Chapter 1: The disband of the Justice League and rise of the Regime.

At Metropolis at the home of the happily couple Lois Lane and her husband Clark Kent also known as Superman, they woke up after, Clark heard a heartbeat, that was very surprising to him.

Lois: (chuckled) Have you always been like this?

Clark: Lois... your pregnant?

Lois: You sounded so surprised, but yes, I am because we both did it together and our son or daughter will probably grow up to be just like their father perhaps.  Either way, we'll still love them no matter what they are.

Clark: I'm... I'm going to be a father. I can't wait to tell Ma and Pa; they are going to be happy. But, The preschools are better here, but I really want him or her to go to high school in Smallville. And what about college? Do we want our child to study abroad? A broadened worldview is important, but people will notice if I'm constantly patrolling Oxford.

Lois: We have our entire lives to make all of those wonderful decisions. But today we work, like always. I have to go get ready...

Clark and Lois, both kissed each other on the lips as, he heard a familiar heartbeat that made him grin ear to ear.

Clark: Bruce is here in Metropolis I can't wait to tell him the great news, though I wonder why he's here usually he is at Gotham right now, unless it's a mission or some sort.

Clark then put on his Superman costume and flew off to his old friend and founding member of the Justice League beating up thugs, and Superman flew in and punched the remaining thug, knocking him out of conscious.

Batman: I had him.

Superman: (grinning) sure you did Bruce, but what are you doing here? You would have been the last person to be here.

Batman: The Joker is here in Metropolis, and I have to find him. And find out why, also congratulations Clark. Lois is pregnant.

Superman: How did you know?

Batman: You're grinning like an idiot; your hands are trembling they never did it when you fought Doomsday.

Superman: Boy, nothing can get pass you huh?

Batman: I'll be out of your city once I find the Joker and bring him back to Gotham City.

Batman vanished into thin air, meanwhile at the warehouse Jimmy Olsen was taking a picture of a couple of shady men and a car.

Lois: Come on Jimmy, something isn't right I have a bad feeling about this we should go..

Jimmy: Come on Lois one more shot and then...

A gunfire was shot, and a bullet sent right thru Jimmy's head and killing him as blood splattered all over the ground. As, a familiar looking clown came out of the shadows grinning ear to ear.

Joker: Well, well if it isn't Lois Lane, it's a dying pleasure to meet you hahahaha!

Lois: Joker... you killed Jimmy! You Monster!

Then she was knocked out by a mallet thanks to Harley Quinn.

Harley: (smirked) This is vacation is amazing puddin.

Joker: (grinning) Only the best for you Harley.

Meanwhile, at Star Labs the guard was dead by the Joker's laughing gas and the piece of the experiment was missing and Batman was talking to the scientists.

Batman: You were experimenting with Kryptonite. Why?

Scientist: Well, no... not to hurt Superman. We wanted to know if it could be used to cure disease or as a power source. We're scientists, not monsters.

Superman: (came into the lab with his super speed) I can't find Lois. I can't see her, I can't hear her.

Batman: Superman, we're not alone we're going to get help I promise. (Talking on an earpiece) This is a priority call to all Justice League members. I need as many of you as we can spare in Metropolis. A woman is missing.

Green Arrow's voice: You want the whole Justice League on a missing person case?

Batman on radio: Yes. We believe she was taken by the Joker.

Green Lantern: (in outer space) I'll be there as soon as I can.

Cyborg: (destroying monsters at the jungle) Who is this woman, Batman?

Batman on radio: She's one of ours. Her name is Lois Lane.

Batman on radio: Diana, Miss Lane was last seen at the Metropolis docks. Find out if anyone saw her or the Joker. I'll meet you there.

Wonder Woman: (flying) I'm on my way.

Batman on radio: Flash, we're searching for Lois Lane in Metropolis. Superman is in the air. I need you to search everything underground.

But He didn't hear anything as, The Flash was dead by The Joker 's toxic mixed with Scarecrow fear toxic. But, according to Wonder Woman the Joker and Harley Quinn is on the Submarine, Superman lifted up the submarine and busted into the submarine with green gas surrounding the entire submarine as, he spotted Joker and Harley wearing a gas mask.

Superman tried to breath, and he felt dizzy as he saw Harley Quinn and Joker faces turned into demonic skulls before returning back to normal as, they stepped aside to reveal ''Doomsday'' Superman, glared and he flew into out of space taking ''Doomsday'' with him. The evil clown couple tried to escape but, was caught by Green Lantern (Hal).

Batman: (looking at the scanner and glared at the Joker) Scarecrow's fear toxin, mixed with Kryptonite particles. What did you do?

Joker: I'm pulling the best joke ever. It'll be my masterpiece! [laughs maniacally]

Batman on the radio: Superman, stop. Whatever you're seeing, it's not real.

But it was too late, Superman eyes widen in fear as, ''Doomsday'' was none other than Lois Lane who was dead, with a scar on her chest. The man of steel checked it with his X-ray vision and saw a bomb on her heart, it was beeping until it stopped then.... KABOOM! the entire city of Metropolis, exploded killing every single civilian except for Batman, Joker, Harley, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Green Arrow who survived. The city was in crumbled and in flames. Superman slowly flew down and had Lois in his arms and kneeled on the ground gently rubbing her stomach as, his child was also gone. It cuts to Batman talking to the Joker in the Intergration room.

Batman: You took his wife. You took his unborn child and his city. Why?

Joker: After all these years, Batsy, you really need reasons from me?

Batman: This has always been about us. Why do this to him?

Joker: (grinned) Because every time you and I play, I lose. So I thought I'd try our game on easy mode for once. And it was as easy as beating a puppy to death with a kitten! Someone took everything from you, didn't they? And look at what you became. The punching, kicking embodiment of wrath. What do you think he'll become, hmm? A god who deluded himself into believing he was just a man. What will Superman turn into?

Batman: There are some things even you can't corrupt, Joker.

Joker: Oh, Batsy. You honestly think he'll still be fun to play with?

Batman: He'll grieve, but he will continue to be the best man I know.

Joker: Oh, no. This time, the joke's on you. And the world will burn. (Laughs maniacally]

Then they heard rumbling as , Superman bust through the wall with his heat vision and he flew towards the Joker and rammed his fist through his entire chest, blood splattered all over the wall, leaving even Batman in surprised and in shock. The Joker grinned even in death, Superman looked at his hand in shock as, he never killed anyone before until now. Later, that day at the watchtower, Batman and Wonder Woman came over to Superman as, he stared at the screen watching the news.

News reporter: a criminally insane clown in Gotham City had some connection to the disaster. How all of these so-called heroes... How can we feel protected with the threat of instant nuclear death hanging over every single one of us?

Superman: I'm so angry right now they will suffer the consequences. Eleven million dead. Lois, my child, Jimmy and everyone in Metropolis. 

Batman: We're not executioners.

Wonder Woman : (glared angrily) How dare you moralize to this man? How many times did you catch this Joker? How many times did he escape to kill again? Do you even care? Your laws are weak and ineffective, twisted by evil people to escape just punishment. Or they simply don't apply at all....that cost thousands of lives continued last night, despite a strongly-worded UN resolution.

Superman: Diana's right. This can't go on. I won't be held back by ideals that don't protect the innocent.

Batman: Clark...

Superman: No more, Bruce. No more. We were wrong.

Throughout the week, Superman with the aid of Wonder Woman traveling to different countries, getting rid of the military power, weapons and took over the countries as Superman became their leader, they killed those who opposed them. Then soon after the week is over the Justice League is having one last meeting before dispatching.

Aquaman: I refused to help Superman, for the sake of my daughter with her boyfriend and his best friend. I will not allow her to get hurt.

Wonder Woman: Then bring her to us I will make sure she is teaching the right way.

Aquaman: Bridgette will not be taught by your ways; Me and Mera has taught her how to be an actual Princess of the sea. If she's ready to be on her own, then so be it.

Wonder Woman glared at him, as Batman stared at Wonder Woman with Huntress, Nightwing and Damian/Robin right behind him.

Batman: Diana, we're not the police force and we certainly will not teach the young heroes your method.

Wonder Woman: These heroes are weak and follow the law like Ben Tennyson, The Powerpuff Girls, Xj9. They are heroes who should be following Superman 's teaching methods and Superman can make the perfect world.

Green Arrow: So what? he's God?!

Cyborg: He's been cleaning up the world and crime are less now.

Nightwing: That's because they are afraid, we're not the judge, jury and the excuitnors

Batman: Dick is right, if we continue on this path, we go from policing to occupying to jailing, then becoming tyrants.

Wonder Woman: Or justice is finally done. Some won't like it, especially those that oppress the weak. But isn't that why we formed the Justice League? To stop those people?

Captain Atom: And you and Superman decide these punishments? I believe my time with the Justice League is over.

Cyborg: You can't be serious.

Shazam: I also have to step back. From what I've heard, most of the magical heroes feel the same way.

Raven: I don't I'm staying with Superman, those who doesn't obey the law, will pay for this.

With that Batman, Nightwing, Huntress, Robin, Captain Atom, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, and the Atom left with Batman. While Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Hawkman, Raven and Mr. Terrific stayed on Superman's side. As for the rest of the league they decided to leave and not get involved. Now that the Justice League is dispatched, there will be war but, unknown to them a new team would be getting involved.

Note: In this Au Bridgette from TDI will be the daughter of Aquaman and Mera and is nicknamed Princess of the Sea. and that's all for right now enjoy this :)

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