Chapter Three --Icy

The sky was black, for it held no moon or stars. The sun never came, even during the day.

I'd only been her for one day and I was horrified of it all, I knew I would be here for two more of these sunless day and moonless nights.

Another fearfull thought was that I hadn't seen Flair yet, as a spirit he had always been able to visit this world and the spirit world in his dreams, why hadn't he come yet? He knew I was here but still he did not come.

'wait!' I thought to myself as I saw a familier blood red pelt siting in a crowed of other demons, his back was faceing me yet I knew it, I knew it in my heart that it was him!

I called his name as I ran to him, but still his back faced me, I called and called. But untill I was directly behind him I did not see the diference in pelts. While Flairs pelt was always well groomed this pelt was matted, a wave of nausia passed my stomach as I found out who this fox was, It was Bloc.

At that moment as if he felt my breath on his back he turned around to face me, this was the one who killed Flair for power, the outcast who I so hated for caused my loves death. But all I could manage out was a sigh.

He grined when he saw me, it was the same grin I saw back in the forest so long ago, the moment before he attacked me, the same moment that I got him to let go of Flair.

But this time his grin showed rotten yellow teeth and a mussle covered with light grey hairs.

"Oh.." I gasped at the sight of how his banishment treated him.

"Yes Icy, I too am a demon. As if you wouldn't have guessed, right?" his breath smelt of rotten crap as he smothered me in his cold humer "I am an air demon, from a fall into a river, and I ride down a waterfall I beleive. And you are?"

"- not fully dead!" I snarled at the laughter in his eyes and voice. "I have simply become an Ink, by saveing all the packs from an Ink raid."

"Humph, so your still saveing strangers?" in response I just sat and glared at him. "What? I've changed since we last met, I no longer have the bloodlust and need for war that I once had." then he sighed "Liveing on your own does that to a fox."

For a few moments after that we just sat there and stared at each other, when suddenly her said "So, do you want a tour of this world? It's far to big to just find everything in the few day you have here."

I agreed, after all I may never trust him but in this new world that I lived in, I didn't know any others at all.

The first place he brought me to was a forest, it seamed even darker then were we had been before. I took in a deep breath to remember the scents that surounded me, and just as I was about to release it, a single delightful smell lingered in my nose. Rabbit! And it was just across a small stream.

But as I prepared to leap I heard Bloc whisper somthing to me. "Do not attack that rabbit!"

My stomach rummbled in response as I grunted at him "And why not?"

"I know your starving but just watch this." in saying so he picked up a small stone in his teeth and hurled it at the rabbit.

The second the stone reached two inches within the rabbit's reach, the rabbit turned to a huge fox, over twice the size of an avrage fox. The fox stomped on the stone, shattering it into such small pieces that the stone seamed to have disinagrated.

"That is Tioch, an Ink like you, only he was the very first Ink, a corupted purifier. He took the form of a rabbit to show his full power."

I thought for a few moments about what Bloc had said if I had the Inks full power under my controll I could change it from evil to good.

"Could I do that?" I asked quietly

"It would be very hard and would posibly take a very long time, but yes, you could."

"Would you train me?"


I glanced at Tioch who had changed his form back to a rabbit, "Would he?"

"... If you tricked him into thinking you were the one ment to take over his power when he fades away... Yes."


"But for now you must learn the land, or else he will never train you."

"Okay, but please make it quick!"

The next place Bloc led me to was a marsh, it was an extreamly small marsh, hardly big enough to hold three trees.

"This is Donre Adia, and the rivers we used to get to it were called Secmo Tue," he said flicking his tail to the left of us "and Flam Sieon." his tail then flicked to the right. "This is also were I live."

"How can you live here? It's so small and there is nothing in sight."

"Over there." he said pointing his mussle at a dip in the sodden earth. It seamed rather small. "Dont worry, it gets much wider as it gets deeper."

At first I thought he may have read my mind, but then I remembered that he could have told what my thoughts were simply by looking at my expresion.

I had no clue but as it got deeper not only did it get wider but it also became lighter.

The cave that the tunnel led us to was large it was widely spaced and had what seemed to be ladders that led from the walls to opening that were either in the ceiling or floor, possibly to other rooms. The main cave was a living space it had shelves dug into the walls, each one over flowing with items made of stone. Some of them were diamonds that had words carved into them, written in a language unknown to me. The floor seemed to glow with a picture that was made with a blue paint that was as bright as the moon.

The painting was of a Painter and an Ink; Both Spirits held extreme detail, the Inks fearsome face that snarled angrily at the Painter that hovered just out of its grasp. It also had something written in the same language as the stones. Though I could not understand what it said the blue glow of the words was beautiful, it calmed me simply with its presents.

"It says the story of the first Ink," Bloc said from behind me "'A Spirit Filled With Hate Cannot Win the War.'"

"How do you know?" I asked as he came around and stood next to me.

"Its demon speak, the longer you live here the more you learn. Sometimes when a demon is here long enough it replaces their original language, which they forget completely."

"Are you forgetting?"

"Not much because I haven't been here long, but yes, I am." When he finished speaking we both were quiet.

"Anyway," he said with a slightly brighter tone, "let's go take a look at the map!"

"Okay..." I replied with my mind still pondering what he had last said.

He led me to one of the tunnels that led to a floor beneath us, the room it led to was much smaller then the last; there was just enough room for the two of us and maybe five others. The walls in this room were painted just as the last one had been on these walls were pictures of ten differently colored foxes, each one seamed to have a look that was somewhat like an element.

"This is spiritual hollow," Bloc whispered "Each color represents a different spirit."

"Has anyone else been to this place other then you?" I whispered back.

He shook his head "Not since the both spirits and demons roamed the same hunting grounds, except for the painters and purifiers."

What he said made sense after all, only a rare soul could paint with such beauty. Then as I looked at the floor I noticed that the floor had also been painted, and I felt bad for standing on it with out seeing what it was; the picture was of a map. Most likely the demon world map like Bloc had told me about.

He saw me looking at the map and pointed one of his twisted claws at what looked like the aria we had seen above, " this place is Purek Jazen which means 'Spirits Death" in demon speak."


"Because this is were Tioch became an Ink, but before that this was were the painters and purifiers lived. Most demons don't know of this place any more, and for some reason Tioch no longer comes here. Though in one cave I remember reading that the Painter returns every thousand moons and paints any new information they have gained during the moons they were gone, the Painter travels to many far away lands to get the new information. But they dare not stay very long or Tioch may pick up their scent and attack them once more. And if my memory serves the Painter will come in only three or so moons, there was a prophacy of it...

'If a Thousand Moons Pass,

And I May Come Home

Then I must paint

All that I've Come To Know.

If That A Dangerous Plage

Be Placed Upon The Land I Go,

Then Only Be That Who Is

Worthy Will Be The One To


It was painted in the eldest cave, but I wonder when the worthy demon will come..." He said the poem with a far off look in his eyes as he faced the silver fox that looks almost like an Ink only I knew it must have been a Painter.

As he broke his gaize away from the Painter, he looked at me "You will need to learn Demon Speak if you want Tioch to trust you." there was a new emotion in his eyes as he spoke, it was fear, but not only that, it was also anger, love, and somthing else that I couldn't make out.

Before I could even try to guess what it was his eyes flicked to somthing just over my shoulder and his expresion changed from what it had been to a snarl. It was so different from the genorous face I had seen before, it seemed so... Dangerous.

His teeth were glowing with the colors of light that surounded us, then, out of nowhere he thrust himself at me, his mouth open in a soundless growl. A sharp throb burst through my head as he landed behind me and soon after I could see nothing but darkness.

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