Rules and Responsibilities

How the Club Works:

The Gotta Read Em All Club writes its reviews on books chosen by our fanfic recommender. Members of the club may also request to have their book reviewed, but only with the knowledge that other books may take priority. Reviews of members' books will be approved on a case-by-case basis by the administration. 

All other followers and readers may not use this club to advertise their books or request a review to be posted in our review book. They may request a PRIVATE review via PM. For more details, please refer to the Review Request Rules chapter of this book.

Any author who wishes to have a review of zir book taken down can request that we do so at any time.

Rules for All Club Members:

All club members are expected to perform the duties assigned to them. They are free to resign from the club at any time. They are also free to take a break at any time, but this is a privilege that should not be abused. Members can take a break for any number of reasons, including illness, a family vacation or travelling, a large amount of schoolwork or tests, personal issues, etc. Members should clearly inform at least one of the administrators before taking a break and should NOT use breaks simply as an excuse to avoid work. It is expected that all members make contributions to the club in accordance with their assigned roles.

All club members are also expected to read updates posted here and in the Update Forum available to club members. If you do not have access to the Update Forum, please inform one of the administrators immediately. It is vital that every member of the club stays in contact and knows what work may be expected of them at any given time.

Some club members may become semi-regular members with special permission. This means that, due to special circumstances, the member can't be active during the entire year. Semi-regular members are, however, expected to participate as normal during at least part of the year and are asked to do their best to contribute as much as is reasonable for them during the rest of the year.

Rules Regarding the Administration:

The administration is responsible for managing the account. This includes replying to comments and messages, editing the profile, writing and publishing articles and announcements, and keeping the club running smoothly.

The administration has the right to assign work to the members, including the right to ask them to redo it, make changes, or to decide to discard it altogether in the interest of maintaining quality. The administration also has the right to issue strikes. After three strikes, a member will be fired. The administration may also fire a member if that member commits an extreme offense. Strikes will be issued for offenses including (but not necessarily limited to): consistently failing to respond to messages, failing to read important updates in Info Corner or the Update Forum (twice in a row), refusing to do work while not on a break and not having a good reason that the administration approves, publishing a review that was requested to be private without getting the author's permission first, and engaging in any behavior that is harmful or disruptive to the club or our followers.

They also have the right to turn down a request for a place in the staff and to change the rules.

If the club has two Co-Admins:

Before making a major move, one co-owner has to make sure that the other co-owner approves. Things can ONLY be done as long as BOTH of the admins agree to it.

If the club has one Admin:

It is suggested that the Admin ask for member opinions before making major decisions (this may be a VP or just a general poll of club members). This is not an absolute requirement, however, especially when decisions must be made quickly or when the member(s) whose advice might be sought is/are unavailable. The Admin is encouraged to use his or her best judgment in asking for opinions or not doing so.

If fighting or arguments arise within the club, the admin(s) is/are responsible for taking care of it.

The administration is STRICTLY forbidden from revealing the password of the account to ANYONE besides official club members who need it in order to carry out their duties.

The administration is expected to carry out its duties just as the other members are. One of the administrators may also take a break if necessary, with the consent of the other and the knowledge that the remaining administrator will continue in his or her absence. If necessary, strikes may be given to an administrator if both the second administrator and a majority of club members agree on it.

If the club has a VP instead of a second administrator, the administrator must gain the consent of the VP, who will take on the role of admin during the time in which the admin is on break. The VP is expected to keep up with the activities of the club in order to be able to step in when needed, and the admin, in turn, will be expected to leave any instructions that may be necessary before taking the break. The VP will also be expected to step in if the administrator becomes inactive and unreachable, even without a warning. If the admin has been inactive on Wattpad and in the chat for a week or more and cannot be reached, the VP will be expected to take on any necessary duties. If this continues for a month, the VP becomes the admin.

If the VP would like to take a break, the admin will appoint a temporary VP who will take on the duties of VP until his or her return.

If necessary, strikes may be given to an administrator if both the VP and a majority of club members agree on it. The administrator will also receive a strike if the VP is required to step in for him or her without warning (during an absence as described above) AND the administrator cannot provide a satisfactory explanation upon return. "Satisfactory" will be determined by the VP and a majority of club members. If the admin is guilty of an extreme offense, as agreed upon by a majority of the club members, zie can also be fired and the VP/second admin will take over the role.

Rules Regarding the Critics:

A critic is expected to write a moderately long, grammatically correct, and honest critique that follows our critiquing code.

Critics must completely read the assigned book and have a completed review submitted for it within the time frame given for the assignment. Failing to do so while not on a break will result in a strike.

If you have a reason as to why you cannot do so (such as an unexpected illness, family problems, etc.) then you shall be excused. HOWEVER, you can only do so a maximum of every other time an article is due.

Critics may also be asked to perform other tasks, such as private reviews, assisting with interviews, and miscellaneous other club activities in accordance with their talents and abilities.

Rules Regarding the Fanfic Recommender:

The fanfic recommender is expected to select a book for us to review whenever he or she is requested by the administration to do so. The fanfic recommender will also be asked to select authors willing to be interviewed.

The recommender is forbidden to choose fanfics of his or her own or from the other members of the club, unless special permission has been given. It is also recommended that the fanfic recommender select a good mix of different kinds of Pokemon fanfic, including lesser known works as well as popular ones and fanfics that could appeal to different audiences. He or she should use good judgment in selecting books of suitable quality whose authors would happily agree to reviews that might include constructive criticism.

If the fanfic recommender goes on break, the backup recommender will be expected to step in.

Rules Regarding the Interview Conductor:

The interview conductor is responsible for creating questions for interviews conducted in conjunction with a review and for conducting all interviews (with the possible exception of podcast interviews).

The interview conductor is expected to ask entertaining, insightful, and challenging questions that would capture the interest of both the reader and the person being interviewed. The main topic should focus on writing and the author's works, but miscellaneous questions are also encouraged in proper proportions. Don't be afraid to add a dash of humor, either ;)

The interview conductor is asked to vary the questions from interview to interview, trying to create original questions suited to each unique person being interviewed. Asking follow-up questions based on the answers given during the interview is also encouraged; don't be afraid to ask something that's not on the prepared list.

The interview conductor is asked to submit any prepared questions to the administration (preferably via the GRA email account) before conducting the interview. One or both administrators will review them, providing suggestions or requests for modification if necessary. After receiving approval, the interview should be conducted as soon as possible, and the responses should be sent back to the administration.

The interviewer's deadline to submit questions for approval is always one day BEFORE the deadline of the critics, although it is encouraged to submit questions early in order to ensure that the review can be published on time.

Rules Regarding the Secretary:

The secretary is responsible for helping to keep the club organized and running smoothly. He or she should check the inbox and comments on a regular basis (at least once a week) to respond to minor questions and other straightforward messages and to inform the administration of any important messages requiring their attention. The secretary will also assist in maintaining the profile, putting together articles and announcements, and sending messages to followers. In addition, the secretary is asked to oversee the group chat, including: ensuring that there is active conversation, reminding members not to post casual messages in the update forum, making sure that there is not too much spamming, and generally encouraging everyone to be respectful of one another so that no one feels unwelcome or uncomfortable. The secretary may also be asked to carry out other minor tasks relating to organization and club functioning.

Rules Regarding the Club Artist:

The club artist is responsible for creating any covers required by the club and for responding to requests posted in the club's cover making service. The artist may also be asked to complete various other art-related assignments.

Rules Regarding the Club Technician:

The club technician is responsible for handling all technical aspects of the club, especially videos and streams. The club technician will record, edit, compile, and upload all videos. The technician is also responsible for managing the club's YouTube account and email account, including adding events and deadlines to the calendar and sending out invites and reminders via email. The technician may also be called upon to investigate possible new technologies for the club to make use of, to bring forward new ideas regarding the use of technology, and to do any sort of technical task within his or her unique expertise.

The club technician is expected to complete all assignments, just as any other member. The deadline for a video to be uploaded is one week after the podcast is recorded. Extensions may be given for especially long videos or under circumstances similar to those that would legitimately prevent a critic from completing a review (see above). Since the club technician is most likely the only person in the club with the required skills for creating and uploading videos, this will extend the deadline rather than excusing the technician from completing the assignment.

Zero Tolerance Policy

All club members (including the administration) are forbidden from engaging in any form of harassment.

Any member or follower who believes that zie has been harassed by a member of this club should promptly report it to the club admin(s) by privately messaging one of them on zir personal account or sending a private message through Skype or Discord directly to the admin. If the complaint is against the admin of the club, members or followers are asked to report it to the next highest ranking member.  Any members who know of harassment that has occurred should promptly report it as well. All complaints will be promptly and fully investigated, and confidentiality will be maintained as much as possible. We will not allow any retaliation against any person who reports discrimination or harassment or participates in any related investigation.

All forms of discrimination and harassment are prohibited, including that based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, and any other protected characteristic. Sexual harassment is also strictly prohibited.

Any member who violates this policy by engaging in any form of harassment will be disciplined. Depending on the severity of the offense, the guilty party will be immediately fired. If an admin is fired, the second admin, the VP, or the next highest ranking member is required to change all of the passwords related to the account as quickly as possible and take any other reasonable action to ensure the complete removal of the guilty party.

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