Chapter 2
Thomas Jefferson wondered what was wrong with him. Most people at the age of thirty had at least four tattoos; sides their own. Two for school crushes, one for celebrities or idols, and then the one you settled with. Yet, thirty years into his life, Thomas had only gained one. He always felt a surge of envy of others when he saw a multiple tattoos, it was because they seemed to have the ability to open their eyes and reopen their hearts, they had some kind of gift that made them believe that they had found someone that could satisfy them. Thomas didn't seem to have that ability, if it weren't for Martha's stubbornness then he would have no tattoos.
It was way back in high school, eleventh grade, when they first meet. Both attending a school in France, both equally competitive and thinking their were the best. Funny story, that's how Martha got hooked. It was supposed to be a friendly bake sale but the two turned it into a competition. Thomas brought in cupcakes and Martha brought in lemon squares. Thomas made a lewd comment about how she was such a soccer mom, Martha retorted with how he was such a schoolgirl for making the most basic of desserts, and of course that blew up into a full fight. A teacher had to intervene and said that both of them would be on cleanup duty if they didn't cut it out. They both pulled angel faces and said "of course" but as soon as the teachers back turned they were staring each other down. That's when Martha came up with the idea of who could sell the most treats, Thomas smirked and asked what were the stakes.
"Loser goes on the date with the winner. Of course, the winner chooses every last detail," She said, leaning in close with a devilish grin.
Thomas mirrored her expression and held out his hand. "You're on."
Martha shook his hand for a millisecond and then huffed away. For the whole day, it was a nightmare for everyone, the two were going all out and didn't spare a second to either stick out their tongue or scowl. Students made bets of who would win or they asked to go on cleaning duty. But as the dust settled, as buyers finished their last purchases and students started to pack up and counted the cash, Thomas and Martha counted carefully every dollar. Martha won by fifty scents. She let out a war cry of cheer and Thomas grumbled in despair. That's how it all happened, with one date then another, Martha dragging Thomas into another date and deeper into having feelings.
After another date, Thomas went home and went to take a shower, but when he looked into the mirror, he let out a horrifying scream. Settled over his heart was a tattoo. It was of a butterfly, the butterfly was blue with flecks of white and black. Thomas wasn't sure if it was a species but that didn't matter. He fell in love! With Martha motherfucking Wayles. Like if she wasn't poisoning his reputation already, this would certainly kill it.
He tried to keep it hidden. It wasn't hard, it was over his chest, just wear a shirt and he would be fine. Then there was his feelings. It was so easy to avoid or deny before, but now with that stupid tattoo he felt himself melt whenever she came around. Thomas always snapped out of it before she could tell and was able to pull a crappy attitude. For weeks, it worked. Until he caught a guy flirting with her. Then Thomas blew it. He made a huge deal of it, stumping over and then slamming his hand against the locker, Thomas shot a venomous glare and even growled. The poor soul ran with his tail between his legs. Thomas looked at Martha accepting a pissed off look and some heated words, but her face was cocky.
"Took you long enough," she huffed and planted a kiss on his lips. She revealed his tattoo that made a home on her shoulder blade.
It didn't take long for them to be a proper couple. Their personalities seemed to click together and yes they butted heads but they always worked it out. But that didn't stop their competitions. No, they weren't mature enough for that. They kept competing in high school, college, when they moved in together, even on their wedding day. For ten years, they made bets and loved each other. They loved each other to death. Or at least to Martha's.
She was diagnosed with second stage cancer. They fought with everything, pooled in every penny for treatments, and traveled for some kind of miracle. It worked... for a while before it came back with vengeance. Martha gave up when she entered stage three and lost her hair. Thomas petted her bald head and whispered comforting things, he brought in treats and offered to sneak her out to the hospital multiple times, Martha always laughed and brushed them off. Thomas felt like his heart was dying as each day went by. He saw his beautiful wife wilt and slowly wither. It was painful to watch the colour fade, the spark in her eyes dye, and the way she looked more and more like a corpse. Thomas never wanted to see her like this but he always returned.
"Thomas," she whimpered one day, "can you promise me something?"
"Of course, love."
Martha held his hand and blinked sadly. "Promise me you won't fall in love with another woman."
Thomas squeezed her hand and smiled. "Couldn't imagine doing anything like that."
He wished his lost words to her was something more romantic. But God didn't seem to like him because all he could hear next was a flat line. Thomas screamed and begged for her to come back, he tried to bargain with her, he tried to make a bet. But the doctors pulled him out and Thomas soon found himself burying her. It was a lovely summer day, she would've hated it. He remembered reordering coffins, flowers, and was never quite satisfied with the clothes they clothes her in. It took five months to finally get it all done. Thomas wondered how gold diggers did it, constantly marry old people and wait for them to die. How they could marry over and over again for their pocket gain and bury. Thomas knew that it was a stupid thought but he couldn't help think it.
Five years later and he kept his promise. Not like he was trying, maybe Martha took his heart to the grave, maybe that explained why he couldn't spark something. But Thomas knew it would break his heart, if he had one anymore, if he fell in love again.
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