Chapter Six: Time is of the Essence

This song for this specific character is the BEST version of the song I have heard! I have also changed the song in the second chapter to the original Avengers theme because I thought it suited it better. Enjoy the chapter!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Right when Tony disappeared to the left, I followed him outside. I hear Stephen, Wong, and even Bruce yell in protest, but that just makes me run faster.

People are screaming and running all in one direction. Cars stop in the middle of the street so their drivers can get out and run on foot. A couple of people trip and fall, but manage to get up and keep running.

Dust clouds my vision, but I manage to find Tony turning the corner. I follow him, but the dust gets even worse. I shield my eyes with my arms when suddenly the wind starts going the other direction. I peek around my arms to find Stephen winking at Tony and me, making me squeal.

"That was so cool!" I say, fueling Stephen's ego. The magician smirks, but it fades when he turns around and spots two aliens.

I gasp and shuffle behind Tony, hoping they didn't see me. The ugly one starts talking first. "Greetings and rejoice! Salvation is at hand! Our Master will come to this world next to cleanse it and bring you joy. There is nothing to fear, for you are saved by the children of Thanos-"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but Earth is closed today!" I can't hold in my laugh at Tony's remark, but I manage to keep it quiet.

"Stone Keeper," Ebony Maw redirects his attention to Doctor Strange. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not, I can speak for myself." Boom, boom, woosh! Energy shields! Wong reveals shields too as Stephen continues, "You've stepped into a world that's not of your league."

"That means 'get lost', Squidward!" That's when I lose it. I clutch my stomach and stumble out from behind Tony, falling gradually on the floor.

"H-he just called you...S-S-Squidward! AHAHAHA!" I point a shaky finger at Ebony which proves to be difficult because I'm laughing so hard.

Tony chuckles a bit too. "You like that one, kid?"

He helps me stand up and pats me on the shoulder, making me blush a bit. I look ahead at the two aliens and see Ebony smirking. I shudder visibly and Tony's grip on my shoulder tightens. Cull waves at me and I give him a small wave back.

Tony turns to me and whispers, "You know them?"

I sigh and respond, "Unfortunately. Squidward is named Ebony Maw and the other one is Cull Obsidian. I escaped from them yesterday with Cull's help."

"Well then, it appears you wish to not cooperate. Very well." Ebony nods toward Cull and the big, rock alien starts marching over toward us.

Tony pats Bruce's back and says, "It's good to have you back buddy."

Bruce nods and looks at the floor, trying to concentrate. "Yeah, yeah it's great. Can you not talk to me for a second? I need to CONCENTRATE!"

Part of Bruce's neck turns green, but then fades away. Tony turns to him. "Are you ok, man?"

"I'm trying, but he won't come out!" Bruce pants, trying to catch his breath while Tony looks at him dumbfounded.


"I don't know, we are kind of having a thing." Bruce scratches the back of his head, probably trying to think of the best way to explain it.

"Oh no, we don't have time for a thing, that's a thing right there!" Tony puts one arm around Bruce's shoulder and points at Cull, who's still advancing.

Cull swings his giant, metal wrecking-ball-mouth-clamp-thing, but Wong makes a huge magical shield. I stare in awe at the amount of magic being presented in front of me. The best thing is I can feel the wind rush by my ears from the magic.

Stephen turns to Bruce and starts to make a portal with his Sling Ring. "If your green friend will not be joining us, then I suggest you leave." Bruce falls through the portal and Stephen turns to me. "You too."

"What?! But I can help!" I take a step toward Stephen, but he just pushes the portal toward me. I fall through it and land next to Bruce. "Ow!"

I turn around, trying to look for a way back. He couldn't have teleported me too far. A sudden yell erupts from behind me and I quickly spin around. Bruce is yelling at himself for not being able to Hulk out.

"Come on, Bruce! We need to get up and help-" Something comes shooting down over my head and I scream, ducking and rolling out of the way. It's Tony!

"Tony? Tony?" Bruce walks over to him. "How are we doing? Good? Bad? Are we winning?"

"We are doing really, really good. Are you planning on helping out at all?" Tony sarcastically says through his helmet.

Suddenly, Cull comes out of nowhere and rushes toward me. I gasp and roll on the floor, dodging his outstretched arms. He comes at me again, this time with an attack, but it's too fast. I make an 'X' with my arms to shield my face, but the impact never comes. I slowly open my eyes to find a red and blue suit decorated with black webs.

"SPIDER-MAN!" I jump up and clap my hands.

"Kid?! Where'd you come from?" Tony asks, standing up and brushing himself off.

"The field trip - AHHHH!" Cull tosses aside Peter and turns toward me again. "U-uh, so what is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?"

Peter webs Cull's legs together and swings upward, kicking him in the jaw. I quickly stand up and get out of the way, standing behind a tree and peeking out the side.

After thinking of the right words, Tony responds, "He's from Outer Space, came to steal a necklace from a wizard, and wants to kidnap this girl from another world."

Peter turns toward me and I wave at him. "Hi! I'm (Y/n)!"

Spider-Man salutes toward me making me chuckle, and then he starts fighting Cull again. Suddenly, a red and blue blur shoots from overtop of us.

"Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it!" Iron Man says as he dodges a punch from Cull's weapon.

"On it!" Spider-Man webs up two trees and is about to pull himself up, but I get a sudden idea.

"Wait! Take me with you, I can help!" I run over to Spider-Man and he looks at me. He seems to be having an internal battle with himself, but he finally cracks.

"Fine. Make sure you hold on!" I do as Peter instructs and hold on to his shoulders. Not wasting another second, Peter pulls us both into the air.

It's like everything I've ever imagined! My (hair tie/headband) falls out of my hair when we make our first flip in the air, but I couldn't care less. Having my hair down just makes everything feel more real. My eyes widen every time Peter webs something and uses it to sling himself toward Doctor Strange. I yelp only a couple times when we do flips, and the first time made Peter laugh.

"There!" I point toward a flying Stephen with Ebony following right behind him. "Watch out for the alien! He's not one to mess with!"

"Thanks for the tip, (Y/n)! I'm going to throw you onto the wizard and I'll tackle the alien!" My mind invisions what Peter just said. My eyes widen, but I don't have time to protest. Peter takes my hand and chucks me forward from over his shoulder.

"AHHHHHH! OOF!" Somehow, I have no idea how, Peter threw me past Ebony and onto Doctor Strange! The Cloak of Levitation must have seen what was happening and opened up a little bit. It catches me and wraps itself around me and an unconscious Stephen.

I blush like mad. Thank goodness Stephen is unconscious, or I would die of embarrassment! At least, I hope he's still unconscious. I can't see his face because my head is stuck against his chest. The Cloak tightens its hold on the two of us before it makes a series of twists and turns. Something metal starts digging into my chest when the Cloak squeezes us, making it hard to breathe. I manage to wiggle my arm out from my side and pull out the metal thing.

My eyes widen when the Eye of Agamotto shines in front of my face. I try to look behind me and I catch a glimpse of Ebony gaining on us.

"Sorry, Stephen!" I say, even though I know he can't hear me. I quickly take the Eye off of him and put it around my neck. For some reason, it doesn't harm me like it does to Ebony. It burnt Ebony's hand when he tried to take it off of him, but I didn't receive such treatment. Well, that's what I thought until a couple moments pass by.


The Cloak of Levitation loses its grip on me as an explosion coming from the necklace throws me backward. It doesn't hurt at all, but I don't want to think about the landing! The blast was so powerful, that I seem to be flying back to where Iron Man is fighting Cull!

A green blur starts to get closer. I realize it's the grass and I close my eyes, knowing I won't survive this. If only I knew how to use the Eye of Agamotto!

Right when I lose the last of my hopes, metal arms catch me and slow my fall. I open my eyes and see Iron Man. "Tony! Thank you!"

Tony sets me down and pats my head. "No problem, kid. Just stay here...what's with your eyes?"

"What?" At my question, Tony shoves his arm in front of me and a mirror pops out. I gasp as I look at myself. My eyes don't have irises or pupils. Instead, I see what can only be described as green kaleidoscopes. They're like green bits of emeralds swirling around. After a couple seconds, I can't hold them open and I blink. They turn back to normal, but my irises are bright green, almost glowing.

"The Eye of Agamotto...the Time Stone." I look down at the Eye and see it glowing green. The veins in my hands shine green, and the glow travels up my arms. I lift up my sleeve and see the burn marks on my arms slowly fade away along with the pain. "It reversed time!"

Once my arms are healed, the glowing stops, and Tony says, "Your eyes are back to normal, Greenie."

I laugh and cross my arms. "Well, I have no idea what that was. At least my arms are healed! Oh, what happened to Cull?"

Tony gestures over to Wong. "I invited him to my wedding for it."

I give Wong a thumbs-up right before Iron Man flies away. Wong nods, but then turns around when we hear a loud crash.

"Well, isn't this just delightful? The girl who knows the locations of all the Infinity Stones possesses one herself." I shiver at Ebony's tone of voice and he notices. Wong stands in front of me protectively, but it seems Ebony is having none of that. Ebony makes the ground erupt and throws Wong down the street to the side.

I need help. I know I can't outrun Ebony on my own, but I don't know where the other three heroes are! If only I had time to look, and then I'd be able to run to them! That's it, the Time Stone.

I make the hand gestures and try to open the Eye, but nothing happens. I try again, but the Eye remains closed. I start panicking, so I run. I run straight back and take the first left. I think Iron Man went this way!

He's not here, and another intersection appears. I don't know which way to go. Ebony is gaining on me extremely fast. If I choose the wrong way, then it's toast for me. I wish there was another way to stop time so I could look around.

"Oh my goodness, I'm stupid!" I yell to myself. I can't believe I haven't thought of this before! Now that my arms aren't hurting, I can focus!

Making sure the coast is clear, I close my eyes. I pay attention to my rapid breathing and footsteps. Nothing else matters but this. I feel everything that makes me human: my breathing, my muscles, my hair flowing, my sweat, the blood flowing through my body, my heartbeat. I separate that from what makes me (Y/n): my goofiness, my favorite color, how I love the Avengers, my likes and dislikes, my favorite hobby and sport, my favorite music. I see two sides of me. The human side and the side that makes me unique, and I push them apart.

I open my eyes. There's no wind and no noise. I gasp for breath because I was running so much, and I look down at my hands. I move them around to make sure they're mine, and sure enough, they are. And they're see-through.

"I did it!" I turn around and see my human body running away from Ebony with her eyes closed, but everything is moving extremely slow. I didn't even take another step yet. Deciding not to waste any more time, I fly to the middle of the intersection. Nothing to my right, left, or straight ahead.

Getting a new idea, I fly above the buildings and look around. After awhile of scanning the area, I find Spider-Man to be the closest to me, and he's only a few blocks to the East! Alright, I have to go right, left, right, and straight. It looks like he's coming toward me as well, so I hope I run into him!

I look at myself one more time in my Astral Body, feeling extremely happy with myself, and I merge my Astral Body with my human one. Everything starts moving normally again and so I take advantage of my new knowledge.

At the next intersection, I turn right. I turn at the last moment, making Ebony go past the turn because of his momentum. I laugh and turn left at the next intersection. Ebony doesn't reappear from behind me. When I make my next turn, I was expecting him to pop out of nowhere, but he didn't. I look behind me to make sure he's not there, and he isn't. When I look in front of me again, something swoops down and catches me, bringing me up into the air with them.

"Hey Peter! Oh, I mean, Spider-Man!" Peter almost drops me when he heard his name, but he shakes it off. He'll probably ask me later about it.

"Where'd that guy go?" Peter asks. I am about to tell him that I don't know when a beam of light shoots down from the sky, engulfing us and stopping our movement. Peter and I make eye contact right before the both of us start being sucked up into the flying doughnut.

"Spider-Man!" Peter loses his grip on me and he webs my hand. With his other hand, he webs a telephone pole. Right below us, Ebony floats forward and lifts his hand, making the pole detach from the ground.

"Mr. Stark! We are being beamed-up!" Peter pulls me toward him, and hugs me to protect me from the debris following us.

"Hold on kid!" I hear Tony through Peter's suit.

I look below us to try and spot Ebony, but we are too far above the ground to see anything clearly. But, I do see something coming up toward us. It's big, and it's coming fast.

"PETER!" Spider-Man looks at me, then sees I'm pointing at something below us. He looks at where I'm pointing, and he doesn't have enough time to do anything before a giant piece of road hits us.

The last thing I remember is Peter yelling my name and his hand slipping away from mine.


Bruce's P.O.V.

After seeing the giant ship fly away with four Avengers, which are Tony, the spider kid, the wizard, and the girl, Bruce decides he needs to take matters into his own hands. He looks around a bit and finds the flip phone to contact Steve Rogers underneath a pile of rubble.

He bends down and dusts it off, opening it to see it still works like he hoped. Wong makes a portal from behind Bruce that leads to the New York Sanctum.

"Where are you going?" Bruce asks, thinking that Wong would stay around and help.

"The Sorcerer Supreme is gone. The Sanctum remains unguarded." Wong steps through the portal and turns toward Bruce. "What will you do?"

"I'm going to make a phone call." Bruce shows Wong the phone in his hand and the sorcerer nods.

Wong is about to close the portal when he spots something (f/c) laying on the ground in the Sanctum. "Here, take this too. That girl from another world carried this around. It may be useful to you."

Wong tosses the (f/c) colored backpack and Bruce catches it. Bruce nods and Wong closes the portal. Now alone, Bruce opens the phone while shouldering the backpack. He clicks the 'call' button and prays that Steve answers. Someone needs to get to Vision and protect him.

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