Don't Lose Hope

Wally went back to his house, miserable and feeling defeated. Once he was inside, Wally changed into his civilian clothes in order to take a look at the damage of his Flash suit. He couldn't believe Zoom would rip the symbol of his costume. "What if Thawne is right?" Wally thought to himself, "what if I am unfit to wear the Flash costume? All Zoom ever did was cause misery for Uncle Barry. Even when the evidence was clear that Eobard killed his mom, Uncle Barry never got to hold Thawne accountable for his actions! Barry's dad died in prison, still framed for the murder... And Thawne got the last laugh..." Wally's thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door.

"Uh... Just a minute!" Wally said. "Wally, it's me," said M'gann, "can I come in?" Since Wally knew he could trust M'gann with his alter ego, the young ginger man said, "go ahead, it's open." The Martian woman came in and shut the door behind her. "Is it safe to go green?" M'gann asked. "Yeah it's all cool," assured Wally. M'gann's Caucasian skin then turned to a Martian green, despite the fact that she was a biracial white Martian. She preferred it though. "I heard that it was your parents that almost died in a crash because of their out of control car," said M'gann, "what happened?"

"Zoom, I mean, Eobard Thawne, got rid of the brakes in my parents' car and took out the brake fluid on top of it," replied Wally, "after I saved my parents, he attacked me and beat the hell out of me. His words were as equally painful as his punches..." M'gann tenderly touched Wally's face and asked, "what did he say to you?" Wally looked sadly and replied, "he said I would never be good enough and that I was unfit to wear that costume. Even tore off the symbol to prove a point. Maybe he's right. I couldn't even defeat him..." M'gann shook her head and said, "no that's not true! He doesn't know you!"

"Thawne's from the future, he knows everything about me and Uncle Barry," corrected Wally. "But that doesn't matter, he's only using your insecurities against you," said M'gann, "you're still a good man, Wally! When I arrived on Earth and joined the Titans, you and the others made me feel like I belonged! When I revealed my true white Martian form, you didn't even think I was a hideous monster. You cared that I was beautiful on the inside... Who cares what that jerk thinks? You matter to me, Wally! Whether as Kid Flash or just the Flash, you've left an impact on everyone you've befriended and saved..."

"She's right Wally," said a familiar voice, "if what she said wasn't true, I wouldn't have given you the suit." Wally and M'gann turned around and gasped. It was Barry Allen! "Uncle Barry??? But I thought you were..." Wally asked in disbelief. "Physically, my body's gone," explained Barry, "my spirit is now one with the Speed Force. I'm using my energy to bring my spirit here to talk to you Wally." He smiled at his nephew. Wally looked at M'gann and asked, "you see him, right?" The Martian woman nodded and said, "yeah..." Barry placed his arm around Wally's shoulder and said, "I know you feel hurt after what Thawne did to you. I can relate. I understand that feeling of loneliness and brokenness after a one-sided fight against him. It's never easy. But in that moment of darkness, do you know what you need to do? Get back up, don't give up, and don't lose hope. You're a brave man and you put others before yourself, Wally. Even without the suit. Thawne could never be a true Flash. You know why?"

"Why?" Wally asked. "It isn't the suit that makes The Flash," said Barry, "it's the man that makes The Flash worthwhile." Wally smiled and said, "thanks Uncle Barry. That means a lot coming from you." Barry nodded and said, "I'll always be with you Wally, even if you can't see me. I also found out something important about Thawne." Wally asked, "what is it?"

"It turns out Time Wraiths are coming after Thawne," explained Barry, "after sabotaging locked points in time and changing key events, including important things that were supposed to happen in my life, the Time Wraiths are gonna come for Eobard. His days are basically numbered. Probably doesn't even have days." M'gann listened and asked, "if that's the case, what if you tried talking it out with Thawne, convince him to accept his fate?" Wally looked at M'gann and said, "Thawne has never been one to be reasoned with. It was usually a lot easier to reason with Captain Cold and Trickster. But the difference between those two and Thawne was that Snart and Jesse had a strict no killing rule. But Thawne never followed that rule." M'gann placed her hand on Wally's shoulder and suggested, "just give it a try..." Wally nodded and said, "okay, I'll do it for you. M'gann, before I fix this suit, I just have one more thing I have to tell you..." M'gann looked at Wally and asked, "what is it?"

"Megan, I've always had feelings for you," admitted Wally, "ever since you joined the Titans, I've had a massive crush on you. And if Thawne kills me, I at least want you to know that I love everything about you before I go..." M'gann was emotionally overwhelmed by Wally's words, and she tearfully said, "oh Wally... I've always loved you too... You've always brightened my days with your humor, and you were there for me even when I was at my lowest..." She tenderly touched Wally's face and said, "I know you can't really keep this promise, but promise me that if you survive Thawne, you'll come back to me..." Wally gently wiped M'gann's tears and said, "I'll do my best." Wally then grabbed his damaged suit, and using his speed, he then placed the lightning symbol back on the chest and sewed it back on. The suit looked good as new, and didn't even look like it was resewn with obvious stitches. He showed his repaired suit to Barry and asked, "what do you think?" Barry smiled and said, "looks perfect."

Wally then quickly put on his Flash costume, except for his mask. "I love you M'gann M'orzz, always." he said, and then he kissed M'gann on the lips. When the kissing ceased, M'gann smiled and said, "I love you too, Wally West. Always..." Flash put his mask on and then ran off, ready to face Zoom.

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