𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 , fireflies


Crowded around the table in Derek's loft the pack reunited.
For the past twenty-four hours, they had all been split into separate teams to figure out a plan on how exactly to break into a bank vault that was being guarded by a pack of Alphas. It was decided that after all of the tension that had been built up in the clinic after Kinsey had come out of the trance-like state yelling that Erica was the dead that they would all work better apart, in a space where they could clear their heads. And hopefully, without any more arguments.

Scott and Stiles volunteered themselves as the first pair. With a few quick clicks on the internet Stiles had found out that someone had once broken into the vault before, but ironically, details were sparse on how he had done it. That had created a task for the two of them. They'd spend all night searching through the internet and news articles hoping for a mention of how exactly the vault had been broken into before, hoping that they would be able to take the same route. Derek headed back to the loft where he'd be meeting Peter, they needed all the manpower that they could get, or at least his devious mind considering he wasn't the strong Alpha he used to be before they all killed him. But with that maleficent mind of his, he had to have a few tricks down that V-neck of his.

That left two people to work in a pair with one another. Considering one of them was a hunter, they had been given the task of creating a plan of how to fight an Alpha pack of Alphas. Though both of them were banned from taking part in the fight itself. Isaac was out of commission after he had gotten out of the hospital just two days ago, and well, he almost died tonight. For Kinsey, there was no argument that she wouldn't be involved in the fight. She was somewhat human, and after seeing her eyes turn white as she dived into Isaac's mind, they thought it was safe to say that she wouldn't quite be up to her usual huntress tricks. Kinsey didn't feel as though she needed the rest, but she hadn't been given a choice in the matter. While they all fight she would be waiting on the sidelines at the loft with Peter, Isaac, and Stiles hoping that whatever plan they all created would work and by the end of the night Boyd and Erica would be safe and alive.

Before the groups had all dispersed from the clinic Scott had pulled aside Kinsey to ask whether she was sure she could work with Isaac, he still wasn't quite sure whether the two got along now or if they were simply being civilized with one another for the sake of Derek, her cousin, and his Alpha. Not only was he unsure of their relationship with one another, but after he had somehow pulled her into his mind he didn't want the girl to feel nervous around him and pressured to talk about however it had happened, which none of them knew yet. They were putting it on hold, at least until Erica and Boyd had been rescued from the vault. Kinsey had looked at the tall wolf that stood in the doorway waiting for her to finish her conversation with Scott, considering if she could work with him or if she would be better off working alone, shoving him on Derek. She thought about the times before they were in some kind of complicated friends with benefits situation when they had just been two people with a mutual interest; finding Erica and Boyd. Back then they had worked well together, they were never at each other's throats, they always seemed to agree on a plan, listening to each other's suggestions. Surely they could still do that now, even if their relationship with one another had changed a lot since then.

Kinsey had nodded with a smile, reassuring herself the two could focus on creating a plan.
She was wrong. There had been no planning whatsoever. In the twenty-four hours that she and Isaac had spent with one another, the plan hadn't been mentioned once. The two had a lot of catching up to do in the few days that they were apart while he went to follow a lead, or even when they were together, but not alone.

The two agreed that when they got to the loft Kinsey would make up a plan on the spot if Stiles hadn't already made one, which she expected he would, and Isaac would go along with what she said. It seemed like a feasible enough idea. And if it didn't work, they only had their teenage hormonal selves to blame for the plan's failure.

Stiles laid out blueprints across Derek's table. "Okay. You see this? This is how they got in. It's a rooftop air conditioning vent." He pointed out with a red pen. "Leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here. Okay?" Stiles asked as he circled it with a red pen, looking around the table to make sure everyone was still keeping up with him. "One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft. Now, that space is so small, it took him about twelve hours to drill into that wall, which is stone, by the way. Then through the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash up to the guys on the roof through that one little shat in the wall, Boom." He finished, taking a breath.

"Can we fit in there?" Scott asked as he leaned over the table.

"Yes, we can, but very, very barely. And they also patched the wall, obviously, so we're gonna need a drill of some kind." Stiles suggested as he looked up to Kinsey and Isaac who stood on the opposite side of the table, he felt as though that came beneath their area of planning. "I'm thinking maybe a diamond bit-"

"Look, forget the drill." Derek interrupted. Kinsey and Isaac had never been so glad for Derek's impatience towards Stiles and his talking. The two looked at one another taking a small sigh of relief, for now, they had evaded struggling for words as they tried to think of something that would explain why they didn't have any weapons for them to fight with or even a plan. "If I go in first how much space do I have?"

Stiles looked around the table trying to figure out if the Alpha was being serious, he was pretty sure he had just stated how little space there was down there, he couldn't be suggesting that he would have enough room to use anything other than a drill. All of them simply shrugged, the least they could do was hear out his elaborate plan, it wasn't like they had ever asked him to do the same. Like when they wanted him to listen about a bruise on Kinsey's wrist. At least Scott, Isaac, and Kinsey were prepared to hear him out, they should have known that Stiles wouldn't be so lenient. He had made a plan for a reason, he intended to follow it.

"What do you think you're gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles asked.

The two turned to face one another, it was clear that now they were all back together it was that time for yet another argument between the two, it was almost routine now. Derek sighed as he folded his arms, prepared to continue what had been started yesterday, he was an Alpha, and even if he wasn't the Alpha to the skinny human in front of him, he could still prove to him that he was an Alpha and he had the power to punch through a wall. Nobody else around them seemed to question his abilities.

"Yes, Stiles, I'm gonna punch through the wall."

In an attempt to stop the argument before it had truly begun again Kinsey cleared her throat, she wasn't going to speak over the wolves, a simple cough from her was enough for them to know to let her speak as she stopped leaning on the table, folding her arms as Stiles and Derek looked at her, prepared for what could either be a lecture, a warning or an idiotic suggestion.

"What about if I went down there? I'm small enough to fit."

It was the latter of the three options. A collective, and frankly quite harsh, no come from every male in the room that surrounded her as they all looked at her as though she had lost her mind in the process of being inside of Isaac's. Clearly, there was no room for negotiation. Those who stood around the table with her had all stood up rather than leaning on the table, furrowing their brows at her to see if she was really stupid enough to make that suggestion. She'd already been banned from participating in a potential fight against the Alpha pack, now not only was she suggesting that she should be there for it but to be the first one who got there. Even Peter, who had been sitting on the metal staircase since the four teenagers arrived had stood up for a moment to emphasize just how much he disagreed with her idiotic idea. He wouldn't have been a fan of the idea at any point in time, but after finding out what had happened at the animal clinic he was sure that it was one of the worst ideas that could have come out of his daughter's mouth. Kinsey held her hands up in defense, keeping her mouth closed, for now, it was the last time she would try and help them with her short and slim stature, this had to be one of the only if not the only time it would come in handy, and they had passed her up on the offer.

Stiles and Derek turned back to one another, as if that split second of idiocy from Kinsey had never happened, they couldn't let something so simple take them away from another chance at an argument. That was almost as insane as her idea.

"Okay, big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on." Stiles egged on the Alpha while the rest of them stood around sharing looks with each other, majority of them were sharing eye rolls, could the two ever be around each other without bickering? "Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big, bad wolf. Yeah, look at that." Stiles continued, winding the Alpha up as he stood with his fist raised and an irritated face. The boy wrapped his hand around Derek's wrist, holding his own hand just a few inches away from his knuckles. "Okay, see that? That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid..."

Before Stiles could finish Stiles punched the boy's hand causing it to fly back and land on the medal table as he groaned in pain, he clutched onto his hand as he excused himself from the table repeatedly moaning in pain, it didn't get any softer with the distance he gained from all of them, instead, it just echoed through the quiet loft. Stiles finally agreed that Derek was very much capable of punching a hole in the wall, he wouldn't argue against his strength again, not if he wanted to keep his hand for the rest of his life.

Derek turned back to those around the table, ready to carry on discussing a plan with those who wouldn't be so inclined to challenge him. "Who's following me down?" He asked, the brunette girl opposite opened her mouth. "Don't even bother." He cut her off before she could even say it. Instead, he looked to her father who sat on the metal staircase, between the two he was much more capable of following him into the fight, even if he had been raised from the dead just a few months ago, and he hadn't quite stopped feeling the effects of that.

"Don't look at me." Peter scoffed. "I'm not up to fighting speed yet, and honestly, with Isaac and Kinsey out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself."

The brunette girl bit her tongue, choosing not to argue with the comment of her being out of commission along with Isaac, she was very much capable of being involved in this fight tonight, but nobody wanted her there because they were too scared she would get hurt, that she was unable to protect herself and provide as a useful ally to them. If there was anyone in this loft who they could use in a fight, it had to be the trained fricken huntress who had been taught to quite literally, kill werewolves. But since her latest connection to the Hale wolves, they seemed to forget that about her, instead, they just saw her as the only remaining human Hale, the youngest too, she was the heir to the Hale name, even if she didn't carry it. Maybe she never would, but she was the heir no matter what.

"So I'm supposed to just let them die?" Derek asked, obviously it wasn't an option.

"One of them is already dead." Peter shrugged.

"We don't know that."

Peter shook his head, he'd heard that argument from his nephew just as much as the teenagers had, even he struggled to see how else Kinsey's words could be interpreted. From what he had heard his daughter had shot out of the trance-like state yelling that she had seen Erica's body shoved somewhere, the same place where she and Isaac had been shoved. He couldn't get why Derek couldn't understand that. He may not have been in the beta's head at that moment of time, but he saw just how vivid and real it could be, she wouldn't have said it for anything. She had obviously seen something, she cared just as much for the missing blonde beta as Derek did. If she didn't, she wouldn't have spent months looking for her and Boyd with them when she could have been having the summer of her life without any real adult supervision besides him, who didn't particularly participate in the whole parenting thing until at least halfway into the summer, and Natalie Martin. But if he knew his daughter, even Natalie's rules would only have a limited effect on Kinsey, she was quite the hard one to control, he liked to think that she got that trait from the Hale side of her genes rather than the other half.

"Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of Alphas. All of the killers." He reiterated though all of them had already been made pretty aware of that. Being a killer kind of came with being an Alpha, at least from what they had known. "And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Boyd and Erica were sweet kids. They're gonna be missed." He finished with his condolences. After mentioning the whole joint Alpha thing, which until now the three who had been digging for dirt on the Alpha pack had forgotten about, now their nerves were at an all-time high and their confidence at rock bottom. Even the two who knew they were out of this fight couldn't help but worry for those who were.

"Can someone kill him again, please?" Stiles asked as he looked around the table.

Peter narrowed his eyes at the boy, he still struggled to see how his daughter hadn't lost her patience and killed him yet, she definitely had more restraint than a regular Hale, that had to be something she got from her mother's side. How unfortunate. "Derek, seriously, not worth the risk." Peter reiterated his final statement.

"How about you?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, if you want me to come..."

Derek cut off Stiles before he could continue, obviously he was talking to Scott, not him. He wasn't even sure why Stiles would think he would be asking for his opinion or his assistance in this little rescue mission, what use would he provide to them? If there was anyone human or at least close to a human that would be coming into the vault with them obviously it would be the brunette girl opposite them. And if even she was banned it shouldn't have been a question that he was banned from this too. It was no place for people who couldn't defend themselves. All eyes turned to Scott as they waited for his say in all of this. The beta sighed, he admitted he wasn't sure about Erica, but if Boyd was still alive that meant that they had to do something to save him. They had to at least try, no matter how much risk if were taking. Isaac could tell by the fellows beta's face that that wasn't all he was going to say, there had to be a but. And there was, who was the other girl in there with Boyd?

After Derek and Scott had left it was a waiting game. The four who remained in the loft had no other choice but to sit around and hear from the two wolves, whether it was because they had run into trouble because they had forgotten the plan, or in the most successful/doubtable case, they had successfully saved at least one werewolf. Peter had finally pulled himself off of the staircase as he sat on Derek's couch basking in the awkward ambiance that three angsty teens created, he enjoyed the pleasure of smelling all of the emotions in the room. Specifically, those that came from the two male teenagers whenever they looked at his daughter. He never could resist a good love triangle, both of them desperate to get the girl, and the girl herself oblivious. It was his own personal soap opera, his daughter the star, what wasn't to enjoy? Peter thrived in every sharp look Isaac and Stiles threw at one another when the other did something annoying, even if it was taking a breath a little too loud for their liking. Watching as Kinsey sat innocently at the table of the middle room, unbeknownst to how much the two boys' attraction ate away at them was even more enjoyable. The poor girl had no idea just how strongly the two felt towards her, not when she lacked his sense of smell for emotions.

He contemplated wasting some time by bringing up the angsty tension in the room, it was sure to take the pressure off of waiting around for a phone call, sure, it would create some drama for them all, but he wasn't opposed to that. He knew Derek had some popcorn in his cabinets. But for the sake of his daughter, he refrained himself, at least for tonight. He couldn't resist it forever, or at least until she figured out that at least one if not both of them liked her.

Stiles stood at the window, looking through it at the full moon that beamed down on them, for most it was a beautiful sight, somewhat admirable, to him it was taunting. "I can't take waiting around like this, you know? It's nerve-racking. My nerves are racked. Severely racked. Racked."

"I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over," Peter suggested from across the room as he lay back, not a single ounce of stress inside of him. He warned his nephew, he had his say, whatever happened now was out of his hands, all he had to do was make sure that his daughter remained in the seat that she currently sat in and all in his life would be fine.

"Nobody is beating anybody," Kinsey spoke up, looking over at her father, it had been the first time she had looked up since Derek and Scott left. So far since their departure, she had been looking down at the notebook she had left here, the one with all of her drawings, even the more disturbing ones that she had been drawing as of late. She was still trying to think out what she was, and how exactly she'd become it when she had never been bitten, everything about her seemed to be a mystery that she was desperate to solve. Though the girl reminded herself of what Deaton had said, how it shouldn't be pressured, how was she just supposed to sit around and wait until he felt as though she had progressed enough to learn the truth? How many times was she going to have to draw something horrific before it happened? How many minds would she have to accidentally jump into before she deserved to at least know a name for it?

After a small mimicking from Peter of the girl's words the loft turned back to its uncomfortable silence that the four had created, it wasn't hard when two out of three of the teenagers hated Peter's guts, and the other was simply his daughter. On top of that, Kinsey and Isaac were trying to keep a fair distance between them in the hopes it would help keep their secret, it was the last thing the two of them needed to hear. And the two in the loft with them were the worst two who could find out about their secret. It wasn't one they wanted to share, nor did they believe that it was necessary, it wasn't anything serious, it was to pass the time, to have fun, and to relieve stress which in their lives was almost constant. Hence why they hadn't had the chance to create a plan for tonight, they had plenty of stress-relieving to catch up on.

The silence couldn't last forever, there was too much to talk about. Stiles turned around to look at the girl sitting at the table a few feet behind him, it took a few seconds of him staring at her and her drawings before she noticed and looked back at him.

"You think Erica's really dead?" He asked hesitantly. Kinsey swallowed the lump in her throat as she shrugged, she wasn't sure, nor did she want to be, if she could have it her way Erica and Boyd would be safe, untouched. But she knew what she had felt while in there, she knew what she had seen. Who was she to deny her own senses, or the senses that were actually Isaac's that she just happened to feel? It didn't matter how it happened, what mattered was what she saw and felt, which was seeing Erica shoved carelessly somewhere, dead. "I just... I don't understand the bank, though." Stiles admitted, beginning to pace around the room as he talked through his thoughts, much to the dismay of the two wolves in the room who tried to drown out the noise that came out of his mouth. "Like why wouldn't they chain them up in some underground lair or something? They're an Alpha pack, right? So shouldn't they have a lair?"

"They're werewolves, not Bond villains." Isaac piped up from the kitchen where he'd been raiding the Alphas cupboards endlessly, he was the only one allowed to touch the cabinets in the loft considering he was living here with Derek. Though that had never stopped Kinsey.

Somehow Isaac's snarky comment had sparked another thought in Stiles's mind as he began walking all around the loft. "Wait a sec. Wait a sec. Maybe they're living there, you know? Like, maybe the bank vault reminds them of their little wolf dens."

"Wolf dens?" Peter questioned with a raised brow.

"Yeah, wolf dens." Stiles nodded confidently.

"Stiles." Kinsey sighed. "Do you really think werewolves live in wolf dens?"

Stiles nodded in confidence, he didn't see a problem in his logic, it wasn't as though he was standing in the apartment that Derek, a werewolf, was living in. The apartment he also shared with another werewolf, Isaac. Wolves had to live in dens because they were, well, wolves. A shared groan came from the brunette girl and the two wolves, for someone so smart they had never heard something so stupid come out of his mouth. A confused Stiles turned to Peter to ask where he lived when he wasn't lounging around in Derek's living room. Of course, the wolf was unable to provide a simple answer at first, instead, he told the boy he lived in an underground network of caves hidden deep in the woods. Something must have gotten into Stiles's head, he must have smelt some kind of fumes because for a moment he had actually believed Peter and his elaborate lie. This was the kind of conversation they were used to having with Scott, not him. After calling Stiles an idiot Peter reassured the boy he had a normal apartment downtown and that if he needed the proof to ask Kinsey considering not only had she been there once before, but she even had a bedroom there waiting for her if she ever asked her father if she could live with him. The brunette never saw that happening, that would be the last resort of her life, but still, she appreciated the gesture, and frankly, she had never been so shocked. Somewhere in that cold, cold heart of her fathers was a heart, buried deep, deep, deep beneath the surface.

Finally, after Kinsey's nod of confirmation, he admitted that the whole wolf den theory may have been slightly dramatic of him, but he still remained firm on the thought that it was strange for them to choose a bank vault as well as for them to wait until a full moon to kill Erica and Boyd, surely a pack of killer Alphas could kill two betas whenever they wanted.

"Maybe they think it's poetic," Peter suggested, still unbothered by what happened around him.

"They've had three full moons to be poetic."

"And here you've had one full hour to be so annoying-" Peter abruptly stopped, raising his head from the back of the sofa to look at the anxiety-filled teenager who stood in front of him, urging him to carry on with his comment about how he was annoying and had been for the past hour since the two wolves had left, Isaac certainly wouldn't be disagreeing with that comment. He was glad someone finally said it. Peter sat up fully. "What are the walls made out of?" He asked, standing up to walk over to his daughter who had already begun searching for something on the blueprints of the vault in front of her while Stiles and Isaac looked around at the loft listing off materials that it might be made out of. Brick, wood... Brick.

"No, no. The vault." Kinsey stopped them and their poor attempts at being architects. "What are the walls in the vault made out of? Where would it say that?" She continued to ask as Stiles and Isaac hurried to the table the father and daughter stood at, rustling through the piles of blueprints for an answer. Kinsey wasn't sure how the answer would help them, but it was clear that that was what her father wanted to know, and maybe that meant he thought of something.

Stiles began digging through his backpack until he pulled out an even bigger wad of papers for them to search for answers through, insisting that if the answer would be anywhere it had to be in there. Luckily for them, they had four pairs of eyes to search for the answers. Kinsey quickly separated the papers into four piles, shoving each pile into the hands of the three who stood around her, ordering them to search for the material and not to stop until they found it. There was a clear urgency around the suggestion, even if Peter was the only one who knew the real purpose of why they needed to know the material of the walls, it was obvious that it may be the thing that caused tonight to go wrong. None of the three dared to argue with Kinsey, all of them began hurriedly scanning through the individual pieces of paper, throwing them onto the floor behind them if it were useless. Which was the case for almost all of them. It was either a report on the robbery, information about the robbers themselves, or was just papers filled with big words that only people like Lydia knew about.

Before searching through all of the papers there had been a mutual panic, but as the floor of the loft began filling with more papers than ever the panic was worsened. Beads of panic had merged on their foreheads, not even the brush of air from the flying papers was enough to cool them down. When Isaac stammered out the word "Hecatolite" three heads had shot up to look at him, he shrugged off the word, throwing the piece of paper on the floor, he had no idea what it meant, he'd never heard of it before.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Peter warned the three teenagers, he rushed to pick up the paper that Isaac had thrown on the floor, slamming it back down on the middle of the table.

"Is that it?" Stiles asked. "Is it awful? It sounds awful."

"Get them on the phone. Call them. Now!"

The brunette girl was the first who managed to pull her phone out of the pocket of her jacket at her father's demand, she didn't both ask why it was so urgent to call them before she began dialing Scott's number. That was left to a frantic Stiles and Isaac. But of course, in this matter of urgency, no answer that Peter provided them would bring them a sense of comfort, in fact, what he told them only put them more on edge, an hour ago when the two wolves had left they were lead to believe that that wasn't possible. They forgot that in Beacon Hills, anything was possible. Boyd and the girl in the vault weren't going to kill each other tonight, they were going to kill the two wolves who were trying to save them. Scott and Derek were going to die.

Kinsey's eyes had widened at her father's words, now she wished even Stiles and Isaac hadn't asked the man why this phone call was so urgent, especially since Scott had failed to answer. They should have known that Peter wouldn't sugarcoat things for them, it wasn't in his nature, and he didn't have the time to be gentle about the subject, it was life or death. Kinsey began pacing around the loft as Stiles had just a few moments ago, her hair running through her knotted brown curls as she mumbled a string of profanities under her breath. Scott had been blessed with enhanced hearing, he had to know that his phone was ringing, no matter where in his clothing he had shoved it. Isaac tried to calm the girl down as she paced, she was developing a throbbing vein on her forehead as she stressed, begging her phone call to be picked up.

"Kinsey now is not the best time," Scott said as he answered the girl's call.

"Scott! Scott!" The brunette breathed heavily down the phone, quickly rushing back to the table where she had left her father, Isaac, and Stiles. "You need to listen to me, okay? You've gotta get out of there." She warned the wolf as she held her phone out between the four of them.

"The walls are made with a mineral called hecatolite. It scatters the moonlight." Stiles shouted.

"What does that mean?"

"It means it keeps the moonlight out. They haven't felt a full moon in months, Scott." Kinsey urged down the phone, a slight crack in her voice as she edged on a full-blown breakdown.

Peter held onto his daughter's wrist to move the phone closer to him, he had something to add of his own to this rushed conversation, he needed to find a way to tell Scott just how severe the situation that they were in was. He told the beta to imagine it as the Roman Colosseum where the lions were starved for three days to make them more vicious and out of control. Deucalion had been using them as his lions, he kept them from shifting for three full moons, diminishing their tolerance to it in the process. The lack of speech from Scott on the other side of the phone told them that Scott was beginning to understand just how bad the situation he was in was.

"Scott, they're gonna be stronger," Isaac warned, from beta to beta.

"More savage, more bloodthirsty. Scott, they're the lions." Peter reiterated again. "They're the starved lions, and you and Derek just stepped into the Colosseum."

The four listened as Scott kept his phone pressed to his ear, warning the Alpha he accompanied that they were in trouble and a lot of it. They weren't able to hear a reaction from Derek, but they could hear the low growling of a werewolf, eventually doubled, presumably by the person who had been in the vault with Boyd for who knew how long.

"Cora?" Derek's voice mumbled through the phone.

"Cora?" Kinsey and Peter repeated. They were both familiar with the name, Peter much more than his daughter. While he knew her as his niece who had supposedly died in the fire, Kinsey knew her as Derek's little sister, the one that she apparently reminded him of. She too knew that the girl was supposed to have died in the fire, but considering he had just mumbled her name, it seemed as though that assumption was incorrect.

Kinsey shook off the thought of a girl, who she guessed was her cousin too now, and took her phone from her stunned father. She held it close to her ear, with the growing sound of growling from the other side of the line it was clear that she needed to make that message to Scott a little clearer. "Scott! Hey, Scott! Scott, you need to get out of there and you need to do it now!"

Two loud roars and the beta shouting was the last thing Kinsey heard before the beep that told her he had ended their phone call. Her hand dropped down to her side as she turned to look at Peter, Stiles, and Isaac, all three of them sharing the same slacked jaw expression as her.

It was feeding time for the lions.

"I'm going!" Kinsey yelled, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"No, your not!"

"Peter, you are 16 years too late to come waltzing in making fatherly demands don't start now."

Those words echoed through the brunette girl's head as she raced down the metal staircase in Derek's apartment building, desperate to reach the abandoned bank before it was too late. Unlike her father, Stiles and Isaac she wasn't willing to sit and wait for another phone call from either of them while the nerves ate her alive from the inside out, she couldn't sit and no thing like the three of them were willing to do. She still couldn't comprehend how the three of them were even willing to do that. As far as Kinsey was concerned there was nothing anyone could say or do, no amount of knowledge about how dangerous her decision was could make her back out of it. From the minute this plan had been talked about she knew she should have been there to help them fight, she didn't care how many moon-deprived werewolves she would be up against. It was Boyd and Erica in that vault, apparently a cousin who she thought was dead too, all the more reason for her to make an attempt at saving them, as well as the two wolves who'd walked straight into the lion's den unarmed and trying to fight their own urges against the moon.

As she drove as fast as her car would take her Kinsey consistently tried to call Allison for backup, she knew there was a chance that asking for her help in this would end up in a lecture from her cousin. She had promised to stay out of werewolf business, Allison had too, with asking for her help in this she would have to reveal just how deep into that said werewolf business she truly was. Not to mention what else she had been finding out, an example, that she might just be a supernatural creature of her own, something she had been trying to forget about, but tonight made it clearer than ever that that wasn't an option. There was no staying out of it now, not even for Allison, it was time to admit that this was part of their lives whether they liked it or not. Neither of them would ever find themselves truly away from the problems werewolves brought, and certainly not the problems that would come from her being whatever it is she was.

Every call that Kinsey made to Allison had reached the girls answering machine, Allison never turned her cellphone off for anything, especially while in Beacon Hills when she knew there was always a strong chance that something would go wrong in at least one person's life and her assistance would be needed. Of course, Kinsey found it strange, but she had too many other things on her mind to think about why Allison's phone was off, there was a chance that she had simply forgotten to charge it. Maybe she wasn't at home either, maybe Lydia had dragged her on a last-minute shopping trip after finding out the younger brunette was heading over to the loft for more "bonding with Peter" as she had called it.

As Kinsey pulled up at the abandoned bank she reached for the duffel bag of weapons she had learned to keep underneath her passenger seat in case of emergencies like this, it may just have been the smartest idea she had ever had in her lifetime. Along with her weapons, she walked to the trunk of her car where she kept a pair of bolt cutters, another lesson she had learned, this time from being friends with Scott and Stiles who tended to break into places like the school when they shouldn't be there. Her car had become a hardware store.

Kinsey approached the main door of the abandoned building, her bolt cutters raised ready to break her way in only to notice that the chain that had locked the two doors together had already been cut. Someone else had already broken in. She couldn't be sure whether the damage had been done tonight, or whether it was from a time where a bunch of fellow teenagers had broken in for some late-night exploring. What she did know is that it wasn't Derek or Scott who had broken it, this wasn't the entrance they planned on going through, and they certainly wouldn't have used bolt cutters if this was their second option.

She left her bolt cutters leaning against the main doors before wearily walking into the building, tightly clutching the Chinese ring daggers she had taken out of the duffel bag now thrown over her shoulder. She walked through the darkness, even with no lights she was able to tell that it was the same building she had seen in Isaac's mind the night he'd found the vault. She was in the right place. Within a few steps Kinsey had noticed that a pair of red bolt cutters were leaning against the entryway of the bank, she recognized these bolt cutters, they were her uncle Chris's. She knew it wouldn't be the man who found himself in the bank preparing to fight off a pack of Alpha werewolves for Scott and Derek, which left only one other person for it to be. Now she understood why Allison wasn't answering her calls, she couldn't let anyone know that she too had gotten herself into werewolf business.

The brunette continued walking, a lump growing in her throat as she edged further into the building. She made sure to constantly look around her with the fear that someone would appear from a dark corner and attack her. Her heart pounded in her chest at the thought, she felt as though she was re-living what had happened in Isaac's head when someone had attacked them and shoved them in a dark room. Where they had found Erica. Kinsey looked to her right when she had seen a flash of light, as soon as she turned her head towards it the light had disappeared, but not soon enough that she hadn't seen where it had come from. On her right was a storage cupboard set back slightly from the rest of the entrance. Kinsey watched for a few seconds longer hoping to see the flash of light once again, but there was nothing but darkness in the building. She couldn't even hear the sound of fighting wolves, which frankly terrified her. Surely the walls of the vault weren't strong enough to block out even that amount of noise.

Kinsey knew it was probably a stupid idea to approach the door, but someone had to be in there, she couldn't help but find out who. Maybe it was someone who had wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time. A shaky breath came from the girl's mouth as her hand hovered over the door handle, if someone was in this random storage cupboard it had to be because they were hiding, not because they thought it was a good place to jump out from.

With an ounce of courage, Kinsey flung the door open, prepared for the worst.

But in fact, she couldn't have found anything greater in her life.

"Allison?" Kinsey mumbled. She had had a feeling Allison was here after seeing the bolt cutters, but she hadn't expected her to be in the cupboard. The older brunette whose eyes had been clenched tightly shut in the fear that it was an Alpha she heard lingering outside of the door opened her eyes wearily at the sound of that voice, both girls took a large sigh of relief as they looked at one another. Allison wrapped her arms around her cousin, her hands shaking around the girl. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Allison pulled herself away from the hug, her eyes were glossed over as she solemnly looked at Kinsey, the kind of look someone gave before they were about to break some bad news to someone. A look familiar to the both of them.

Kinsey's voice broke as she mumbled the girl's name, she had a feeling. A bad one. Not the kind that these supernatural abilities of hers gave her. This was the knowledge of someone who knew when they had lost someone when hope had failed them again.

The older brunette stepped aside without a word, the faint light that shone through the slats of the abandoned building's windows managed to shed some light on the small nook that Allison had been hiding inside of. Her heart sank at the sight. Maybe there was some luck in the fact that the two had heard the sound of the commotion, fighting, low growling. Neither Argent hesitated to run towards it, it was the exact reason they were both here for. Their legs feel slack as they reached the large vault door, the scattered moonlight allowed them to see as Boyd raised Scott into the air with his claws dug into beta's stomach, blood spewing out of Scott's mouth as he groaned in pain. Allison looked down, immediately noticing the mountain-ash that stood at the entrance of the vault trapping all four of the wolves inside of it. She had no other choice. If she didn't do it Boyd would kill Scott, she couldn't let that happen to him.

"No! Don't break the seal!" Derek bellowed from across the vault as he tried to fight off Cora. Kinsey looked at Allison who had already dropped down, her hands hovering over the pile of mountain ash. She too yelled at the girl, warning her not to do it, her hand reached out to pull the girl up, to stop her from making a mistake.

"Boyd!" Allison yelled, catching the wolf's attention as she broke the seal. It was too late.

Boyd ripped his claws out of Scott's stomach, dropping him to the floor before he and Cora made a run for it. Kinsey quickly pulled Allison out of the way before they were trampled by the two escaping werewolves who only saw them like a sack of blood, not humans who could be hurt by them. The deprivation of three full moons on the werewolves had turned them into complete animals, prying on their animal characteristics until their only instinct was to kill anyone and anything that stood in their way. Derek stormed out of the vault, he headed straight towards the two girls, seeing red prepared to unleash hell as he gripped onto Allison's arm harshly, stood in her face. Even when Kinsey and Scott had warned him to get off of her he was ready to release some animal instincts of his own on the girl. Never had so much anger pulsated through his body as it did right now.

"What were you thinking?" Derek yelled in the girl's face, shoving her as he let her go. Allison wasn't even able to spit out an insult before Derek turned to Kinsey, he grabbed her by the shoulders. "What the hell are you doing here? We told you to stay out of this!" He seemed to have more anger in his tone towards Kinsey than he did Allison as he spat out his words, his grip was too strong on a girl whose strength might just be the only human thing that remained about her. She couldn't help but wince underneath his strength.

"I couldn't just sit back and do nothing!" Kinsey yelled back at him through her wincing until he had carelessly shoved her back too, loosening her before he did a lot worse than give her a strong shove. He'd heart family before, he could do it again, especially with how angry he was towards her and her impulsive decisions.

"They saved our lives," Scott argued for the girls.

"Yeah, and what do you think they're gonna do out there?" Derek argued back at the weak beta who had blood all over him, unfortunately, it was all his own as he placed pressure on his wounded stomach, trying to ignore the taste of the blood that lingered around his lips. The Alpha turned back to the huntresses. "Do you have any idea what you just set free?" It was clear that those words were made for Allison, she had set them free, and there wasn't a doubt in Derek's mind that she was the one to blame for it.

"You want to blame me?" Allison snarled at the wolf, yelling at the top of her lungs. This had been the moment she had been waiting for, she too was prepared to unleash hell. For months she had craved the moment where she could say whatever she wanted to the wolf and not be held back. All of the anger she'd built up since finding out what he had done to her mother, all the times she had trained in France, picturing his face as her target. "Well, I am not the one turning teenagers into killers."

"No. No, that's just the rest of your family."

"I've made mistakes," Allison admitted. "Gerard is not my fault."

"And what about your mother?"

Confusion spread across the faces of the two Argent's as they looked at the Alpha, they didn't quite understand what he meant by that. Victoria wasn't completely innocent either, she had been involved in hunting too, but she was the most innocent out of them all if not Kinsey, but even she had made her fair share of mistakes. Their eyes turned from Derek to Scott who stood quiet, his head bowed. He knew something.

"Scott," Kinsey mumbled. "What does he mean?"

Derek looked at the beta, telling him that they needed to know and that he needed to tell them. Allison's yelling had come to a stop. Her heartbeat pounding in her own ears as she looked at the beta asking him once again what Derek meant when he asked about her mother, what did the two of them know that she and Kinsey didn't?

He stormed away from the argument, prepared to leave the three in silence to figure out for themselves what the truth was about that night in the rave while he went to search for his beta that still remained missing. He had no interest in standing around listening to the relay of events from the night at the rave, he remembered it clearly, he had no regrets for that night, if he had to do it again, he would. And if the two ever asked him he would tell them that. Allison looked at her ex-boyfriend who remained unable to look back at her, she waited for an explanation that she felt as though she deserved now, even Derek couldn't argue that she deserved to know the truth about her mother. Kinsey on the other hand didn't want to hear it, at least not from Scott. Instead, she followed the Alpha who stormed away from the vault in search of the beta that she already knew the fate of. Her brown boots stamped loudly across the marble floor of the bank as she marched after him, if the anger she felt wasn't clear by her face it had to be clear by her walk.

Derek tried to ignore the girl who followed him and concentrate on looking for Erica, even if he had to search every dark corner in the entire building. He didn't have the ability to feel some kind of Alpha-Beta connection to her anymore, not since she had disowned him as her Alpha before her disappearance. He wasn't prepared to ask for her help since she was so determined in accompanying him, the two were too stubborn to help each other on a good day, let alone when both of their blood was boiling inside of them.

Eventually, after getting nowhere in finding Erica Derek stopped in the middle of the bank's entrance turning around to the girl who stopped, folding her arms as she looked up at him.

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be with Allison listening to Scott?"

"I don't want to hear it from Scott. I want to hear it from you." Kinsey insisted. "I don't want the softened down truth that he's going to give Allison. I want the cold, hard truth."

"No, no you don't." Derek shook his head.

"Not only do I want it, but I deserve it, Derek. So tell me. What do you know?"

"You should hear it from Scott." He reiterated it again.

Kinsey sighed, becoming more and more irritated with the Alpha in front of her. "Your my family and I want to hear it from you. I don't care if you don't see me as family, we are. And not even you can do something about that. So either tell me or somehow I'll do what I did to Isaac to you and dig it out of that stubborn head of yours myself." She finished her rant breathlessly, tears had begun forming in her eyes as she become desperate for answers and the truth, all she ever wanted was the truth. Her whole life had been conjured up by a web of lies that her mother had created, now she was gone she hoped her life could be different.

Derek looked at the girl unable to speak for a moment, it was rare he found himself at a loss for words, and it was even rarer he found himself feeling sympathy. He had seen tears in the girl's eyes a few times, but this was the first time he felt as though it was his fault, and it was like hurting his little sister. He didn't see her as just Kinsey right now, or even a cousin, Peter's daughter, like he had told her that night in the graveyard, she reminded him of Cora and that was still true now. She was still someone he found himself wanting to protect for some reason. That was why at this moment he had an overwhelming urge to pull the girl into his chest for the first and last hug that she would ever receive from him as he told her what had happened that night, the truth that she had asked for. A softened, but honest, version of events, she didn't deserve to have it spat out at her in anger.


The brunette girl stood between Scott and Derek as they all looked around them, analyzing the preserve. Scott had already managed to find and lose Boyd since they had all gotten out here, Cora was still yet to be seen by any of them in the large woods. After that hiccup the three had made the executive decision to stick together, they needed all the strength they could get to fight against the two bloodthirsty werewolves, whenever they managed to find them. Neither Scott nor Derek had expected the five-foot-five girl to be able to help much in their search, she couldn't keep up with their speed but what she did have was a bag of weapons thrown over her shoulder to help them if it came to that point. Together the three had continued their search, running through the woods as fast as their legs could carry them, hoping to catch the wolves before they reached the edge of the preserve. Kinsey had abruptly stopped when she had noticed a set of tracks in the mood, it was the first clue they'd had so far as to the direction that the two rabid wolves were heading. Until now all of their faith was placed in Derek and Scott's senses. It wasn't the most convenient option but it was all that they had.

"Do you think it's them?" Kinsey asked the Alpha as she looked down at the prints in the wet mud. She may have been able to catch up with their speed, though it was surely taking everything out of her. This was like one long and horrendous track practice, but even if she was significantly faster than the average, non-huntress, track running human, she didn't have all the other senses that every other Hale seemed lucky enough to inherit.

"We're not the only ones who decided to stick together."

"Is that gonna make it easier or harder to catch them?" Scott asked.

"I don't know." Derek admitted.

With a sigh, Scott stood up from his kneeled position in front of the tracks. "Derek. I saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart. Are they gonna do that to everyone they find?"

"Everyone and anyone." He deadpanned before walking away to continue their search. Kinsey and Scott shared a worried look with one another before following him.

The three had been running side by side once again, trying to follow the direction of the tracks until Derek stretched his arm out in front of his cousin stopping her in her tracks, he paused for a moment seemingly listening to something before making a sharp right turn and running towards whatever had caught his attention. Neither Kinsey nor Scott stopped to ask any questions, they simply continued to run after him hoping that wherever he was going would lead them to at least one of the werewolves ready to attack the entire town. They'd been running a while before a sudden rush of adrenaline had begun within the two wolves she accompanied, both of them beginning to run faster than she was able to keep up with. When she had finally reached them Scott was lunging towards Cora, jumping over someone kneeled to the ground, kicking her to the floor with his foot in her chest giving both Derek and the boy who had been kneeling downtime to gather around the female wolf as she growled at them with her glowing golden eyes piercing through the darkness.

Cora snarled at Derek before rushing off into the darkness again with Derek and Scott following after her. The third wolf figure turned around, walking towards the girl who stood hunched over as she tried to catch her breath. Only when he was inches in front of her and her eyes had focused again was she able to see that it was Isaac who stood over her with a concerned look across his face. He couldn't believe that she was actually trying to keep up with two wolves, or that she had actually dared to come out here when everyone, including himself, had warned and banned her from doing so. She really did have the Hale attitude. Breathlessly, Kinsey told the beta to keep up with Scott, Derek and Cora, once she caught her breath she would be back on their tails, she just needed a few more minutes to breathe.

Though he wasn't comfortable with leaving her, he agreed before running in the direction that the three wolves had run in just a few seconds ago. Kinsey pulled herself back up, taking another deep breath, she could feel a stare on her as she turned to look on her right she noticed that a girl had been standing watching them the entire time. She couldn't have been any older than Kinsey herself, but she did look terrified, and rightly so. With her hands wearily raised, assuring the girl that she wasn't going to cause any harm Kinsey stepped closer.

"Are you okay?" Kinsey asked softly.

"What?" The girl asked with a shaky voice.

"Are you all right?" She asked again, attempting to step closer. The girl was clearly staring at her eyes, waiting to see if they would turn a glowing yellow or red like she had just seen on the other four people, but when she had seen that they were still a normal, soft chocolate brown she felt a lot more comfortable. She nodded as a reply though her face told them she was far from all right. "You need to get out of here, okay? Get out of the woods. Get out of here as fast as you can." Kinsey insisted before she began running in the direction that the four wolves had.

The brunette ran slightly before coming to another abrupt stop, something told her to look back over her shoulder where she saw the girl was still watching her. Kinsey shouted for her to go once again, watching as she actually followed their instructions this time and began to run in the opposite direction to the one she and the wolves were going to be running in. When she had reunited with the three wolves they were all standing around, clearly, they had lost Cora, but Scott was standing a few feet away holding his phone to his ear with his jaw slacked while Derek and Isaac listened in. She had only been able to catch the end of the conversation where Scott asked whoever he was talking to on the phone to confirm that it was Boyd and Cora as he walked back towards them. Though she didn't know the details she assumed that it couldn't mean something good, she dreaded what the two of them had done while under the influence of the full moon after being deprived of it for so long.

"This doesn't make any sense." Derek shook his head. "The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there."

"Derek, they killed someone." Scott deadpanned.

"How are they moving so fast?"


"They can't be that fast on foot."

"They killed someone." Scott reiterated. "Some totally innocent kid is dead. And it's our fault."

"It's my fault." The Alpha corrected.

"We need help."

Derek pointed towards Kinsey and Isaac, questioning what the two of them were supposed to be if not help. Isaac had all the senses that they did, Kinsey had the training of a huntress, though her selection of weapons was limited, it had to be enough, what else did they need?

"I meant real help." Scott deadpanned, the two "not real" help clearly offended by his statement as they looked at him with a raised brow. "They're too fast for us, for all of us. They're too strong, too rabid." He continued to explain, his stare lingering over the brunette who was obviously the weakest out of the group, the least able to fight, and clearly Scott's biggest worry right now. He was surprised that she was still here after finding out what had happened with him and her aunt, Allison certainly hadn't taken it so well, she had disappeared from the bank without a word to any of them. Kinsey included. All of the healing she had done, all of the grieving just to be put back to square one in less than a week of being back in Beacon Hills.

"We'll catch them."

"What happens if we do?" Isaac questioned. "We're just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"

Derek sighed, obviously about to say something bad that none of them would want to agree with, it was his job, he always provided the negative twist, Scott always provided the positive. They were Beacon Hills's very own yin yang. He suggested that it would be easier just to kill them, even if it were his own beta and sister that he was talking about, he couldn't see any other way. He had lost hope already, so early into the night. Kinsey scoffed in disbelief, she held a very strong opinion against that option, they had tried too hard to find and save Boyd to give up now. Scott agreed with the brunette girl, they had come too far and it wasn't the right thing to do.

"What if it's the only thing to do?" Isaac questioned again, looking around the group. "If we can't even catch them what else do we do?"

"Find someone who knows's what they're doing." Kinsey insisted.

"Who?" Derek asked, his voice showing he clearly dreaded the answer.

"Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves. With real experience."

She already had a person in mind, the only problem was getting him to help. He already hated the werewolves she stood with, all werewolves in general, so getting him to help said wolves would be a challenge. But even more so if he found out his niece who he had told not to get mixed in with werewolf business was there too, she would be shipped off immediately. So if they got her uncle to help, she couldn't be part of that help, at least not their end of it.

Though she didn't tell any of the wolves, she made a plan. While they find her uncle Chris, who if she made out the time correctly would be doing the weekly grocery shopping right now she would find Allison, if she managed to convince Allison to help, the two would split apart from the rest of the group to find Cora and Boyd on their own. Of course, she wasn't going to tell any of them her plan, they would ban her from helping once again, and Derek would never accept help from Allison knowingly. If her plan was going to work, it would be done from the shadows.

A nervous Scott walked across the parking lot outside the local supermarket where Kinsey had suggested they might find her uncle, the Argents lived a very strict, scheduled lifestyle which Kinsey had never been so grateful for. It made locating her uncle easy at any time of day or the week. While the beta waited patiently to find the hunter himself Isaac and Derek sat in the car a few feet away, close enough to watch, but not to be seen.

He couldn't help but think about the Alpha pack, Cora and Boyd while he had the time to wait and think in silence, what it would mean for all of them. Though Derek nor Kinsey had shared much with him about the Alpha pack, what was clear was that they were here for a reason, and he dreaded that reason with every ounce of his body. He tried to take his mind off the thought, but the first place it had gone was to Allison, which right now, was still a sore subject. The lack of words that had come out of her mouth when he told her about that night hadn't filled him with much hope for their future, she was left speechless, which was understandable, but not only had she lacked words but she had lacked emotion. That wasn't the Allison that he knew.

Scott had gotten so caught up in his thoughts that he had forgotten the purpose of being stood in the parking lot. Argent. When Scott looked up he noticed that Argent had walked straight past them and to his car. He began rushing after the man who stood at the trunk of his SUV, poorly trying to shove his grocery bags in the trunk with one hand, it wasn't much of a surprise when he dropped one of them on the floor. Scott stopped behind the man, waiting for him to turn rather than announcing their presence. Which turned out to be a mistake. As soon as the hunter had shut his trunk he had whipped around with a gun raised to his head. The wolf had frozen for a moment before mumbling a simple greeting of "Hi" while staring into the barrel of a gun it was all that he managed to spit out.

"Do you think this is going to work?" Isaac asked the Alpha he sat beside, sunk in his seat hoping to hide from the hunter that they were watching. Argent made him nervous any day, but while he was sleeping with his niece, he scared him a lot more.

"Nope." Derek deadpanned. Kinsey came up with the idea of asking Argent, and Scott had agreed to it, so no, of course, he didn't think it would work. He had no faith in either of them.

"Me neither." The beta admitted. "But don't tell Kinsey that."

The silence resumed in the Camaro as they both watched Scott and Argent's mouth move, they weren't able to hear them from this distance, all they could do was read their body language and try to read their lips too, which even with enhanced eyesight wasn't easy. Isaac had jumped in his skin when he saw the hunter whip around with his gun in hand, pointing it at Scott. If he was prepared to do that to Scott, who had knowingly dated Allison, what would he do to him who was secretly hooking up with his niece? Scott had been lucky that the man hadn't pulled the trigger, but he couldn't be so sure he would receive that same kind of luck.

Hoping to ease his nerves Isaac cleared his throat, thinking of something to make conversation with Derek, he didn't know why he even bothered, he was terrible at small talk, Kinsey had warned him of that when they had started doing what they had been doing. Because she had warned him a million times not to attempt making small talk around Derek or Peter, and he didn't know just how bad he was until it had already slipped out.

"So your, uh... your sister," Isaac mumbled. It was the first thing to come across his mind, at first he thought it would be a good thing to put the scent off of him and Kinsey, but then he realized using Derek's sister had to be much, much worse than using his cousin.

Derek looked at the wolf with raised eyebrows, questioning if he really dared to go there. As soon as Isaac had seen that look on Derek's face he tried to retreat.

"Sorry, yeah, it's... It's bad timing. I'm sorry." He quickly blurted out, Derek turned his head back to look at Scott and the hunter. "I'll ask later. It's fine." Derek turned his head again, his brows raised higher than the time before, Isaac was just a few more words from getting himself killed, and not by the hunter he was so scared of. "Or never. Yeah, yeah, I'm good with never."

Derek nodded in agreement, never was very good. Isaac sunk lower into his seat, never had he felt so much embarrassment, and never again would he try to make small talk with Derek, or any other Hale, or anyone at all. He knew to listen to Kinsey's warnings from now on, never would he second guess anything she said, including this, waiting for her uncle to agree to help a group of werewolves who he hated. If she had faith in Argent then he had too also, maybe it would be the thing that stopped him from getting killed tonight.

"Anyway" Derek spoke up, it had been the first time he'd spoken since Scott had left the car half an hour ago. Even just that one word had caused Isaac to jump in his skin again, he had become so accustomed to the awkward silence even in those few seconds. "I think one Hale is more than enough to keep you satisfied. Don't you?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Isaac nodded in agreement, strongly. He hadn't even thought before answering the question. "I mean, Kinsey's great." He continued to blurt out as he kept his eyes on Scott and Argent, he hadn't thought to turn and look at the Alpha who sat staring at him, at least his suspicion had been confirmed. It had only taken an entire summer for him to get it out of one of them, which considering Isaac, was impressive for them. As soon as Isaac had realized his mistake his face had dropped, quickly turning to look at Derek with horror. "I- I mean, she's a great friend. Really great. So great. We're really good- How did you know?"

"A few reasons," Derek admitted. "You're a terrible liar. Kinsey can't conceal her smell, and neither can you." He continued, that seemed like more than enough reasoning for Isaac, he had thought he had gotten a hang of controlling the scent that his emotions let off, apparently not. But Derek's reasoning didn't stop there, he had one more, frankly, it had been the one that made him come to the realization, until then he thought that the two just had awkward teenage crushes on one another. Like Kinsey and Stiles. "And the condom wrappers I found in the bottom of my trash can." Derek finished, leaving the beta's face a bright shade of red.

Isaac stammered for words, none seemed fitting. None of them would get them out of this situation, he had really messed up. Kinsey was going to kill him. If Derek didn't beat her to it. Or Peter. Peter. Oh, he was so dead.

"Does- Does Peter know?"

"If he has any common sense, yeah. But luckily for you, I think he lost that when we set him on fire." Derek deadpanned, still showing no remorse for killing Peter. "If I were you, I'd keep it that way. Sleeping with his only daughter and keeping it a secret? I didn't think you had it in you."

Scott continued to stare into the barrel of the gun as Argent continued to hold it up at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he asked why it was still pointed at him, he had already explained why he was here, why he needed his help, and everything else he could about what they had gotten themselves into tonight. As long as it didn't mention Kinsey or Allison Scott had told him absolutely everything there was for him to know, he had no other choice. They were desperate for his help, they needed at least one hunter on their side tonight. Preferably, the one with more experience, even Kinsey admitted she wasn't the best choice.

Argent looked at the gun still in his hand. "There's probably still some part of me that wants to shoot you," He answered honestly.

"I get that." Scott nodded with a shrug. Maybe he even deserved it a little.

Argent sighed as he finally lowered the gun, placing it in his back pocket before he finally stepped closer to them rather than keeping them at arm's length like he had been when holding the gun to their heads. But him stepping closer only made the girl more nervous.

"Look, I watched my father brainwash my daughter, almost turn her into a killer. That world, your world decimated mine. My wife, niece, sister, father, my entire family. Why would I ever step foot in it again?" Argent asked, making a good point. Even Scott had to admit that.

"Because people are going to die." Scott deadpanned. "And because you know how to catch Boyd and Cora without killing them."

"I'm sorry. I can't help you." Chris shook his head, a tinge of guilt in his eyes.

The car park was illuminated by the lights of police cruisers and ambulances where a group of deputies stood around a gurney containing a body bag, Scott watched as the man's face dropped as he looked at the black body bag, he didn't have to imply that whoever was in that bag was in there because of Cora and Boyd, it seemed pretty obvious. But the thing that had pulled on his heartstrings just like he had hoped was the parents of the young teen in the body bag stood beside it, holding onto their chests with tears streaming down their eyes as Sheriff Stilinski gave them the news. He knew that as Chris looked at that scene he would be able to resonate with it, for many reasons, not only had he had to receive the news of his sister and wife being dead, but he could picture if he was ever that parent standing beside a body bag that held his child or even Kinsey. If it were him, if he was the one not involved in the world that he was now, he could be the one standing in their position losing a child or a niece who felt like just as much of a daughter to him as his actual daughter. Scott sat patiently watching as he struggled to tear his eyes away from the sight of those parents.

"Thanks for the ride." Scott broke the silence, placing her hand on the door handle but before she had gotten the chance to step out of the car Chris had placed a hand on her arm to stop her as he kept his eyes on the body bag.

"They did this? Boyd and..."


With another moment of consideration Argent turned to look at the wolf in the back seat of his SUV. "Where's the last place you saw them?"

Argent dropped a black duffel bag on the ground, its weight thudding against the pile of autumn leaves, right in the center of the circle that had been created by the hunter and the three wolves who accompanied him, all of them sharing the same motive once again. The last time they had been in this situation had been the night that they fought against Gerard and the Kanima. Now, their motive was to catch Cora and Boyd before they had the chance to kill another innocent person. Scott kneeled down by a set of prints that were left by the two wolves while Isaac leaned against a tree, he tried to keep a fair distance between himself and Derek, as well as the hunter who had agreed to help them tonight. Now that Derek knew about him and Kinsey he couldn't be so sure that their secret would stay a secret for much longer, he dreaded when he next saw the girl, when she found out her reaction was bound to be bad. Worse than anything he'd ever seen from her.

"You're tracking them by print?" Chris asked as he kneeled down, meeting Scott's height.

Scott nodded, and somewhat corrected the man as he told them that was what they had been trying to do. He wanted to tell the hunter how hard it had been trying to track prints since losing the skills of his niece, he and the other two werewolves weren't so skilled, they were the kind to leave the tracks behind not follow them.

"Well, then you've been wasting your time." The hunter admitted. "There's only one creature on Earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man. And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is Body's and these..."

"Are Cora's." A confident Isaac finished his sentence. He liked to think that with all the time he had spent with a huntress trained just like him he knew a few things, of course, he was wrong. He had learned nothing from his niece, at least not to do with hunting.

"Nope. They're yours." The man corrected with slight humor lacing his tone. Isaac looked at his shows with a curled lip struggling to see how the prints on the floor were his, they seemed a lot smaller than his own shoe size. If they weren't Cora's his second guess would have been that they belonged to Kinsey, anyone but his own. "You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here," Chris informed them as he stood up again. "Look, I know the three of you are focusing half of your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that's put you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora who have fully given in. They put the pedal to the floor while you three are barely hitting the speed limit." He continued to explain.

Derek folded his arms as he asked what they were supposed to do if Isaac, and probably him and Scott had soiled all of the tracks that were left behind by the other two wolves. Argent told them to focus on their sense of smell. Actual wolves were known to track their prey by up to 100 miles a day by scent. Which means that they could draw the wolves to them, or into a trap.

Brilliant moonbeams shone down on the two girls, slicing through the trees like a sharp blade. The younger brunette pulled out a blade of her own, spinning the dagger around the tip of her index finger as the moon's glow gently caressed her olive skin. While picking up Allison from the apartment she had the chance to change into more appropriate clothing for hunting down a pair of wolves through the preserve, as well as pick up some extra weapons, more than the ones that she had lying around in her car. She was surprised that convincing Allison had been so easy, but under the girl's anger towards what she had found out tonight she could see that Kinsey needed help, and well, she had walked into that abandoned bank tonight with the intention of the two wolves getting out alive so that she could try and redeem herself and being involved in Kinsey's plan was another chance for her to do that, away from Derek and their inability not to argue with each other.

Kinsey placed the end of the blade on her wrist, pricking her skin until drops of blood landed on the autumn leaves at their feet, with it, they hoped to draw the two rabid werewolves to the school, they would be able to smell it for miles. If their plan worked, they would be able to trap them there until sunrise. As the young brunette stood up letting her blood start the trail Allison set up a tripwire to give them an idea of where the two wolves were while on their way to the school, once it was stable and complete she too stood up, pulling her crossbow and arrows onto her back. The two donned a pair of IR glasses, scanning the woods around them for the high heat signature of the two wolves, with the full moon they could depend on it being higher than normal.

Once they had confirmed the coast was clear, they began to move. Every so often the two would stop, kneeling down to track the two wolves, hoping that they had begun following the trail of blood that they have left them. Though under the influence of the moon, and though they pried on their animal instincts tonight more than ever, underneath them were two intelligent human beings who were smart enough to know how to cover their tracks. But not smart enough that two intelligent huntresses couldn't find their way around it.

Argent continued to explain as he threw a netted trap into Scott's arms, but his explanation didn't stop there, he knew for this to work he had to be thorough, and for that the three wolves were grateful. He explained that the full moon gave the advantage of Cora and Boyd having a higher heat signature which made them easier to spot with infrared, he offered a pair of heat goggles to Derek and Isaac before they insisted that they had their own to use- their eyes.

"Remember, we're not hunting wild animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to make their scent, cover their tracks, how to survive." Chris continued to teach the three wolves, unaware that just a few miles away on the same preserve his daughter and niece were using the exact techniques he was talking about, the ones he had taught them too. The four moved to stand on lookout point, looking into the sea of lights that Beacon Hills created this late at night, their advantage point. "When's the last time you saw your sister?" He asked as he turned to look at the Alpha of the group.

"Not in years." Derek shook his head. "We thought she died in the fire."

"Do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?" He asked but Derek shook his head again. He had only caught a glimpse of his sister for a few moments when they were in the vault, and all of their scents had been masked by an array of blood mixing together as it spilled on the floor, and before he knew it his sister was running out of the vault after being released by another hunter. Chris turned to the next person he knew, the one with the second-best experience, Isaac was their last resort, he barely knew the boy's name but he knew he hadn't been a werewolf as long as the other two who stood with them. "Scott, how confident are you in your skills?"

Scott admitted that most of the time he was trying to think of all the things that he could smell, he was sure that he could smell a mixture of Allison's perfume and Kinsey's blood as he stood looking out over Beacon Hills, but that couldn't be possible. He knew the two used to come up to lookout point often before the summer, there was a chance that their scent had been left here even after all of that time. Chris felt a little more hopeful about their chances of finding the two wolves and keeping them alive if Scott seemed so sure of his senses, but he couldn't be entirely confident. They still had a problem; when the two werewolves breached the woods and hit the residential area. Once they had passed the high school the two would be right in the middle of Beacon Hills, and then, then is when they had truly reached the height of their problems.

"They're not gonna kill everything they see, are they?" Isaac hesitantly asked.

"No," Chris answered simply. "But there is an important difference to recognize. Wolves hunt for food. At a certain point, they get full. Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, for some primal apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. Who knows when that need gets satiated."

Scott stated once again, in case it wasn't clear, that none of them could kill the two wolves. Not only had he said it a million times but even Kinsey had made it clear that they couldn't kill them, and he didn't have to ask if the other two were worried about what she would do if they dared to hurt either of the two wolves. She could be terrifying when she wanted to be. She was a Hale. Despite wondering what the young girl might do to them Derek suggested once again that they may not be able to catch Cora and Boyd who, tonight, was a lot stronger than they were. He had many doubts about them being able to make it through the night without having to kill either of the wolves, whether that would be his sister or his own beta.

But there was a hunter amongst them. One who had taught two teenage girls everything that they needed to know, his hunter brain was almost identical to theirs, meaning that their idea to contain the two werewolves, was the exact same as what he had come up with. After Chris's suggestion, the five devised a plan to lead the two blood-thirsty werewolves to the school which they presumed would be empty at this time of the night. And it was probably the best place to contain two wolves on a full moon with its boiler room that was blocked off by a steel door and no windows for the light emitting from the moon to hit them. Exactly where Kinsey and Allison had already begun leading them to with Kinsey's blood. That was the difference between the two teenage girls and Chris, he had a lot more equipment than they did.

From then it was time to kick start the hunting into full gear, Chris kneeled down pulling out a series of ultrasonic emitters, placing the first of many deep into the ground as he explained their purpose, to release a sound that would pull Boyd and Cora in the direction they desired. Of course, Chris loved to give a thorough explanation which with his equipment included a demonstration, he pressed down the button at the top of the emitter, to him there was nothing but silence but the three wolves surrounding him all placed their hands over their ears as they grunted in pain. The hunter would have been lying if he said he didn't take some slight joy in watching that. Once the three had recovered from the sound that pierced their ears they stood at the trunk of the SUV waiting for Chris to hand them two of the emitters each as he left what happened once Cora and Boyd got to the school up to them. But that seemed like something that couldn't be planned, more of a spur-of-the-moment thing.

Isaac had suggested that they stop and rethink the plan so that it ended in them just killing the two wolves, he really was Derek's beta, but of course, that hadn't settled well with Scott and it definitely wouldn't settle well with Kinsey. If he told her that he was prepared to kill the two wolves as well as that he had failed in keeping their secret from Derek he could guarantee that the two of them would never happen again. Scott reassured the wolf that the plan would work before he looked to Derek who seemed just as unsure as the rest of them about this plan as Isaac did, he repeated once again that the plan would work, but the more he said it the less sure he become. He wanted to save everyone, but maybe that wasn't always possible.

All four of them split up with their share of emitters, beginning to place them in every possible place whether it was dug into the ground or even up above in the trees, all of them headed in the direction of the school, along with Kinsey's blood leading the two wolves to the school was inevitable. It didn't take long for Scott to reach the school, he had been the one who raced ahead while Isaac and Derek created the track behind him. Scott took a moment to look at the school, it seemed empty like they had hoped for, for once things seemed to be going right.

Derek shoved his last emitter into the ground.

"And the hunted becomes the hunter." A voice came from a few feet away. He didn't have to look to know it was his uncle lurking in the shadows, he could assume that the man had come to find his daughter who was supposed to be under his supervision tonight, clearly, it had failed in that. "You really think a few high-tech dog whistles are gonna help?" Peter scoffed.

With a roll of the eyes, Derek stood up, turning to the man who lurked behind him. He didn't know why he was even going to entertain him with a conversation, he felt as though the two of them had talked more than enough lately. "I don't see you offering a hand."

Peter finally pulled himself out of the shadows as he walked closer to his nephew, his hands behind his back. "Personally, I'm trying to cut down on futile endeavors. And well, it appears that I have a particularly disobedient daughter. I guess that's karma." The wolf shrugged.

"Cora's alive."

"I heard." Peter nodded, he didn't quite care about the status of his niece. But still, he chose to humor the situation, it was his nature to make sure that everyone hated him that little more with every single interaction. "Let's throw the reunion party when she's not an unstoppable killing machine." He suggested.

Derek insisted that he could stop her, both of them actually, for once he sounded hopeful, but that was the effect of being around a teenager who had an endless amount of optimism and well, a persistent cousin who refused to believe that things would go wrong, that she could stop anything from going wrong if she tried hard enough. The two had clearly begun rubbing off on him. It appeared that Kinsey's persistence however hadn't rubbed off on her father who was adamant that the only way to stop both his niece and the other wolf was by killing them, that was the mentality of a Hale, some things never wore off. He pointed out that the entire reason everyone was out chasing them was because it was exactly what Deucalion wanted, a little exercise that he had created before Derek inevitably killed them both. Then, his baggage would be handled and he would be free to join the Alpha pack, it was obvious that was what he was here for, what else would the Alpha of Alphas want with a town like this? Derek was the last of the Alphas that remained in this town, once he had him he would be off to the next town that bred werewolves out of every possible teenager in sight. Peter reassured his nephew that even if Deucalion's intentions had been for the two to die in the vault his plan didn't change when they had ended up chasing them through a preserve. The end goal remained the same, it just meant that Cora and Boyd would have to kill a few innocent people in the process.

"And I should just let them?" Derek asked his uncle who liked to think he was so wise. "I should be okay with innocent people dying?"

"Unless you're okay killing your own."

"I can catch them," Derek told himself again.

"Oh, come on. How much damage can they do? So they off a few homeless people, a drunk stumbling out of a bare too late. So what? Let Scott deal with it. Let him be the hero of his morally black and white world. The real survivors, you and I, we live in shades of gray. Then again, even if you did kill them, you're still an Alpha." Peter shrugged. He kneeled down to the emitter his nephew had placed into the ground, pressing down the top until it released that awful sound that made their hairs stand tall. "You can always make more werewolves. I happen to think that a particular human Hale heir would make an excellent werewolf."

Scott and Isaac swung open the main door of the school, staring down a seemingly endless dark corridor that in a few minutes they hoped to be chasing two other werewolves down. The two split up, running to every other entrance of the school to swing those doors open too, Cora and Boyd could come from any direction of the preserve, they needed to be prepared for whichever route they chose to take. While Isaac continued running around the outside of the school to check all of the doors Scott had stopped when he saw Argent shoving the final emitter into the ground. He had been staring up at the sky, watching the small glow that flew around him in the sky. When he felt the wolf beside him he asked a simple question, seemingly too simple, he asked Scott whether he knew what it was.

At first, the wolf hadn't understood the depth of his question as he pointed out that it was a firefly, for someone who owned a bestiary full of supernatural creatures he expected that the man would know what a little glowing bug was. But that wasn't why Chris had asked it, he told the wolf that California's fireflies didn't glow, Scott asked if that meant something considering the uneasy look on the hunter's face but before he could answer they had already begun to hear howling in the distance, slowly edging closer to them.

As the howling of the two wolves passed through everyone's ears they all stood tall, preparing themselves for the fight that would be getting them into the boiler room, with only four of them it wouldn't be an easy fight, but it was their only option if they didn't want anyone else to die.

"Allison," Kinsey shouted the girl's name as stood on top of one of the school buses. "It's time."

Kinsey picked up the crossbow that she had left at her feet, placing an arrow in it ready while Allison rushed to join her at the top of the bus, that was their vantage point, she too held a crossbow ready for when they caught a glimpse of the two werewolves no matter what entrance they decided to take, they just hoped it would be the one they positioned themself by.

Chris, Scott, Derek, and Isaac reunited after Cora and Boyd had gotten around them, rather than going through the school they had gone over it, temporarily putting a pin in their plan. The hunter of the group instructed that someone had to get the red doors open, and in a flash, Derek was gone to fulfill the task but someone still had to drive them inside. Chris had volunteered for the job as he held up his weapon of choice, a few thousand volts of electricity were sure to stop them until sunrise. But Isaac had volunteered himself in conjunction, insisting he was faster, he hadn't given the hunter time to object before he was running away to find the two wolves.

As soon as Cora and Boyd had jumped down from the roof they had landed themselves right where Kinsey and Allison wanted them. Immediately, the two huntresses began firing flash-bang arrows at the ground around them. With all of the arrows flying at them, it didn't take long for the two rabid wolves to become disoriented as they tried to shield their eyes from the light that came from the arrows. Eventually, the two had no other choice but to run for cover inside of the school, running through the entrance directly behind them. As soon as they were over the threshold of the doors it was shut behind them before being jammed by Isaac.

Kinsey and Allison stood tall, slightly amazed, but proud of their achievement as they looked down at the wolf who was making sure the door was extra secure. He hadn't known how Cora and Boyd had gotten into the school so easily, he was expecting more of a fight. He hadn't known until he turned to see the two huntresses standing on top of the bus with their arrows in hand. Allison's face had dropped when she saw Isaac, she knew he was here with her father, she couldn't trust him not to tell him what they had done. Not only had Kinsey kept some details of her plan quiet from the group of wolves, but Allison too, she needed everyone to agree and she had known how to do it. The older brunette quickly rushed off as she picked up her duffel bag of weapons, prepared to rush back to the car so they could get home before Chris would return and notice that they weren't at home and tucked in bed.

But Kinsey stayed for a moment as she looked at the beta who stared up at her. With a smile across her lips, she placed a finger over them before rushing off after Allison. He should have known that she wouldn't have gone home and waited for all of this to be over, of course, she would find a way to get herself involved, even if it meant going behind their backs.

When the brunette finally caught up with Allison she was hurriedly throwing their weapons into the back of her car, hoping that Kinsey would hurry up so that they could be well out of the vicinity of the school before Chris decided that his work with the werewolves was complete.

"Kins, hurry up! We need to go."

"You go." Kinsey insisted. "I'm seeing this through."

Allison tried to argue, but she hadn't gotten even a word out before Kinsey had insisted that she leave, she wasn't leaving herself until she knew everyone was safe and alive. She had made this plan and until it was complete and successful she wasn't prepared to go anywhere, even if it meant her uncle finding out she had been a part of it all along. He couldn't take back the help that he had already given them, what would he do, run Cora and Boyd back out of the boiler room and into the preserve again?

Though the older brunette remained unsure, she knew that this argument was useless against Kinsey, nobody would convince her to leave without making sure that everyone was safe and alive, it was all she wanted from tonight. Even she wouldn't be able to appeal to Kinsey when she had her heart set on something. Allison reminded herself that Kinsey was capable, she was a skilled hunter, potentially even more than her, even without all of the extra training that she had received from her father during the summer. Kinsey was smart, capable, careful, and for that, she knew that she could make it just that little longer until sunrise without being killed or caught. Still, she warned the girl one more time before getting into the car, watching her as she rushed towards the school with her ring dagger gripped tightly, ready for the worst to happen.

Kinsey ran through the halls of the school, her head whipping to look down every turn for anyone, whether it be a rabid wolf or simply one just trying to resist their own urges of the full moon. The school was too quiet for a place where wolves were meant to be hiding, but she hoped that was a sign that Cora and Boyd had been led and locked into the boiler room already and were now just waiting until the sun rose in no more than 20 minutes. She continued running towards the boiling room, hoping to find everyone there until her arm was grabbed from behind, spinning her around until she had collided with their chest, the ring dagger in her hand almost cutting them. Kinsey was so out of breath she hadn't been able to speak for a moment, but she hadn't needed to, she knew exactly where she was and whose chest she was resting her head on, it was very familiar to her now.

"What happened to stay out of this?" Isaac asked as he allowed the girl to stay there for a moment. "You're an idiot for doing this, you know that right?"

The brunette girl quickly raised her head to look at him with a furrowed brow questioning if he had seriously called her an idiot, once again, he had noticed his mistake when he saw that Hale look, he had already seen plenty of that look tonight from Derek. They all had it. It must have been something that was passed through their genes. He hadn't meant to call her an idiot, he just wanted her to know how dangerous it was for her and Allison to do what they'd done. Even if they had needed their help, he still thought her impulsiveness was idiotic. Though he knew not to word it that way to her anymore.

"It worked didn't it?" Kinsey asked with a smile, but he still didn't seem impressed by her decision. "Look, I know it was stupid, but I also know what I'm doing. But this is just gonna have to be yet another thing we keep between us."

Isaac's face immediately began blushing again at the mention of a secret, he knew that he had to confess at some point, he hadn't planned on doing it tonight. But in the midst of everything happening tonight he felt as though it was the time. Maybe it was the full moon having its own effect on him, making him stronger and more impulsive, even more, impulsive than Kinsey, but he felt as though he was able to do it now, and if she tried to fight him for it, he would have a lot more strength than her. Even with that ring dagger in her hand that he almost got stabbed with, he remembered that pain from when Allison had stabbed him with it multiple times.

By the look on his face, Kinsey had been able to tell that something wasn't good as she nervously asked him what had happened, her first thought had been that he mentioned her being at the bank or at the loft helping them to Chris. But his explanation had been much much worse as he ran through his conversation with Derek, how he had tried to make small talk even though she'd told him not to, how he had even mentioned Cora, which was bound to be brought up in the future conversations, and how Derek had known a lot longer than tonight, he had just kept his mouth shut. Which frankly, was the most shocking thing about what he had told them.

Despite how calm Issac had tried to be in telling her, how many times he apologized for messing up Kinsey couldn't help but worry what the domino effect of Derek knowing would be, she wasn't sure she was ready for more people to know. How would she explain it? The two of them hadn't even talked about what they were if they were even anything more than meaningless hook-ups. For the first however many times she had tried to convince herself that that was all it was, to get them both through the summer, but there was only so long she could keep up the facade. But she had to know he felt that way too, she wouldn't let herself get hurt. She had been through her fair share of pain, enough to last a lifetime.

She was about to ask him that dreaded question that every situationship like this dreaded, the what are we question, but she was distracted by the feeling of a warm glow across her face. Rather than looking towards the light she had looked at Isaac who towered over her, she could see as the sunlight shone on his ocean blue eyes, illuminating them, it did the same to hers as he stared into them, revealing the honey color underneath what usually appeared a dark chocolate brown. He could remember the first time he had seen it, how mesmerized she had been by it, that was the first time he had felt more than just the strange sensations of butterflies in his stomach but a lot more. That was when he realized that he wanted more, but until he knew how she felt, he didn't want to complicate things, if pretending as if they had nothing was how he got to keep her close then he was prepared to do that.

"The sun's coming up," Isaac mumbled, turning to look at the window that had allowed the small crack of light to shine on such beautiful eyes. Kinsey smiled at him, they had made it through the night, alive. "Scott! The sun's coming up!" The wolf yelled before the two of them had begun rushing towards the boiling room again like they had been doing until getting caught up in conversation with one another.

Isaac opened the door that lead to the boiler room, at the bottom of the staircase, right outside of the boiler room stood Scott, he gave them both a weary look as he stared back up at them. Their first question had been where Derek was if not with him, though it had never made it out of their mouths. It hadn't had the chance when Kinsey was already running down the stairs fast enough that she almost tripped over her own feet. Scott helped her open the steel door of the boiler room, he was prepared to go in first, after all, he had heard what had been going on in there before and after Derek had run in to save whoever was creating the third heartbeat inside. Yet again, he hadn't had the chance, Kinsey had already shoved him out of the way as she began shouting the Alphas name hoping that he was still alive.

"Derek!" Her cracking voice echoed through the steel room.

"Kinsey!" Isaac's voice followed after her as he too rushed down the stairs, shoving past Scott before he had had a chance to process following after the huntress. Only when Isaac had slid past him and into the boiler room had he finally had a chance to catch up with them, rushing in after the two of them, following the sounds of their shouting through the darkness.

Both of the wolf's feet had fallen beneath them as they stopped beside Kinsey as she stared down at Derek. His shirt was ripped to shreds, his chest clawed, bleeding as well as most of his body. Either side of him lay one of the betas who had fought their way through the full moon, now they had nothing left in them. Both were passed out on the cement floor, sure not to wake up for what remained of the day that had only just begun for normal people.

Derek looked up to meet the three concerned faces, none of the three teenagers knew what to do or what to say to him, he looked a mess. They weren't sure if all of the blood was his own or if part of it was the two betas too, they weren't sure if he had tried to fight back before the two had ended up unconscious on the floor like they were now. The Alpha breathed heavily as he tried to build up the strength to string a sentence together. When he finally had he told them that the third heartbeat that he and Scott had heard belonged to a teacher, he would take care of her, but in the meantime, Cora and Boyd needed to be taken out of here.

None of the three objected to his orders. Scott walked towards Boyd, prepared to have to carry him to Derek's loft alone while Isaac helped Kinsey carry Cora, the girl would like to believe she was able to carry someone of Cora's stature, which was identical to her own, but after all of the energy she had used shooting arrows, dropping trails of blood and running through the woods trying to keep up with creatures with the enhanced speed it was lucky she wasn't collapsed on the floor beside the two betas.

But she hadn't had time to rest before school. She had barely managed to get a change of clothes before she was answering her ringing phone. Stiles. He had called both her and Scott to the hospital to talk, it was urgent, it couldn't wait until school or after they had both had a cat nap, today would be one of those days where the two would run on fumes.

Upon their arrival to the hospital Melissa had greeted her son and the brunette girl at the entrance, she had been part of the reason Stiles had called them to the hospital. Melissa had guided them through the hospital as she had with Stiles a few hours ago until she reached the morgue, a chilling place. Metaphorically and literally. When they had walked into the room Stiles was stood over a body covered by a blue cloth, a sickening sight for a girl who felt as though she was having deja-vu, it only felt like yesterday that she was looking at a body covered by a blue cloth knowing that her aunt Victoria was beneath it.

When the two stood beside him he pulled back the cloth revealing the body of a young blonde, Heather, as he called her. She was the reason he had been pulled out of class the other day, he had been with her the night that she went missing, but that wasn't why he had brought them here. Her injuries weren't injuries that would come from a werewolf, let alone two.

"So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asked.

"Your gonna wish they did."

Kinsey looked at the boy with wide eyes. "Why?"

"I'm not exactly sure yet. The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily, eventually they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool, all three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries, strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in." Stiles explained, a sickening feeling growing in all of their stomachs. "It's called the three-fold death."

"So if these aren't random killings, what are they?" Scott asked, swelling a lump in his throat.

"Sacrifices," Stiles mumbled. "Human sacrifices."

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