Chapter Thirty: Avengers Assemble

STAY TUNED FOR ONE MORE CHAPTER! Coming sometime next week! Sorry this took so long, but this chapter is very... long. Without further ado, Avengers...


Everyone appears at the exact same time back in Avengers Headquarters. I faintly hear Hulk and Steve saying things along the lines of, "Did we do it? Everyone got everything?" However, my mind is focusing on the loud sound the floor makes when Clint falls to his knees. No one even registers that Loki is here as well, all too stunned by Clint's facial expression. Hulk looks like he's about to cry when he asks, "Barton, where's Nat?"

Clint shakes his head and my heart starts to ache in my chest. I don't even trust myself to speak as Hulk falls to his knees as well and punches the ground with his fist. Steve takes a moment before placing a hand on Hulk's shoulder and saying in a soft voice, "Come on, we all need some air."

I couldn't agree more. As the Avengers start heading toward the door, they all start to take notice of Loki. I tell them I'll explain once we get outside, and to make sure they know I am not scared of him, I walk close to Loki and even sit next to him at the wooden table. Everyone makes themselves comfortable and Steve says, "So, who wants to go first?"

The question was aimed at Clint and me, but I can tell that poor Hawkeye is still too shaken to explain his part of the story. I volunteer to go first. "It all started when I was in 2012 New York."

I explain everything and how the Space and Time Stones must have taken me to the areas the other Avengers transported to. I explain Loki and his entire story, which takes a while but I know it's worth it. They need to understand what happened to him during Ragnarok and Infinity War. Once that story is complete, I tell how Loki and I were both transported to Morag. I gave him my particles and suit in order to be transported to this timeline, and after that I tell them how I went to Vormir. The only part I leave out is when Red Skull told me it wasn't Natasha's time yet. I don't know why, but I feel like that conversation should be kept a secret for now. I finish the story. "Natasha and Clint we're already gone when I got there. I knew I was... too late."

My part of the journey was long enough for Clint to pull himself together. He takes a shaky breath and tells his side of things. "There was this red faced guy, and the scary thing is that I know I've seen him in files from S.H.I.E.L.D. somewhere. Anyway, he knew Natasha's and my parents. We knew whatever he said would be genuine. He told us that in order to take the Soul Stone, one must lose that which you love."

"That explains why Thanos's daughter didn't come back," Rhodey points out.

Tony's eyes widen when he finally puts the pieces together. Back on Titan, so long ago, when Peter Quill freaked out, he was talking about this girl named Gamora. "He killed her to get the Stone." A moment of silence dawns over the group and Tony continues, "Did she have a family?"

Steve nods, eyes now puffed up and red from crying silently through Clint's explanation. "Yeah, us."

Bruce picks up a wooden bench and chucks it across the lake and into the forest, letting out an angry grunt. Thor wracks a hand through his messy hair and retorts angrily, "Why are we acting like she's dead?! We have the Stones, right? All we have to do is snap and bring her back."

"We can't." Clint continues to look at the ground and shakes his head. "It can't be undone."

"If Thanos could have brought Gamora back with the Stones, don't you think he would have done that as well? It's not possible Thor-" I'm cut off by the god of thunder laughing and walking up to me and Clint.

"Sorry, but you're a very Earthly being and we are talking about Space Magic here." Clint continues to shake his head as Thor tries to convince him.

"It can't be undone. At least, that's what the red floating guy said! Why don't you go talk to him?" Clint's voice is starting to pick up on volume and I don't have to use the Mind Stone's powers to tell he's getting angry. "Why don't you pick up your hammer and you go fly and talk to him?!"

"Clint," I keep my voice as soft as possible and he turns to look at me. "I think he gets it. Don't worry, it's okay."

The archer breathes slightly through his nose and leans back on a wooden pole. He says more calmly, "It should have been me. She risked her life for that damn Stone and bid her life on it."

"We have to make it worth it." Bruce finally turns around, facing everyone. "It can't be for nothing."

"It won't." Steve firmly nods his head at both Bruce and Clint. I take a silent but deep breath to keep myself from crying and summon a portal for everyone to walk through. We all end up back inside and everyone branches off to do their own thing. Tony and Rocket immediately head off to the lab to make their own Infinity Gauntlet.

Time seems to go by very slowly, but by the end of the afternoon the two geniuses actually pull it off. I was hanging out with Loki and showing him around when we got the notification everything was set and ready to go. We hurry over to the lab and join the others around the gauntlet. Rocket lifts it up a bit and says, "It's ready. Question is who's going to snap their freaking fingers?"

"I'll do it." Thor and I say at the exact same time. We look at each other and Thor steps forward saying, "No, I have to do it. I am the strongest Avenger."

"No, no, no!" Tony hurried up to step between Thor and the gauntlet. "I'm not saying you're weak buddy, I'm just pointing out that you're in no condition."

"What do you think is flowing through my veins right now?!" Thor asks with a hint of longing in his voice.

"Cheese-wiz," Rhodey says jokingly.

Thor points at the other man in metal before turning back to Tony. "And lighting, so much lightning. Please, just let me do something good, something right."

"I have been waiting for so long, Thor." Everyone turns to me and I see their pained expressions reflecting my own. "The only other person from my dimension is gone, I could have stopped this all from happening in the first place but I didn't. You think you're the only one who made mistakes? I should have told you from the beginning to go for the head! I was too caught up in the battle... too excited."

"It's gotta be me." I turn to Bruce who said that. I'm about to say something else to further my argument, but he speaks up first, "You saw what that thing did to Thanos. Almost killed him. None of you could survive."

"And how do we know you will?" Steve demands more than asks. I can tell he refuses to lose another team member.

"We don't, but the radiation is mostly gamma." Bruce turns back to look at the gauntlet, almost smiling. "It's like..."

"You were made for this." Realization hits me like a pile of bricks. That line back in the first Avengers movie when Bruce and Tony were talking, it all leads up to this. "Bruce, you were made for this moment."

Bruce kneels down and lifts up the gauntlet, knowing it will grow and form over his hand since Tony and Rocket made it out of nano-tech. Tony activates F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s lockdown protocol and metal covers lower over all the windows and doors. Once everything is sealed, Bruce inches his fingers up to the glove. Tony reminds him one more time, "Remember, we are just bringing everyone who vanished to now, today."

Bruce nods and takes a deep breath. "Everyone comes home."

Tony lowers his mask and makes a holo-shield appear to protect Clint. Rocket lowers his goggles and stands close to Thor and Loki for protection. Steve holds out his shield to protect himself and me while Rhodey lowers his helmet along with Ant-Man. With everyone ready and armed, Bruce starts putting on the gauntlet. And, he starts screaming.

The red and gold gauntlet barely stays intact while he fits it over his hand. Thor yells at him to take it off since we all can clearly see the rainbow energy frying his entire arm. Steve yells, "Wait, Bruce are you okay?!"

The green man nods painfully and slowly raises his hand above his hand. With one quick motion, his middle finger slides over his thumb.


I'm blown a bit back by the energy blast, but not knocked over completely. The windows raise open once again and everyone gets to their feet. Bruce squirms on the floor and asks, "D-did it work?"

"Hold still!" Tony orders as he sprays Bruce's damaged arm with cold disinfectant. Scott and I walk over to the nearest window to see if anything changed.

"That bird wasn't there before..." I point out to Ant-Man. He nods, seeing the blue bird flying to the nearby tree and looking around in confusion. "I think it worked, Bruce!"

The ringing of a phone is heard off in the distance, and I turn to see Clint slowly picking one up from the table. I walk over to him, but stop midway when I see that he's smiling with the purest joy in his tear filled eyes. He stutters as he tries to speak to his wife. I smile and cover my mouth in pure shock. It worked! Everyone is back, I can't believe it!


My eyesight turns completely black as my body is tossed around mercilessly. I feel myself run into so many different shapes of rocks, but it only stops when my bad shoulder rams into the side of what I believe is a wall. When I hit the floor, I roll over and clutch onto my stomach in pure agony. I open my eyes and have to blink a few times for my vision to fully come back into focus. "Urugrur..."

"Hey! (Y/n)!" I hear Thor's voice calling out to me before I feel a hand on my back. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

"Everything is broken..." I manage to prop myself up on my knees and hands before I start to focus. Eyes turning green, I feel all the bones in my body reversing time and healing themselves. "Mmm, I'm better now. W-what happened?"

"I'd better show you instead of tell..." Thor's tone makes me wish I hadn't asked, but I let him pull me up and lead me over to an opening. Along the way, I look at my surroundings and notice how the entire Avengers compound is completely and utterly destroyed. All that remains is crumbled rock and dirt to make a very uneven pathway. The sky has been consumed in dust as well, making it as dark as night.

"This has to be a joke." I get to the main opening with Thor and can't believe my eyes. I have no idea how or why, but Thanos is sitting on a huge rock cladded in golden armor. His helmet rests on top of his double bladed Uru sword.

It doesn't take long for Steve and Tony to find us. When they do, Steve tightens his grip on his shield and asks, "What is he doing?"

"Absolutely nothing," I respond, purple flames igniting around my feet and left hand. "Just like he's always done."

"And the Stones?" Steve asks, needing an update.

"Somewhere under all of this. All I know is he doesn't have them." Tony answers this time, gesturing to the pile of wrecked Avengers building stuff behind him.

"Then we keep it that way." Steve goes to take a step forward, but Thor speaks up.

"You know it's a trap, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't much care." I smile at Tony's response, but the purple flames around me only get brighter along with my eyes.

"Good. As long as we're all in agreement." A huge clap of thunder booms over our heads as Thor finishes his sentence. Lightning strikes the ground all around us and Thor's hammer and axe come zooming into each of his hands. I lift my left hand straight up and slowly bring it down, eyes now turning red. I use the Mind Stone's powers to tell everyone I'm using the Reality Stone to hide us and make doubles of us four, and we slowly start making our way toward Thanos.

"You could not live with your own failure, and where did that bring you?" Thanos eyes each of our fakes as they make their ways around debris to flank him. "Back to me." He pauses and stands up, picking up his helmet and fitting it over his ugly head. "I thought with half the universe gone, the rest would live in harmony. I never guessed that there would be ungrateful pests such as you."

"Humans, we are a tricky bunch," Tony says, but I make it look like his double is the one who talked.

Thanos laughs and picks up his weapon. "Now, I know what I must do. With the Stones you've gathered for me, I'll tear this universe down to it's last atom and create a new one."

"Born out of blood." Steve sounds like he's holding back a lot of anger in that sentence.

Thanos turns to Steve's double, smiling. "They'll never know it... because you won't be around to tell them."

Thor yells in rage and I make it look like his double is attacking from the right. Thanos goes to block the strike, but the fake Thor vanishes and the real one lands a hit on his back with Mjölnir. I make all the doubles vanish and stop the Reality Stone's powers so I can focus on the Power Stone. Eyes switching from bright red to purple, I make a huge ball of purple fire grow between my hands before shooting it at Thanos's face, blinding him for a moment. Tony flies in the air and takes this as his chance to land a punch across his face. Steve throws his shield, but before it hits Thanos I ignite it on fire to add an extra punch. We certainly have the element of surprise.

Thanos is able to get back on his feet and starts knocking attacks away. I continue to summon fireballs to keep him distracted and throw them mercilessly at him. Whenever he gets too close, I make myself a portal and appear on his opposite side. At some point, Tony is able to find a safe landing position and says, "Okay Thor, hit me!"

Using both the axe and hammer, Thor summons a crazy amount of lightning and blasts it at Tony's back. The Iron Man suit powers up and shoots incredible beams at Thanos, but he spins his blade around to block it. He starts to push back against the beams, but Steve jumps on his back to put him in a choke hold. Thanos grabs Steve's head and throws him over his shoulder. Before the captain lands, I use the Time Stone's powers to stop him mid air. I then reverse time so he flies back onto Thanos's shoulders. Steve gets enough power this time and manages to pull him backward.

While he's down, Thor flies in the air and raises his axe, aimed for the head. Right before he brings it down on him, Thanos grabs Steve around the neck and uses him as a shield, forcing Thor to miss and hit the ground. Captain America lifts his shield with both hands and brings it down on the bend of Thanos's elbow, making him scream and drop him. Right as Steve rolls away, I form a portal underneath Thanos and he falls through. The other one appears in the sky a hundred feet high and the Mad Titan falls to the ground.

He stands up with a roar and throws his sword, hitting Tony in the face and knocking him out. I go to reverse time out of instinct, but once I take my eyes off of Thanos, I don't see him come charging at me and ramming his shoulder right into my back. I go flying, but manage to soften my landing by using the Power Stone's powers. I use this moment to take a breather and regain some of my energy. Using so many powers is draining, but I've prepared for this. It isn't the Battle of Wakanda this time.

I fly back to the battle, but once I get there I gasp. Steve holds his shield, but it's been hit so many times with the Uru sword that it's basically chipped in half. He goes to jump on Thanos again, but is swatted away. Thor flies down and attacks the purple alien from behind, but Thanos was prepared and grabs the handle of his axe. He slowly pushes the blade down into Thor's chest.

I prepare an attack to help Thor, but my eyes catch movement from the side. I watch in complete astonishment as Captain America wraps his fingers around the handle of Mjölnir and lifts it off the dirt. My jaw dropping open, Steve throws the hammer at Thanos's head, making both him and Thor turn toward him. The hammer is summoned back into the captain's hand and Thor yells, "I knew it!"

"Now, that's a trick I've never seen before." I turn to the other side and see Loki looking at the scene almost as astonished as me.

Captain America spins the hammer around and jumps up in the air, summoning lightning. Thanos blocks the attack with his sword, but I use a set of portals to make the lightning shoot him in the side instead of his head. The mad titan turns toward me and chuckles, standing up. "Ah, the Infinity Stones' Protector. What a terrible job you've been doing."

"You don't have the Stones yet, do you?" I retort with a hint of sarcasm. I smirk as I know Thanos is getting angrier and angrier with each passing second. However, I slightly underestimate the power of his next attack.

Thanos turns around and uses that momentum to swing his blade horizontally at me. I try to use the Power Stone to block it, but the blast was too much and I start flying across the field.

I must have hit my head on the ground or something because when I open my eyes again, I see the bodies of Tony and Thor knocked out on the ground by Thanos. Turning my head to the side, I catch sight of Captain America breathing heavily and grunting in pain as he stands up. He tightens the strap around his shield and I gather my strength to sand as well. When I look off into the distance, I see Thanos's entire army, Black Order and all, staring us down.

I feel completely hopeless, looking at that huge mess of an army. Steve puts a hand on my shoulder and I look at him, seeing the determination in his eyes. I feel mine turn blue, ready to open a Space Stone portal and get a running start toward the army, but a voice whispers in my earpiece.

Steve pauses as well, and I can tell he hears the voice, too. It's very choppy, but I can make out a male saying something like, "C-C-Cap... can you... read? C-Captain... on your left."

Speechless, my head turns to the left at the same time Steve's does. Orange, sparkly, sling ring portals start to form, and the first one that opens shows three people stepping into the battlefield. Okoye, Shuri, and the Black Panther himself make eye contact with us and T'Challa nods his head.

More portals open and I can't help but let the tears of happiness fall. Falcon zooms into the sky, circling around our half of the field. Tony and Thor wake up and can't believe their eyes at what they're witnessing. The Winter Soldier, Groot, Wanda, and all the Wakandans fill the ranks and chant the famous, "YIBAMBE!" with T'Challa. Doctor Strange flies down to the ground, bringing with him Mantis, Drax, Star Lord, and Spider-Man. Right as the Wasp enters the field, Ant-Man bursts out of the ground as Giant Man, holding Rocket, Hulk, and War Machine in his hand. Valkyrie leads an army of space warriors and Wakandan aircrafts, joined by Korg and Miek. Pepper Potts in the Rescue suit flies through a portal and lands, her mask raising. Clint makes his way out of the cave he was blasted in, Nebula and Gamora following him as he clutches onto the Infinity Gauntlet for dear life. If things couldn't get any more emotional, I feel a soft hand wrapping around my left one and turn my head to see Hazel. I gasp, almost choking, and hug her tightly around the shoulders. "It's been... so long!"

"You're so old, (Y/n)!" Hazel jokes and starts laughing, her green eyes shining. She takes her two boomerangs off her back and says more seriously, "We aren't done yet. Captain?"

Everyone turns to Steve and gets in a fighting position. I rip the metal off my right hand so I can use my powers on both sides before igniting them with purple flames. "AVENGERS!" Steve yells, holding out his hand and summoning the hammer back to him. "Assemble."

A war cry erupts from every hero's throat as everyone charges toward Thanos's army. I catch a distraught look on the titan's face, but he still points his sword at us and his army comes running at great speeds. Before I make contact with his minions, I fly up into the air and fall, landing my first punch to a giant enemy on the ground.

Hell breaks loose, at least that's what it seems like. Some of the Mystic Artists who train with Doctor Strange help me out by shielding our allies with their energy barriers. I lose Hazel in the midst of everything, but I barely have time to think about it as Clint runs into me. "Ugh, sorry, (Y/n)!"

"Clint!" I see he needs some help, as he has only one arm to fight with because he is carrying the Infinity Gauntlet with the other one. I hurry after him and blast any monster that gets in our way. "We have to get those Stones back where they came from!"

"You're their protector, here!" Clint tosses me the gauntlet and I catch it with ease. However, I feel a huge tug in my stomach and scream in pain as I fall to the ground. Clint looks at me in worry, but backs away when orange beams of light shoot out of my body, eyes turning the same orange color.

From the Infinity Gauntlet, the Soul Stone glows brightly and a figure stands there. I groan and stand up shakily to look at her, and I can't believe my eyes. "Natasha?"

It isn't exactly Natasha. It looks like her, but her body is surrounded in a whisp-like orange glow which makes it look like she's on fire or something. She smiles at me, taking her two batons off her back and turns to Clint. "Did you think I was going to let you have all the fun?"

Clint only manages to shake his head in disbelief. Natasha walks up to him and shoots her tasers at an incoming monster, stunning it. She takes his hand and nods saying, "I can't help for long. After everything is over, I must return to the Soul World."

This time, Clint nods more confidently and together they run off into the battle. I pick up the gauntlet and stare at the Soul Stone, whispering, "Thank you."

I don't get much time to relax because the ground around me rises and tightens around my body. I feel myself being lifted off my feet and I turn to see Ebony Maw using his forsaken powers on me. He smiles menacingly, but before he can say anything to annoy me, I hear Hazel yell from below, "(Y/n), toss it here!"

I drop the gauntlet and Hazel goes running. In the distance, I see her throw it at Black Panther. I shoot purple fire at Ebony's face and say into my earpiece, "Black Panther, get that to the Quantum Tunnel!"

"Where? I see the lab was destroyed in the explosion!" T'Challa says back.

Before I can think of another solution, Scott yells, "Wait! That wasn't our only time machine."

The click of a button is heard and then I can catch the echo of Scott's Quantum van horn. Steve says into the earpiece, "Does anyone see an ugly brown van out there?"

"Yes! But you're not going to like where it's parked!" Valkyrie yells.

Ebony gets back up to face me yet again, but this time Doctor Strange lands between us and fires a powerful blast at the alien, knocking him back. He turns to me and I squeal, "You better tell me this is the future where I save everyone!"

"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." Doctor Strange nods his head and that's enough reassurance for me. I'm about to run off and help with Capture the Gauntlet, but Stephen grabs my arm and pulls me into a surprising hug. "I'm sorry about earlier..."

"Hey, it's okay. You did what you needed to." I hug him back as he apologizes for stopping me from changing the future. When we break the hug, he makes a portal with his sling ring and I scoff. "Rookie." I make my own Space portal and go through that instead.

When I exit through the other portal, I see Star Lord getting kicked in the nuts by Gamora. I widen my eyes and take a few steps back. "I don't wanna know what happened. Oh, hey Gamora! Haven't met my favorite green daughter of Thanos."

"Yeah, Nebula has told me all about you. I'm from 2014, my Nebula hacked into your time machine and transported Thanos here." Gamora gives me the real short version.

"I see. Well, I'll let you deal with... him." I gesture loosely toward Peter Quill and run off to try and find the gauntlet once again.

I bolt through the battlefield, deciding not to use my portals because I don't want to miss anything. I help out anyone I can while pushing through the war. At one point, I see Rescue and Iron Man helping out Valkyrie in the skies. It's so wholesome seeing them work together. Tony suddenly lands next to me and goes to say something, but someone jumps on his back. "Mr. Stark!"

"Peter!" I scream his name first, making them both look at me.

Peter's smile grows exponentially when he sees me and he jumps on me as well, giving me a hug. "Woah, (Y/n), you're so old!"

"Tell me something I don't know." I laugh with a wink.

The arachnid turns back toward his mentor figure and starts trying to explain, "Hey, remember when we were in space and I got all dusty? I must have passed out because I woke up and you were gone, but then Doctor Strange showed up. He told us it's been five years, they need us! And he started doing the orange sparkly thing with his hands and..." Tony cuts off the kid with a warm hearted hug, which Peter seems to melt into. "O-oh... this is nice."

"Peter, gauntlet?" I ask, hoping he understands my quick question.

"Oh, yeah! I had it and was being tossed around for a while. It was knocked out of my hand and I was going to look for it when I found you two," Peter explains as quickly as he can.

"Great, I hope an Avenger got-" Before I can finish, I feel the back of a giant hand swatting me off my feet and sending me flying to the right.

"(Y/n)!" Peter and Tony yell in shock. I groan and get to my knees, but when I look up my heart skips a beat.

"Cull?" I stare at the tall alien with sadness and a bit of betrayal. I manage to stand and he seems to ready his weapon to hit me, but I hold up my hands and say, "Wait! Don't you remember me?"

"No." One word is all it takes for me to realize this is 2014 Cull Obsidian. He doesn't remember helping me escape Thanos's ship. For some reason, that fact makes it hurt a lot more when he hits me with his club.

I stand up once again and realize he's holding something red and glowing under his other arm. The Infinity Gauntlet. Focusing on that instead, I throw flames at him as a distraction. Cull seems to be aiming all of his attention at me, he forgot about Iron Man and Spider-Man coming to help me out. They take him by surprise and tackle him from behind, and he is finished off by Ant-Man accidentally stepping on him. I run over and grab the gauntlet, but before I can thank Tony and Peter white lasers come raining down from the sky.

I only get a chance to look up for a moment before I have to push Peter out of the way. Tony opens a holo-shield to protect himself and I make a portal open in front of me and Peter. The other end I send to an opening on the ground where there aren't any people. In the distance, I catch sight of Thanos rolling into a ditch to shield himself and Wanda being blasted off her feet. Looking at the sky once more, I see this is coming from Thanos's ship. I look at Tony and yell over the noise, "Where's Doctor Strange? He needs to take that thing down!"

"He's holding back a typhoon!" Tony yells, needing to now use both hands to shield himself.

"What?! That's crazy!" I respond, arms starting to shake from keeping the portal open for so long.

Suddenly, the rain of lasers stops and everyone puts down their shields to look upward. When I copy their moves, I see a yellow and orange light blasting through Thanos's entire ship long-ways. I sigh and blow a loose strand of hair out of my face when I realize it's Captain Marvel. I hear Rocket yell from somewhere, "Finally! Took ya long enough!"

"At least she did something useful," I mumble and go back to the matter at hand. Holding the gauntlet close to me, I round the corner and see Captain Marvel land right in front of me.

"Need help getting over there?" she asks. I really want to say no, but my arms are still a bit shaken from keeping the portal open for so long. Maybe accepting her help for now isn't so bad. I nod.

A huge horde of monsters pile around the field, cutting us off from the van that holds the Quantum Tunnel. Peter scratches the back of his head and asks, "How are you two going to get it through all that?"

"Don't worry." Okoye steps next to us and spins her spear around. "They've got help."

I can't help but to smirk a little as all the females, even Soul Natasha, gather around and take down the monsters while Captain Marvel and I rush through, making our way to the tunnel. She takes out any of the enemies that get too close to me, and because of that I'm able to gain speed. I get so close to the tunnel, so close, but Thanos's giant sword barely hits me in the side just enough to make me stumble. Since I was going too fast, the gauntlet flies out of my hands.

Thanos goes to pick it up, but Captain Marvel isn't having any of it. She snags the gauntlet and grabs his wrist to keep him from hitting her with his sword. He hits her head with his instead, but she doesn't flinch. Right as she flies up into the air to pin him to the ground, he grabs her ankle and pulls her away from him. He takes hold of the gauntlet during the process, but I use my purple flames to distract him. Once he looks at me, I try to use the Mind Stone's powers to get him to drop it. That move only makes him struggle for a moment. He takes the Power Stone off the gauntlet and shoots me with his own ray of purple flames.

I get hit right in the stomach and go flying straight back, slamming against a wall of rocks. I breathe heavily, draping an arm over my torso and my vision starts to go blurry. My head tilts to the side and I see Tony flying with great speed up to the titan.

I try to get up, but every time I blink my eyesight gets even foggier. I look at the other side of me and see someone in blue. Surprisingly, after I blink once again I see Doctor Strange there. My Time Stone powers heal me enough to see clearly again, but when I look at Stephen's face my heart drops.

He holds up one finger, and I understand. I take a deep breath and smoothly get to my feet, staring at the fight between Thanos and Tony. Using a portal, I am able to walk up to the fight in an instant.

Thanos swats Tony away and places the Power Stone back in its holder under the index finger. He admires the gauntlet for a moment, but I jump up and grab it, trying to take it off him. My eyes glowing red, my hands slip from the gauntlet when Thanos yanks his arm back. He fits it onto his hand and stares at all six Stones resting there. Staring at me, he says, "I am inevitable," and he slides his middle finger over his thumb.


Thanos tries to snap a few more times, confused as to why it isn't working. My eyes turn back to their normal color, and Thanos realizes I took the Stones off, using Reality's power to make it look like they were still on the gauntlet.

The six Infinity Stones crawl up onto the back of my right hand as if they wish to be whole again. They fit in their respective areas and my eyes glow with swirling rainbow colors. I stare at Thanos and raise my hand, middle finger pressed against my thumb. "And I am the Infinity Stones' Protector."


My eyesight becomes hazy once again, but it's strange. I am able to see everything around me, but it feels so distant as if I'm watching myself watch... what am I thinking again?

The entirety of Thanos's army vanishes, and I manage to smirk when Ebony turns to dust. The last one to go is the big man himself, and when he's gone I slump down in my seat. Did I do it? Did I save someone, finally?

I see Hazel coming over, running with tears in her eyes. "(Y/n), no, no, no! P-please, (Y/n), don't... you can't..."

"You did it, (Y/n)," Peter says with a quiver in his voice. I don't remember him swinging over, but I'm just glad he's here.

"I... did?" My voice is so raspy that my throat hurts when I try to talk.

I see Tony kneel down in front of me and take my limp hand in his metal ones. His eyes become watery and I see my small reflection in them. It's scary, but it doesn't matter. I saved them.

Stephen comes over as well and presses his hand over my heart. It's extremely comforting, feeling his presence like he's protecting me. He nods and whispers, "You saved Iron Man."

"I love... you." I manage to make myself say that last thing right before I feel the lower half of my body go numb. I see Steve standing there behind Stephen and Tony, doing his best to look confident. I wish I could stand, I wish I could hug everyone. I love them all, and I hope every Avenger sees and understands that from my actions.

Hazel comes into view once again, but she seems to be holding back her tears. She closes her eyes and grabs my hand from Tony, pressing it up to her forehead. "You can rest now," she says. I want to say so many things, but she shakes her head and opens her eyes saying, "I'm going to be okay. We all are. Go to sleep."

As all of the Avengers kneel down in silence, I feel my eyes change to orange one last time before they close. My body becomes still and the last thing I feel is Hazel's hand squeezing mine, and Doctor Strange's shaky one pressed against my heart.

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