The New Flash
It was the day after Iris and Bruce gave Wally his brand new Flash costume. Bruce also mentioned that the earpieces in his costume was linked to Oracle's radio in the Gotham Clocktower, that way he could communicate with her and be aware of any ongoing crimes in Central City. Wally's new costume worked as greatly as his old Kid Flash costume, and he didn't have to worry about the suit setting fire or anything due to the intensity of his speed. Then again, the speed sparks causing his civilian clothes to catch fire hardly, if rarely, ever happened.
Wally tested out the new Flash costume, running from Central City to New York. Suddenly, Oracle communicated on Wally's earpiece, "hey Wally, I looked into the security cam footage at the Gustin Convenience Store. Looks like some burglars are trying to rob the place. Sounds like the perfect time for The Flash to make his comeback." Wally started running out of New York and said, "thanks for the info, Oracle. On my way." Less than a minute later, Flash made it to Gustin Convenience, seeing two burglars wearing stereotypical burglar costumes and masks holding the clerk at gunpoint. "Don't even try to call the cops and give me all your damn money!" The first burglar threatened. Dante, the clerk forced to give him the money, muttered, "I'm not even supposed to be here today! What did I do to deserve this?!?!" The second burglar put the gun near Dante's head and threatened, "you make one more snide remark like that, I'm going to rearrange your face with this lead!" Wally then placed his fists on his hips heroically and said, "not if I have anything to say about that!"
The two crooks turned to see The Flash. "What the hell?!?!?!" The first burglar asked incredulously, "The Flash?!??!?!" Wally playfully jerked his head and said, "The Flash?!?!?! Where?!?!?!" He then faced the burglars and said, "oh right. You must be trying to rob this store. Well not on my watch!" The second burglar aimed his gun at Flash and said, "you're not the real Flash! I heard the old one died in Metropolis! You're just a wannabe imposter! You make a move and try to play hero, you're gonna be pumped full of lead." Flash smirked and said, "go ahead, make my day." A tiny spark, and then the two burglars aimed their guns at Flash and...
*Klck!* *Klck!* *Klck!*
The two burglars looked at their guns in confusion. "Looking for these?" Flash teased, revealing all the bullets, piled up in his hands. "You unloaded our guns?" The first burglar asked in dumbfounded shock. "Righto," replied Flash as he dropped all the bullets and then quickly bonked the two burglar's heads together, knocking them out instantly. He picked up the bag of cash and gave it back to Dante. "I believe this belongs to you," said Flash. "Dude, you saved my bacon," replied Dante. "Hey it's no problem," said Flash, "you tell your friends at Central City, The Flash is back. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta take out the trash." Flash then took the two burglars and rushed them over to the Central City Police department, tied up and unmasked, ready to be arrested. He left a note that said, "from your new Scarlet Speedster, Flash." It was quite a way to mark his debut. But then, Flash saw something for a moment. It looked to be a man with white hair and black eyes with red pupils, smiling evily, and there looked to have been a red spark on his shoulder. At least, that's what Wally thought. Then he was gone. "It's probably nothing," thought Flash as he then sped off.
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