Chapter Four: Warning an Ally
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
"Ok um...this one?" I push another button on the control console, which made the pod do a somersault and keep going on its path. "Ugh I'm gonna puke."
My eyes stop rolling and settle on the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Earth. People show pictures on how the Earth looks like on the outside, but that's nothing compared to the beauty that's spinning in front of me. The misty white of the atmosphere surrounds the globe and I can just make out the different continents. Surrounding the void around the planet is billions of stars of all different sizes and brightness.
"Home," I say just before the pod shakes. A red light flashes above me that reads 'ENTERING ATMOSPHERE'. I gasp and buckle myself into the seat of the pod.
The pod gains speed as I get closer to the ground. It gets shakier as well. I don't think this pod was meant for the complexity of Earth's atmosphere! It looks like I'm about to hit the ocean, but the pod swerves and I see land form below me.
"AHHHHH!" Something falls off the ceiling and I duck just in time to dodge it. Fire forms around the shell of my ride and I pray that this pod has an airbag. Tall buildings and connecting roads form below me and I hold my breath, bracing for impact.
I make an 'X' with my arms out of habit and squeeze my eyes shut. "Wakanda forever!"
My butt leaves my seat for a good two seconds as I crash into the ground. I open my eyes but keep my arms tightly crossed and see I'm rolling very fast in some grassy area. A blur out my window seems to be getting closer, and I scream when my pod crashes into it, knocking the object over.
My pod stops after the crash and I get out with much difficulty. My eyes adjust and I see the thing I ran into was a tree. The poor plant is completely detached from the ground now that I ran into it.
My breath quickens and I look around. I seem to be in Central Park, which is in New York. I let my breathing settle down for a second before I brush my (h/l), (h/c) hair out of my face.
So, if I'm in New York, then I'm in the hot spot for where most heroes live. Alright, let's think then. Who do I know that lives in New York at the beginning of Infinity War, wouldn't think I'm crazy, is currently a hero actively trying to protect the Earth, and who could help me?
I can't believe I'm doing this. I am standing in front of the most magical door of the most magical building in the entire freaking world! This might not be a good idea, honestly. What am I going to do? Walk in there and say something like, "Hey your world is about to be taken over by a Mad Titan who has a serious problem with overpopulation, and wants to kill half of everything living! Have a good day!" No, that's stupid.
I don't even look presentable enough for this! My hair is messed up from the fall and I can't seem to be able to tame it, my clothes are all dirty from being held hostage, I probably smell like garbage, and as a bonus my hands are all red from the stupid torture session with Ugly Face! I didn't even notice how bad my hands were until now.
On the other hand, it took me forever to find this building. I couldn't remember what street it was on, so I had to look for landmarks. I actually passed it a couple of times because of all the enhancements on it. But I finally recognized the symbol on the big, round window.
And now, here I am. Standing in front of the door that leads to the location of one of my biggest idols. Yeah, no pressure.
My calloused hands become sweaty and my thumbs rub circles on my red, irritated palms trying to calm myself. He's just another human being. Just explain to him what's going on! I think to myself.
Alright. Here it goes!
No one answers. Maybe it's taking them awhile to get to the door?
No, something tells me that he is always punctual when it comes to answering the door. I'll just knock harder.
Aaand...nothing. I've waited an entire two minutes and still nothing. Maybe he's not home. Well, there's no harm in waiting then!
"Ouch!" I hold up my right hand and gasp. My thumb rubbed over the same callous too many times, causing it to open. Now that I'm looking at my hands more closely, they are starting to sting.
"What?!" I pull up my sleeve to see the irritated skin continues all the way down both of my arms. Blisters are forming as well. "This doesn't make any sense! Why did it take so long for these injuries to form?!"
My desire to end the pain overpowers my curiosity. Without even thinking twice, I open the front door and gasp at the sight in front of me. The structure of the interior is a beautiful Victorian style blended with something I can't quite put my finger on. The place is huge, but my stinging arms brings me back out of my trance.
I run to the right and push open the door only to find a long corridor. My heart hammers as I jog along it, peeking into rooms and hoping to find a bathroom. Finally, near the end of the corridor, is a bathroom. I turn on the faucet, my eyes pricking with tears at the sight of my arms. It looks like an awful sunburn that slowly fades away when it reaches my shoulder.
Slowly washing my injured limbs, they eventually start to feel better. I bite my tongue, holding back a scream. I can feel beads of sweat roll down my face as I continue to stare at my deformed skin. Not the prettiest sight, but at least they feel better.
I turn off the water and dry my arms, carefully dabbing the water away on the sensitive parts. I look around the drawers in the bathroom for any wraps or gauze, and finally find some pushed in the back of the sink drawer. I guess it makes sense why they wouldn't need band-aids if they can perform magic.
Anyway, I wrap up my arms and the palms of my hands, and pull a hoodie out of my backpack. I slip it on to protect my arms better. Right when I zip my backpack back up, I hear the front door open.
"Oh no! Why now?!" I whisper and sneak out of the bathroom. Through the long corridor, I jump from door to door in case they appear out of nowhere and I need to hide. Fortunately, I didn't need to utilize the rooms as I made it to the end of the hallway.
What I wasn't expecting was a sorcerer to turn around the corner right when I did.
"Oof!" My face turns red as I look up at the magical Avenger. "Oh! I'm sorry! No one was home and this is an emergency and I have something very important I need to tell you, and as a plus, this place was extremely hard to find-"
"Geez! Alright, just settle down ok?" Benedict Cumberbatch - I mean, Doctor Strange puts his hand on my mouth to shut me up so I have to nod in response. "Follow me."
The doctor lets go of me, and with a whoosh of his cape, leads me back to the main room. Now that my arms aren't hurting, I get to take in the glory of the mansion. It's just like how it looked in Infinity War, but somehow more cool looking. I guess the best way to explain it is that it's like seeing something up close verses in a telescope. In the telescope, you don't get the full picture, but being here in person just takes my breath away. I get to see every detail, every little crack in the wood up close. It's like being in museum or hall of fame. It's entrancing.
"So, who are you and why did you break into my house?" Doctor Strange crosses his arms and hovers a centimeter above the ground. Not that he needed to rub it in my face that he's taller than me by half a foot, but it's probably to demonstrate his powers. But that's fine because I already know I don't want to mess with him.
"Alright, it all started when I was driving to my house..." I told the story of my adventure to Doctor Strange. Hopefully he won't think I'm crazy. I leave out the part about my injured arms because I don't want him to worry. He's got enough to think about and I don't want to add onto his troubles.
When I'm done, I also explain why I know of all the Infinity Stones. Throughout the story, he crosses his legs pretzel style out of habit, but still remaining the same height in the air. When I mention the Time Stone, his hands flinch more than normal.
"Well, then you are lucky to have escaped. They surely would have killed you," Doctor Strange says while closing his eyes, seeming to be deep in thought.
"Yeah, thanks for that reminder." I roll my eyes and steal a glance at the Eye of Agamotto necklace hanging from his neck. That's Hazel's favorite Infinity Stone.
After another minute, Strange uncrosses his legs and stands up. "It looks like you're going to have to stay here for the time being."
My heart gives a huge leap. "W-what?! U-u-um may I ask why?"
"Yes. We can't have you getting caught again - you are too valuable and you know too much. I can try to figure out a way to return you home, but the only solution I can think of is going to the place you mentioned, Nidavellir. You said the Black Order used a portal from that planet, so I don't think it's possible to send you home with the materials we currently have." My mind buzzes at Strange's explanation. And then I remember something else.
"Woah, wait. I'm staying here, so that means...COULD YOU TEACH ME SOME MAGIC?!" I bounce up and down in excitement. My (e/c) eyes glimmer and my (h/c) hair bounces around my head.
"U-uh, let's not rush anything here! You're from a completely different world. I don't think you're capable of..." Strange's voice trails off when he sees my watery eyes.
"Couldn't you at least try?" I can see Strange having an internal battle with himself. I know he wants to deny my request because he doesn't want to get my hopes up only to have me fail.
The doctor sighs and nods. "Fine, we can try."
"YES! I'll get my own Sling Ring and everything!" Strange turns around and conjures up a portal with his very own Sling Ring. He commands me to follow so I do.
As we walk through the portal, little did I know that a small smile appeared on Doctor Strange's face. "Your training will start tomorrow. Get prepared."
Alright, (Y/n), let's gain some superpowers!
Hazel's P.O.V.
Hazel and the Guardians have gone through four jumps to get close enough to the Earth. Now they are cruising along the sea of stars on the lookout for the blue planet. Hazel wakes up from her nap, realizing she was leaning on Groot's shoulder.
Hazel turns red and apologizes. "O-oh! Sorry, Groot!"
"I am Groot." The plant says without looking up from his screen. Hazel sighs, realizing he was probably saying something like 'whatever'.
"Are we getting close?" Hazel rubs her eyes and gazes out the front window.
"Geez someone's impatient. I'm going as fast as I can!" Rocket retorts with a snap, making Hazel puff and cross her arms.
"Sorry, it's not like there's half the universe at stake here which might be why I'm a bit jumpy!"
"But, half of the universe is at stake..." Drax scratches his head.
"She was being sarcastic, Drax." Gamora looks up from sharpening her blade to see Drax give a confused nod.
"Calm down everyone! We'll be there in-" Peter was cut off by an alarm going off.
Star Lord looks at his screen, swiping away some useless information to see the racket more clearly. "It's a distress signal..."
It was as if everyone's heart stopped pounding. Even Groot looked up from his video game to look at the blonde sitting next to him. Mantis is personally overwhelmed by the tension and fear in the room.
"Who?..." Hazel shakily asks Peter.
"Second Quadrant near the edge. I can't tell who sent it."
"What's that by? Any planet of importance?" Hazel quickly asks, only getting a shrug in response. "Well...follow the distress signal. I'll come with you."
"But what about your friend? Won't she worry about you?" Rocket asks, suddenly getting sympathetic.
"Yeah we are almost there! Just about fifteen minutes to go." Gamora looks at her map as she speaks.
"No, I'm coming with you. I'm sure she knows I'm not dead by now. And anyway, I can help you with the Infinity Stones that are in Space while she protects the two on Earth." Just then a thought crosses the girl's mind. "We should go back to Xandar."
"What?!" All the Guardians ask at the same time.
"We were just there! I'm sure Thanos wouldn't be able to get the Power Stone yet, let alone get to Xandar without us noticing!" Rocket points out.
"I am Groot." Groot nods, which makes Hazel feel better.
"Well, then let's follow the distress signal. I'll try to text (Y/n) while we are close. Maybe I'll get a signal." Hazel whips out her phone and quickly goes to her friend's contact. She types in the message: I'm alive and with the Guardians. We are following a distress signal - you're in charge of the Stones on Earth while I take the ones up here in Space.
Hazel clicks 'send' and to her amazement, the message goes through. She lets out a sigh of relief. "Alright, I notified her. Now, let's see what all the commotion is about."
"Such determination! It is very inspiring!" Mantis comments, making Hazel blush.
Hopefully the distress signal isn't what Hazel is thinking, so she can get on her way back to Earth with (Y/n).
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