing Louis a special set of headphones that didn't let any noise past when the boy had nodded his head, "Thanks, sweetheart, I'll make sure to make it quick."

After Harry put the headphone on Louis and had his boy turned around so the younger of the two was facing Harry and wouldn't be able to see anything else but Harry's chest (he was snuggled too close to lift his face up from his position, but Harry made sure of it by resting his chin on top of Louis' head), the mafia boss' smile turned sinister.

Eden, the brainless, incompetent fool, opened his mouth again, "Thank you very much, sir."

Zayn, one of the captains rolled his eyes at that. The unfortunate little shit was ignorant of the change in Harry's expression, and that last sentence with a smirk was a death flag like no other. However, Harry did promise his baby that he'd be merciful.

Harry hummed, "I promised my sweet creature to take pity on you and help you out, and let's face it, I'm whipped for him." A humourless laugh passed his lips, "I must applaud you, Eden, no one has ever had the balls to do what you did today. Naturally I'll keep my promise to Louis and show mercy, but I think I'll give you a treat for being so brave in front of me." Harry snapped his fingers, his three captains immediately taking a step forward to follow his order, "Zayn, hold him down. Liam, Niall, start off by stabbing his legs."

The room filled with complains at first, then a lot of begging, and eventually only screams of agony and pain persisted. Harry calmly instructed his captains to cut off Eden's fingers. Though they had permission to do it quickly. After all, Harry was being merciful.

Throughout the whole act, the mafia boss smiled and hummed a soft tune, simultaneously putting Louis at ease and creeping the living daylight out of Eden and the mafioso's present alike.

"Now, Liam, if you could, cut a toe off for every word he uttered without me giving permission first. And, Niall, can you be a dear and fetch some lemons? I heard it does marvellous things when mixed with open wounds."

Now, it wasn't usually Harry's hobby to waste perfectly fine food on scum that he wouldn't even remember the name of after a day or two, but he was trying to be considerate. At least this treatment was better than leisurely dripping acid down on someone; Harry quite loved the screams of traitors when the droplets slowly landed on the same place on their body over and over again.

Louis gently tapped Harry's chest, asking the older man to give him attention, "Why is it taking so long?" He pouted, "Is something wrong?"

Harry shook his head as a reply. He couldn't take off the headphone, he didn't want Louis to hear the screams that were now muffled by a piece of clothing that was propped up and strategically placed in Eden's mouth. Instead of giving Louis more made-up information on why it was taking so long, Harry placed a finger on his boy's lips as a gesture to tell Louis to keep quiet a little longer. After Louis snuggled back into the mafioso's chest, Harry looked up with a glare.

"Hurry up, will you, I'm getting bored with this noisy, insufferable tool."

"Sorry, H, the asshole doesn't seem to lose his consciousness or lose enough blood to die yet." Niall sighed, sounding tired of playing around with his knife and Eden's skin, "Can we spice things up? Y' know, chop some stuff off he doesn't need anymore. Can't have him loaning money for some other child that popped out of his dick, can we?" the blond chuckled, "Or we can end it the boring way and slice his throat."

The mafia boss laughed, unintentionally giving Eden some time to try to squirm away -the best he could with all the damage he had taken-, "Let's go with the first option, but why don't you do that after crushing that thing with a blunt weapon? The more pain, the merrier." Harry was still smiling, "Afterwards, do whatever you want. The money he loaned was only a few hundred pounds; no need to be concerned about it. But, do take him to the cellar before you start. I want to take Louis on a date and I don't want him to think I wasn't merciful this time around."

Niall, Liam, and Zayn nodded. The last two dragged Eden away while Niall chased after them, singing a happy song while swinging his knife around. The moment the four of them got out of the door, another few members of the organisation walked in to clean the room and change the carpet. When it was clean, Harry took the headphone away from Louis.

The smaller lad looked around, surprised to see they were the only ones left.

"Mr. Eden went back to the hospital to be by his child's side, Lou, there's no need to worry." Harry soothed, "The boys are escorting him out."

"Did you give him more time?"

Harry grinned, caressing Louis' cheek with his hand that didn't have rings -Louis didn't like the cold metal on his face-, "I even cleared his debt, love. He doesn't own me any money anymore."

Louis beamed at that, he was so proud of his boyfriend and the soft and fuzzy feeling that consistently pulsed through his chest when he was with Harry grew to an even warmer sensation. The brunet stretched his neck, so he could peck Harry's lips.

"I love you, Hazza. I'm sorry I'm the reason you lost some money, but I'm proud of you."

"I love you too, sweet cheeks, and don't worry about money. The only thing I absolutely can't lose is you."

And if Harry and Louis went on a date so sweet that it would give the people surrounding them cavities, so be it. At least they were having more fun than a certain someone in a sticky red situation a few levels underground in the humid cells of the mafia's headquarters.


a/n: Hi lovelies! This is a very short story but I absolutely love Larry mafia au's, so yeah.... I'm bringing this back.
I might write a full version of this, but I don't know yet.

Hope you enjoyed reading this snippet!

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