Getting An Affair In Order

It was several months after Kevin and Bruce's last confrontation with Damian and Superman. And now Kevin was in his Green Lantern suit, flying back to Earth after dealing with a mission on another planet that occurred in his sector. He wanted to find his father and let him know that he needed to go somewhere due to a message that his ring deciphered. Kevin decided it would be best to tell his father face to face. His ring told him that Bruce and Barbara were at a desert. He went to the exact location and saw his father in the Batsuit and Barbara in her Batgirl suit, unconscious. Kevin landed to where they were and said "hey Dad, sorry that I couldn't help you, Babs, and Aunt Kate. I had to go to another planet in my sector and wrestle a Negart that escaped from its cage because it was going to eat civilians. A Negart is pretty much the equivalent to a bear, except it had purple fur with yellow polka dots. What'd I miss?"

"Kate sacrificed herself to enact my contingency plan." Batman flatly said. Kevin gave a sad look and said, "I'm so sorry Dad..." With his first cousin once removed now gone, Bruce was practically the only biological family Kevin had left. He was quite sad regarding Kate's death because she was the closest he had to an aunt, regardless of being cousins. "We're going to make sure her death wasn't in vain," promised Batman, "what do you know about the multiverse, son?" Kevin gave an intrigued look and asked, "alternate dimensions? I studied Dr Martin Stein's theory in college, are you saying that alternate dimensions are possible?" Batman nodd and said, "yes. We found a prime dimension where Joker never destroyed Metropolis."

"And that means that prime world's Superman never got corrupted and never started the Regime," said Kevin. "Exactly," confirmed Batman, "and I summoned Prime counterparts of the Justice League to help me stop Superman once and for all. I promise you Kevin, Kate's sacrifice will not be in vain. We will stop Superman's Regime, for good. I have to go and find the prime heroes." Kevin looked at his ring, and the ring indicated that another Green Lantern from Sector 2814 was here on Earth, confirming what his father said. Kevin would have to assume it was a prime Green Lantern from that prime Earth, whether it was Hal Jordan or John Stewart, Kevin wasn't sure. He nodded and said, "okay good. I'll take Barbara with me, is she okay?" Kevin picked her up and Batman replied, "she's got a pulse. She should wake up soon."

"Good to know," said Kevin, "some mysterious figure sent a message that only my ring could decipher. I'm going to go to a specific location to see who sent the message. Hopefully it's not a Yellow Lantern or a Regime sympathizer." Batman got in his Batwing that finally appeared and he said, "so do I. Good luck, Kevin." The Green Lantern nodded and said "good luck to you too, Dad." The Batwing flew off, and Kevin then carried Barbara while flying out of the desert, looking to find the mysterious location. Five minutes later, Kevin was at the mysterious location, and he went inside finding a couple chairs and a table. Kevin gently placed Barbara down on a chair, and he was relieved when he could hear her breathing. About a minute later, Barbara came back to consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and groaned, "Bruce... Where am I...?" Kevin removed his cowl and said, "hey babe. It's me." Barbara recognized her boyfriend and said, "Kevin! Where's Bruce? Where are we?"

"Dad's going off to find those prime heroes from that prime dimension he told me about," replied Kevin, "sorry again that I couldn't be there to help you and Aunt Kate." Barbara took off her mask and said,"it's okay babe. You have responsibilities on other planets, that's not your fault. I'm just glad to see you." Kevin gently stroked Barbara's face and said, "I'm glad to see you too. I'm glad you're alive. You able to feel your legs?" Barbara playfully poked Kevin's nose and said "of course I can, silly. But as much as I would love a back massage and a foot massage from you, I'd like to know where exactly you've taken me." Kevin walked around in observation and said, "that's the thing, someone sent a message only my Green Lantern ring could decipher, telling me to meet them there. Whether it's a trap, I don't know but they told me that they had critical need to know information regarding Tim..."

"Tim Drake..." Barbara said with a lot of thought, "now there's a name I haven't heard in 5 years..." Kevin nodded and said "I know... We didn't see him at Dick's funeral or Alfred's funeral... He's never written or called, I assumed he retired and went low contact, but it's like he dropped off the face of the earth. Which is strange, because given Tim's relationship with Dick, you would assume he would be there at his funeral... After all, Dick was just as much a mentor to Tim as Dad was..." Suddenly, an unfamiliar feminine voice that sounded like it belonged in an anime video game said, "perhaps I could be of assistance regarding that." Kevin and Barbara gasped at the sudden sound of this woman's voice, Kevin's ring glowed to attack and Barbara got out one of her Batarangs. "Alright, whoever you are, show yourself!" Kevin said, getting into a defensive stance. "Easy Green Lantern, I was the one that sent the message to you regarding Tim," said the young woman as she came out of the shadows to reveal herself. She was a young woman around 5 ft wearing a white tank top with a strapless pink button-down sweater, a pink plaid skirt, white stockings, and black boots, she had porcelain white skin not unlike Charity, golden freckles on her cheeks and nose, and wild curly pastel yellow hair that made Kevin think of Professor River Song from Doctor Who. "At last, we finally meet," said the young woman, "I'm glad that you were willing to find me at this location. Thank you for trusting me. Don't you worry, I'm not part of Superman's Regime. I'm on your side."

"Are you the one that sent the message that only my Green Lantern ring could decipher?" Kevin asked. "Correctoruni," said the young woman as she casually sat on the table, smirking. "Are you Crystalian?" Barbara asked, "your skin tone is just like Charity's." The porcelain white-skinned woman nodded and said, "I sure am. In fact, I'm a good friend of Charity's. My name is Olympia Affair, I am a personal spy for the true heir to the Crystal Empire. How do you do?" She leapt off the table and immediately shook Kevin and Barbara's hands super fast, throwing the both of them off guard. Olympia's eccentric and likable energy was enough to make Kevin and Barbara like her as they laughed. Olympia then said, "alright, now that we got pleasantries out of the way, here's why I'm approaching the both of you. After Superman demanded his worldwide ceasefire five years ago, Charity's Crystal Sense was telling her that shit was about to hit the fan, which is definitely an understatement in hindsight, don't you think? After that, Charity reached out to me and told me to spy on Superman just to see what he would be doing. So that's what I did. I spied on him while he was in his Fortress Of Solitude, and I have been spying on Clark for five years, informing Charity of what has been going on. And I know exactly what happened to Tim Drake, Koriand'r, Conner Kent, and Cassie Sandsmark."

"Okay, what happened?" Barbara asked. "Superboy tried to confront Superman and Clark punched Conner in the chest so hard, it broke his ribs. One of Conner's broken ribs punctured his heart, and he was about to kick the bucket," explained Olympia, "so Superman made the logical decision to put Conner in The Phantom Zone to make sure he wouldn't die from internal bleeding. But of course, in all his infinite wisdom, Superman forced Cassie, Tim, and Kori to go to The Phantom Zone with Superboy. And they've been trapped in there ever since." Kevin and Barbara listened to what Olympia explained, and Kevin then asked, "well if you knew this, why didn't you reach out to us sooner?" Olympia shook her head and said, "I know this sounds like Bula Shite, but my Crystal Sense kept telling me for five years that it wasn't time yet." Barbara raised her eyebrows and sarcastically asked, "oh so now it's time?" Olympia smiled and said, "yeppers! All those five years spying on Superman gave me a great idea to rescue your friends! Think of it as a heist."

"Are you suggesting we sneak into Superman's Fortress of Solitude while he's away and just get Tim, Kori, Conner, and Cassie out of the Phantom Zone, like a heist?" Kevin asked. "That's exactly what I've got planned!" Olympia enthusiastically confirmed, "Babs, you've got the technological know-how to hack into the Phantom Zone portal and get it open. I would hack it myself, but I'm not familiar with the technology. And I've got someone fast enough to get in and out, no fuss, no muss." Suddenly, Wally West ran in, wearing a brand new Flash suit. "Wally?" Kevin and Barbara both asked with surprise. "Hey guys," he said enthusiastically. Kevin and Barbara embraced Wally in a hug, happy to see their old friend. "Dude, I haven't seen you since Dick's funeral." Kevin said enthusiastically. "I thought you were done being a superhero and that you were going to be neutral," said Barbara. "I changed my mind," said Wally, "and I'm not going to ditch my friends in their desperate time of need."

"Let's get back on subject," said Kevin, "Olympia's right though. You do have the technological know-how to hack into the Phantom Zone, Barbara. And I do believe it's possible to get Tim, Kori, and Cassie out of the Phantom Zone. But The Phantom Zone is literally the only thing keeping Conner alive with what Olympia described. If he gets out, he's toast. What do we do for Conner?" Olympia smiled and replied, "I got you covered for that. Conner is a human/Kryptonian clone hybrid, so his heart is a rare one. On Crystalia, we have medical technology that's incredibly advanced. We have a device that can clone organs of literally any species, be they Crystalian, human, or any other extraterrestrial species with just a sample of blood or hair. We can use a sample of Conner's blood to clone him a brand new functional heart, and my ship has a medical operating room with optional solar lights that also include red solar energy that my robot assistant can use to do heart transplant surgery for Conner." Kevin and Barbara were astounded by this. "That's amazing." Barbara said jovially. "Alright then," said Kevin, "I think we're all in agreement of what we're gonna do now. Let's go to the Fortress of Solitude and save our friends!" Wally and Barbara raised their fists in the air and said in unison, "yeah!" Kevin then got out his Green Lantern battery, put his power ring on it and said his oath to charge the ring, and he said...

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power.

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