Chapter Ten: The Pack of Answers
I bought the movie on blue ray today (August 14th, 2018) and I'm SO EXCITED! I'm shaking so badly, so I'm sorry for the typos!
Hazel's P.O.V.
Hazel sits in the back of the pod braiding and rebraiding her hair. She does this for a good half hour, just thinking. This is what usually happens when Hazel is nervous because she's not one to normally express her feelings clearly. You'd think that getting kidnapped by the most evil clan in the universe would make her vulnerable to such nervousness, but that's not so. No, what makes her feel this way is the waiting.
What's even worse than the waiting is the silence. It didn't seem this awkward in the movie, but actually being here makes the tension go through the roof. Hazel thought that Thor and the two Guardians clicked really well, but she didn't have to sit through a whole two hours of riding in the pod alone with the group.
It wasn't until Rocket couldn't contain his excitement anymore that the awkwardness was broken. "If you know where you're going, then we are heading in the right direction."
Rocket pushes a couple more buttons on the screen before he turns toward Thor. The god of thunder readjusts his eyepatch and turns toward Rocket. "Don't worry, Rabbit. I know exactly where we are."
Thor goes to the back of the transporting vehicle, passing Hazel and grabbing her attention. Rocket must have noticed Thor adjust his eyepatch because he asks, "So, dead sister, huh?"
Hazel is reminded of the events of Thor Ragnarok. The first appearance of Thor's sister, Hela, was truly the end of Asgard. "And your father?" Hazel asks, wanting to confirm her suspicion of Odin's death.
Thor nods and Rocket continues. "But still have a mother?"
Thor shakes his head yet again. "Stabbed by a Dark Elf."
"A-and..." Hazel doesn't want to ask about one of her favorite characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but she needs to know. "Loki?"
Shocked, Thor turns to Hazel and they lock eyes. He didn't tell them Loki's name, but this mystery girl already knows. Maybe there's more to her than meets the eye. "Thanos killed him. Heimdall as well."
So it's true. Everything has happened in the correct order so far. Thanos destroyed Xandar, attacked the Asgardians, gained the Power and Space Stones, and has probably sent his Black Order to Earth by now.
"All the chess pieces are almost in place..." Hazel murmurs to herself, but Thor and Rocket hear it. They both don't show it, but they internally shiver at her comment.
"Are you sure you want to tackle this guy?" Rocket heads to the back of the ship as well and messes with some other controls. Thor looks up confused, so Rocket explains, "It's just that you've lost so much."
Thor nods, looking at the floor. "Well, my brother has been dead before. I think I'm numb to it now." Hazel nods knowingly and Thor continues. "Thanos killed half of my people, and I will make him pay. Plus, he's never fought me."
"Uh, yes, he has." Rocket points out and Hazel remembers the beat-down Thor received in the beginning of the movie.
"He's never fought me twice." Thor manages a smile, which Hazel sees is taking a lot out of him. "And I'm getting a new hammer, don't forget!"
"Well, it better be some hammer." Rocket's voice trails away.
Hazel can't fathom what Thor must be feeling right now. He didn't really have time to mourn over his lost loved ones, and here he is. Arguably one of the strongest Avengers is now at his weakest, his most vulnerable, and that makes Hazel scared.
The blonde girl thinks about Thanos and how powerful he is now. For some reason, being here gets her hopes down even more. "Thor, are you sure you want to do this? Is it something you want? What if this isn't enough?"
Thor looks up at Hazel, a single tear falling down his unharmed eye. All of his mourning and cooped up emotions are represented in that single drop. "The fates have kept me alive for a reason. I could have died in that explosion, but it was not so. And if it's not enough, well, then what else is there to lose?"
Rocket walks back to the front, and in an attempt to lighten the mood, he mumbles, "I could lose a lot. Me, personally, could lose a lot."
The raccoon glances back at the man he now has gained respect for, and digs though his pack. He finds what he's looking for and throws it into Thor's lap. "Not your typical gift, but I hope it'll do."
Thor looks at the prosthetic eye Rocket threw at him and takes it out of its holder. He mumbles a thanks and takes off his eyepatch, pushing the eye in and hoping it fits. Hazel looks away because she doesn't want to be sick.
Rocket hears Hazel gasp and looks back to see the commotion. "Oh, I would wash that first. The only way I could sneak it through security was up my-"
"We're here." Thor cuts Rocket off after adjusting his new eye into his head.
Hazel and Thor walk up to the front of the pod to gaze upon the wonder that's supposed to be Nidavellir. Hazel suspected it, but Thor and Rocket are shocked. Thor is the most shocked out of the pair.
"Where are the lights, the stars...the life?" Thor asks mostly to himself.
Being in front of the lonely planet takes Hazel's breath away. It looks truly lifeless and dark. Broken pieces of the planet are everywhere. So much destruction has occurred. Usually Hazel would be the one to break the silence in this tense moment like she does in theaters, but right now she's completely speechless.
Hazel, Thor, and the two Guardians exit the pod, Groot still playing his video game. They go out and inspect the planet, looking for anything that would give them a sign of life. The girl in particular looks around for someone she knows is still here, but the planet is so broken that it's hard to navigate.
After a couple minutes of investigating, Thor gets ambushed. Hazel hears a loud banging sound and turns around to find Thor being thrown to the floor by the dwarf. She gasps and runs over to the two struggling, and right before he could attack Thor again, Hazel leaps in between the two.
"Stop, Eitri!" Hazel raises her hands protectively and closes her eyes, waiting for the impact. After a second, she realizes that Eitri isn't attacking, and the sound of someone saying his name is making him hesitate.
Eitri looks down at Hazel, astonished that a simple, modern girl is stepping in front of what could be her death. He becomes even more surprised when he peers behind Hazel and sees one of his long lost friends.
"Thor...?" Eitri tenses up at the sight of the one who was supposed to save his people.
"Eitri! It's me!" Thor shakily puts his hands up to show he means no harm. Hazel looks over at him worriedly, hoping that he's alright from the sudden attack.
"You were supposed to protect us!" Eitri tenses up even more when he thinks back to the events of Nidavellir's destruction. "Asgard was supposed to protect us!"
"Asgard was destroyed." Thor talks slowly to ensure Eitri that he's not lying. "Eitri, what happened here?"
Hazel lowers her hands, Thor slowly stands up, and Eitri plops down on the floor. The dwarf looks around with pain in his eyes. "All three hundred dwarves. I thought if I gave him if he wanted, then he'd let them live..."
"What did you do?" Thor asks. Everyone's hearts start to beat uncontrollably fast.
"I made the weapon for him. The weapon that has the power to harness the Infinity Stones." Eitri lowers his gaze.
Tears start to form in Hazel's eyes as she looks around the lifeless planet, imagining dwarves working and making unimaginable weapons. "And what about the other dwarves?"
Eitri looks up at Hazel, seeing tears slowly fall down her face. "He...killed them all anyway." He takes a deep breath and picks up his damaged hands. "Your life is yours, he said, but, your hands..."
When Eitri lifts up his hands showing Hazel and Thor, Hazel lets out a gasp. This is how sick and twisted Thanos really is. The Mad Titan must have chopped off Eitri's hands, and the dwarf was quick enough to stop himself from dying by blocking the blood flow with metal. Eitri can never make another weapon, or so Thanos thinks.
"Uh, Thor." Rocket grabs everyone's attention. "That Gauntlet you were talking about, did it look like that?" The raccoon points to a prototype version of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. Seeing it all dull like that makes it even more eerie.
Eitri hugs his metal stumps close to him in shame. This was all his fault. If he didn't make the Gauntlet, he would have died peacefully instead of living in guilt.
"Eitri, this isn't about your hands or what you did," Thor says as he puts a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm going to put a stop to all of this. Thanos is going to cause the most unbelievable form of destruction in the universe. I need you to help me. I need a weapon to kill him."
At the mention of Thanos, a passionate, burning flame flickers in Eitri's eyes. He stands up and rummages through a bunch of different molds. Thank goodness the dwarves made molds before Thanos killed everyone. Once he finds the mold he was looking for, he places it on the floor in front of everyone.
"What, are we gonna hit him with a brick?" Rocket asks, not intentionally being humorous.
"It's a mold." Eitri looks at Rocket then turns his gaze toward Thor and Hazel. "But it's useless without the fire of the dying star. It's been dark since the planet became empty."
"Leave that to me. I'll open it." Thor looks toward the closed star. "Rabbit, fire up the pod!"
Hazel stays behind with Groot while Rocket does as Thor says. This is going to take one big miracle to pull off.
Bruce's P.O.V.
"Is there anything we know about the power he wields?" Steve asks his friend Bruce. The two are currently standing guard of Vision while Shuri gets prepared to perform the surgery.
"It's not something that I can explain easily." Bruce flashbacks to when he fought Thanos as the Hulk, remembering how bad it was. That Power Stone truly holds up to its name. "I just wish that doctor was here to explain it, or that girl, (Y/n). They told me what all the Infinity Stones do."
"I remember you telling me about how (Y/n) is from a different world. This gives us a high advantage of knowledge, and it's good that she's with the wizard. I trust that he'll protect her." Steve tries to imagine what the (y/a) year old girl must be feeling, or what she's doing right now. He just hopes she'll be fine.
"He will..." Bruce racks his brain even faster, trying to remember all the different Infinity Stones. "I wish I knew what they were."
Sighing, Bruce tugs on the strap of the backpack that he's wearing. That's when a lightbulb goes of in his head. Not wasting another second, Bruce takes off the (f/c) backpack and unzips it.
"Why didn't I think of this before?! This is that girl, (Y/n)'s, backpack! It could have answers!" Bruce quickly explains to Steve.
Steve, now fully interested, walks up to the table that Bruce put the open pack on. Bruce's eyes widen when he sees what's inside. A bunch of books, notebooks, and a pair of clothes. A phone is also in there, which must be (Y/n)'s phone.
"What...?" Bruce takes the folded up (f/c) hoodie and unfolds it. Steve's and Bruce's mouths hang open when they see the Avengers symbol covering the front of the hoodie.
Bruce hands the hoodie to Steve and takes out the shirt. Not believing his eyes, Bruce gazes on the picture of the Infinity Gauntlet with the six Infinity Stones. "This is it..."
"Oh my..." Steve looks at the picture as well and can't seem to form any words.
"It's out of order, though. Maybe it's a different version of the Gauntlet." Bruce lays the shirt in the table and Steve looks at him confused.
"A different version?"
"Yeah. If you think about it, books are always a bit different than their movies, right?" Steve nods so Bruce continues. "I know we are the movies, so this must be the book version. The names are the same, but the order and the colors are different."
"But this is still what it generally looks like?" Steve asks.
"Yes, and now that I have the names of the Stones here on the side." Bruce points to the labels of the Stones. "Then I can tell you the colors. That way, we at least know which Stones do what."
After a moment of thinking, Steve says, "Alright. I'll get Wanda, Sam, Rhodes, and the king. Gather your thoughts, and I'll meet you back here."
Just as planned, Bruce explains the different Stones to the team, the last being the Mind Stone. Everyone seems grateful for the explanation, and afterward Shuri is ready to begin the procedure.
Wanda stays with Vision, and the others are about to go their separate ways until a loud explosion can be heard from outside the dome that protects Wakanda.
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