Thirty One

Delivery system. She was just a delivery system, like a pizza boy or something. She wondered if she'd get a good tip. She better, this job was years in the making apparently. Plus Lord knows she had to come to Hell to complete it. She wasn't even sure what standard tip was for being a delivery girl...then again, the tip percentage on a zero dollar charge was still zero dollars. Worse delivery job she had ever had...only job she had ever had...still sucked.

Rene met the good doctors eyes. He didn't seem particularly mad, not in them. Yes there was a shine of passion but no real fever. It was more terrifying than seeing madness in his eyes. He thought he was right. He had found the logic to support himself. He was a man of science, the world he saw and the actions he took, made sense to him. Of course didn't change the fact that he was indeed batty, but still...that level of clearness and clarity in his eyes made her drown. Nothing like doubting one's self in the home stretch.

"So I have a question," Michael held out an imaginary mic. "Scientific minds are inquiring, how does some magical, voodoo, crazy ink-stuff make you look like that? It's like Pikachu and Sonic the hedgehog had a baby then you glued it to your head after chugging that weird blue liquid inside of magic eight balls."

Everyone stared at him dumb found.

"Are you an idiot?" Declan gapped.

"Only on Tuesdays." He paused taking in the room's atmosphere of shock. "What? I can't be the only one who had that as a childhood." Silence greeted, him crickets could practically be heard chirping at the odd joke. "You were all deprived as children and I feel sorry for you." Michael humphed and went over plopping into a chair by Scarlet.

So many eye rolls, Rene was surprised she hadn't sprained something or gained super human eyes from the workout. It had all the keys of a good work out, reps and sets. Scarlet had scooted away on her seat to now perch daintily on the chair armrests. The dark rolling disgust in her eyes screamed seductress murderer, her posture and calm face said elegant lady. She supposed that was the problem though wasn't it? Most evil people did not exactly look evil. Sure the Doctor was something else, but Scarlet and Miss Rachel? They looked normal. Scarlet even looked above that. She looked like a freakin' goddess normal people bowed down to. Even Derek, incredibly creepy guy that he was, appeared fairly average at first glance. All these normal modern day villains blending into society, yet Rene was the one labeled as a bad apple because of her tattoos, talk about messed up.

"Well?" Rene sighed.

"Well what?" Dr. Laurel inquired bringing his gaze away from the tantrum by Michael.

"It may have been a very stupid phrasing, but it's a good question. How did this ink," She traced the tips of her fingers skittishly across Kai. "Become that?"

A dazzling smile greeted her with a slight tisking. She bet those white teeth glowed in the dark. He was like a teacher gently reprimanding a student. "This is a tit for tat arrangement Miss Sparks. You want another answer, show me another tattoo." He clapped his hands delighted. "I know, how about..." He wiggled his fingers of one hand like trying to show off a ring.

A slight roll and twitch of her fingers brought her left hand into a fist, clenching away into the shadows what he was so eager to examine. The sun had died off. Its last rays swallowed by the strength of the black that had encroached upon it. The only source of light in the small room was now the pale florescent glow by two overhead rods. Dr. Laurel waved his hand beckoningly and Miss Rachel stepped forward to flick on a small pink desk lamp. The light struggled to illuminate the room shining through the shade to reveal a pattern of pink roses. Such pretty roses which danced in the light. Not over done like most of the things in the office. She was fairly certain they were the only ones in the office as well. All the other flowers and frills were of a different kind with a level of haughty and priss. The roses were elegant, the rest was gaudy maybe even tacky...yeah definitely tacky. Poor roses, probably wish they could just wilt and fall away. Kind of like Rene right now.

Small shuffling footsteps scooted over the carpet, inch by inch. Perhaps she'd get lucky and generate enough electric shock to zap them. Scoot, scoot. Rene came to a halt in front of the desk. Her eyes were glued, focusing on the roses. Her pale hand trembled involuntarily as she lifted it as though to brush her fingertips against them. A streak of blue shot out and vice gripped her hand. Rene yelped in surprise as she started jerking and turning about wildly. How was someone so gangly looking so strong? Bits of sweat started to bead on her head. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest. Thoughts of being trapped and out of control swarmed in the memories of her past just behind her eyes. It all was because of these stupid tattoos.

You are not trapped Young One.

Don't be stupid, Karo snorted indignantly. As though we'd allow you to die and there by removing ourselves from this world.

You let him die.

Time seemed to slow as she waited for the response. Dr. Laurel's cold skin fluttered across her own as he examined the ink he had been so excited about. His hands were so cold. He must not have good circulation or maybe have iron deficiency. He should get that checked out.

Rene's thought swarmed with randomness as she struggled to not strike the doctor from the chills running across her body over being touched. Her right arm was tightly fisting her pants to stay in place. In the shining lamp light, small little darts could be seen doting across her skin. One for each finger on her left hand. Her little magic tattoo darts. She wondered if they could do anything special like her ice swords.

We wouldn't let you die Young One. We shall protect you. We are guardians of this world and you are an integral part in that.

A long nail flicked out to scrap with steady pressure down her index finger. As though to peel her skin off...or her tattoo. Didn't the doctor know it wasn't some stupid sticker? She had a finger she wanted to give him.

How dare you doubt us Fledgling? Karo's infuriated growl hummed within her mind.

You let him die.

The line repeated over and over, a loop in her head, getting more frantic with each repetition. She was ready to scratch her skin off and give it to the doctor to get him away from her.

The boy's death was unfortunate. He united with us at a much younger age then you did.

Tell her the truth brother. Karo solemnly stated with a sense of finality. He was weak. The boy couldn't handle being the bearer. Even with time he would have been a poor one. He was weak, body, mind, and soul. It is why we should be able to choose the bearer; otherwise we are limited by whatever mortal is the current.

But I'm weak...

Kai's gentle voice flew through and around her mind, a hovering comfort. If you were truly weak we wouldn't have been able to save you that night so long ago.

The familiar sting of smoke burned her senses as that night slithered through her mind, emerging from the dark crevices she had tried to shove it in. Despite passing out, she remembered the experience of the fire. Not it actually happening, but the sensation still haunted her. Then again, it could easily all just be in her head. She wasn't conscious for any of it, yet she vividly could recall the heart-clenching fear of it. She had been desperately reaching out in the swarming darkness of her mind to find light. Because, she knew, in the real world, she had been in danger of being burned alive. She could feel the heat blistering eat her skin and taste the ashy, woody smoke that clouded the air as her home and life was eaten away. Then the roar...

You saved're the ones who started the fire that got the neighbors' attention.

Well, now she really did feel stupid. How had she not put it together before now? Dragon tattoos, the fire, the giant un-earthly roar, the disembodied voices in her was all pointing to Kai and Karo. Kai and Karo were real and they had been looking out for her from the beginning. Partially because they needed to in order to exist here or whatever, but also because they believed in her strength. To them, she had already proven she could handle it when others had failed that night when one of them came forth to save her. Maybe she wasn't the best bearer for the ink, heck she wasn't even the best human in the room. She was pretty sure goody-two-shoes Declan or tough Lora clenched that nomination. But she was the one who luck and fate had unintentionally decided to screw with, time to show them she could take lemons and make a bomb. She may be breakable and rough, but this lightning glass was about to use those broken, jagged edges for some payback.

What do I do? Her voice echoed with determination and slight hints of a jest.

For the first time, Rene heard a dragon laugh, not exactly what she expected. Vibrations of the sound gave her strength. It was loud in her head rushing in and lighting the darkest corners, much like the fire that was spewed from the same mouth. It was bright and consuming giving a feeling of infinite heat and power. It was the laugh of a being that sounded as though they had been waiting a long time to hear those words. She could practically see the large tooth-filled smile he would be making.

Let's start with the murderer of the previous bearer. Karo's anticipation obviously rising. Take the fourth tattoo you've received and fight back.

Sweat prickled across her forehead as her right hand crept backwards. Good thing she didn't wear makeup or it'd be Halloween. The doctor was too engrossed in the tiny darts. He had slowly increased his scratching pressure as he scraped at the skin. He'd stop and turn her hand this way and that, before trying again, a steel controlling grip remained firm on her. He sighed abruptly, dropping her hand. Rene froze her other hand in a fist behind her back.

"Just as I thought," Dr. Laurel sighed as though burdened by the world. "Only the bearer can remove the ink. Scarlet, do make sure to take note of that for the scientific journals."

"Not your secretary." Scarlet paused to blow on her finger nails before continuing their care.

Miss Rachel jumped, obviously eager to please her boss. "I'll do it Doctor." Her mousy hair flew and bounced about as she frantically buzzed about the office digging through the mess he had created to find a notebook and pen.

"What scientific journals?" Rene questioned slowly laying an open palm across her clammy exposed skin.

From behind her, Lora had moved forward, closing in their ranks. The tension had floated off the ground where it had settled during their uneasy Q and A. It blanketed the air with the sense of foreboding.

Dr. Laurel smiled, his eyes crackling with whatever electricity surged through his tubes. "What scientific journals? Why all of them Miss Sparks! This shall be the discovery of the century. Imagine it when I finally present my findings. I have notebooks full of fantastical abilities we will be able to put to use in society and diagrams of dissections to help facilitate the transference."

"Hold on a second Dr. Frankenstein, what do you mean by transference?" Michael jumped up, shoving forward. The distinct odor of burning wood rose in the air. She wondered how he got that scent, not like he was made out of wood...or was he? Nah, that'd be ridiculous. Guy would have ashed himself long ago, fire responsibility and safety were not phrases in his vocabulary.

"I suppose I owe you an answer, so alright." Dr. Laurel leaned over the desk opening up the top drawer. He rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a letter opener. He showed it off with pride like a kid at show and tell. The blade was obviously dulled and the metal tarnished, but the way he held it you'd think it was a trophy. "Have you ever taken a high school biology class, Mr. Prince? I suppose not given your situation. I know for a fact Rene hasn't since we could never allow the type of biology I'm thinking of. Mr. Gray?" Michael snickered at Gray, while Dr. Laurel spun the point of the letter opener to be at Declan. "What do typical high school biology classes have in common?"

Declan swallowed unevenly his Adam's apple bobbing with the weight of the question. "They have some sort of dissection, usually a frog."

"A+ Mr. Gray. That's exactly right. Dissection is such an incredibly useful tool that allows you to learn so much about the inner workings of a creature. It allowed us to learn what body parts from other animals could feasibly be used to help humans. Did you know they use pig valves to replace those of a human's when they get Heart Valve Disease? Quite amazing when you think about it."

"I don't like where this is going..." Rene muttered, mimicking Dr. Laurel's prior attempts behind her back as she dragged her fingertips over her skin.

"Miss Sparks this is going into the future. This is the hope for the human race! It's a next stage in surpassing nature and evolution! We shall become better, stronger, more powerful, smarter even. It is a feat of scientific discovery that will go down in history. To think it all started just as simply as any high school biology class, with a little dissection." He had started throwing his hands and gesturing exuberantly while on his soap box, pacing across the floor by the desk. He paused only to eye up Rene.

"Dissection of your own little brother you psychotic bastard!" Michael shouted.

Lora was shaking, unsure. Adulting was hard enough as it is without trying to be the brave heroine and leader in this crazy.

"Even science requires sacrifices Mr. Prince; in fact it was more of a donation then anything. Donating one's body to science is a very high calling and a way to continue to help after you are gone."

"Then why don't you do it?"

"I have Mr. Prince." He scratched his hand in his blue hair sending out a smattering of bolts. "And I shall continue to, after all I couldn't let Miss Sparks go and make history without me now could I?"

Rene froze. Her skin stung raw and little trickles of blood had started flowing from where she had desperately tried to get them the help they needed.

"That's it. No more fooling around." Michael stepped forward flicking his hands to light up a blue blaze. "Touch her you die."

Scarlet bound off the couch, graceful like the deer she shared half a body with. Where was a car when one needed it? Scarlet returned his challenge pulling out her fans and flourishing them.

"Stand down or I'll make your friends do something they regret darling." She purred his voice. "Lora, do please show him what exactly is at stake."

Rene turned around to see Lora pressing the barrel of her gun deep between Declan's eyebrows. He looked ready to throw up and had scrambled away backwards on all fours only to run himself against the wall. He leaned against it held in place by the gun, caught between a wall and a bullet. Declan was still too weak from the skull cracking Michael had given him earlier to break whatever seduction magic Scarlet had done to him, the same magic that was now invoked on Lora. Her normally steely gray eyes were vacant and dull, nothing like the woman who they belonged to.

Come on, work.

Relax Young One. You are the bearer of the ink. The vessel of chaos and order. The tattoos are merely tools. You are the important thing needed to protect your friends and the world. You need to survive this. We need you so the world needs you. More of the ink cannot fall into this distorted human's power. Become a guardian, become the living weapon the bearer is meant to be for the safety of others. However, you can do nothing for anyone if you do not first care enough to protect yourself.

Rene closed her eyes breathing deeply blocking out the fear and darkness of the moment. Kai was right. She needed to survive. She had to live, because without her Kai and Karo would be shut back in their...corner of the universe? She may not be important, but they were. She was not chosen and she sure as hell wasn't anyone special. However, it didn't mean she couldn't do anything nor did it change of value of her life. She would always struggle with her place in the world, but she'd continue to play the game to find it.

Her hand muscle's slowly uncurled from their frantic scratches. One heartbeat, two, three, four...she trailed fingers as her hand calmly enclosed around the small of her back where it had been rested as though she was pulling something out of a holster strapped there. The familiar feel of cool metal welcomed her as she pulled out a small military-grade pistol. Her left hand reached back copying the movement lazily. A pair of dual handguns rested in her palms.

She lifted them level at the doctor who was watching the rivalry between Michael and Scarlet.

"Dr. Laurel, let me help you with that body donating to science thing."

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