Chapter 11
There were odd moments in life, Aaron supposed. Like the time he thought he was dying when really he had a brain freeze, or when all five of his cats decided it was a great day to use the couch as a scratching post, or how his neighbor played the radio all day but that was the only noise that came out of that bedroom. Waking up to his alarm was an odd moment. He woke up, bones achingly tired. Begrudgingly, he got up and dressed in a similar sense of style that he did yesterday. Everything hurt and his back was made up in knots and a heavy feeling weighed on his chest. Today wasn't going to be a good day. He pushed that feeling down the best he could, tried focusing on the positive. It was a Friday and Hamilton had saved their work on a google document so there was no way of it being ruined purposely.
Sighing, Aaron decided to get on with the day and instead of moaning about it. He went into the kitchen were all his cats were already waiting. Esther, a russian blue, sat on the kitchen counter near the open window with Sally, a manx, and was licking the tap. Aaron chuckled, petting Esther before nudging Sally's face away from the tap then closed the window. Kitty was gone and while Esther and Sally were well behaved he didn't trust his other three cats. Monty, a maine coon, for some reason didn't like to jump so he wasn't really an issue. It was Matthias and Putnam that were a problem. They were both tabby cats but Matthias furr was brown while Putnam was orange. The reason they were trouble was Matthias had a habit of knocking stuff over and getting stuck in cabinets, and Putnam was a very vocal cat and demanded attention. Immediately, Aaron could feel Putnam rubbing on his legs.
"Morning you guys," Aaron croaked. "Why are you up so early? I thought cats slept all the time..."
He wasn't really talking to anyone, he knew that they wouldn't answer but it felt nice to talk. Putnam sort of answered. He let out a chorus of of meows, Aaron chuckled and bent down to pet him and cooed when Putnam purred to his touch. This was nice, Aaron wished he could spend his days with his cats instead of people. Of course his other two cats came closer and Aaron paid them the same love. When everyone had been pet and Putnam stopped pushing Monty away, Aaron filled their dishes with water and cat food. The cats scrambled to get a bite and they munched happily away. Aaron chuckled and picked up his suitcase.
"Bye darlings," he called out before leaving.
If today was going to be like this morning then everything would be completely fine.
Everything wasn't fine. When he arrived at the cafe it wasn't Maria behind the booth but someone else, that just put Aaron in a state of panic. He mumbled and whispered his order, constantly repeating it because the barista couldn't hear him. What made it worse was the guy looked ready to bite Aaron's head off when he handed him his usual tea. The tea wasn't good, it tasted more like boiled water. Aaron weaved through a crowd of people, freaking out whenever he touched someone and when he finally got to his law firm he was saw the elevator was closed for repair so it was up the stairs he went. By the time he got to his office, he was sweaty and out of breath and his tea was cold. Aaron wanted to call it a day. He groaned at the thought of being here for the next few hours but he could do it. Aaron set his suitcase aside and pulled out his laptop and started editing Hamilton's late night work. It was another ten to fifteen minutes before Angelica came in, breathless and tired too.
"Hey," She panted, leaning up against his desk. "When did you get here?"
"Not long before you," Aaron answered, his eyes not leaving the screen.
Angelica nodded. "Cool. What's the plan for today."
"Good plan."
Aaron sighed and stretched out his back. "How about you?"
"Avoid Jefferson, argue with Hamilton, and be a boss," Angelica said with a wink.
"The last part doesn't sound hard for you," Aaron chuckled, matching her wit.
This was a nice moment. Sometimes it was hard for Aaron to talk to Angelica, she was a lot like Theodosia but at the same time not. Like an illusion in a desert. He confided in her most of the time, told her about his most relationships, but he never told her about Theodosia. The only person who knew of her was James and Dolley. He prefered to keep it that way. Angelica's eyes casted down at his wrist, the one covered in bandages and frowned. She was wasn't mad, she understood why he did it, she just still had some regret of how she reacted.
"You don't have to cover it," Angelica tried again.
"I want to," Aaron would always respond.
Angelica was silent for a moment. "You know I'm still sorry, right? I didn't mean to act the way I did."
"I know."
"Good. 'Cause you're like a sister to me and I would hate for you to feel as if I didn't love you."
Aaron blinked. "Sister? Wouldn't I be your brother?"
"No!" Angelica scoffed. "Bitch, you are way too sweet to be my brother."
"Thanks," Aaron groaned.
"Aw, don't pout," Angelica teased. She gathered herself up and walked out his door with a "see you later."
Aaron rolled his eyes and went back to work. Little mercies because the rest of the day Aaron swore to God that he was going to bash his head against the wall, or more or less Hamilton's. When he arrived Aaron showed him what he edited and that triggered a whole debate in what should and shouldn't have been taken out. Eventually Aaron got Hamilton to shut up and they took turns writing and going over evidence. Their case was of a women trying to claim that her baby was the father of their client and was demanding child support. It was so ridiculous that Aaron nearly went to find the women to slap her. The father confessed with sleeping with her, making his husband frown, but he had also told them that he was sterile. It should be an open and shut case. Just get a blood test and put their clients doctor on stand to say it was impossible for him to have a baby. But Hamilton wanted to go above and beyond. Normally, Aaron would say fuck it and let Hamilton embarrass himself but Washington was up his ass and Aaron didn't want to go to court so he needed this to be perfect. After bickering for what seemed like hours, they decided to go on a little break. Hamilton left to meet up with a friend and Aaron called Maria.
"Hey!" She greeted. "How's my little burr-bear?"
Aaron relaxed at the sound of her voice. "Hey. I'm fine, got some sleep. Was surprised not to see you at the cafe."
"Yeah, sorry. Susan got the cold and she's really fussy. Did you get your tea okay? The kid that usually does storage fills in for me and he's horrible."
"Don't worry, what he made was good," Aaron lied.
There was wailing on the other side of the phone and Aaron heard Maria sigh. "Sorry, got to go. Susan doesn't like naps."
Aaron chuckled. "Give her my regards."
"Will do. Bye burr-bear!"
"Bye Maria," Aaron replied and heard a click indicting that she hung up.
He sighed and put his phone away. That was much shorter then he planned, he decided to pay some time to James to see how he was doing. Aaron sat up and walked down through the building, saying hi to Angelica and a few other co-workers. He peered his head in to see James talking to Thomas. Normally Aaron would walk away, but today he decided to do something different and he knocked.
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