Chapter Three: One Marvelous Escape

Ant Man's theme is the closest thing I could find to "sneaky Marvel music". Plus it's just really cool. Enjoy!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Uhhhhhhhg. Why is everything sore? Did I have another work out session that I passed out in?


Anyway, I had an amazing dream last night. I was being tortured by the Black Order! Wait, I guess it wasn't that amazing then. But it felt so real!


And when Ebony came out, I gave him a piece of my mind! It served him right! That Squidward makes the real Squidward...something...where was I going with this?


And who is making all that noise! Can't they tell I'm trying to go back to sleep?! The nerve of some people! You know what? I'm going to open my eyes and yell at them to go away!

"Can't you keep it down?! I'm trying to-" I cut myself off when I open my eyes and see that I'm still in a cell. That wasn't a dream! I get up and touch the clear wall of the cell in front of me. It ripples like a liquid, but when I push on it, it doesn't budge. "Cool!"

Right after I said that, two people emerge from the shadows on the other side of the cell wall. One of them is the most annoying Black Order member.

"Not cool!" I cross my arms and stare up at Ebony's face. "I was trying to sleep, you jerk. Oh hello, Cull!"

I smile and wave at Cull who surprisingly waves back. Ebony rolls his eyes and scans his hand on a pad on the wall. The scanner recognizes him and the clear wall of my cell vanishes. I start walking away, but Cull throws me over his shoulder again.

"This is getting a bit old, isn't it?" No one responds so I sigh and dangle there. I try to remember the turns and number of steps Cull makes to each turn. He is walking, and every one step he makes would be two for me. However, it didn't take that long to get to our destination. We enter a big room and Cull lifts me up gently, putting me down on my feet. He pats my head and walks to the edge of the room. I blush a bit, thinking that he's never been one to show affection.

Before I could think on it more, Ebony raises his hand and I'm lifted off the floor. I raise in the air, in the same position Dr. Strange lays in when he's trapped in Ebony's ship. I strain my muscles and try to break free, but it seems that I can only move my head.

Ebony chuckles. The jerk seems to be enjoying my struggle! "What do you want!?"

"Simply answers, my dear." Ebony smirks and I cringe. That look does not suit him at all. And that voice... ugh it's so creepy!

"If you're still going on about the Infinity Stones thing, then you can forget it. I don't even know if I know the correct locations! I mean, seriously, you're relying on a(n) (y/a) year old girl to give you information that has a 50 percent chance of being wrong. Great plan your master, Thanos, has there, Ebony!" I hear a shuffle of rocks to my right and peer over to see Cull laughing.

I turn back to Ebony to see he's not amused at all. "You are quite a stubborn human, but your blabbering can only get you so far." Ebony raises his hand and clenches it into a fist. A thick, black chord slithers down from the ceiling and wraps itself around me. My breath hitches for a second, expecting the chord to do something.

"I recall," Ebony's voice catches my attention and I look at him again, "you said the first Stone we need is the Power Stone. Unless your fleshy body is immune to shocks of electricity five times more powerful than lightning, I suggest you reveal the location."

This crazy man can't be serious?! "You're bluffing."

"Ah, but am I?" It seems like Ebony wanted me to refuse at first, because his face showed another amused expression. He unclenches his fist and the black chord starts making a low humming noise.

As much as I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I would much prefer to be in math class right now than where I currently am. A huge wave of electricity shocks through the chord and into my body. If it wasn't for Ebony's power in keeping me secure, I would be twitching uncontrollably. The pain is almost unbearable, and it feels like ten million needles are penetrating my skin. I scream out the pain, and almost as quickly as it started, it suddenly stops.

How in the multiverse did I survive that?! I hang my head, taking deep breaths. Ebony takes a chunk of my hair and raises my head, but my eyes are closed. With his other hand, Ebony wipes something off my face and I can hear him scoff. I just realized that tears were escaping my eyes.

I open my teary, (e/c) eyes slowly and raise my head on my own, making Ebony drop my hair. He raises his fist again. "I don't bluff."

"Noted." I take one more gasp for air before my breathing returns to normal. "But don't think that just because you have a big, bad, new torturing machine that I'll just hand over the six Infinity Stones to you!"

Ebony's expression hardens into annoyance. "Thanos is going to save everyone! You are only a villain who's keeping the universe from having salvation!"

He shocks me again, but it didn't last as long as it did the last time. My mouth is shut in a straight line to help hold in the pain. Once it's over, a thought occurs to me.

"Ebony, I have a question." I take a deep breath and look up at Squidward, and he cocks an eyebrow.

"I don't have time to answer any questions you have to ask, nor do I care." I knew this guy was evil, but I never thought he would say something as cold hearted as that!

"Well I was going to tell you the location of the Power Stone in exchange for just listening to my question. But, since you seem to be a stuck-up know-it-all, I don't think I will!" This takes Ebony by surprise. Even Cull turns his head back toward us in curiosity.

"...Fine. What is your question?" Ebony lowers his fist, but keeps it clenched.

"Why does Thanos use the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of everything living? Why doesn't he just use them to make an infinite amount of resources?" I ask, but Ebony's expression doesn't change. Instead, it seems like he's thinking about it very hard.

Finally, after about two minutes of waiting he answers, "That question is preposterous; completely irrational."

Now this just makes me mad. "Irr...irrat...IRRATIONAL?! It's the Infinity Gauntlet, you dummy! He could even snap his fingers and make his home planet come back, BUT NO! Instead, he decides killing half of everything is the only way. Well, guess what! There's always another way!"

"ENOUGH!" Ebony shocks me again, but I'm just surprised he raised his voice to yell at me. This shock was the longest yet, and once it's over, the chord tightens around my torso. "Tell me the location of the Power Stone!"

"It's on Berhert, the Abandoned Planet!" Cull walks up next to Ebony as I start my explanation. "The Guardians of the Galaxy crash landed there and thought it would be a good idea to keep the Stone there. As I said, the planet is abandoned, so it was basically an invitation for a secret hiding spot."

It's either my lie is believable or Ebony is completely annoyed by me, but he snaps his fingers and the chord drops me. Cull catches me and I walk with him back to my cell. My body shakes a bit as I walk back, but I manage to get there without falling. Thank goodness Ebony didn't come along. I might have strangled him if he did.

Cull stops walking and turns around to face me. We made it back to my cell. He opens the door, but before I can walk inside, he picks me up and hugs me. My mind doesn't process what's happening in time, and before I can say anything, Cull puts me in the cell and closes the door.

After a couple hours of waiting, my 3DS dies. I put it back in my bag and sigh. My eye then catches movement from the outside of my cell.

My heart starts hammering. It better not be who I think it is. I let go of the breath that I was holding when Cull steps forward. I cock my head to the side in confusion and he looks around nervously.

"What's the matter?" I ask. Cull puts a long finger up to his face as a response. I get the memo and shut up.

Cull puts his hand on the scanner and my cell door vanishes. Is he going to take me to another session with Ebony? We shouldn't have arrived at Berhert yet, so there's no way Thanos knows I lied to him! Maybe he already checked the planet and didn't find it there, so he knows I'm lying. I haven't thought of that.

Cull steps into my cell, but I stand up and back away. He holds out a giant hand and I look at it in confusion for a second. What is he up to?


Someone else is coming. I look at Cull and without a second thought, I take his hand. Cull swoops me up, picks up my bag, and carries me bridal style out of the cell. He runs in the opposite direction of the noise.

After many twists and turns, Cull finally finds what he's looking for. He opens one more door where many pods are lined up. He opens the one that's the furthest away and gently puts me inside.

"Cull...what?" I ask as he hands me my backpack.

"I heard the question." His voice is exactly how it sounded before, but this time he seemes to be trying to sound a bit more soothing.

"What are you talking about?"

"The question you asked Ebony." I nod, signaling that I understand what he's saying. "Thanos is obsessed with death. That's why he wants to kill half of everything. He doesn't care about his home planet anymore. And I...heard you scream. I'm sorry." Little pebbles form at the corner of Cull's eyes and roll down his face.

"Oh, Cull, it's ok." I stand up and give the giant rock a hug. Wiping his face of some stray stones, I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Cull breaks the hug and I sit back down in the pod. He types some things into the screen in front of me and pats my head again.

"The pod will take you to Earth. I know humans live there." Cull smiles sadly and I put my hand on top of his.

"Thank you," I say and Cull backs away. "Oh and by the way, good luck finding the Power Stone. I'm a pro liar."

Cull laughs and closes the pod's door. It's just then that I remembered something. "Cull wait! What about Nebula?! Help her come with me!"

Cull gives me a confuse face. "Nebula isn't here."

I nod, understanding, and Cull presses a button on the wall next to me. The pod drops off into space. The engine starts and the machine sets a course for Earth.

Now thinking about it, it makes sense. Nebula must not have been captured yet. If I went to find Nebula, I most likely would have been caught and brought back to Ebony. But since Cull found me, I didn't have time to be caught, and was able to escape with a pod heading toward Earth.

Oh my goodness, I'm going to Earth. You know what that means?! I, (Y/n) (L/n), am going to meet the Avengers. That's worth going through Ebony's torture chamber any day.


Hazel's P.O.V.

Hazel waited inside the Novas' building for an hour before her heart exploded. Well, not literally. A famous orange and blue ship landed on Xandar, which made her heart explode.

The blonde sprinted out of the building and ran across the many sidewalk intersections to get a better view of the ship. It was exactly how it looked in the movies, but just a tad bigger. She makes her way up to it and the door lowers, revealing the six Guardians.

Hazel hops up and down, trying to contain her excitement. She puts her hands on her mouth to keep her from screaming. The Guardians all look around except for Groot who's playing on a hand-held video game. Mantis is the first to notice her.

"Oh, she fits the description of the girl who's supposed to help us!" Mantis points to Hazel and walks over to her. "She is very bouncy!"

"Mantis! You're so much cooler in person!" Hazel takes Mantis' hands and continues to hop up and down. Mantis feels Hazel's emotion of excitement and starts jumping with her.

"Hey!" Quill's voice catches Hazel's attention and the two girls stop bouncing. "Nova Prime called us and said this was urgent?"

"Oh! Right!" Hazel lets go of Mantis, the latter of whom felt a snippet of fear radiating from the excited girl. "Thanos is coming for the Infinity Stones!"

Hazel explains to the Guardians first about who she is, and then about who (Y/n) is. She tells them how they were kidnapped and how Thanos is on his hunt.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's an incredible story. But why should we believe you?!" Rocket crosses his arms, not fully believing that Hazel is on their side.

"Nova Prime trusted me. I could have stolen the Stone that's here already or turned it in to Thanos." Rocket grunts at the blonde's reasoning, but she continues. "Look, my friend is still up there, probably being tortured by an angry, wrinkled-faced villain. I'm trying to help her keep the Stones safe! You guys are the Guardians of the Galaxy! Unless you want to continue to insult the Sovereign for a living, I suggest you heed my warning!"

After a short pause, Rocket breaks out into laughter. "Alright, I believe you. Hey Quill, can we keep her?"

"Um, excuse me?" Hazel's face turns bright red as Rocket continues to laugh.

"I believe you too." Gamora steps up. "Thanos will stop at nothing, so we must protect the Stones."

"Yeah, and how are we going to do that when we only know the location of one?" Peter asks and Gamora's expression hardens. Hazel remembers that Gamora knows the location of the Soul Stone, and she's doing really good at hiding it.

"You, fair maiden, say you are from a different universe?" Drax asks Hazel.

"Uh, yes...if you're talking to me." Hazel catches onto the question Drax is really trying to ask and explains it herself. "I, along with (Y/n), also know where all the Stones are. I called you so you could protect the Power Stone, and also give me a ride to Earth. I need to warn the Avengers."

"The Avengers?" Rocket asks.

"Earth's mightiest heroes. There are two Infinity Stones on Earth, and I must warn them as well." Hazel seems to remember something else. She could tell them where the Reality Stone is, since they've been to Knowhere before. Yet, (Y/n) also told Thanos directly that he needs the Power Stone first, so he wouldn't go for the Reality one yet. Hazel decides against telling the Guardians about the Reality Stone.

"Alright, we'll help you get to Earth." Quill gestures for Hazel to enter his ship, and so she follows him into it.

"I AM GROOT!" Everyone turns toward Groot and all the Guardians have a look of repulsion their face. Hazel hears the sound of Groot's game playing a Game Over song and she rolls her eyes, entering the ship.

Hazel sits next to Mantis and the Guardians make their way over to Earth. Hopefully (Y/n) can keep her mouth shut and not tell the Black Order where to find the Power Stone. And hopefully she will escape soon, and meet with Hazel on Earth.

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