Chapter 8

Things could've gotten a lot more smoother.

First day at a new job and Thomas already had an enemy, a woman who was most likely going to steal his soul, and a boss who was disappointed in you already. Oh, let's not forget seeing one of your co-workers topless. A great way to bound! If you're a pervert. To make it worse, James didn't sympathize him when he was venting and instead told how he could've corrected his behavior. He was almost mad but reality was too much of bitch and slapped him hard in the face. This wasn't France, this wasn't his old workplace, he had to build up a reputation, build bridges, and prove himself. It was only his first day, there were plenty more to come that he could rebuild himself up. Starting with making amends with Angelica Schuyler but there would be time for that later.

Washington had already assigned him a case; with James of course. A weak robbery attempt, should've been an open and shut case but the robber damned a court trial and now Thomas and James were left to make sure he went behind bars. Thomas had interviewed the homeowner and James had picked up evidence from the police station. It was child's play. The whole thing was stacked against the corrupted teen, by the end of the day Thomas had written out a rough speech for the court, finishing just as Dolley came to pick up her husband. She was the same as he remembered her: sweet, sarcastic, and protective. Over the years she had gained some weight that made her look much more healthy than when they were kids. They caught up and bid good bye.

First day back. It had some bumps but it had it's moments. Of course, Thomas would be demanding tougher cases but he had to prove himself. Babysteps; the saying goes. As the day had ended, he couldn't help but feel a little excited and he had to scoff at himself for his childish behaviour. He retraced his footsteps from this morning and went down the elevator and through the front door where he was greeted by another sight of one of his co-workers.

Aaron Burr was standing perfectly still, head to the sky, and his hand tightly wrapped around his briefcase. What Thomas could focus on was the grey scarf wrapped around Aaron's neck. From earlier, he remembered seeing a tattoo just before Aaron put the scarf on. It was none of his business. He knew that, he believed in that. If someone were to ask of his tattoo then he would unleash hell. So why did Aaron's tattoo spark something? Maybe the fact he was hiding it. People who hide their tattoos had reasons to. Affairs, break ups, passings, and so on. There was a million reasons, Thomas knew this because he had met with some people who had hide theirs. When he asked they either told or didn't answer. And he always respected it. Then why was it that Aaron was so different? Thomas groaned in his head and focused another the real problem at hand. Aaron probably didn't have a ride home and didn't want to ruin James's clothes. Fixable.

"Hey, do you need a ride?"

Aaron head turned around so fast that Thomas thought he got whiplash. His face was flushed and his eyes were watery; as if he was going to cry. But it looked to be quickly shoved down as he blinked his eyes and smiled.

"Uh, yeah," he paused to clear his throat and moved his direction to him before continuing, "I would really appreciate a ride. If it's no trouble of course."

Thomas chuckled gently. "Trust me, I prefer to have company, and Dolley picked up James earlier. Sooo, do you wanna follow me or wait here?"

"I'll come with you."


Thomas lead the way and listened closely to the second pair of footsteps behind him. Aaron walked quietly and didn't make much noise; unlike Thomas whose shoes were slapping against the wet cement. If he wasn't paying close attention then he wouldn't have noticed someone was behind him at all. He caught himself in his thinking and resisted the urge to slap his forehead, honest to God he couldn't his thinking on better things.... Like what?

Oh, there was his car. He pulled out his car keys and clicked the buttons twice, the car chirped and the lights blinked letting him know that it was know unlocked.

"Wow," Aaron whispered. "I thought Hamilton was exaggerating about the colour."

"What's wrong with the colour?" Thomas spun on his heels. Aaron's flickered a little in guilt but it was eased by Thomas's grin. He was use to the way people talked about his car, no biggie.

"It's so... pink."

"It's fuschia."

Aaron shrugged and a devilish grin spread across his face. "Whatever you say, Barbie."

Thomas gasped in mock offense. "Why I never! My hair and taste is better than that blonde bitch on any given day!"

Aaron laughed and Thomas couldn't help but smile a little wider. Normally he would want to get the hell of the rain because it would freaking difficult to dry his hair, but he didn't want this moment to pass. Aaron was petite, tiny, and he looked a lot younger then he probably was. Thomas ignored the makeup dripping off and focused on the way Aaron's face lit up. It was so bright and brilliant, like a lighthouse in the vast sea. Just then Thomas wanted nothing more then to see that lit up face. Because Thomas could feel his face try to imitate it. It had been a long time since someone had him do that.

As Aaron's laughter died off, making him a bit sad, he turned around and they hurried to the car. They jumped in and huffed at the feeling of wet clothes sticking to their skin. Thomas would be mad at the fact of water coming into his car but he let it slide and brushed back his hair. Unsurprisingly wet. He looked at Aaron and could see makeup sliding off his face. Thankfully he kept a box of tissues in his car when James started to carpool with him.

"There should be some tissues in the glove compartment," Thomas offered, pointing.

Aaron smiled at him in a grateful minor and opened it. He found it off the bat and took multiple tissues. "Sorry you're about to become blinded from my ugly mug."

"Please," Thomas scoffed, "have you seen Jimmy's face when he's sick? Horror movie material."

"Touche," Aaron chuckled. He wiped the tissues hard against his face, the makeup rubbed off but not much. Aaron repeated this process until he was content with what got off. There was still some leftover but he could do a proper cleaning at home.

The first thing Thomas notices were the bags under Aaron's eyes. They were deep and dark, and hang like a hammock. It was clear he didn't get much sleep. For countless reasons unknown, it could be neighbors or work or bugs. Then there was his skin. Thomas well admit to pampering himself, afraid of old age and what it might do to his complexion, so he bought fancy oils and kept his body as healthy as he could. Apparently eating mac n' cheese almost every night wasn't a wise choice. Aaron's skin looked worn and tired, it lacked colour and life in general. He either didn't care for his skin or that's what lack of sleep does to your appearance.

Aaron fidgeted with his hands again and bite his bottom lip, looking away.

Shit, he had been staring.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was staring!" He quickly apologized.

"It's okay," Aaron said back, looking to him again, "I know I don't take good care of my skin and it shows-"

"Your skin looks great! Trust me, I was staring 'cause I don't have any manners."

Aaron chuckled and looked down to his hands. They were fidgeting again. "Um, I live downtown, on Bursar street. It's not too far from a cafe."

Thomas nodded and turned on the engine, car came to life and the radio blasted. If it weren't bad enough that it was almost on the max then Thomas knew his reputation was shot down the drain when inappropriate lyrics spewed out of the speakers. Panic leaped in Thomas's heart and he dashed to turn off the radio. Well fuck. Aaron laughed though, Thomas didn't care if it was at him, he was laughing. Like before, it was amazing.

"You can listen to that if you want," Aaron said when his laughter died off into chuckles, "I use to be roommates with Hamilton and he had the weirdest taste in music. Like, one week he was really in metallica and the next he was blasting Taylor Swift."


"What'ca thinkin about?"

"Aaron Burr plus friendship equals blackmail."

Aaron eyebrows went up. "Wow. Does your brain work that slow?"

Thomas shot him a playful glare. "I was dumbing it down for you. Your welcome."

"Uh huh, whatever makes you sleep at night," Aaron grinned and stuck out his tongue.

He held his tongue knowing that he had lost this battle. A spark of fear lit inside his stomach as he thought of having another James Madison around. That would be too much salt in one timezone. Smiling though, Thomas put the car in drive and backed out of the parking lot. He drove down the road, squeezing himself in with cars, the windshield wipers came to life and cleared his view. Thomas had never liked rain. It was difficult to drive in and messed up his hair. But he hated silence even more.

"Do you like cats or dogs?" Thomas asked randomly.

In the corner of his field of vision he saw the surprise on Aaron's face. Most co-workers talked about work or politics, but Thomas always believed that work stayed at work. Besides, it didn't hurt to want to know Aaron more.

"Um, I would say," Aaron paused a moment before continuing, "cats."

"Same," Thomas beamed.

"Really? Most people who've asked me that always get offended or really defensive..."

Thomas snorted. "What? It's a personal opinion! It almost has the same value of asking what your favourite colour is."

"I know right? Oh! Which reminds me: never get into a debate with Hamilton. The man doesn't like to lose and isn't above yelling, and when he loses he holds and grudge. A really strong grudge. Like I had proven him wrong over something- no idea - and he refused to make me tea or even a get a glass a water for me for a month."

"You're shitting me?" Thomas huffs, he took a quick glance to Aaron.

He smiled and shook his head. "One hundred percent serious."

Thomas snorted and cracked a wide smile. "My god. This job sounds better and better. Hey, back to cats, why do you like them? Personally, I find them easier to take care of and they don't need as much attention as dogs."

"I like cats because I ... I use to live in a big house. Just me, my sister, and ... uncle. My sister was always busy with her friends or boyfriend and my uncle didn't really baby us; I suppose. I didn't make friends, I didn't know how to make friends. So I was basically on my own. I remember one day I heard something out my window and I looked and I saw a cat. It was a scrawny thing and looked like it was on death's door. Right away, I got it food and water. It was satisfied and I thought that was the end, it would go off and find someone else to pester. But two days later I heard it again. We fell in a loop, I grew attached and left my window open for the cat to come in. It left me 'presents' and comforted me, in exchange I give it food, shelter, company, and a bath."

"That's nice," Thomas commented. His smile was warm and he felt touched. It was a deep connection and he felt his love for cats grow a little bit more.

"I'm sorry!" Aaron sputtered. "I over share when I'm tired. I don't normally- oh! Stop this is my street!"

Without a warning, Thomas swerved out of the lane and parked along the sidewalk. Thomas was a reckless driver, he knew that all too well, despite witnessing other cases about reckless driving. He felt some guilt when he saw Aaron slam against the door. Completely caught off guard about his sudden choice.

He winced and give Aaron an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that. Jemmy is always on my ass about my driving."

Aaron smiled back and recomposed himself. "It's perfectly fine. Thank you for the ride, Jefferson." Aaron opened the car door and went to step out when Thomas's voice froze him.

"Please, call me Thomas."

Aaron looked back with a blank look. Thomas couldn't read it. It was calm and relaxed, like when you went to sleep. Nothing gave Aaron away and there was nothing to read. Thomas began to wonder if he had made a mistake, or crossed a line. He was just building a bridge between them. Almost everyone in the department hated him and he probably just add Aaron's name to the list.

"Thank you... Thomas, for the ride," Aaron repeats himself. His face melted in a calming smile.

Thomas felt himself smile back.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Thomas says, almost breathless but composes himself. He knows he's stretching out the conversation but he really liked to talk to Aaron.

"Bye, drive safe," Aaron said, waving before stepping out and shutting the door.

Thomas sat there, watching like a creep as Aaron walked into his apartment building. He smiled and chuckled to himself. Maybe today wasn't such a bad day.

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