The Man With The Red Sparks And The Evil Smile

Between his first appearance as The Flash and his graduation from college, Wally had seen a mysterious man with white hair and black eyes with red pupils. And he had a smile that was malicious, not unlike Joker. He saw this man always show up whenever he was doing heroic endeavors, or when he was doing something mundane, never dropping that smile. It was like something out of a horror film. But something about him looked familiar to Wally. He just couldn't put his finger on it. It's as if he and Barry knew him when Wally was younger.

It was 3 weeks after Wally had officially graduated college, and Wally decided to get some coffee at Jitters. As he waited in line, a familiar and chipper voice said, "hey Wally!" The young ginger-haired man turned around and saw M'gann, but this time she was wearing civilian clothing and her skin was now Caucasian. "Oh hey Megan!" Wally replied enthusiastically, "what a pleasant surprise to see you!" M'gann smiled and said, "it's nice to see you too. What have you been up to when you're not running around?" She subtly winked at him. "I've been looking for a job mostly," said Wally, "but I spoke to Bruce and Mike yesterday. Mike offered me a job as a mechanic for an automotive place and got me accepted. I started yesterday." M'gann beamed and said, "that's wonderful! You always were great with fixing up cars."

"Thanks," said Wally, "how have you been?" M'gann shrugged and said, "I've been doing all right. Uncle J'onn and I have been working together to fix the Justice League's reputation. Did Bruce offer you a chance to join?" As they moved up toward the line, Wally replied, "he has. But I told him I'm not ready yet. I want to give it a year first before I do anything too soon." M'gann nodded and said, "yeah that makes sense." Wally looked at M'gann and said, "but aside from all that, I was wondering if you were doing anything Friday night..." He blushed. "Are you asking me out on a date, Wally West?" M'gann teased. "We don't have to do anything fancy," said a bashful Wally, "it could just be either my place or your place, four or six pizzas and a movie. I was thinking either Scream, The Wedding Singer, or The Princess Bride..." M'gann smirked and asked, "Scream, eh? Are you hoping I'll clutch onto you as I get scared watching that scary movie?" Wally chuckled, "most people view the Scream films as black comedies with who done it aspects. But if nothing crazy happens, what do you say?"

"It's a date Wally," said M'gann, "you and me, Friday night, my place, 8:00 p.m." Wally smiled excitedly and said, "awesome." But suddenly, Wally could hear some screaming outside. M'gann's smile dropped. "I hear it too," she said, "I'll cover for you, you go on ahead." Wally nodded and said, "you're the best." Wally then sped off and turned into The Flash, ready to stop whatever chaos was happening! He sped over to the source of the screaming and saw his parents' car, speeding out of control! It looked like Wally's father was struggling to control the car. Flash was by the driver's side, and he did hand gestures to his dad, urging him to roll down the window so that they could talk. Rudy rolled down the window and shouted, "the brakes are gone! The brake fluid leaked when your mother and I got in the car, and when it sped up, I couldn't stop it!"

"Shit," thought Flash, wondering how to stop the car and get his parents to safety. Then he got an idea! "Mr West, I'm going to have to disassemble your car in order to get you and your wife to safety," warned Flash. "Are you crazy?!?!?!" Rudy shouted incredulously. "Trust me!" Flash replied as he started to quickly disassemble the car. About a minute later, the car that Rudy and Mary were driving was now empty inside and out, the only things left were their car seats and seatbelts. Thankfully, Wally's parents were no longer in danger of potentially wrecking the car and getting killed. Wally unfastened their seatbelts and said, "are you two okay?" Mary stood up and said, "we're alive. We can worry about the car later, dear. Thank you so much for saving us, Flash."

"No problem Mrs West," said Wally, happy to know his parents were keeping his secret identity safe. But suddenly, the man with the white hair and black eyes with red pupils showed up. Wally looked at the man and said "you! I've been seeing you all the time! Why are you following me?!?!?!" The mysterious man smiled maliciously and said, "I just want to see what the new Flash is like. Not impressed." Flash frowned and said, "who are you?" Red sparks started appearing on the mysterious man's shoulders and his voice got lower as he taunted, "why Wally, don't you remember me? Your uncle and I go way back..." Suddenly, Wally was struck in the chin so hard, he flew back a couple feet and landed into a cart of cabbages! Wally looked at the man and said, "Thawne..." The villain wandered over to Wally sinisterly and taunted, "that's right West... Eobard Thawne... Your uncle's nemesis..." The villain's clothes turned into a signature yellow suit with red boots and red lightning bolts. He finished, "I am Reverse Flash, or as you like to immaturely nickname me, Professor Zoom!"

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