Chapter One: Should Have Taken a Detour
(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Your last name
(Y/h) = Your height
(H/c) = Hair color
(H/l) = Hair length
(E/c) = Eye color
(Y/a) = Your age
(S/c) = Skin color
(F/c) = Favorite color
(N/n) = Nickname
I know that's a lot of things to remember for the key, but you can always refer back to it!
Your friend's name has already been picked out for you, I'm sorry! And yes, she is a vital person to the plot. (Sorry if she has the same name as you. You can change it in your mind if she does). This is a Female Reader because that's what I'm most comfortable with, I'm sorry again! This will be in first person, you are a senior in high school, and you are starting off in the real world.
This is based off of a dream I had a couple nights ago (May 14th, 2018) and as a warning, my mind is filled with weird stuff. But I managed to make it into a story! This is also my first x Reader so...I apologize for the cringe and everything that's about to happen.
With that said, enjoy!
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
With one hand propping my head up on the desk, I continue to doodle in my notebook. I don't even know what I'm drawing, but it doesn't matter because the bell finally rings. I close my notebook and stuff it in my (f/c) backpack, running out of the school building.
The perks to being a Senior in high school while being at the end of the year, is that I barely get any homework. Hopping into my silver car, I start the engine and turn up the radio. But before I can put the car in drive, my phone rings.
"Yo, Mom. What's up?" My phone is hooked up to the Bluetooth in my car so I can use the hands-free system.
"(N/n), where are you?" I put on my sunglasses as my mom asks her question.
"School parking lot. I didn't leave yet."
"Perfect! Could you get a present for your little cousin's birthday at the mall? I'll pay you back when you get home!" Of course my mom would forget to buy my cousin a present. She'll probably have me wrap it too.
Though, being the amazing daughter that I am, I agree to get my cousin a present from the mall. I slowly make my way out of the parking lot and drive to the nearby indoor mall.
Now, the structure of this mall is not exactly circular. The food court is in the middle and the stores branch off into three paths, making a 'Y' shape. The theater is the only thing that is on the second floor, and it can be accessed by the escalators next to the food court.
I enter the massive building through the store Forever 21. I decide to go to GameStop to buy a video game for the Switch as the present for my cousin. The gaming store isn't that crowded. There's only a few people walking around. I find the game I was looking for almost immediately and plop it on the counter in front of the cashier.
"Alright, Mario Odyssey?!" The cashier asks, showing off his flamboyant personality.
"You got that right." I pull the money out of my wallet and wait for the man to finish typing stuff on his computer.
"That'll be $64.34." I hand him three twenties and a five, he gives me my change back before bagging the game. "I like the shirt by the way."
I look down at my shirt. Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet shows off all six of the desired Infinity Stones from the Marvel franchise. The names of the Stones are labeled on the sides of the gauntlet, three on each side.
"Have you seen the movie yet?" I ask the cashier after I grab the game. The movie, Infinity War, just released a week ago, so I want to test him to see how much of a fan he is.
"Twice." The cashier smiles cockily, as if he was the most important human in the world.
I roll my eyes and start to walk away, but right when I open the door I say to him, "I've seen it four times."
I don't get to see the expression on the man's face, but I bet I would have died from laughing too hard. I decide to make my way to the food court and buy myself a cookie. I normally don't do this, but I feel like I should treat myself for almost getting through four years of high school. Just a couple of more weeks left then I'm free!
I get a sugar cookie and once the worker hands it to me, I'm attacked by one of my friends. I could tell it was her because she always jumps on my back as if she wants a piggyback ride.
"Hazel! You scared me!" I hold up my friend's leg by my hip with my free hand as Hazel pumps her fist in the air, declaring her victory.
Hazel hops off my back, much to my relief, and I give her a piece of my cookie. What's funny about Hazel is that her eyes are green. Her parents both had hazel eyes, so they thought the name would fit her. But nope, instead she possesses green eyes and long, blonde hair. I tease her about it sometimes.
"What are you up to?" Hazel asks as she chews on the piece off the cookie I gave her. I explain my situation to her and she understands, knowing my mom's tendency to forget to buy presents for birthdays.
"Are we still hanging out tonight? Did you pick out a movie?!" Hazel walks with a jump in her step, remembering about our plans for tonight.
"Yeah. Why don't we just head over now? That way I won't have to come back to pick you up later." Hazel agrees to my suggestion, explaining that her parents left early for their trip to another country. She came to the mall to get a snack and a new GameCube controller since her old one broke yesterday.
"What moooovie?!" Hazel asks in a dramatic voice, making me laugh.
"You'll have to wait and see!" I walk with Hazel out of the mall and back to my car. We both hop in and Hazel changes the radio to her favorite station. Believer by Imagine Dragons plays, making me smirk as I exit the parking lot.
I get us onto the expressway, and we cruise for about ten minutes until Hazel sees something in the side mirror next to her. "Um, (Y/n)... There seems to be a big dot in the sky behind us."
I look into my rear view mirror, not really believing what Hazel said. But, sure enough, there's a big circular thing in the sky, and it seems to be getting bigger. I get over into the fast lane, trying to go faster and get to the next exit. The circular thing is getting bigger, but I still can't make out what it is. Suddenly, it zooms over the car and crashes into the road in front of us.
Slamming on the breaks, I'm able to twist the car to the side before I crash into anyone else. The cars behind me don't crash into me either. Hazel and I get out, looking at the weird circle thing that crashed into the road. I also grab my personal backpack because it houses some of my valuables.
At least the flying wheel didn't crash that close to us. It's a pretty good distance away, but close enough for us to see what it is. The road is completely crumbled around it and cars are strewn everywhere. People are getting out of their vehicles to stare at the structure with curiosity and a bit of fear.
"Hazel, why does it look familiar?" Seeing the structure still and up close strikes something in my memory, but I can't quite put a finger on it. It's made of some black metal, and is circular like a wheel. There is a big hole in the middle, making it resemble a doughnut.
I look at Hazel and she looks back, and then notices my shirt. "Doesn't it look like..."
She didn't need to finish her question for me to understand she was referring to Thanos' spaceships. The ones his minions would drive in Infinity War. "We need to run."
I grab Hazel's arm and turn her around. She gets the message and we start running away from the spaceship. Other people start to understand as well and follow us. My only concern is: what do we do when we reach the point on the expressway where there's moving cars? Well, that and whoever is in that spaceship.
My friend and I run all the way to the last exit we passed when the crowd of people stops running. Peering over the heads in the crowd, I can just make out two beings facing the mass of people.
"I think you are in the wrong place! This isn't the set for Infinity War!" Someone from the crowd yells. They must be able to see the two beings clearly. But did they say something about Infinity War?
"I don't have time to deal with you. Everyone here will endure salvation, after all. We came here for one reason, and one reason only." Everyone starts looking at each other in confusion. The person was definitely female, and her voice seemed to be projected so everyone can hear it. And for some reason, it sounds familiar to me.
"Where have I heard that voice before?" I whisper to myself. Hazel snatches a glance at my shirt once again, but I don't get time to think about it. The people start parting the way for the woman, and when I see her my (e/c) eyes widen. It's Carrie Coon dressed as Proxima Midnight!
Keeping in my inner fangirl, I also part the way for Carrie. Why she's here is a mystery to me. When she gets closer, I also notice that Terry Notary is behind her dressed as Cull Obsidian! I'm finding it extremely hard to contain my excitement.
"Hazel, its Carrie and Terry!" I grab Hazel's sleeve next to me and whisper-shout in her ear. I try so hard not to jump up and down as they trudge closer.
"(Y/n), think about it. Where did that spaceship come from, and why would they be here of all places? Something isn't right about this." Hazel's comment brings me back into reality. The way the two are acting, the spaceship, the way the crowd is just standing here...something seems off. No one even goes up to them to ask for an autograph. Yep, something is definitely up.
Proxima slowly walks through the path the crowd made her. Every step she takes closer to me, I try to sink further into the crowd. Once she gets up to me, she surprisingly stops walking. She pauses for a moment, and turns toward me.
Now I really try to back up and get further away from her, but she unfortunately notices. She reaches forward and grabs my arm, making everyone in the crowd gasp. She pulls me toward her, taking her spear and trapping me between it and her. I'm turned around so my back is to her and I'm facing the crowd.
"If anyone even speaks, I snap her neck!" Proxima hisses. My heart thumps as I look at the crowd with pleading eyes. Proxima starts walking back in the direction of the fallen spaceship and I do something I should have done earlier. I stomp my heel on the top of her foot.
Proxima let's go of me and yells in pain. I try to once again sprint away, but I run into what seems to be a brick wall. Cull looks down at me with empty eyes and leans down, picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.
"Hey! You better let her go!" Everyone pauses and looks toward the voice. A man in the crowd has pulled a little gun out of his bag and is aiming right for Proxima.
"Cull, get her to the ship. I'll deal with this." The Black Order member points her spear at the man, blocking the bullet that he shot at her. After the sound of the gun, everyone in the crowd goes into full panic mode. The guy with the gun takes on a blast of energy from Proxima's spear. He falls and doesn't get back up.
"NO!" Tears prickle at my eyes as I struggle to get out of Cull's grip. I kick, scream, and punch him, but it doesn't even annoy him. Suddenly, a thought of realization strikes me, and it causes me to kick and scream even harder. "He could have had a family and a job! You're monsters!"
Cull's grip on me tightens and we seem to be walking upward. We start walking level again, and I notice we must now be in the spaceship. It's exactly like it was in the movie.
Proxima walks into the spaceship a little bit later and Cull throws me in a cell, locking the door. Proxima takes the wheel, or handles, and I watch out the window as we zoom higher and higher into the atmosphere. Cull walks over to a shelf and takes out a clear, sparkly crystal. He pops it into a bowl by the steering handles Proxima is using. The crystal shoots forward outside, and my eyes widen when the crystal expands to create a portal.
I wait for a couple minutes in the corner of my cell, trying to process all that is happening. I was driving home with my friend when a spaceship crashed into the expressway. Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian captured me and caused a panic on the expressway. Now that I think about it, I didn't see Hazel at all once Proxima grabbed my arm. Anyway, Cull made a portal appear and now we're in space, probably going to Thanos' ship.
I only have a couple questions, and so I rack up the courage to ask the wife of Corvus. "Why did you two kidnap me?"
Proxima and Cull perk up at the question. Proxima is the one who answers, to no one's surprise. "Because of our quest. Thanos will explain it further once we get there. Once he obtained the Infinity Gauntlet, it told him the location of the being who knows the location of all the Infinity Stones."
My eyes widen for the millionth time today. What Proxima is basically saying, is Thanos doesn't know the locations of some, or all, of the Infinity Stones.
"Who told you this?" I don't believe the Gauntlet could tell Thanos itself, so maybe it was a voice or something.
"When Thanos put the Gauntlet on, he immediately knew he had to start looking for the Infinity Stones. We ran into complications very fast. The Stones weren't where we thought they were." Proxima pauses and looks at the stars, deciding to turn left. "He peered into the Gauntlet and it showed him pictures, telling him that there is one person who knows the location of them all. The only problem was, they were in a different universe."
The answer to that question just forms another one. "How did you get to my universe?"
"We went back to Nidavellir and had its single remaining occupant make us these crystals to transport us to other universes." Proxima takes one hand out of the controller and holds up one of the tiny crystals. "They're made of broken shards of solid light and sprinkles of the hardest metal in the universe, otherwise known as Vibranium."
I don't ask anymore questions for the rest of the way. Instead, I lay down and think to myself. So, if these Marvel characters are real, then the heroes have to be real as well. And not just the heroes, but all the characters. Harley, Cassie, the Collector, Korg, M.J., and all the others. This also means I might be able to meet them! Well, if I don't die first.
My thoughts are interrupted when a giant shadow covers the part of the floor I was staring at. Sitting up, I look out the window and my breathing stops. Sure, they made Thanos' ship look big in the movies, but that is nothing compared to looking at it in person. The only thing I can think of as Cull unlocks the door to my cell is, I should have taken a detour to get home.
*Roll Marvel Opening*
The order of the Infinity Stones on the shirt does not correlate with the movie. The shirt is the comic book version, just so you all know!
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