Chapter 2- Time To Meet
I feel them destroying AUs.
In the void
I sense that they are in the void.
I run into a portal to the void.
"hElLo CReaToR" I hear in a somewhat glitched out voice out of nowhere.I reply with "Who are you? and Why are you destroying the AUs?!?!" "hEY n0 NEed tO ARguE. WHy dON'T yOU StAY aND hANG.
I see blue strings come out of nowhere and they tie around my arms and legs. "SHOW YOUR SELF!!!!" I yell while trying to escape from the strings. "gLAdLy" It's a San's but I didn't create this one. It has little words around them that all say "ERROR".He has blue streaks under there eyes. He looks very unique.
Error's POV
I am infront of the "Creator" and I never thought he would be so cute. Wait!!! Not cute!!!! Small, weak, and colorful. He has one blue eye and another eye that looks like a star. While wearing a strap across his chest with paint? Well that is wierd along with him having a giant paintbrush on his back. "hELlo i aM ERroR." He stays silent I say " ANd y0U aRE?" making a motion with my hand at him. He suddenly woke up. Wait. Was he staring at me?
He says " Hello I am Ink. Oh let's just chitchat. Wait. WHY ARE YOU DESTROYING THE AUS!" He says in a sassy angery tone. Well that is just cute. "HEre iS a qUEstiOn I hAvE fOr yOU. WhY dO YOu crEATe thEM? I dESTroy ThEm BEcaUSe tHEy aRe STinKIng glITchEs AnD ONly tHe ORigINal SHoulD EXisT,"I say.
"Glitches?" I said. I have never heard anyone describe them like this. " YeS GlITchEs, AlL JUsT MiSTAkes." Error said. Mistakes.
Why did he use that word? I freeze and everything is dizzy and I pass out.
Error's POV
The little shorty passed out. I don't know why. This is a perfect opportunity to kill him. I direct my strings to go around his souls. Right before I destroy his soul my soul says "Don't do it! Don't do it!" This is the first time that has happened. Never happened before I destroy an AU but right now. Why now? What is this feeling?
386 words.
New Record!!!!!
I hope you enjoy this.
Also if I have bad grammar and spelling please let me know so I could correct it!
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