Chapter Nine: The Ultimate Plan

Sorry since this chapter is kind of shorter than the rest. I also apologize for any typos! Enjoy!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

According to Tony's calculations, it's going to take an entire hour to get to Titan. Now, normally that's fine, but with the time crunch on our schedule, I can not sit still. Every time I stop to sit, I feel nauseous and I have to start pacing again.

So many things can go wrong, and so many things can go differently now that I'm here. For instance, will Hazel be with the Guardians when we arrive in Titan, or did she go with Thor? What happened to my backpack that was left on Earth? And the biggest question of all: how will the fight on Titan be different, or will it be different at all? I wonder if there's more than one possible way to win now that I'm here. Did I change the odds of this fight, or is it impossible?

"(Y/n)." I wonder what Thanos will think when he sees me on Titan.

"(Y/n)." I wonder if he will end up having the heart to kill Gamora, his favorite daughter.

"(Y/n)!" Wait, did that event happen already?! Is Gamora dead?!


"WHAT!?" I stop pacing and turn to Peter. He crosses his arms and walks up to me.

"You need to calm down." Peter puts a hand in my shoulder. I guess it does calm me down a little bit, but I can't shake the fact that I'm still scared.

"I can't calm down!" I sit down on the floor and put my head in my hands. I've never felt so stressed out before. "I'm just scared, alright? I'm not an Avenger like you guys. I've never fought bad guys before, I guess what I mean is, what if I get in your way and ruin everything?"

I hear Peter sit down next to me. "Well, the doctor wizard explained to us your situation, and I think you're really brave to have faced those Black Order people on your own. As for the ruining everything, I highly doubt you'll mess up if you know so much about us."

I sigh, looking up from my hands. Peter's right, I need to calm down. I can't control everything, and whatever happens will happen. I smile and punch Peter softly on the arm. "Thanks, Peter."

"Don't mention it! Now, what do you want to do in the meantime?" Peter asks and I get a sudden fangirl idea.

After a lot of begging and promising that we won't break anything, Tony agrees to let Peter help me try out his web shooters. He is surprised at first on how I knew the hand motions, but he got over it and is now teaching me different web shooting combinations.

"Oh! Do the web grenade!" Peter adjusts my wrists so they are closer to my face and I shoot the web. Just like in Spiderman Homecoming, two balls of thick web shoot out and stick to the wall before exploding all over the place.

The hour passes quickly, and soon enough we have to stop playing with the web shooters. Peter takes back his gadgets and walks up to the control console. "When this is all over, I promise I'll help train you more, (Y/n)!"

Peter turns around to help Tony with the steering and I freeze. When all of this is over. Peter just made a promise that he can't keep.

Deciding not to dwell on it, I hurry up to the front of the ship and gasp. We are soaring above the planet Titan, and it's just like the movie. Planet debris is everywhere, and Peter and Tony have to move their whole bodies in order to move this massive ship.

Getting closer to the ground, I see a tall structure of a ruined building coming up too close to the ship. "You guys need to turn!"

Peter hears me and also spots the tall structure. "U-uh, Mr. Stark! We need to turn! Yeah, turn, turn, turn!"

The boys turn, but not in time. The bottom of the doughnut spaceship rams into the top of the building and gets completely demolished. We start falling down and I grab onto the controls as my feet leave the floor. This is one of those times where I wish I had a protective suit like Iron Man's!

Everything starts getting bumpy and my fingers start to slip away from the controls. I try to peek my head up to see where we are on Titan, but that was a big mistake. Another huge crash makes my fingers slip and I start to fall backward.

For a few seconds I think that I'm going to fall out of the ship again, but before I can a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso and slow my fall.

"Hold on! I got you!" Doctor Strange holds me close with one hand, and with the other he summons a huge shield to protect us from the crashing spaceship.

The dust settles after a couple long seconds. Stephen lets go of me and pats my head. I laugh and thank him, which he brushes off saying it's no big deal. I look around for Tony and Peter, and I spot them just before the chaos begins.

As if straight out of the rubble, a person with glowing red eyes pops up with two guns. I gasp, immediately knowing who it is, but I don't get a chance to say anything.

The red eyed man shoots his guns quickly, hitting Iron Man and knocking him over. Iron Man doesn't go down that easily, though. He gets up and lasers the intruder. On the other side, Peter is screaming at Mantis, yelling at her to not put her eggs in him. That makes me laugh until Drax shows up and runs up to me. I gasp and dodge his outstretched knife. He is about to strike again, but an orange rope ties around his arm and throws him into Star Lord. Doctor Strange then floats down in front of me protectively, putting a shield around both of us.

Peter is able to tie Mantis up in webs, but quickly gets captured by Star Lord. Drax is still down, and Iron Man takes the opportunity to step on his chest and aim his arm blaster at his face.

"You all better listen because I'm only going to ask this once: where is Gamora?!" Star Lord holds Peter in a choke hold and points his gun at his head. He removes his awesome helmet to reveal his face, showing he means business.

"Yeah, I'll do you one better: who is Gamora?!" Iron Man puts down his helmet as well, seeing that Star Lord resembles a human.

"I'll do you one better: why is Gamora?!" Drax says from his position on the ground, making me laugh out loud.

Star Lord ignores them and holds onto Peter tighter. "You better start talking right now or I'm going to blow off your heads, starting with this little guy!"

Star Lord's threat hit a huge nerve in Tony's heart, making him forget about mercy. "Go right ahead! You blast my guy, and I blast yours!"

Tony's arm cannon suddenly gets bigger and more deadly. Drax looks into it like a Christmas present. "Go on, Quill! I can take it!"

"No! He can't take it!" Mantis jumps up and down, still trapped in Peter's webs.

"She's right, he can't." It seems Doctor Strange gets ready to blast Quill into another dimension by the look on his face. He's just waiting for Quill to make his move.

For some reason, no one is saying anything else, so I decide I need to step in. "Where's Hazel?!"

All the Guardians look at me, and I see Star Lord's hold on Peter loosen. "Hazel...? Are you (Y/n)?!"

"(Y/n), are these guys working for Thanos?" Stephen asks me. I have to contain my laughter at the thought of the Guardians helping Thanos, especially after what happened to Ronan on Xandar.

"No, quite the opposite." I look at Quill and he starts to believe we aren't a threat.

"Why would I work for Thanos?! I'm here to kill him! He took my girl, wait, who are you people?" Quill looks around at the newcomers and the other Peter finally puts down his mask.

"We're the Avengers, man!" Why can't I shake the feeling that Peter was just dying to say that ever since Tony made him an official Avenger on the ship?

Mantis gasps and somehow manages to point at Iron Man through the webs. "You're the ones Thor told us about!"

"You know Thor?!" Iron Man discharges the cannon and steps off of Drax. Some hope starts to spark again at the thought of one of his original teammates still being alive. When Bruce told Tony that Thor was gone, Tony must have lost a huge chunk of hope. But now, it must be returning.

After agreeing that we are all allies, which didn't take that long because I helped out a lot, Star Lord and Iron Man start to analyze the planet. Quill explained to me that Hazel went with Thor, Rocket, and Groot to Nidavellir so I didn't worry, but the way he explained it didn't feel right. His tone of voice sounded sad with what seemed to be guilt. I shake it off, but I'm still curious about what happened on Hazel's end.

I start exploring the planet with everyone else. Star Lord takes out a nifty gadget and walks around the surface. "What happened to this planet? It's 30 degrees off its axis and gravitational pull is all over the place!"

Mantis finds a weak gravitational spot and starts jumping really high. I can't resist myself and run over to her, jumping and occasionally doing some flips.

Iron Man walks by us and looks toward the sky. "We've got one advantage. He's coming to us. We'll use it!" Tony turns toward us and I stop my bouncing, knowing he's going to start the plan. "Alright guys, what we have is the element of surprise. The only person he's expecting to be here is the wizard and the girl from another world. Now, I'm going to need..."

I look over at Drax and Mantis who aren't even paying attention to Tony's plan. Tony sighs in annoyance and gestures for them to come over. "Mr. Lord, could you round up your team, please?"

Star Lord looks taken aback by the way Tony addressed him. "Mr. Lord? No, Star Lord is fine." Quill waves over Drax and Mantis and they start to listen.

"Good, now, the power obviously comes from the glove. If we take it off of him, then-" Tony is cut off by Star Lord, who doesn't have that much of an attention span.

"Yeah, here's the thing...I like your plan, but it sucks. So, why don't I make the plan, and that way it might be really good."

I laugh despite the fact that Tony is getting really pissed, but I stop when Mantis points out something strange. "Excuse me, but does your friend normally do that?"

All of us look toward where she's pointing. My heart almost stops when I see Stephen levitating in a meditative style. Stringy, green mist floats around him from the Eye of Agamotto, and his head looks like it's glitching out.

"Strange?!" Tony hurries over to the doctor followed by me and everyone else. When he reaches Stephen, he puts a hand on his shoulder and it wakes him up.

Stephen stops levitating and starts to freak out. Out of instinct, I kneel down to his height and hold his gloved hands in my lap. "It's ok, you're back. You're back in the present."

"Strange, what was that?" Tony asks the question that's on everyone's mind.

I squeeze Stephen's hands gently, remembering of his injuries, and he explains, "I went forward in time to view all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict."

Everyone lets it sink in for a second, and then Star Lord asks the next question that's on everyone's mind. "How many did you see?"

"Fourteen-million six-hundred and five."

"And..." Not wasting another moment, Tony needs to confirm his suspicion that the odds are in our favor. Because surly, with that many outcomes we must win at least five-million of them. "How many did we win?"

This is one of the moments that can change everything. With me being here, I am more than confident that we will win more than one time. There has to be more than one; I've changed so much already! Heck, I bet Hazel has changed a bunch of this story too!

I hold my breath and look straight into Stephen's sharp, blue eyes. He looks at everyone individually until he gets to me. He locks eyes with me and squeezes my hands in a comforting manner. He looks back at Tony who asked the question and says, "One."

My heart drops and my mouth hangs open. Tears well up in my eyes as I let go of Stephen's hands. "No... no! Have I changed nothing, then?"

Someone kneels down next to me and hugs me. Judging by the metal suit but skinny form, I guess that it's Peter Parker. I guessed correctly because he speaks next. "The outcome can't be that bad, (Y/n). If there's one way, then we will make sure to get that way. We can still win!"

"(Y/n)," I look up at Stephen's voice. "The outcome may not be the same as what you think. You have more of an impact in this than you believe. You need to trust me on this."

Wiping my tears and taking a deep breath, I nod. If Stephen thinks that I have a big role in this, then I need to act my part.

Stephen, Tony, and Quill start making the ultimate fighting plan that will happen on this planet. Since Stephen was the one to see how we win, he's the one who directs us and tells us what to do.

After he's done telling everyone their stations, he turns to me. I stand there in shock, not expecting to have a role in this fight. Apparently though, my big impact on the outcome starts now with everyone else. Stephen tells me my part of the plan, and I excitedly go over to my station.

Stephen goes to his post on the stairs. He sits down, waiting for Thanos. The only thing we can do now is wait. Although, no matter what Stephen saw, I believe I have another trick up my sleeve that will give us an alternate ending. All I have to do, is do my part and we will all be fine.

As I sit and wait, I start thinking about Hazel. I hope she's alright. Well, if she's with Thor, then I am almost guaranteed that she's fine. Hopefully I'll meet up with her soon.

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